Invisible input - wisdom
Invisible input - wisdom

Whilst we have intellect – learning and reasoning and memory which makes us ‘clever’, wisdom is synonymous with the understanding and knowledge that comes from the spiritual world.
It is thus not a function we possess, it is imparted to us during spiritual experience and is a form of invisible input.
Clever men are not wise men.
Wisdom is a specialised form of inspiration.
It provides accurate information about the spiritual world – the functions and the data of the universe of spirit. It is the 'truth' as opposed to a hypothesis based on observations. Where our databases of memory [see also the types] are built up from rather inaccurate and incomplete observation coupled with forms of synthesis and pattern matching, wisdom is supplied as pre formed function and data.
Wisdom enables us to get rid of heuristics and replace it with actuality.
The wisdom may be supplied as a formula or a fact. But it will be some sort of ready formed 'idea' that has no observations to back it. Furthermore it will be an idea which could never have been derived from the information in our memories. In other words, our reasoning function could not have come up with the idea or function because there is nothing in our memories to act as input.
Blue sky thinking. Heavier than air flight is possible, man can fly, man can swim, man can go out into space.
They are functions or facts which can be seen after a long period of invention, trial error and testing with observation to be accurate – to hold good, and to hold good all the time, no exceptions.
The spiritual world says – here you are, here's an idea for you, now run with it, make it happen, we have chosen you.
And incidentally very often they have chosen you because you are an absolute bugger of a person never saying no, sticking at it, obsessive, determined, persistent, courageous and thought by your fellow man to be utterly bonkers. Being chosen can be a bit of a sod.
For more details
For a fuller definition of Wisdom and how it works, as well as some background on the personifications of wisdom in various cultures, follow the link. The following sections also help in defining wo very specific types of wisdom
- Inner speech – inner speech is wordless intuitive wisdom about something no one yet knows. It may be of interest to know that Inner speech provides us with a possible proof of the existence of the spiritual world. Follow the link.
- Unusual functional ability - this is a companion aspect to the inner speech, the wise person may be able to gain access to all sorts of new function which very few have and thus gain wisdom. Again the ability to execute a function which no one else can also provides proof of the spiritual world.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- 1 Corinthians 15
- 101 Zen stones - A mother's advice
- 101 Zen stones - Arresting the Stone Buddha
- 101 Zen stones - Cup of tea
- 101 Zen stones - Fingers
- 101 Zen stones - Ga San
- 101 Zen stones - Gudo and the Emperor
- 101 Zen stones - If you love, love openly
- 101 Zen stones - Is that so?
- 101 Zen stones - Muddy road
- 101 Zen stones - No loving kindness
- 101 Zen stones - Obedience
- 101 Zen stones - Your light may go out
- 2 Chronicles 24:17-22
- 2 Kings 22
- A Burmese book of myths
- A Farmer went trotting
- A late diagnosis
- A Letter from Charles R. Darwin to J.F.W. Herschel, J. F. W. (May 23, 1861)
- A letter from Mr. Darwin to Georges Romanes : December 5, 1878.
- A New Perspective On Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Mania, Hallucinations, and Delusion
- A Relationship Saved MDMA by Parader
- A Study of Qi – Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallee
- A Tibetan gomchen speaks on reincarnation
- Abravanel, Judah Leon - Dialoghi d’amori
- Abu Menba Carawash, Sultan of Mousel – To Adversity
- Abu ‘L-Mawahib Ash-Shadhili
- Aeschylus - Agamemnon - A Prayer for freedom
- Aeschylus - Agamemnon - The dreams of grief
- Aeschylus - Agamemnon - The plant is like the seed, Hurt returns
- Aeschylus - Agamemnon - Tis Zeus alone who shows the perfect way
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – If we can prove premeditation prior to the act of creation, we have done once and for ever with the desolate theory of materialism
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Anyone can be a metaphysicist
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Creation and destruction are different from maintenance
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Deducing the natural system of animals
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Even accepting evolution exists, there is no explanation for new species creation
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – First cause as a Supreme Intelligence
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Improving our observational skills
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Proof of a Mind acting in conformity with a Plan laid out beforehand and sustained for a long period
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – Science is the translation of the thoughts of God, and is conclusive proof of our affinity with the Divine Mind
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The argument for the existence of an intelligent Creator
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The correspondence in the details of structure in animals otherwise entirely disconnected
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The fallacy of chance mutation as the means of evolution
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The lop-sided view of the physicist
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The unity of plan in otherwise highly diversified types
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The universe as the creation of a reflective Mind
- Agassiz, Louis – Essay on Classification – The whole universe may be considered as a school in which man is taught to know himself
- Agatha Christie - Misc. Quotes
- Agent smith and destiny
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - Sacramentum matrimonii antiquissimum est - 01
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - Sacramentum matrimonii antiquissimum est - 03
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - Sacramentum matrimonii antiquissimum est - 05
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - Sacramentum matrimonii antiquissimum est - 06
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - The Philosophy of Natural Magic – Chapter 03
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - The Philosophy of Natural Magic – Chapter 04 - Numbers
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - The Philosophy of Natural Magic – Chapter 04 - Spirits
- Agrippa, Heinrich Cornelius - The Philosophy of Natural Magic – Chapter 05
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Jawami al-kalim - Behind them the barzakh until the day when they will be raised up
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Jawami al-kalim - Malakat and Barzhak
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - An allegory of glass
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - Earth, Water, Air and Fire
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - Jabalqa and Jabarsa
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - Nothing is which does not have its Treasury with Us
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - On alchemical metals
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - Seraphiel’s Trumpet
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - The 'Fall'
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - The appearance of angels
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - The Breath of the Great Awakening
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - The Spirit
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - Zayd
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - Zayd's clay
- Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard – UFOs as apported beings
- Aitken, Professor Alexander - Perception recall examples
- Aitken, Professor Alexander - Theories writing themselves
