Symbols - What does heaven look like
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Abyss
- Ace of cups – tarot card
- Acrobat
- Adam
- Aeon
- Aether
- Africa
- Air
- Alchemical colours
- Alchemical symbols
- Aleph
- Alligator
- Alpha
- Altar
- Amber
- Ambrosia
- America
- Amphisbaena
- Anchor
- Androgyny
- Anenome
- Angel
- Animal
- Ankh
- Antlers
- Anvil
- Apate
- Aphrodite
- Apples and the apple tree
- Apron
- Ark [boat]
- Arm
- Armour
- Arrow
- Art [The Tarot]
- As above so below
- Ascension
- Ash tree
- Ash [fire]
- Asia
- Aspen
- Ass
- Astaroth
- Autumn
- Avatar
- Axe
- Ba.
- Baboon
- Bagatelle
- Ball
- Ball and polo stick
- Ball games
- Balloons
- Bamboo
- Bandages
- Banner pennant or standard
- Baptism
- Barbers poles
- Baron
- Barrow
- Bat
- Beacon
- Bear
- Beard
- Bee
- Beehive
- Beheading
- Being consumed
- Being flayed
- Bell
- Bellows
- Belt
- Beulah
- BI
- Big Ears
- Big foot
- Big top
- Birch
- Bird
- Birdsong
- Birthday cake
- Birthmark
- Bisento
- Bishop
- Black
- Black and White
- Blackbird
- Blacksmith
- Blind [and blindness]
- Blindfold
- Blood
- Blue
- Blue jay
- Blue Triqueta
- Boar
- Boat
- Bobbin
- Bobble hat
- Body parts
- Boiled in a cauldron
- Bonds and loops
- Bones
- Bonfire
- Bottle
- Bow
- Bow [ribbon]
- Bowl
- Bowler hat
- Box, casket, coffers, bags, rucksacks
- Bracelets and armlets
- Bread
- Breath
- Bride and bridegroom
- Bridge
- Bronze
- Broomstick
- Brown
- Brownies
- Bubbles
- Bull and cow
- Bulrush
- Bunches
- Butter
- Buttercup
- Butterfly
- Butterfly and moth
- Button
- Caduceus
- Cage
- Camel
- Candle
- Canopy
- Cap and bells
- Car
- Cardinal directions
- Cardinal directions and colours
- Carousel or merry-go-round
- Carrion crow
- Castle
- Castor and Pollux
- Castration
- Cat
- Caterpallor
- Caterpillar or centipede
- Catherine wheel
- Cauldron
- Causeway
- Cave
- Cedar
- Celestial pole
- Centaur
- Chaffinch
- Chain
- Chakras and colour symbolism
- Chalice or cup
- Champagne
- Charcoal
- Chariot
- Cheetah
- Chemical wedding
- Cherry tree
- Chess
- Chhinnamasta
- Children
- Chimney
- Chinese Elements
- Chinese elements correspondences
- Christmas tree
- Chrysalis
- Chrysanthemum
- Circumcision
- Circus
- Cities
- Clay
- Clearing
- Cliff
- Clock
- Clothes
- Clouds
- Clown
- Coal
- Cobra
- Cobwebs
- Cock
- Cocoon
- Coeus
- Coils
- Coin
- Cole
- Collars and ruffs
- Colossus of Rhodes
- Colours heraldic
- Column
- Comb
- Compass.
- Cone
- Copper
- Coral
- Cord
- Corn
- Cornucopia
- Cow
- Coyote
- Crab
- Crack and crevice
- Cradle
- Crane
- Cremation
- Crescent moon
- Crib or cradle
- Cricket
- Crimson
- Crocodile
- Crooked
- Cross
- Crossroads
- Crow
- Crown
- Crown of thorns
- Crucifixion
- Crushed
- Crystal
- Crystal ball
- Crystal in legend and folklore
- Crystal slippers
- Cuckoo
- Cup and rings
- Cup or bowl
- Cup or chalice
- Cupid
- Cups and chalices and Chakras
- Curls
- Curtain
- Cyclops and the third eye
- Cymbal
- Cypress
- Dagon
- Daisy
- Dance, the
- Danse macabre
- Dark moon
- Darkness and Light
- Darts and javelins
- Darussalam
- Dawn
- Days of the week
- Death - the tarot
- Decapitation
- Deckchair
- Deer
- Desert
- Dew
- Diamond
- Dice
- Disc
- Dish and platter
- Disk
- Dismemberment
- Djed
- Dodd
- Dog
- Doll
- Dolphin
- Dome
- Donkey
- Door
- Double axe
- Double gourd
- Double headed Eagle
- Double snake
- Dove
- Dragon
- Dragon path
- Dragonfly
- Dragons blood
- Dragons kiss
- Dreadlocks
- Drum
- Drunk
- Duchess
- Duck
- Duke
- Dumbledore
- Dust
- Dwarf
- Eagle
- Eagle as symbol of the empire builder
- Ear piercing
- Earl
- Earth
- East
- Easter egg
- Egg (as symbol)
- Egg timers
- Eight
- Elements
- Elephant
- Eleven
- Elf
- Elixir
- Emperor and Empress
- Enclosures, camps and courtyards
- Entanglement
- Eris
- Ermine
- Eros
- Erotes
- Escalator
- Europe
- Eve
- Evening
- Eye of God
- Eyes
- Fairy
- Falcon
- Fallen angel
- Fan
- Farmer
- Fat.
