Common steps and sub-activities
A common step is a sub-function or sub-activity of an activity, a more detailed method or a more detailed approach to the activity. It is possible for an activity to have none, one or many common steps, and in turn a common step may be used by more than one activity.
So for example, all the asanas in Yoga can be used to exercise and keep fit. Some of the same asanas may also help with healing and your health and as such might be cross referenced to healing yourself.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Acid test
- Acupressure
- Acupuncture
- Admitting guilt
- Admitting mistakes
- Aleister Crowley’s forced change of views
- Aleister Crowley’s disturbance minimisation
- Alexander technique
- Allergy determination process
- Anal lock
- Anal vibration
- Arm and hand stimulation
- Arm lifting
- Aromatherapy
- Asana - Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Asana - Agnistambhasana
- Asana - Ardha Chandrasana
- Asana - Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Asana - Baddha Konasana
- Asana - Bakasana
- Asana - Bharadvajasana
- Asana - Bitilasana
- Asana - Dandasana
- Asana - Dhanurasana
- Asana - Garudasana
- Asana - Halasana
- Asana - Janu Sirsasana
- Asana - Kapotasana
- Asana - Malasana
- Asana - Marichyasana III
- Asana - Marjaryasana
- Asana - Matsyasana
- Asana - Padangusthasana
- Asana - Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
- Asana - Pasasana
- Asana - Paschimottanasana
- Asana - Prasarita Padottanasana
- Asana - Salabhasana
- Asana - Sarvangasana
- Asana - Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
- Asana - Shavasana
- Asana - Siddhasana
- Asana - Simhasana
- Asana - Sukhasana
- Asana - Supta Padangusthasana
- Asana - Supta Virasana
- Asana - Tadasana
- Asana - Tittibhasana
- Asana - Urdhva Hastasana
- Asana - Ustrasana
- Asana - Utkatasana
- Asana - Uttana Shishosana
- Asana - Uttanasana
- Asana - Utthita Hasta Padangustasana
- Asana - Utthita Parsvakonasana
- Asana - Utthita Trikonasana
- Asana - Viparita Karani
- Asana - Virasana
- Asking for forgiveness
- Attack from light based ‘non lethal weapons’
- Autogenic therapy
- Autogenic training
- Automatic writing
- Avoiding conflict
- Bean bags
- Being comforted [removal of emotional pain]
- Being in space
- Being on the sea alone
- Being with children
- Bellows breathing
- Belly breathing
- Belly dancing
- Binaural beats and hemi-sync
- Breath of fire
- Breathing awareness
- Buteyko Breathing system
- Calligari Method
- Campaign against the misuse of power
- Caucus race
- Cause effect diagrams
- Celestial sanctum visualisation
- Champissage
- Channelling
- Chanting, mantra and prayer
- Chastity
- Cheiromancy
- Chin press
- Chiropractic
- Christos method
- Circular breathing
- Circumvention
- Clapsticks
- Climbing visualisation
- Clothes pegs
- Cloud of Unknowing
- Coitus reservatus
- Compassion
- Concentration on a single object
- Concentration on nothing
- Concentration on the intangible
- Conductive Education
- Confuse by using oddly constructed sentences
- Confusion by breaking patterns
- Confusion by contradictory acts
- Confusion created by questioning the person's sense of what is reality
- Contemplation and introversion
- Contradiction
- Controlled arousal
- Counting out
- Courage
- Craniosacral therapy - CST
- Craniosacral therapy CV 4
- Crying
- Cunnilingus
- Decision making
- Deepening of consciousness
- Deliberate rapid eye movements
- Deprivation pod
- Dharana Darshan
- Dhikr
- Diaphragm breathing
- Diaphragm lock
- Distraction
- Dogged walking
- Dowsing using pendulums
- Dr Moody’s deprivation chamber
- Drinking molten lead
- Ear phones
- Ear plugs
- Ear pressing
- EFT [Emotional Freedom Technique]
- Elastic bands [fingers]
- Elastic bands [toes]
- Elasticated support stockings
- Elevator visualisation
- Embryonic breathing
- Empathy
- Encouraging the subconscious
- Enforced isolation
- Erickson’s contradiction
- Exorcism
- Expunging demons
- Eyeball pressing
- Fanning
- Fear release visualisation
- Feathering
- Fellatio
- Finding trigger points
- Finger stimulation using combs
- Fire eating
- Fist clenching
- Flailing
- Floating visualisation
- Flotation therapy
- Follow dont lead
- Foot bath massage
- Foot massage
- Forehead pressing [third eye] with nose tip
- Foreploy
- Forgetting
- Forgiveness
- Frenetic Dancing
- Frenetic sports activities
- Friendship and companionship
- Furube
- GAPS Diet
- Geisha full body manipulation
- Geisha mutual body stimulation
- Geisha scalp massage
- Generosity
- Getting your horoscope produced
- GIM - Guided Imagery in Music
- Glibido
- Gregorian chant
- Guided imagery
- H-wave therapy
- Habs-I-dam and Kewala
- Haiku
- Hairbrush
- Hall of Mirrors
- Hammocks
- Hand clamps
- Hand holding
- Head binding
- Headbands
- Hearing large scale subwoofer speakers
- Hearing sounds and music