- Ajanta caves
- Al-Ghazzali - Miscellaneous quote
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 01 Introduction
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 02 Knowledge of the Self
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 03 Knowledge of the Self
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 04 On spiritual experience
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 05 On what prevents spiritual experience
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 06 On death
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 07 On the body as an example of the genius of the Creator
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 08 On the path of ascension
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 09 The soul as a mean of understanding God
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 10 The Intelligence hierarchy
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 11 On science, cause and effect
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 12 The parable of the blind men and the elephant
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 13 Adversity and illness as a means of ‘opening the door’
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 14 There is no God and that this world of wonders made itself
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 15 God is merciful, but keep on striving
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 16 The world as theatre
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 17 The man made world as temptress
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 18 The parable of the cruise ship and the island
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 19 The need to experience to know
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 20 Death, the soul and immortal soul
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 21 Death, Personality and the immortal soul
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 24 Judgement
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 25 Marriage and equality
- Aladdin's cave
- Alain Danielou - While the Gods Play - 01 The Experimental Method (Vaisheshika)
- Alain Danielou - While the Gods Play - 02 The Experimental Method (Vaisheshika)
- Alain Danielou - While the Gods Play - On Samkhya and Yoga
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- Albertus Magnus – On union with God - Adversity
- Albertus Magnus – On union with God - Enduring trials and tests
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- Albertus Magnus – On union with God - Suppressing Memory
- Albertus Magnus – On union with God - The importance of peace and purity of heart
- Albius Tibullus - Elegies
- Albrecht Dürer – 00 The Fool and Introduction
- Albrecht Dürer – 01 The Magician
- Albrecht Dürer – 02 High Priestess
- Albrecht Dürer – 03 The Empress
- Albrecht Dürer – 04 The Emperor
- Albrecht Dürer – 05 The Pope [Hierophant]
- Albrecht Dürer – 06 The Lovers
- Albrecht Dürer – 07 The Chariot
- Albrecht Dürer – 08 Justice
- Albrecht Dürer – 09 The Hermit
- Albrecht Dürer – 10 Wheel of Fortune
- Albrecht Dürer – 11 Strength
- Albrecht Dürer – 12 The Hanged Man
- Albrecht Dürer – 13 Death
- Albrecht Dürer – 14 Temperance
- Albrecht Dürer – 15 The Devil
- Albrecht Dürer – 16 The Tower
- Albrecht Dürer – 17 The Star
- Albrecht Dürer – 18 The Moon
- Albrecht Dürer – 19 The Sun
- Albrecht Dürer – 20 Judgement
- Albrecht Dürer – 21 The World
- Alexander Cornelius Polyhistor - On metempsychosis
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 01 - 2 Down the well
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 01 - 3 The Glass Table
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 01 - 4 Drink me
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 01 - 5 Eat me
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 02 - 1 Goodbye feet
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 02 - 2 Know thyself
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 02 - 3 The Mouse
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 03 - A Caucus race and a long tail
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 04 - 1 The Rabbit sends in a little Bill
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 04 - 2 Alice grows to fill the room
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 04 - 3 Pat and the cucumber frames
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 04 - 4 The Lizard flies
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 04 - 5 In the wood
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 05 - 1 Advice from a Caterpillar
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 05 - 2 Serpent
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 06 - 1 Pig and Pepper
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 06 - 2 Duchess and Cook
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 06 - 3 Baby pig
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 06 - 4 Cheshire cat
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 07 - 1 A Mad Tea Party
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 07 - 2 The Dormouse's story
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 08 - 1 The Cards and the Rose Tree
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 08 - 2 The Croquet match
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 08 - 3 The Cheshire cat reappears
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 09 - 1 The Mock Turtle's story
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 09 - 2 The Mock Turtle and the Gryphon
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 10 - 1 Lobster quadrille
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 10 - 2 The voice of the lobster
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 10 - 3 Beautiful soup
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 11 - 1 Who stole the Tarts
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 11 - 2 Cross examination of the Hatter
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 12 - 1 Alice's evidence
- Alice in Wonderland - Ch 12 - 2 Alice wakes up
- Aluminum-induced entropy in biological systems: implications for neurological disease
- Alyce Green – Knowing thyself
- Amiel, Henri - On destiny and the Great Work
- Amiel, Henri - On inspiration
- Amiel, Henri - On love
- Amsterdam
- An antidote to the Golem in us all - from TED
- An astrologer's view of Neptune
- Anagarika Govinda
- Anaximenes of Miletus - Apeiron and the arche
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- Ancestors, the - Art - Anthropomorphic Female Neolithic ceramic figurine
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- Ancestors, the - Art - Blood, Red ochre, Bhimbekta and the Red Lady of Paviland
- Ancestors, the - Art - David Lewis-Williams from The Mind in the Cave
- Ancestors, the - Art - Lady of Villers-Carbonnel
- Ancestors, the - Art - The Shigir Idol
- Ancestors, the - Art - West Coast Rock Art
- Ancient Egyptian - A Hymn of Thebes
- Ancient Egyptian - Djew
- Ancient Egyptian - Isis as the Mother symbol
- Ancient Egyptian - Legends of Sekhmet
- Ancient Egyptian - On the symbolism of the acacia
- Ancient Egyptian - The boat as a symbol
- Ancient Egyptian - The Creation Myth of Heliopolis
- Ancient Egyptian - The sceptre as a symbol
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of Min
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of Nebu
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of the ankh
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of the bennu bird
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of the four sons of Horus
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of the god Seker
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of the scarab
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of the stag beetle
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of the Sun and Moon
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of weighing
- Ancient Egyptian - Thebes dancing girls
- Andreas Werckmeister - Musicalische Paradoxal
- Angell, Dr Marcia - The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why?