- Faun
- Fay
- Feather
- Feet
- Feet and shoes
- Feet and wounds
- Feet pointing backwards
- Fence
- Fennel
- Ferris wheel
- Ferry
- Feudal hierarchy
- Fiddles
- Field
- Fields and meadows
- Fig
- Finch
- Finger
- Fingers crossed
- Fir tree
- Fire
- Fire (wall of)
- Fire walking
- Firefly
- Fireplace
- Fish
- Fish scales
- Fisherman
- Five
- Five pointed star
- Flag
- Flail
- Flame
- Fleece
- Floating world
- Flood
- Flower
- Flute
- Flying carpet
- Foam
- Font
- Fool, the
- Force - Tarot card
- Forest
- Fortuna [or Tyche]
- Fountain
- Four
- Four humours
- Four seasons and the hours
- Four temperaments
- Fox
- Fox hunting
- Frog
- Fruit
- Fu
- Funnel
- Galleon
- Garden
- Gate
- Gazelle
- Ge
- Gen
- Genie
- Geras
- Giants
- Giraffe, the
- Glass
- Glow-worm
- Gnome
- Goat
- Goblin
- Gold
- Golden fleece
- Goose
- Gordian knot
- Grain
- Granary
- Grapes
- Grass
- Grasshopper
- Great Pyramid of Giza
- Greek columns
- Green
- Green Man
- Grey
- Griffin
- Groac’h
- Guardian
- Gun
- Gyre or top
- Hair
- Halo
- Hammer
- Hand
- Hand on heart
- Hand sign - ILY
- Handwashing
- Hanged god
- Hanged Man, the
- Hanging
- Hare
- Hare [March]
- Harlequin
- Harp
- Hart, White
- Hawk
- Head downwards
- Heads or tails
- Hebrew alphabet, the
- Hecatonchires
- Hedge
- Heel
- Hell
- Helmet
- Helmet [of invisibility]
- Helter skelter
- Heraldic levels
- Heraldic symbols
- Hermaphrodite
- Hermes
- Hermit, the
- Heron
- Heyoka
- Hierophant
- Hieros Gamos
- High heeled shoes
- Hill
- Hinkypunk
- Hob
- Hobby horse
- Hollow men
- Hollow mountain
- Holly
- Holy Grail
- Honey
- Honeycomb
- Horned god
- Horns
- Horse
- Horse and chess
- Horse and tarot
- Horse – high horses
- Hot cross bun
- Hourglass
- Hourglass and the spiritual path
- Human cannon ball
- Hummingbird
- Humpty Dumpty
- Hunchback
- Hung snake
- Hunt the thimble
- Ibis
- Iceberg
- Immersion in water
- Incest
- Inchworm
- Incubus
- Indian rope trick
- Infinity
- Inner court
- Insects
- Inverted tree
- Inward court
- Iris
- Iron
- Island
- Isthmus
- Ivory tower
- Ivy
- J.
- Jack-in-a-box
- Jade
- Jaguar
- Janus
- Jester
- Jewels
- Joker
- Jubilee
- Judgement - the tarot
- Juggler
- Justice - tarot card
- Karma
- Kerberos
- Kettle or teapot
- Key
- King and Queen
- King and Queen [chess]
- Kingfisher
- Kings and Queens and politics
- Kite
- Knife
- Knight
- Labyrinth
- Lace
- Laces, ties and knots
- Ladder
- Lake
- Lamb
- Lameness
- Landscape
- Lantern
- Lanterns of the Dead
- Lark
- Laurel
- Lavender
- Lawh-ul-Mahfuz
- Lead
- Leaf
- Leather
- Leaves
- Left hand path
- Leopard
- Light
- Lighthouse
- Lilith
- Lily
- Lingum and yoni
- Linnet
- Lion
- Liquid gold
- Lizard
- Lobster
- Logos
- Logs
- Loom
- Lotus
- Lovers, the
- Lucifer
- Lunar nodes
- Lyre
- Mace
- Magi
- Magic carpet
- Magic circle
- Magician
- Magpie
- Mandala
- Manna
- Map of the Egg
- Marsh
- Martha and Mary
- Masculine and feminine
- Mask
- Mason, the
- Mast
- Matrix, the
- Mauve
- Maypole
- Maze
- Maze and tunnel
- Mead.