- Hearing voices
- Heat therapy
- Heated neck collars
- Helmets
- Hemi-sync
- HeQi
- Hesychasmic quivering
- Hippotherapy
- Hitting obelisks and columns
- Hitting rock gongs, cup and rings and stalagmites
- Holotropic breathwork
- Hoods
- Horticultural therapy
- Humility
- Humming
- Hypnagogia
- Improving perception
- Index to Healing Common methods
- Isolation chambers and ‘White rooms’
- Isolation tanks
- James Braid method
- James Braid’s reverse REM method
- Japanese gardens
- Japanese Tea Ceremony
- Jewish and kabbalah chanting
- Jumping
- Justice
- Kaki mudra
- Karezza
- Kinesiology
- Kissing
- Latihan
- Learning - extraction
- Learning - synthesis
- Learning - synthesis, what can go wrong
- Learning - understanding and recognition
- Learning - verification
- Leg massage machines
- Leg stimulation
- Lewis Carroll’s forced belief in the ‘illogical’
- Light strangulation
- Lips
- Liquid energy visualisation
- Listening to bees
- Listening to cathedral organs
- Listening to didgeridoos
- Listening to drones and bagpipes
- Listening to flutes and pipes
- Listening to lutes, lyres and fiddles
- Listening to white noise
- Listening to your heart beat
- Listening to ‘timbre music’
- Living [or staying] in the desert
- Lomilomi
- Long distance cycling
- Long distance flying [airplane]
- Long distance kayaking
- Long distance lorry [or car] driving
- Long song
- Looking at bright single tone light
- Looking at confusing pictures
- Looking at pattern glare
- Looking at patterns and spirals
- Looking at shiny objects
- Looking between your eyes – Nasikagram
- Lower back stimulation
- Lucid dreaming
- Lust Seid: The Norse Sex magick
- Lying down
- Magic contemplation
- Mallets
- Mantra – Hindu and Buddhism
- Manually opening the flow lines
- Massage
- Massage gloves
- Massage sandals
- McKenzie method
- Measuring your VO2 max
- Medicine ball
- Meditation
- Meekness
- Mesmerism
- Metronomes
- Milton Erickson objective reduction
- Milton Erickson obligation reduction
- Milton Erickson threat reduction
- Milton Erickson’s eye flutter technique
- Mindfulness
- Minding your own business
- Mirror gazing
- Mooji Hawaiis simple meditation for beginners
- MORA therapy
- MORA therapy - key point
- Mudras
- Music therapy
- My friend Joe
- Neck stimulation
- Neck warmers
- Negative pressure therapy
- Ninpo balancing techniques
- Ninpo endurance techniques
- Ninpo full body stimulation
- Ninpo mutual masturbation
- Ninpo slapping
- Nodding and bobbing
- Nose clip
- Nose pressing
- Number games
- Obtaining spiritual experience - the conscious mind
- Obtaining spiritual experience - the Higher spirit
- Obtaining spiritual experience - the subconscious
- Ocean breath
- Oneiromancy
- Orgasm control
- Osteopathic ‘HVLA-thrust’
- Osteopathy
- Out of body - separation methods
- Out of body manoevering
- Paced respiration
- Paddling
- Palm stimulation using combs
- Palmistry
- Paring down our obligations
- Patanjali sutras
- Path of Concentration
- Patience
- Peacemaking and diplomacy
- Pencil waving
- Pentecostal Jericho marching
- Perineum massage
- Perineum press
- Perineum press using the heel
- Playing certain computer games
- Playing checkers with yourself
- Playing the mouth harp or trump
- Pouring cold water over your head [Misogi]
- Pouring ice cold water into the ear
- Pranayama - Bhramari Pranayama [humming bee breath]
- Pranayama - Kumbhaka
- Pranayama - Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
- Pranayama - Ujjayi
- Praying
- Preliminary preparation
- Preventing ejaculation – Cock rings
- Preventing ejaculation – perineum press
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Psychotherapy
- Puzzles, ciphers and encodings
- Pythagorean chant
- QiFF - the Divine pause
- Qigong - Sending the energy up the marrow - Liann Chi Huah Shen
- Qigong balancing techniques
- Qigong energy sharing
- Qigong IEN - swallowing
- Qigong neck stimulation
- Qigong penis stimulation
- Quaking
- Questioning and doubting all existing beliefs
- Radiaesthesia
- Rattles
- Rave dancing
- Read challenging books
- Reading meaningless poems
- Reading nonsense
- Reducing desires - List the objectives you know about
- Reducing desires - look for hidden objectives
- Reducing desires - paring down
- Reducing desires - prioritising and reordering
- Reducing desires - revising the list
- Reducing desires - the action plan
- Reducing desires - true wishes or imposed or false wishes
- Reducing opportunities - avoiding temptation
- Reducing opportunities - eliminating harmless pleasures
- Reducing opportunities - finding a replacement
- Reducing opportunities - keeping a diary
- Reducing opportunities - list what is bad about the obsessions
- Reducing opportunities - removing spurious pleasures
- Reducing opportunities - understanding the obsession
- Reducing opportunities - what gives us pleasure?