- Angell, Dr Marcia - The Illusions of psychiatry
- Angkor Wat
- Anna Reid - The Shaman’s coat – The Sacred cedar
- Anon - Adversity
- Anon - Ladder of Augustine
- Anthology of Daoist Village
- Apuleius - The Golden Ass - The Navigium Isidis festival
- Aristotle - De Anima - Perceptions and the soul
- Aristotle - Ethics - Precis by David Furley
- Aristotle - History of Animals - Tree of Life
- Aristotle - Metaphysics B5 - Change as the reason for life
- Aristotle - Metaphysics IV - Perceptions and Reality
- Aristotle - Meteor 4
- Aristotle - Meteorics - On evolution
- Aristotle - On celestial music
- Aristotle - Physics - Motion
- Aristotle - Physics II, 3, and Metaphysics V, 2 - Cause and effect
- Aristotle - The Elements
- Armstrong, Edwin Howard – The Vagaries and elusiveness of invention
- Arnold, Matthew - Dover Beach
- Arnold, Matthew - On Nature
- Arnold, Matthew - Palladium
- Arnold, Matthew - The Buried Life
- Arnold, Matthew - To Margeurite
- Artaud, Antonin
- Artaud, Antonin – Mexico and a Journey into the Country of the Tarahumaras 1984
- Arthur Osbourne - The Few
- Asclepius - Classes and forms
- Asclepius - Co-creation
- Asclepius - Death
- Asclepius - God is all named since he and she is one and all
- Asclepius - God is of both sexes
- Asclepius - Hermes Trismegistus - Spirit
- Asclepius - Music and divine song
- Asclepius - Pantomorphes template maker
- Asclepius - The class persists, begetting copies of itself
- Asclepius - The Egg
- Asclepius - The Elements - fire, water, earth, air
- Asclepius - The empty Egg
- Asclepius - The End of this Era
- Asclepius - Ultimate Intelligence
- Ashem Vohu
- Ashoka
- Ashtavakra Gita - 01 Instruction on Self-Realization
- Ashtavakra Gita - 04 Glorification of Self-Realization
- Ashtavakra Gita - 10 Quietude
- Ashtavakra Gita - 11 Wisdom
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - Definition
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - Dharma
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - How to know if you have achieved annihilation
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - On Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - Spiritual interactions
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - Symbols
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - The Buddha nature or Higher spirit
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - The Diamond
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - The ego
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - The evolving ego
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - The Personality
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - The problems of the 5 senses
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - The reason for reincarnation
- Athanasius Kircher - Ars Magna Lucis 1665
- Athanasius Kircher – Musurgia Universalis
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- Athanasius Kircher – Musurgia Universalis - Mars
- Athanasius Kircher – Musurgia Universalis - Saturn
- Athanasius Kircher – Musurgia Universalis - Venus
- Atharvaveda - IV 10 The Pearl and its Shell bestowing long life and prosperity
- Atharvaveda - IX 1 from Hymn to the Honey lash
- Atharvaveda - VI 109 The pepper corn as a cure for wounds
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 01 Prepare us for a sacred future
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 02 Give us this day
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 03 Protecting the Earth from harm
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 04 The time of purgatory of harm by Fire
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 05 Make us fragrant with perfume
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 06 Purification
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 07 Protect us from harm
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 08 Reverence to the Earth
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 09 The goodness that we crave
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 10 Be auspicious to us
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 11 May her benevolence lead us to paradise
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 12 Expansion out of time
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 13 Creation of the Egg
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 14 We worship Thee
- Atharvaveda - XIX 26 Gold
- Atharvaveda - XIX 53 from Prayer to Kala [Time]
- Atlas
- Attar, Fariduddin - All pervading consciousness
- Attar, Fariduddin - God Speaks to David
- Attar, Fariduddin - How long then will you seek for Beauty here?
- Attar, Fariduddin - In the Dead of Night
- Attar, Fariduddin - Invocation
- Attar, Fariduddin - Look -- I do nothing, He performs all deeds
- Attar, Fariduddin - The Hawk
- Attar, Fariduddin - The Lover
- Attar, Fariduddin - The Peacock's excuse
- Attar, Fariduddin - The pilgrim sees no form but His and knows
- Attar, Fariduddin - The Simurgh
- Attar, Fariduddin - The Song of the Nightingale
- Attar, Fariduddin - The Valley of the Quest
- Auden, W H - The Shield of Achilles - She looked over his shoulder For vines and olive trees
- Auden, W H - The Unknown citizen
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - A soul carrying a corpse
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Atom recycling
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Change
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Death
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Death and the gods
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Desire
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Destiny
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Destiny and know yourself
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Destiny, the ordered universe and time
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Events
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Fate
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Forgiveness
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Fortune and the gods
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Good and evil
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Good and evil
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Levels and layers
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Nature and reason
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Perceptions
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Self pity
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - The ordered universe
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - The universe as one living creature
- Aurora Consurgens - 01 An allegory of the Great Mother
- Aurora Consurgens - 03 An allegory of disorder
- Aurora consurgens - 07 An allegory of dawn
- Aurora consurgens - 08 An allegory of Sophia
- Aurora consurgens - 09 An allegory of the citadel
- Aurora consurgens - 11 An allegory of purification by fire
- Avalon - Geoffrey of Monmouth - Vita Merlini
- Avicenna - Henry Corbin on the cosmology of Avicenna
- Avicenna - Recital of Hayy ibn Yaqzan
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Ifa, the Wisdom of Nature
- Aziz al-Nasafi
- Aztecs and hummingbirds
- Baa baa black sheep
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babbage, Charles - The Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- Babylon
- Babylon - Cyrus’s clay cylinder
- Babylon - The Hanging Gardens
- Babylon - The Ishtar Gate 01
- Babylon - The Ishtar Gate 02
- Babylon - The Ishtar Gate 03
- Babylon - The Temple of Ésagila
- Babylon - The Tower of Babel
- Babylon - The Ziggurat of Etemanki 01
- Babylon - The Ziggurat of Etemanki 02
- Babylon - The Ziggurat of Etemanki 03
- Bach, Dr Edward - A Vision of the future of Medicine
- Bach, Dr Edward - Helping others on the road
- Bach, Dr Edward - Love conquers all
- Bach, Dr Edward - On adversity
- Bach, Dr Edward - On human destiny
- Bach, Dr Edward - On Reincarnation
- Bach, Dr Edward - On the Higher spirit
- Bach, Dr Edward - The Dangers of control on development of a child
- Bach, Dr Edward - The dangers of the controlling adult to a child
- Bach, Dr Edward - The Laws of Unity and Inner Guidance
- Bach, Dr Edward - The Nature of God
- Bach, Dr Edward - The need for faith and courage
- Bach, Dr Edward - The Systems of the Universe
- Bach, Dr Edward - The Unity of the World
- Bach, Dr Edward - The wisdom of old
- Bach, Dr Edward - There are saints at the factory bench
- Bacon, Roger - The Mirror of Alchemy – Chapter 01
- Bacon, Roger - The Mirror of Alchemy – Chapter 02
- Bacon, Roger - The Mirror of Alchemy – Chapter 03
- Bacon, Roger - The Mirror of Alchemy – Chapter 04
- Bacon, Roger - The Mirror of Alchemy – Chapter 05
- Bacon, Roger - The Mirror of Alchemy – Chapter 06
- Bacon, Roger - The Mirror of Alchemy – Chapter 07
- Bad-tibira
- Bad-tibira - Temple hymn
- Bai Zi Bei - The Hundred Character Tablet - Lu Dongbin
- Balev Tahor - From the Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q525:1.1-2,2.1-12)
- Balzac, Honoré de - Comédie Humaine and Pere Goriot - On kindness and love
