Spiritual concepts
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Abyss
- Activity
- Adversity
- Aeon
- Aether
- African Igamm
- Ages of Man
- Aggregates
- Ain
- Air
- Akasa
- Amen
- Annihilation
- Annwnn
- Apocalypse
- Apporting
- Archetype
- Ascension
- Ashrama
- Atman
- Atom
- Atom and levels
- Atom triggers
- Atonia
- Attribute
- Aura
- Autonomic system
- Autonomic system - sexual system
- Autoscopy
- Awen
- Balance
- Bardo
- Barriers and boundaries
- Bat ḳōl
- Beelzebug
- Being
- Belief systems
- Beyond the mind
- Bilocation
- Birdsong
- Birth
- Blasphemy
- Blindsight
- Bliss
- Bodied soul
- Bodily function control
- Body image distortion
- Bridge
- Brownies and boggarts
- Cannibalism
- Cause effect chain
- Celestial hierarchy
- Celestial music
- Celestial note duration
- Celestial notes
- Celestial notes and overtones
- Cell
- Centre of communication
- Chakras
- Chakras and the endocrine system
- Challenge
- Chaos
- Character
- Charity
- Chinese character symbols
- Clairvoyance
- Co-creation
- Communication system
- Communication with a Spirit helper
- Communication with bodied souls
- Communication with disembodied souls
- Communication with Intelligences
- Competition
- Composer
- Conception Vessel
- Cone
- Cones and functions
- Configuration
- Conscience
- Conscious
- Conscious and subconscious synonyms
- Constellation
- Constructor and receiver
- Contrast
- Created
- Creation and destruction
- Creation and destruction and the tarot
- Creativity and imagination
- Creator
- Cuneiform
- Dan Tien
- Data flows [spiritual]
- Data input
- Data stores
- Database
- Database of facts
- Death
- Death prayer
- Deja vu
- Demiurge
- Demons
- Demons - types of demon
- Desire
- Desire and personality
- Destiny
- Devil, the
- Direction system - the command control system
- Disembodied soul
- Diversity and beauty
- Divination
- Divine love
- Djinn
- Doppelganger
- Dowsing
- Dukkha
- Dwarf
- Dybbuk
- Earth
- Ecstatic state
- Egg
- Ego
- Elan vital
- Elemental
- Elements
- Elf
- Embodied soul
- Emotion
- Emotion examples
- Emotions
- Emotions examples
- Energy
- Energy recycling
- Energy synonyms
- Energy vessels
- Enlightenment
- Entity
- Equal temperament
- Ether
- Event
- Evil
- Expanding universe
- Fairy
- False awakening
- Familiar
- Fanna fi Allah
- Fanning
- Fate
- Felix culpa
- Fengfu
- Figures
- Fire
- Five senses system
- Floating world
- Forgiveness
- Form
- Form and geometry
- Form and the Egg
- Four humours
- Four Temperaments
- Free will
- Frisbeetarianism
- Function
- Function dependency
- Functional input
- Gall bladder meridian
- Geometrical patterns
- Ghost
- Ghoul
- Giant strides
- Giants
- Girdle vessel
- Gnome
- Goblin
- God
- god
- Godhead
- Godparent
- Golem
- Good and bad
- Good and evil
- Governing vessel
- Great Work, the
- Greek cuneiform system
- Gtummo
- Gua or hexagram
- Gyre
- Haqiqat
- Hara
- Harmony
- Hate
- Healing
- Heart channel
- Heat of the mystic
- Hell
- Hero
- Hero - the quest
- Hero and the symbolic badges
- Heroes in story, myth and legend
- Higher spirit
- Higher spirit and Perceptions
- Higher spirit and personality
- Higher spirit, personality and memory
- Holy roller
- Hope
- Huang Ting
- Huiyin Co-1
- Humility
- Humming and buzzing
- Icaros
- Illumination
- Incendium amoris
- Increasing abstract function
- Increments of evolution
- Incubus
- Individual uniqueness
- Indra's net
- Inner speech
- Inspiration
- Inspiration - how it works
- Intelligence
- Intelligence and personality
- Intelligence hierarchy
- Intelligences and their synonyms
- Intensity
- Invisible input
- Jannah
- Judgement
- Judgement Day
- Justice
- Kabbalah symbols
- Karma
- Karmageddon
- Kidney channel
- Know thyself
- Kotodama
- Kundalini
- Laogong
- Large intestine meridian
- Learning
- Learning - the Greek system
- Learning and language
- Learning and the database of facts
- Learnt function
- Levels and layers
- Levels and layers correspondences
- Light
- Linear B script
- Liver channel
- Love
- Lucifer
- Lung channel
- Major function change
- Mansions of the Moon
- Map of the Egg
- Matrix, the
- Mechanism
- Melanicus
- Memory
- Memory - the types of model in memory
- Memory - traversing the database of facts
- Memory and emotion
- Memory and perceptions
- Memory and subliminal models
- Memory and systems
- Memory and the Greek gods
- Memory recall
- Meridians
- Meridians - the twelve primary channels
- Method, The
- Mind
- Minding your own business
- Minor function change
- Miracle
- Mode
- Moksha
- Monotheism
- Moral code [the ultimate]
- Morgan
- Mud pill palace
- Multiple Personality
- Mystic cross, the
- Mystical heat
- Nafs
- Naiad
- Names
- Neoplatonism
- Nephesh
- Nervous system
- Nirvana
- Nixie
- Nous
- Nymph
- Objective
- Objectives of the Great Work
- Obligations
- Ogham
- Olfactory hallucinations
- Om.