- Meadow
- Means of transport
- Mem
- Meng
- Mermaid or merman
- Merry-go-round
- Messenger
- Metal
- Midnight
- Milk
- Milky Way
- Mine
- Ming Yi
- Mirror
- Mist
- Mistletoe
- Mnemosyne
- Moirae
- Monas Hieroglyphica
- Monkey
- Moon
- Morgan
- Morris dancing
- Moth [insect]
- Mother and Father
- Mother and Father in different cultures
- Mound
- Mountain
- Mouse
- Mummers
- Mummification
- Muses, the
- Mushroom
- Music of the Spheres
- Musical instrument
- Musician
- Musk
- Myrtle
- Mystic alphabet, the
- Mystical marriage
- Naga
- Nails
- Nakedness
- Narcissus
- Native American war bonnet
- Necklace
- Nectar
- Needles
- Nepenthe
- Neptune [Greek God]
- Nest
- Net
- New moon or quarter moon
- Night
- Nightingale
- Nine levels
- Nixie
- Noon
- North
- North Star
- Nose
- Nuts
- Nymph
- Nyx
- Oak
- Oannes
- Oars
- Oasis
- Obelisk
- Ocean and sea
- Octopus
- Oil
- Ointment
- Oizys
- OK
- Old King Cole
- Old Man
- Old style movie
- Olive tree
- Olly olly oxen free
- Olympic rings
- Omega
- Omphalos
- Omphalus
- One
- Onion
- Opera
- Orb
- Orient
- Orion
- Osiris
- Ouranos
- Ouroboros
- Outward court
- Owl
- Ox
- Oyster
- Painting
- Palace
- Palladium
- Palm tree
- Pan
- Pansy
- Panther
- Pantomime
- Papyrus
- Paradise
- Parasol
- Parrot
- Party hat with tassle
- Patches
- Path or road
- Pawn
- Peach
- Peacock
- Pear.
- Pearl
- Pegasus
- Pelican
- Pen
- Pencil
- Pennant or flag
- Pentangle
- Peony
- Perfume
- Perfumed scorpion
- Phallus
- Phases of the moon
- Pheasant
- Philosophers stone
- Phoenix
- Phrygian cap
- Pie
- Pierced with swords
- Pig
- Piggy-bank
- Pigtails
- Pillar
- Pinball
- Pine cone
- Pine tree
- Pineapple
- Pink
- Pipe
- Pitcher or jug
- Plaits
- Plane [air]
- Planets, the
- Plate
- Play, the
- Pleiades
- Plough
- Plum pudding
- Pointing finger
- Pole
- Pomegranate
- Pond
- Pontus
- Pool
- Poplar
- Poppies
- Portico
- Pot
- Potter, the
- Prayer flag
- Priapus
- Prince and princess
- Puffin
- Pulcinella
- Pumpkin
- Punch and Judy
- Puppet
- Purgatory
- Purple
- Purse
- Pyramid
- QIAN (qiān)
- QIAN [qián]
- Qliphoth
- Quicksilver
- Rabbit
- Raft
- Rags
- Rain
- Rainbow
- Ram
- Rat
- Raven
- Rectangle
- Red
- Red and Black
- Red and Blue
- Red lips
- Red ochre
- Red sea
- Reed
- Resurrection
- Rhinoceros
- Rib
- Right hand, the
- Ring
- Ripples
- Rivers and streams
- Robin
- Rocking horse
- Rod
- Roller coaster
- Rolls of thread or fabric
- Roof
- Room
- Rope
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Roulette wheel
- Round table
- Rudder
- Sabbath
- Sacred geography
- Sacred grove
- Sacred pipe
- Sacrifice
- Saddle
- Sahasrara chakra
- Sails
- Salamander
- Salt
- Samson and Delilah
- Sand
- Satan
- Saturn [Chronos]
- Satyr
- Scales
- Scarecrow
- Sceptre
- Scorpion
- Screen
- Scroll
- Scythe
- Sea snake
- Sea urchin
- Seal
- Seal of Soloman
- See saw
- Seed
- Seraph
- Serpent
- Set square
- Seven
- Shadow
- Shamrock
- Shanka
- Sheep
- Shelf
- Shell
- Shepherd
- Shepherds crook
- Shi.
