Spiritual concepts
Remote viewing
Remote viewing is the ability of a person to perceive a distant object. Although it can be classified as a spiritual experience, it cannot be classified as a ‘type of experience’ because it can be achieved a large number of ways. It is thus a more generic description rather than a useful classification.
Remote viewing via out of body
Some remote viewing is achieved via an out of body experience in which the person is able to ‘see’ the distant object.
For example, a third party might select co-ordinates on a map and then look up the map to see roughly where it is. Inter composer communication then takes place and the viewer’s composer ‘sees’ the position graphically via the map as a pictorial image it can use to home in on the actual spot. During the out of body experience, the viewer will then be able to get the full details of the object, a description with shape, sometimes colours, layout and so on far more than is possible from a map.
The viewing is achieved by willing your conscious self, united with the composer, to go to this object, for example it is possible to will the composer to go to a distant planet.
This ability gets better with practise but is extraordinarily difficult.
Remote viewing via inter composer communication
But Remote viewing can also be achieved via a third party. Once a bridge is established between the viewer and the third party inter composer communication takes place in order that the viewer is able to ‘see’ what the viewer is seeing. In effect, if a person goes to a remote spot unknown to the remote viewer, the viewer sees through the perceptions of the person sent to the spot.
This appears to be what happened quite a bit on the Stargate project and in the research by SRI. It is straightforward medium activity achieved via the bridge of an envelope or similar touched by the remote person. Some quite complex bridge work was undertaken by the composers on occasion, involving more than one bridge.
It is difficult to test whether someone has this ability because results can be muddied via more prosaic inter composer communication. For example, suppose the tester obtains the co-ordinates of something to be viewed and looks up the co-ordinates to find what is there on the map. They may find a place which they know well and have a clear picture in their own mind of what it is like. When the viewer attempts to find the co-ordinates, inter-composer communication takes place, but the viewer’s composer has no need to go anywhere because the image of what is there is available in the perceptions of the tester.
As such a true test of this ability has to involve the choice of a remote object that the tester may know of, but of which they have no image or detailed knowledge.
Verification can of course these days be done via Google maps.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Account of Alexander Henry – The Great Turtle Spirit, who had never lied
- Almost drowned
- Andrew Lang - Remote viewing using crystal balls
- Blackmon Sanders, Reverend Constantine - Finding money
- Blackmon Sanders, Reverend Constantine - Remote views
- Blue Harary - And the hostage Richard Queen, held by Iranian militants
- Bodenham, Anne – 02 Finding in what part of the house the Poison was that should be given her Mistris
- Boirac, Professor Emile - La psychologie inconnu - Do you think that I could read with closed eyes
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - Hypnosis and mesmerism must not be mistaken for mere psychic games
- Bouissou, Madame Michael - I have never forgotten an excursion into a broom cupboard
- Bouissou, Madame Michael – The method which enabled me to achieve astral projection – an OBE
- Bouissou, Mme Michael – An example of an ‘astral projection’
- Calligaris, Professor Giuseppe - Seeing people and objects on the other side of a wall
- Cayce, Edgar - Remote views in New York
- Colonel Morales goes out of body
- Croad, Mrs Carrie - Blindsight by reading other people’s minds
- Croad, Mrs Carrie - The Testimony of the Nonconformist Minister Mr. J. G. Westlake - Blindsight and remote viewing
- Croiset, Gerard - G Ter Laak of Oldenzaal helps Croiset with a difficult case of location finding
- Croiset, Gerard - I can see what is happening many kilometers away
- Dr Elmer Green – A prophetic vision of where he was to work
- Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – 08 George Canning remote viewing out of body
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – A clergyman has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – A woman scientist has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – C. K. Jenkins of 29 Spilman Street, Carmarthen has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Reine, P.E.Cornillier's model
- Dunne, J. W. - An Experiment with Time – Going out of body in a dream to see the time
- Ernest de Sasseville - remote views his dying Mother
- Erskine, Professor Alexander - The Power of the Sub-conscious Mind – Remote viewing of his father
- Flying over the plant 004191
- Gabriel Delanne - Evidence For A Future Life - Mme. Renardat remote viewing and prophecy
- Gail, Frances - 01 The letter requesting help with the remote viewing of his office