- Opportunity
- Orans
- Order of creation
- Original sin
- Out of body - willing a location
- Out of body manoevering
- Out of body separation methods
- Overload
- Pain [emotional]
- Pain [physical]
- Palingenesis
- Parallel universes
- Past life
- Perception
- Perception recall
- Perceptions
- Perceptions - accessing perceptions
- Perceptions - what happens to perceptions
- Perceptions - what has perceptions
- Perceptions and memory
- Pericardium channel
- Permanent physical agglomeration
- Personality
- Pitch
- Plants and perceptions
- Platonic solids
- Portal
- Possession
- Prakriti
- Prana
- Prayer
- Prolifics or devourers?
- Prophecy - how it works
- Prophecy - self fulfilling
- Prophet
- Prudence
- Psychokinesis
- Psychometry
- Psychopomp
- Purification
- Purusha
- Raising the dead
- Rapping
- Rapture
- Reality
- Reason
- Reasoning
- Reasoning - heuristics and induction
- Reasoning and levels of reasoning
- Rebirth
- Recognition
- Redeemer and redemption
- Reincarnation
- Reintarnation
- Relationship
- Remembering
- Remote viewing
- Repeater
- Reuse
- Reward
- Routers
- Runes
- Runes and the elements
- Sach Khand
- Sacrifice
- Samadhi
- Sananda Samadhi
- Sensations
- Sephirot
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Shaktipat
- Shape shifting
- Shared hallucination
- Shenmen
- Siddhis
- Signs of the Zodiac
- Sin [and vice]
- Sitting ghost
- Skin walking
- Small intestine meridian
- Songlines
- Soul
- Soul loss
- Spell
- Spirit
- Spirit being
- Spirit entity
- Spirit helper
- Spirit input
- Spirit output
- Spiritual input [experience]
- Spiritual path
- Spiritual security
- Spleen channel
- Split personality
- Staring and bulging eyes
- Stomach channel
- Strategy of the Great Work
- Subconscious
- Substance guide communication
- Succubus
- Summoning
- Suppression
- Sylph
- Symbiotic relationships
- Symbol system
- Synchronicity
- System
- Tactile hallucinations
- Tariq
- Tariqat
- Team
- Telekinesis
- Telepathy
- Teleportation
- Templates
- Templates and simulacrum
- Temporary co-operation of organisms
- Temporary synergistic co-operation
- Terrestrial hierarchy
- The dangers of spiritual experience
- The One
- The Truth
- Threat
- Thrusting vessel
- Time
- Totem group
- Trance
- Transactions
- Transubstantiation
- Trigger points
- Trimurti
- Triple burner channel
- Troll
- Tsa
- Tummo
- Types of spiritual experience
- Ultimate Intelligence
- Underworld
- Undine
- Unit of energy
- Universal Man
- Unmoving mover
- Urinary bladder meridian
- Veda
- Water
- Weather control
- Where is heaven
- Why are we here
- Will
- Will - what has will
- Wisdom
- Wish or wishes
- Word notation system
- Word, the
- World soul
- Wyrd
- Yin Heel vessel
- Yintang
- Yongquan
- Zang Fu