Symbols - What does heaven look like
Within the western system of symbols, black has no equivalent within the system of the Planets. See Intelligences and their synonyms which gives a list of all the synonymous terms for the same level, but it has considerable symbolism elsewhere – unfortunately none of it could be termed universal.
In some systems at least it is a symbol of the Conscious mind, and more specifically the intellect. By extension it is thus a masculine colour. It is interesting to me that the colour Black has come to associate evil or death, neither of which would be symbolically correct. I suspect that these associations derive from the fact that the intellect is the bar to spiritual experience and that one has to figuratively kill the intellect in order to gain spiritual insight. Kill the ego as it were.
An alternative symbolism may be in operation – see Chinese elements correspondences.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Black and White
- Black Elk - Native American Indians - Horses
- Chagall - dark gods
- Eliphas Levi and Mudvayne
- Gentling the Bull – 03 Finding the Bull
- Guru Granth - Bilaval 01
- Healer H - I’m the Fagan with the kids
- Jean Noblet - 15 [and Hebreo and Payen] The Devil
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 1424
- Klimt - Music
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - The Cardinal Directions
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Black magic
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Using the pendulum and colour symbolism
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Using the pendulum, correspondences
- Malevich, Kazimir - Suprematismus
- Morrells, Luce and the dark coral angel
- Music Therapy - Catherine O’Leary and Martha with Psychological trauma and extreme unhappiness
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – M. de Fleuriere the importance of symbolism in understanding images of the past present and future, as well as character
- Redon, Odilon - Les Noirs 1
- Redon, Odilon - Les Noirs 2
- Redon, Odilon - Les Noirs 3
- Reichel-Dolmatoff - South American shaman initiation
- Rider-Waite - 15 The Devil
- Ripley, Sir George - Philalethes exposition of Ripley's Vision
- Rolling Stones - Paint it Black
- Samavedas – Book 07 Chapter 02, V Agni
- Spilliaert, Leon - The Forest
- Wirth, Oswald – 04 The Emperor
- Zohar - I 050b – The allegory of the candle