- Gibier, Dr Paul - Psychism Analysis of Things Existing - The stages and effects of hypnotism
- Green, Drs Elmer and Alyce – Experiments - Using EEG, biofeedback and visualisation
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Leaving your body
- Iamblichus - Remote viewing
- Ida M Dixon – from England visits her friend in Hong Kong
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 11 The Factory fire and the account of Mr Jenson
- K. K. Konstantinides - (1930), Telepathische Experimente zwischen Athen, Paris, Warschau und Wien, Transactions of the IVth International Congress of Psychical Research, Athens
- Lhermitte, Professor Jean - Diabolical Possession, True and False – Out of body from terror and torture
- Lieutenant Colonel John B. Alexander - The Military Review (October 1980) - The New Mental Battlefield
- Madame Angullana sees Monsieur B--, half-clad, walking barefoot over stone
- Madame X, an asthma patient in Vierzon, sees her grandson lying dead, on a sort of slab, covered with a grey cloth
- McMoneagle, Joe - Experimenting at the Monroe Institite
- McMoneagle, Joe - Finding General Dozier
- McMoneagle, Joe - Finds a Soviet plane in Zaire
- McMoneagle, Joe - Ignores the excesses imposed for Remote viewing
- McMoneagle, Joe - Remote viewing achievements
- McMoneagle, Joe - Remote views the Abrams XM-1 heavy tank
- Mircea Eliade - Native American Indian Weather control
- Mrs Shagren sees Mr. Hendrickson in her bedroom, Mr. Hendrickson sees Mrs Shagren in a dream
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - finding a missing bracelet
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - Remote viewing by request
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - Seeing a missing relative
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – A patient with intestinal disease and inflamed appendix
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Report of a seance with Count Ugo Baschieri
- Pinky goes remote viewing to New York City and Long Island
- Price, Pat
- Ralph Shirley - The Mystery of the Human Double – Going out of body to find the hiding place of the items in a will
- Ralph Shirley - The Mystery of the Human Double – Going out of body to heal people
- Ralph Shirley - The Mystery of the Human Double – Hermione P. Okeden goes out of body to check on her friends
- Remote viewing of apartment
- Remote viewing – account from a letter written by Mr. Larrabée, Wisconsin's chief-justice, to Governor Tallmage
- Romano, Jacques - Remote viewing his mother reading a book
- Romano, Jacques - The wreck out at Mamaroneck
- Scientist in the Canary isles remote views
- Scientist Joe acts like a bumblebee
- Seeing the fire on the Volturno, a British ship carrying emigrants from Holland to New York City in 1913
- Seeress of Prevorst, the - Remote viewing
- Seeress of Prevorst, the - Soap-bubbles, glass, and mirrors
- Swann, Ingo - In the quark detector
- Swann, Ingo - Out of body to Cairo
- Swann, Ingo - Out of body to Europe
- Swann, Ingo - Out of body to Jupiter
- Swann, Ingo - Out of body to Lake Victoria
- Swann, Ingo - Out of body to Mercury
- The blind protocol and its place in consciousness research
- The Titanic – Premonitions and Prophetic Dreams and Visions
- Thomas, John F - Case Studies Bearing Upon Survival – Sitting with the medium Mrs Soule; remote reading books
- Tranströmer, Tomas - The Cuckoo
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – A good description of his private office, which he had never entered in his physical body
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – All occultists know that silk, hair and metals are not conducive to, but rather retard clairvoyant as well as 'physical phenomena'
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Phone-voyance, OBE versus remote viewing
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Remote viewing of Mr. Pontifex
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Remote viewing of the members of a committee
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Remote viewing Ruby in the room above, engaged in correspondence which seemed to be voluminous
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Seeing the past as a complete picture
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 05 The Case of Sukla
- Varley, C F - 01 Experiments in spiritualism
- Vasiliev, Professor L L - Experiments in mental suggestion – Experiments at different distances employing the hypnogenic method
- Vasiliev, Professor L L - Experiments in mental suggestion – Experiments with Subject: Fedorova. Sender: Dr. Kaialov. Observer: Tomashevsky
- Vasiliev, Professor L L - Experiments in mental suggestion – Experiments with Subject: Fedorova. Sender: Vasiliev. Observer: Tomashevsky
- Vasiliev, Professor L L - Experiments in mental suggestion – Some conclusions about the Experiments in the Faraday chambers
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 17 Remote viewing
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 31 He said that Captain Smith was coming, and that he had just left his house
- Warcollier, René - (1927), La telepathie a tres grande distance, Comte rendu du III. Congres International des recherches psychiques, Paris
- ‘Well’ exclaimed Lady B ‘you're the lady who’s been haunting my bedroom’