Observations placeholder
Romano, Jacques - The wreck out at Mamaroneck
Type of Spiritual Experience
There may have been some remote viewing too
A description of the experience
The Jacques Romano Story – Dr Berthold Eric Schwartz
Harold Sherman’s article in Fate magazine, September, 1960, describes some extraordinary telepathic feats [of Romano’s]. He told how in the 1920's, Romano once lectured and entertained 125 young men. When he finished, his host, Mr. Bill, remarked that the lecture was so interesting he had forgotten about the time and had missed his 10:00 p.m. train out of Grand Central Station. Romano nonchalantly told him not to worry because there was a delay:
"The train did not leave Grand Central Station until 10:20 and there had been a wreck out around Mamaroneck-it is still being held at the l25th Street Station."
Mr. BiIl and the other men who were present thought that Romano was completely wrong and carried away with himself, as that particular train was seldom or never late. However, because of Romano's unshakable self-confidence, Mr. Bill phoned Grand Central Station and then returned to the party completely flabbergasted.
"My God, it is delayed, and for the first time in fifteen years! Some freight trains collided out near Mamaroneck and all the traffic has been held up. My train is no further than the 125th Street Station at 2:00 A.M.!"