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Scientist Joe acts like a bumblebee
Type of Spiritual Experience
In this observation we have a man who used all the facets of contemplation and detachment including the safe house to reduce threats, the reduction of obligations and the suppression of learning and memory whilst he attempted final solutions. Sadly we do not know who he was from Dr Karagulla’s quote – she agreed to keep people’s identity a secret
A description of the experience
Breakthrough to Creativity – Dr Shafica Karagulla
Joe is able to see events at a distance, locate lost veins of ore and predict and describe discoveries in the scientific field.
He has been able to demonstrate types of energy which have not yet been identified or explained by the scientific world. He is at present engaged in building an instrument which embodies hitherto unknown principles of science. What he has already accomplished in the building of the instrument was said to be impossible by mathematicians and scientists. What he has accomplished has involved know-how far beyond his scientific and mathematical knowledge.
Some of his scientific friends cannot decide whether his lack of scientific education and training is an asset or a liability. They point out that if he had the scientific training he would know it couldn't be done and would never have attempted some of his best achievements.
One of his friends remarked, "Joe reminds me of the bumblebee. Its wing-span is too short and its weight is too great for it to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know this so it goes ahead and flies."
Joe sees clear pictures of what can be accomplished and goes ahead with his experiments and inventions. Because he lacks scientific training his explanations are couched in language which would make the scientist turn his back on the whole matter if the results were not so astonishing.
Joe isolates himself in a remote desert area and probably nobody knows all that is going on at his ranch. The world comes to his door and many of his visitors are distinguished scientists.