- Shide
- Shield
- Shin
- Ship
- Shoes
- Shore
- Shuttlecock
- Sidra tul Muntaha
- Signs of the Zodiac
- Silver
- Siren
- Six
- Sixpence
- Skeleton
- Skull
- Skull cap
- Skylark
- Slave
- Sleeping Beauty
- Smith
- Smith, the
- Smoke
- Snail
- Snake
- Snake charming
- Snake oil
- Snakes and ladders
- Snow
- Snowdrop
- Snowman
- Solar wheel
- Soma
- Son, the
- Song.
- Sophia
- South
- Spear
- Spheres
- Sphinx
- Spider
- Spider Man
- Spindle
- Spinning
- Spinning top
- Spiral
- Spire
- Spoon
- Spring
- Springs
- Square
- Squirrel
- Staff
- Stag
- Stairs
- Star of David
- Staring unblinking eyes
- Stars
- Steam
- Steeple
- Steeple-chase
- Step well
- Stilts
- Stone
- Stone circles and stone henges
- Stork
- Storm
- Streams and rivers
- Strength - tarot card
- Stupa
- Succubus
- Sugar loaf
- Sui
- Sulphur
- Summer
- Sun and Moon
- Sun, the
- Sunbeam
- Sundial
- Sunflower
- Sunset
- Suspension
- Swaddling clothes
- Swallow
- Swan
- Swastika
- Swinging
- Sword
- Sword - tarot card
- Sylph
- T-O Map
- Tambourine
- Tapestry
- Tasselled hat
- Tattoo
- Tavern
- Tea.
- Teacup
- Teapot
- Tears
- Teeth
- Temperance - tarot card
- Temple
- Temples with columns
- Ten Lords a leaping
- Ten.
- Tent
- Tetractys
- Thánatos
- The High Priestess
- The Level
- The Long Route Home
- The Night Watch
- The Star
- The Three Worlds
- The Tower - tarot card
- The World - tarot card
- Theatre
- Themis
- Thighs
- Thimble
- Thirteen
- Thistle
- Thorn
- Thread
- Thread and cord
- Three
- Three degrees, the
- Three mile boots
- Throne
- Thumbs up
- Thunder and lightning
- Thunderbird
- Thyrsus
- Tie and necktie
- Tiger
- Tightrope
- Tin
- Toad
- Tobacco
- Tong Ren
- Tooth fairy
- Topknot
- Torc
- Torch
- Tornado
- Tortoise
- Torus
- Tower
- Train
- Transmutation
- Trapeze
- Treasure
- Treasury
- Tree
- Tree of knowledge
- Tree of life
- Tree trunk
- Triangle
- Trickster
- Trident
- Trinity
- Trinity symbolism
- Trinity, The Christian
- Triple spiral
- Tripod
- Triqueta
- Triskela
- Troll
- Trowel
- Trumpet
- Tulip
- Tuning fork
- Tunnel
- Turban with plume
- Turtle
- Tweedledum and tweedledee
- Twelve
- Twenty two
- Twin horns
- Twin mountains
- Twin pillars
- Twin Towers
- Twin trumpets
- Twins
- Two
- Umbrella
- Underworld
- Undine
- Unicorn
- V sign
- Vajra
- Valley
- Vase of flowers
- Veil
- Venice
- Vesica piscis
- Vimāna
- Vine
- Violet
- Virgin birth
- Viscount
- Volcano
- W.
- Wall
- Wand
- Water
- Water lily
- Water spout
- Waterfall
- Waves
- Weaving
- Web
- Wedding cake
- Weeping willow
- Weighing
- Well
- Well dressing
- West
- Whale
- Wheat
- Wheel
- Wheel of fire - Nataraja
- Wheel of fortune
- Wheel with 5 spokes [I Ching]
- Wheel with eight spokes
- Wheel with eight spokes based on the Zodiac
- Wheel with six spokes
- Wheel with twelve spokes [the Zodiac]
- Whirlpool
- Whirlwind
- White
- White crane
- White face
- White gloves
- White Hart
- White rabbit
- White wedding
- Wick
- Wig
- Will-o-the wisp
- Wind
- Windbag
- Windmill
- Window
- Wine
- Wings
- Winter
- Wishbone
- Wisteria
- Witchs hat
- Witnesses
- Wolf
- Wood
- Wood release
- Woodhenges
- Wool
- World map
- Wreath
- Wren
- Xian
- Xiao xu
- Xu
- Yab yum
- Yellow
- Yew tree
- Yin and Yang
- Yoke
- Yu
- Ziggurat
- Zu