- Balzac, Honoré de - Comédie Humaine – On schools
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 01 Energy
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 02 Will
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 03 The five senses
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 04 The Word
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 05 Emotions
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 06 Spacetime
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 07 Conscious, Subconscious and Higher spirit
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 08 The Three worlds
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - 09 Resurrection
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - The Laws of the Universe
- Balzac, Honoré de - Pere Goriot - The Devil
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 03 The Gift of Specialism
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 05 Spiritual experience can be anybody’s
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 06 The song of the Higher spirit
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 07 A critique of science
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 10 Past lives and karma
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita and Comédie Humaine - The Great Work
- Bambara - the 'Sirius system'
- Bare to the bone
- Barker, Cicely Mary - The Scarlet Pimpernel fairy
- Barker, Cicely Mary - Where are the fairies, Where can we find them
- Barrett Browning, Elizabeth - Quote
- Baudelaire, Charles - Confessions
- Bax, Clifford - The Meaning of Man - Ah what though the Tree whose rise and fall
- Bax, Clifford - The Meaning of Man - And this is the meaning of man, The task of the soul
- Bax, Clifford - The Meaning of Man - Dear and fair as Earth may be
- Bax, Clifford - The Meaning of Man - For as those that are sunken deep
- Bax, Clifford - The Meaning of Man - The one great song of the whole creation
- Bayard Taylor - Poems of the Orient – Kamadeva
- Bayard Taylor - Poems of the Orient – Nubia
- Bayard Taylor - Poems of the Orient – The Arab Warrior
- Bayard Taylor - Poems of the Orient – The Wisdom of Ali
- Beatles, the - Rain and Fixing holes
- Bede from Ecclesiastical History
- Beecher Stowe, Harriet - The power of faith
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - A land of milk and honey
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - A swarm of bees, an image of the human soul flying away from the body
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - Beekeeping makes human beings strong
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - Honey and its healing effects for the elderly
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - Honey is the regurgitated product of the worker bees
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - Queens, Eggs and the Sun
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - Revering the existence and conduct of bees
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - Stinging is not a pleasant experience for a bee
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - Swarms as a symbol of reincarnation
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - The artificial breeding of bees
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - The different bee types and their times to reach maturity
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - The nuptial flight of the virgin queen
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - The sensory system of a bee
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - The whole is always greater than the sum of the parts
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - Too much honey upsets the acid/alkaline balance
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - What has consciousness?
- Belgian Tarot - 16 - The Tower
- Bell, J S - Bell's theorem
- Benjamin Rush on the diseases of the mind
- Benjamin, Walter - Illuminations - A language of Truth
- Benjamin, Walter - Illuminations - Data stores
- Benjamin, Walter - Illuminations - Destiny
- Benjamin, Walter - Illuminations - The Need for Mental Relaxation
- Benjamin, Walter - Illuminations - Theatre
- Benjamin, Walter - Theses on the Philosophy of History - The storm is what we call progress
- Beowulf - His use of Power and Tributes on his Death 004863
- Beowulf - The Hero's Sword
- Beowulf - Treasure
- Beowulf - Wyrd
- Beowulf - Arriving at the King's Palace
- Beowulf - Burial at Sea
- Beowulf - Buried Treasure
- Beowulf - His Death and its consequences
- Beowulf - The creation
- Beowulf - The Flood
- Beowulf - The lost treasure
- Beowulf - The Start of the Quest by Boat
- Beowulf - The Terror of the Dragon
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Aggregates and perception
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Atoms and functions
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Energy and units of energy
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Memory and Perception
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Memory and perception
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - On impulse and dreaming
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Perception extraction
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Perception, how does it work?
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Relearning from perceptions
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - The 5 senses
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - The cyclical nature of Perceptions
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - The Dangers of Memory
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - The systems of the universe
- Bergson, Henri - Matter and Memory - Why we have the senses
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Anticipation and hope
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Atoms and prophecy
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Emotion and the 5 senses
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Emotional Intensity
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Emotional states
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - On classes and names
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - On pity
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Prediction versus prophecy
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Souls and objects
- Bergson, Henri - Time and Free Will - Will
- Bern Zinc tablet
- Bernadette Devlin
- Bernard, Professor Claude - The Great Work
- Bertalanffy, Ludwig von - Function dependencies
- Bertalanffy, Ludwig von - System decomposition
- Bertrand Russell - On Pure Mathematics - Function as spirit
- Bertrand Russell - The Problems of Philosophy – Reality is not what it seems
- Beston, Henry - from The Best of Beston
- Beston, Henry - from The Outermost House
- Beston, Henry - The Outermost House - A Year of Life on the Great Beach of Cape Cod
- Beuys, Joseph - Actions
- Beuys, Joseph - Animals and Insects
- Beuys, Joseph - Backrest
- Beuys, Joseph - Bathroom of Circe
- Beuys, Joseph - Bees and stag’s head
- Beuys, Joseph - Clothes
- Beuys, Joseph - Crosses and crucifixes 01
- Beuys, Joseph - Crosses and crucifixes 02
- Beuys, Joseph - Fat and Felt
- Beuys, Joseph - Fat chair
- Beuys, Joseph - Head
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 01
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 02
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 03
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 04
- Beuys, Joseph - Honey Pump 05
- Beuys, Joseph - How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare 01
- Beuys, Joseph - How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare 02
- Beuys, Joseph - Lightning with Stag in its glare
- Beuys, Joseph - SaFG SaUG
- Beuys, Joseph - The Beehive as a symbol of the ideal society
- Beuys, Joseph - The Higher spirit in us all
- Beuys, Joseph - The Queen Bee 1952
- Beuys, Joseph - The Queen Bee Sculptures
- Bhagavad Gita - All creatures exist in me
- Bhagavad Gita - Asceticism is dark in kind
- Bhagavad Gita - Death
- Bhagavad Gita - Death and State of Mind
- Bhagavad Gita - Destiny
- Bhagavad Gita - Good and Evil
- Bhagavad Gita - Never the spirit was born
- Bhagavad Gita - No happiness exists for the doubter
- Bhagavad Gita - No one who does good treads an evil path
- Bhagavad Gita - Reincarnation
- Bhagavad Gita - Ruler of the nine gated castle
- Bhagavad Gita - Strung like pearls on a thread
- Bhagavad Gita - The birthless beginningless
- Bhagavad Gita - The hundredfold and thousandfold forms of ParaBrahma
- Bhagavad Gita - The One Who Knows
- Bhagavad Gita - The paths of the Sun and the Moon
- Bhagavad Gita - The Saint and the Hermit
- Bhagavad Gita - The silence of secret things
- Bhagavad Gita - The Sun and Moon
- Bhagavad Gita - The Tree of Life
- Bhagavad Gita - The Tyranny of the Ego
- Bhagavad Gita - There lives a Master in the hearts of men
- Bhagavad Gita - Thou art Parabrahma
- Bhagavad Gita - Vasuki and the Ocean of Milk
- Bhagavad Gita - Why are we born?
