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Seeress of Prevorst, the - Soap-bubbles, glass, and mirrors
Type of Spiritual Experience
Dr. Kerner describes what the Seeress could see with her spiritual eyes:
A description of the experience
The Seeress of Prevorst [translated by Catherine Crowe]
Soap-bubbles, glass, and mirrors, excited her spiritual eye. A child happening to blow soap bubbles: She exclaimed, "Ah! My God! I behold in the bubbles everything I think of, although it be distant-not in little, but as large as life-but it frightens me." I then made a soap bubble, and bade her look for her child that was far away. She said she saw him in bed, and it gave her much pleasure. At another time she saw my wife, who was in another house, and described precisely the situation she was in at the moment-a point I took care immediately to ascertain. She was, however, with difficulty induced to look into these soap bubbles: she seemed to shudder, and she was afraid she might see something that would alarm her.
In one of these she once saw a small coffin, standing before a neighbouring house. At that time there was no child sick, but, shortly afterwards, the lady who lived there was confined. The child lived but a few months, and Mrs. H. saw it carried from the house in a coffin. If we wished her to recall dreams which she had forgotten, it was only necessary to make her look at a soap bubble, and her memory of them immediately re turned. She often saw persons, that were about to arrive at the house, in a glass of water; but when she was invited to this sort of divination, and did it unwillingly, she was sometimes mistaken.