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Common steps and sub-activities

Diaphragm lock

The objective of this technique is to put pressure on the diaphragm.  This technique is used in a number of yoga techniques.  It is also one of the five main keys of general Chi Kung [Qigong] practise.  In Qigong for example it is called ‘Taoist breathing’.  Numerous systems use the approach but have different names and occasionally slightly different methods of achieving the effects.

I have provided three approaches – very different, but all achieve the same thing. 


Some of the information I obtained for a description of this technique can be found in the two excellent books by Dr Jang Jwing-Ming,  one of which is The Root of Chinese Chi Kung and Muscle/Tendon Changing & Marrow/Brain washing Chi Kung.

There are also explanations in ‘Yoga and Kriya’ by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, and Hatha Yoga Pradipika  - Swami Muktibodhananda.