- Reflexology
- Reiki (Reiji-hō)
- Relearning
- Relearning - Function relearning
- Relearning - Function relearning - Banishing fear
- Relearning - Function relearning - Converting desire into appreciation
- Relearning - Function relearning - Converting grief and sorrow
- Relearning - Function relearning - Converting the pursuit of pleasure
- Relearning - Memory reconstruction
- Repeating a reassuring phrase
- Repetitive counting
- Restraining your use of power
- Reverse breathing
- Rhythmic breathing
- Riding the rocket
- Ritual removal of guilt
- Rolfing
- Route marches
- Rubber balls (small)
- Rubbing amber
- Running Water
- Safe House
- Sahita yoga
- Samadhi
- Sand bags
- Sauna
- Scalp pressing
- Scalp stimulation
- Scrying
- Seeing images
- Seika Tanden Kokyu-ho
- Self hypnosis relaxation script
- Serving others [charity]
- Shaking
- Shiatsu
- Shii Soei Ching (Marrow Brain Washing)
- Shinto mutual stimulation
- SHUAI – hanging
- Sight deprivation goggles
- Singing bowls
- Singing Carnatic music
- Singing Hasidic songs
- Soham and Transcendental meditation
- Soles of Feet stimulation using combs
- Solving riddles with no answer
- Spoon bending
- Staring at gross objects or Savitarka samadhi
- Stating the obvious
- Staying in a retreat
- Steam rooms
- Still point induction
- Stop anticipating [hope]
- Submission
- Subud
- Suggestion
- Supernatural running
- Suppressing the imagination
- Sutra reading
- Swaying technique
- Sweat lodge
- Switch
- Table rapping
- Table tilting
- Tai Chi
- Talking or reading jibberish
- Tantric sex
- Tapping
- Tapping the heart
- Tawaf
- Tea bagging
- Tedious repetitive tasks
- Teeth clenching and clattering
- Telling the truth
- Tennis ball
- Tennis balls [for neck]
- Testicle stimulation [Wai Dan conversion/Gau Wan Yunn Dong]
- The Orbit technique
- The Rising Breath method
- Theta training
- Threat removal
- Throat and overtone singing
- Throat lock
- Tibetan Buddhist one-pointedness
- Toe clenching
- Tolerance [Stop being judgemental]
- Tongue curling
- Tongue pressing
- Traditional shaking
- Trepanning
- Trigger point stimulation
- Tuina
- Tundra and taiga
- Turkish bath
- Ultramarathons
- Unusual functional ability
- Using a hermit’s cell
- Using affirmations
- Using bells and gongs
- Using bull roarers
- Using dream or mind machines
- Using lime
- Using Naturally Reverberant acoustic space
- Using the Aeolian harp
- Utopian Socialism
- Vibrotherapy
- Visiting caves, mines, barrows and vaults
- Visiting steppe, grasslands and plains
- Visiting the Arctic and Antarctic
- Visualisation
- Walking the labyrinth
- Warm baths
- Watching stroboscopic lights in clubs
- Watching flickering sunlight
- Watching helicopter blades
- Watching spinning wheels
- Watching the light coming through trees
- Watching the watch
- Wearing bone
- Wearing ceramics
- Wearing crystal jewellery
- Wearing metal clothing or jewellery
- Wearing teeth jewellery
- Whisk
- Wiccan "Great Rite"
- Wooden blocks
- Word repetition with small irregularities
- Yawn and stretch
- Yoga nidra
- Zen poems and koans
- Zikr
- Zone therapy
- ‘Wall climbing’