- Bhagavata Purana - Bees
- Bhagavata Purana - On Atoms
- Bhagavata Purana - On the Higher spirit
- Bhagavata Purana - Reaching the shore of immortality
- Bhagavata Purana - Reincarnation
- Bhagavata Purana - The Creation
- Bibliotheca - The myth of Demeter and Persephone
- Bibliotheca - The myth of the Gigantomachy
- Bill Bryson - Australian Aboriginal origins
- Bird shamans and celestial messages
- Black Elk - Native American Indians - Circles within circles
- Black Elk - Native American Indians - Spiritual path
- Blacking, Professor John - How musical is man? - The link between music and intelligence
- Blacking, Professor John – How musical is man? - Venda music and the search for transcendence
- Blacking, Professor John – How musical is man? - Venda music, unity and division
- Blacking, Professor John – How musical is man? – A ‘simple’ ‘folk’ song may have more human value than a ‘complex’ symphony
- Blacking, Professor John – How musical is man? – Music as a reflection of culture
- Blacking, Professor John – How musical is man? – On Britten's War Requiem
- Blacking, Professor John – How musical is man? – The difference between music that is simply for having and music that is for being
- Blake, William - All deities reside in the human breast
- Blake, William - And a roof vast petrific around
- Blake, William - And the four points are thus beheld in great eternity
- Blake, William - And the North Gate of Golgonooza toward generation
- Blake, William - And this is the manner of the Sons of Albion in their strength
- Blake, William - But silken nets and traps of adamant
- Blake, William - Does the whale worship at thy footsteps as the hungry dog?
- Blake, William - Each man is in his spectre’s power
- Blake, William - For all are men in eternity; rivers, mountains, cities, villages
- Blake, William - From every one of the four regions of human majesty
- Blake, William - He sunk down into the sea a pale white corse
- Blake, William - I was in a Printing house in Hell and saw the method in which knowledge is transmitted
- Blake, William - I went to the Garden of Love
- Blake, William - In deluge o’er the earth born man, then turned the fluxile eyes
- Blake, William - In Eden Females sleep the winter in soft silken veils
- Blake, William - Joy and woe are woven fine
- Blake, William - Love seeketh not itself to please
- Blake, William - Memory hither come
- Blake, William - One curse, one weight, one measure One king, one God, one Law
- Blake, William - Permanent and not lost
- Blake, William - The caverns of the grave I’ve seen
- Blake, William - The tree which moves some to tears of joy
- Blake, William - The world of men are like the numerous stars
- Blake, William - This life's dim windows of the soul
- Blake, William - To Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love
- Blake, William - To see a World in a grain of sand
- Blake, William - We reap not what we do not sow
- Blake, William - What is above is within
- Blake, William - Whilst Virtue is our walking staff
- Blodeuwedd
- Blue Whirlwind and Iron Shell - Native American Indians - Winkte and Androgyny
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - All the powers which are in nature proceed from God
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - All whatsoever that hath been mentioned above is called quality
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - As little as a piece of work can apprehend him that made it
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Celestial music and Beauty
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Celestial music and songlines
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Cold energy
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Contrast
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Darkness and Light
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Demons and adversity
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Holy Ghost and Wind
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Holy spirit and Holy Ghost
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Hot energy or 'heat'
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Inner and Outward courts
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Inner and Outward courts and the abyss
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Intelligences
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Just as a drop of water
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Light
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Spiritual path
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The Elements
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The equality of all living things
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The interior or hollowness in the body of man
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The music of the spheres
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The nature of God
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The Planets
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The Word
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Water
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Where is God
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Where is heaven
- Boehme, Jacob - Dialogues between Disciple and Master - How may I come to the supersensual life
- Boehme, Jacob - Dialogues between Disciple and Master - Whither go the souls when they leave these mortal bodies
- Boehme, Jacob - Father and Son
- Boehme, Jacob - Quote - God has made all things out of nothing
- Boehme, Jacob - Quote - It is the eye of the abyss
- Boethius - De Institutione Musica - The dangers of music
- Boethius - Misc quote - Since the Creator hath always an eternal and present state
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - All pleasures have one quality alike
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - All things Thou bringest forth from Thy high archetype
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - Although the lion wear decorated chains
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - Even things which are believed to be inanimate also desire
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - I will briefly show you what complete happiness hinges upon
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - If one thing is distinct from another
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - If plenty from her well stocked horn
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - Imagine a set of revolving concentric circles
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - On good and evil
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - On Good and Evil and the Great Work
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - Providence has given its creatures
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - Providence stings some people to avoid giving them happiness for too long
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - Since every reward is desired because it is believed to be good
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - The elements by harmony Thou dost constrain
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - The soul once cut
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - Think of the extent of the weakness impeding the wicked
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - This is why among wise men there is no place at all left for hatred
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - This world would never have coalesced into one form
- Bohm, David - Wholeness and The Implicate Order - Energy and spirit
- Bohm, David - Wholeness and The Implicate Order - Systems of the Universe
- Bohr, Niels - A Quote
- Bohr, Niels - The Strange Dream
- Bohr, Niels - When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry
- Bolyai, Janos - Geometrical Examinations and Theorem 35
- Book of Enoch - The systems of the universe
- Book of Enoch- 08
- Book of Enoch-42
- Book of Enoch-69
- Book of Five Spheres - On Rhythm in Martial Arts
- Book of Five Spheres - The Fire Scroll - Crossing a Ford
- Book of Five Spheres - The Scroll of Emptiness
- Book of Five Spheres - The Wind Scroll and Speed
- Book of Job - 01 Prologue
- Book of Job - 02 Further trials
- Book of Job - 03 Poem and Lamentation - Let the day perish wherein I was born
- Book of Job - 04 and 05 Eliphaz the Temanite
- Book of Job - 06 and 07 Job's reply to Eliphaz
- Book of Job - 08 Bildad the Shuhite
- Book of Job - 09 and 10 Job's reply to Bildad
- Book of Job - 11 Zophar the Naamathite
- Book of Job - 12 , 13 and 14 Job's reply to Zophar
- Book of Job - 23 Job's sorrow at not getting clearer help from God
- Book of Job - 28 Wisdom and the Great Work
- Book of Job - 33 Elihu how to get guidance - dreams and visions
- Book of Job - 38 and 39 God's reply to Job
- Book of Job - 40 God's reply to Job - Defeating the behemoth
- Borgund stavkirke
- Borobudur
- Borri, Giuseppe Francesco - Between Crucibles and Salamanders - Massimo Marra
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 01
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 02
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 03
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 04
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - from Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 05
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Perceptions and inorganic matter
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Playmates are a better source of understanding than school
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The correlation between stimuli, emotion and illness
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The ideals of education
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The unity of the universe
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - There is no such thing as failure
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Thy will be done
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - All pain contains an element of pleasure, and that pleasure, if carried too far becomes pain
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - On atoms and dust
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions - emotions and pain
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions - memory
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions - response to environment
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - Plants and perceptions - sensitivity
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The common functions of plants and humans
- Bose, Sir Jagadis Chandra - The common functions of plants and humans - pulsation
- Bouguereau - Death
- Bouguereau - The Oreads
- Bouguereau - The Youth of Bacchus
- Bowie, David - 2002 Heathen interview
- Bowie, David - 2003 Interview - I'm Not Quite an Atheist, and It Worries Me
- Bowie, David - Quotes from interviews with the NYTimes
- Brewster, Sir David - More Worlds than One (book 1854)
- Brian Boru's harp
- Brian Keenan – Four Quarters of Light -The Clan House of the Tlingit people
- Bridges, Robert - The South Wind
- Bright twins
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad – The Creation myth – 01 Verses 1.4.1 to 1.4.3
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad – The Creation myth – 02 Verses 1.4.4 to 1.4.6
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad – The Creation myth – 03 Verses 1.4.7 to 1.4.8
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad – The Creation myth – 04 Verses 1.4.9 to 1.4.10
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad – The Creation myth – 05 Verse 1.4.11
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad – The Creation myth – 06 Verse 1.4.12 to 1.4.17
- Brittany - Carnac and its symbolism
- Brittany - Spook weg, corpse ways and ley lines
- Brittany - Ys
- Brittia
- Bronte, Emily - Anticipation - How beautiful the earth is still
- Bronte, Emily - No coward soul is mine
- Brooke, Rupert - Lost into God
- Browne, Sir Thomas - Religio Medici - I'm sure there is a common spirit
- Browne, Sir Thomas - Religio Medici - On Cheiromancy
- Browne, Sir Thomas - Religio Medici - United souls
- Browning, Robert - from Bishop Blougram's Apology
- Browning, Robert - Paracelsus - from Book V
- Browning, Robert - Reverie - All is effect of cause
- Bruce Chatwin - Australian aboriginal - Songlines
- Bruce Chatwin - Australian aboriginal – Songlines
- Bruce Chatwin - Australian aboriginal – The First Morning
- Bruce Chatwin - Climate as the motor of evolutionary change
- Bruce Chatwin - Dreamtime
- Bruce Chatwin - On Elisabeth Vrba
- Bruce Chatwin - Songlines - from Australopithecus to man
- Bruce Chatwin – On instinct and aggression
- Bruce Lipton - Biology of Belief - Cellular memory
- Bruja ointment
- Bruno, Giordano – A general account of bonding - On love and physical attraction
- Bruno, Giordano – A general account of bonding - On self-love and promiscuity
- Bruno, Giordano – A general account of bonding - On the nature of love and hate
- Bruno, Giordano – A general account of bonding - Sex
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 01 The Second Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 02 The Second Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 03 The Second Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 04 The Second Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 05 The Third Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 06 The Third Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 07 The Third Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 08 The Fourth Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 09 The Fifth Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 10 The Fifth Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 11 The Fifth Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 12 The Fifth Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 13 The Fifth Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - 14 The Fifth Dialogue
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - Al proprio spirito
- Bruno, Giordano – Cause, principle and unity - The sempiternal cause
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - On aggregates and functions
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - On Reincarnation and death
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - On the Universal soul
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - Spirit
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - Templates
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - The Metals and transmutation
- Bruno, Giordano – On Magic - The Music of the Spheres
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Hermit in the Himalayas - Great Mother
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Hermit in the Himalayas - Intelligences
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Hermit in the Himalayas - On Power
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Hermit in the Himalayas - On Spirit
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Hermit in the Himalayas - Sunbeams
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Hermit in the Himalayas - Waiting for the Overself
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret India - A conversation with the Maharishee
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret India - On Destiny
- Brunton, Dr Paul - A Search in Secret India - Sees the vision of the Maharishee
- Brunton, Dr Paul - The Quest of the Overself - Mystery of the self
- Bryson, Bill - Earth events as agents of change
- Bryson, Bill - Extraterrestrial events as agents of change
- Bryson, Bill - On big brains
- Bryson, Bill - On cells
- Bryson, Bill - On chromosomes and DNA
- Bryson, Bill - On climate as an agent of change
- Bryson, Bill - On Extinction
- Bryson, Bill - On galaxies
- Bryson, Bill - On genes
- Bryson, Bill - On increments, reuse and functions
- Bryson, Bill - On man as a configuration
- Bryson, Bill - On microbes
- Bryson, Bill - On Minerals
- Bryson, Bill - On pathogens as agents of change
- Bryson, Bill - On proteins, cells and DNA
- Bryson, Bill - On targeted extinction
- Bryson, Bill - On the achievements of George Cuvier
- Bryson, Bill - On the environment as agent of change
- Bryson, Bill - On the ingenuity of Nature's designs
- Bryson, Bill - On the number of configurations
- Bryson, Bill - On the Reasons for the Extinctions
- Bryson, Bill - On the sequencing of increments and configurations
- Bryson, Bill - Protein creation
- Bryson, Bill - The birth of our Solar system
- Bryson, Bill - The sea, the sea
- Buddha - And the ascetic who could walk on water
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 03 Relinquishing the ego
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 04 Charity
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 05 The Ultimate Principle of Reality
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 06 Faith
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 07 Great Ones, Perfect Beyond Learning, Utter no Words of Teaching
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 08 Merit partakes of the character of no-merit
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 09 Once returner
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 10 A person whose body is large is not large bodied
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 11 Ganges and sand grains
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 12 Wheresoever this Discourse is proclaimed
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 13 The Diamond of the Perfection of Transcendental Wisdom
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 14 Perfect Peace Lies in Freedom from Characteristic Distinctions
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 15 Value of This Teaching
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 16 Karma and its meaning
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 17 Consummation of Incomparable Enlightenment
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 18 All Modes of mind are Really Only Mind
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 19 Absolute Reality is the Only Foundation
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 20 The Unreality of Phenomenal Distinctions
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - Extract: Activate the mind without dwelling on anything
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - Extract: Created things are like dreams
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - Extract: Prajna-paramita
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - Extract: The universe is not the universe, it is called the universe
- Buddha - Fire sermon - Full text
- Buddha - Fire sermon - The mind is on fire
- Buddha - Heart sutra - Full text
- Buddha - Heart sutra - Prana paramita
- Buddha - Mahāmudrā tradition - The seed
- Buddha - Mahāyāna Buddhism - Nāgārjuna
- Buddha - Quote - Death and decay
- Buddha - Quote - The mind has attained to the extinction of all desires
- Buddha - Tevigga sutra - From time to time a Tathagata is born
- Buddha - The Dhammapada - Atta-vaggo
- Buddha - The Dhammapada - Danda-vago
- Buddha - The Dhammapada - Magga-vaggo
- Buddha - The Dhammapada - Taṇhā-vaggo
- Buddha - The Dhammapada - Yamaka-vaggo
- Buddha - The Ultimate Extinction of the Dharma
- Buddha - Theravada Buddhism - Spirit
- Buddha and Nietzsche
- Buddhist spatial cosmology
- Burne-Jones, Edward - Perseus and Andromeda
- Burne-Jones, Edward - Phyllis & Demophoon
- Burne-Jones, Edward - The Evening Star
- Burne-Jones, Edward - Finding Psyche
- Burne-Jones, Edward - King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid
- Burne-Jones, Edward - Love among the Ruins
- Burne-Jones, Edward - Pygmalion
- Burne-Jones, Edward - Sea Nymph
- Burne-Jones, Edward - The Baleful Head
- Burne-Jones, Edward - The Depths of the Sea
- Burne-Jones, Edward - The Golden Stairs
- Burne-Jones, Edward - The Madness of Sir Tristram 004898
- Burt, Sir Cyril - On the mind
- Burt, Sir Cyril - Osses and blinkers
- Burt, Sir Cyril - The psychic power of girls
- Burt, Sir Cyril - The universe as system
- Burt, Sir Cyril - Two dimensions and three dimensions
- Butler, John - asks "What is salvation?"
- Butler, John - Return to Bicker - John Butler on the Cycle of Life
- Butler, John - The 'common sense' guide to meditation - Part 1
- Butler, John - The 'common sense' guide to meditation - Part 2
- Byron, Lord - A fragment of a Turkish Tale
- C P Cavafy - An Old Man
- C P Cavafy - As much as you can
- C P Cavafy - Before Time Altered Them
- C P Cavafy - Che fece
- C P Cavafy - Waiting for the Barbarians
- Cambridge Relativity Group - The unit of energy
- Canistris, Opicinus de - Diagram with 'Crucifixion'
- Canistris, Opicinus de - Man as Pyramid
- Canistris, Opicinus de - World map
- Canistris, Opicinus de - World map 2
- Canned Heat - Alan Wilson 'Grim Harvest'
- Canned Heat - Poor Moon
- Capote, Truman - Misc. Quote - Tears
- Caravaggio - Amor victorious
- Cardano, Gerolamo - Universal joints and 'imaginaries'
- Carl Gustav Jung - Quote 1
- Carl Gustav Jung - Quote 2
- Carl Gustav Jung - Quote 3
- Carl Gustav Jung - Quote 4
- Carl Gustav Jung - Quote 5
- Carl Gustav Jung - Quote 6
- Carl Gustav Jung - Quote 7
- Carl Gustav Jung - Quote 8
- Carl Gustav Jung - Quote 9
- Carlson, Chester – They remarked that Carlson's modesty was even more impressive than his invention
- Carlson, Chester – Trust in God, ‘Thy will be done’
- Carly
- Carlyle, Thomas - Misc quote - The All of Things is an infinite conjugation of the verb To Do
- Carlyle, Thomas - Misc quote - The wise man
- Carlyle, Thomas - On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic - Smoke and fire
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - Centre of gravity of the universe
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - Eat your wages, and sleep
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - Ghosts!
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - Mock me not with the name of free
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - Never say that thou hast no symbol of the Godlike
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - The Centre of Indifference
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - There is but one Temple
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - They only are wise who know that they know nothing
- Carmina Gadelica - Hymns and Incantations - Ortha Nan Gaidheal
- Carrel, Alexis - On prophets and prophecy
- Carrey, Jim - 01 How Roland Rolls
- Carrey, Jim - 02 How Roland Rolls
- Carrey, Jim - article and clips
- Carroll, Lewis - The Hunting of the Snark
- Carroll, Lewis - The Hunting of the Snark - The bellman
- Cartan, Elie - A remarkable class of analytic and geometric transformations
- Cartwright, Sir Fairfax Leighton - The Mystic Rose - Love
- Cartwright, Sir Fairfax Leighton - The Mystic Rose - The Gardeners
- Cartwright, Sir Fairfax Leighton - The Mystic Rose - The love children of the World
- Cartwright, Sir Fairfax Leighton - The Mystic Rose - Unity
- Castaneda, Carlos - Wheel of Time - Allies
- Caussade, Jean Pierre - On Common duty
- Celsus
- Celtic - Diodorus Sicilus and Pindar - Stonehenge
- Celtic - Map of the Egg
- Celtic - The symbolism of milk
- Celtic – Using reverberating sound and chanting to induce trance states – the role of the megalithic structures and barrows
- Chagall - Albertus Magnus
- Chagall - at the circus
- Chagall - au dessus de Vitebsky
- Chagall - Bonjour Paris
- Chagall - Cheval rouge
- Chagall - Circus
- Chagall - clown
- Chagall - danse
- Chagall - double portrait with wine glass
- Chagall - green man
- Chagall - le cirque rouge et bleu
- Chagall - le reve
- Chagall - midsummers night dream
- Chagall - Painter to the Moon
- Chagall - the fiddler
- Chagall - the outing [the walk]
- Chagall - the rooster
- Chagall - the rooster in love
- Chagall - trapeze artist
- Chand Baori step well
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chandra X Ray Observatory site - Dark matter
- Charles Cotton - If solid happiness we prize
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - Bridges
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - Continuous nexus
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - Contrast and Free will
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - Cosmic eggs and the Flat Earth
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - Cup and ring marks
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - Levels and layers
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - The Forces of attraction and repulsion
- Charles Fort - 0 Concepts - White coral islands in a dark blue sea
- Charles Fort - Finds of Coins and Disks
- Charles Fort - Finds of Crosses
- Charles Fort - Unusual archaeological artefacts
- Chartres and Amiens labyrinths
- Chavín de Huántar
- Cheiro - Palmistry for all - The path of destiny
- Chelan - Native American Indians - Creation myth
- Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz - The Fifth Day - Commentary
- Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz - The First Day
- Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz - The Second Day
- Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz - The Third Day
- Chesterton, G K - Elegy in a Country Churchyard
- Chesterton, G K - Miscellanous quotes - Progress for its own sake
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - Birth is as solemn a parting as death
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - Imagination does not breed insanity
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - Life is as precious as it is puzzling
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - On change
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - Reason is itself a matter of faith
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - Sadness a reason for loving it more
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - Satan fell by the force of gravity
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - Science and belief systems
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - The desirability of an active and imaginative life
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - The Loyalty of Women
- Chesterton, G K - Orthodoxy - What drives change
- Chesterton, G K - The dangers of the ouija board
- Chesterton, G K - The Man who was Thursday
- Chesterton, G K - The wild worship of lawlessness and the materialist worship of law
- Chichen Itza - Mayan - Observatory 'the Snail'
- Chichen Itza - Mayan - Platform of the Jaguars and Eagles
- Chichen Itza - Mayan - Pyramid
- Chichen Itza - Mayan - Pyramids and pools
- Chichen Itza - Mayan - The Annex
- Chippewa - Native American Indians - The Great Serpent and the Flood
- Christian islands
- Christopher P. Dunn - Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt
- Chuang Tzu - Birth is not a beginning; death is not an end
- Chuang Tzu - Cracking the Safe
- Chuang Tzu - Do not ask whether the Principle is in this or in that, it is in all beings
- Chuang Tzu - from Confucius and the Madman
- Chuang Tzu - from Metamorphosis
- Chuang Tzu - from Tao
- Chuang Tzu - from The Flight of Lin Hui
- Chuang Tzu - from The Inner Law
- Chuang Tzu - from Wholeness
- Chuang Tzu - Great Knowledge
- Chuang Tzu - In the beginning of Beginnings was Void of Void
- Chuang Tzu - Leaving things alone
- Chuang Tzu - Man is born in Tao
- Chuang Tzu - The Breath of Nature
- Chuang Tzu - The death of Chuang Tzu's wife
- Chuang Tzu - The Empty Boat
- Chuang Tzu - The Fighting Cock
- Chuang Tzu - The Joy of Fishes
- Chuang Tzu - The Kingly Man
- Chuang Tzu - The Lost Pearl
- Chuang Tzu - The Man of Tao
- Chuang Tzu - The Man with one foot and the Marsh Pheasant
- Chuang Tzu - The Pivot
- Chuang Tzu - The Prince's carpenter and the music stand
- Chuang Tzu - The Principle is an infinity
- Chuang Tzu - The ruler of the southern oceans
- Chuang Tzu - The True Man
- Chuang Tzu - The Turtle
- Chuang Tzu - When the shoe fits
- Chuang Tzu - Where is Tao?
- Chuang Tzu - You cannot speak of the ocean to a well frog
- Chuang Tzu - Zhuangzi - Chapters 11 & 12
- Church, Richard Thomas - Over the Bridge - The move to Dulwich Hamlet School
- Churchill, Winston - Among the Romans not a bird
- Churchill, Winston - Prophesying the future and its dangers
- Churchill, Winston - The useful bite of the black dog
- Cicero - Pro Archia Poeta - Natural gifts without education
- Cicero - Treatises on Divination, Prophecy and Destiny
- Cirlot on bird size symbolism
- Cirlot on blacksmiths
- Cirlot on boats
- Cirlot on bridges
- Cirlot on bulls and cows
- Cirlot on butterflies
- Cirlot on cardinal directions and animals
- Cirlot on castles
- Cirlot on chariots and reins
- Cirlot on crowns
- Cirlot on death
- Cirlot on deserts
- Cirlot on eagles
- Cirlot on fire
- Cirlot on fish
- Cirlot on flocks of birds
- Cirlot on fountains
- Cirlot on giants
- Cirlot on guardians
- Cirlot on hares
- Cirlot on islands
- Cirlot on lakes
- Cirlot on landscape
- Cirlot on music
- Cirlot on nets
- Cirlot on obelisks
- Cirlot on owls
- Cirlot on peacocks
- Cirlot on pillars
- Cirlot on Pisces
- Cirlot on pomegranates
- Cirlot on princes
- Cirlot on pyramids
- Cirlot on sirens
- Cirlot on snakes and serpents
- Cirlot on spiders
- Cirlot on spirals
- Cirlot on the caduceus
- Cirlot on the Egg
- Cirlot on the Inverted tree
- Cirlot on the levels and layers
- Cirlot on the Orient
- Cirlot on the Ouroboros
- Cirlot on the pentagram
- