Spiritual concepts
Judgement Day
A small number of religions believe that the dead lie unconscious in a grave and will be awakened [physically or spiritually] on a specific day – Judgement Day, when all will be judged together. This Day of Judgement will be apocalyptic and mark either the end of an era or of the world, a time of extreme extinction of numerous species, not just humans.
This mass judgement will sort out those who are destined to go to ‘heaven’ and those destined to go to ‘hell’, for eternity. There is thus no belief in reincarnation.
There is no evidence to support this hypothesis.
The evidence seems to point to continual judgement of people using their perceptions and then after death a review [in spirit ] of one’s life.
Mass extinction may well involve mass judgement, but there is no support for a specific day or even any difference between the review undertaken after normal death and that after traumatic death.
Dr Joel Whitton and Joe Fisher
For the purpose of self-assessment, the soul is confronted with an instantaneous panoramic flashback which contains every single detail of the last incarnation. Emanuel Swedenborg dramatized this review as the recitation from a memory book of an individual's conduct between birth and death. But the experience of Dr Whitton's subjects is that the process is more immediate and all-enveloping, an absolute reliving of the last life. Said one subject:
It's like climbing right inside a movie of your life. Every moment from every year of your life is played back in complete sensory detail. Total, total recall. And it all happens in an instant.
For this reason please see all the entries under the heading Judgement
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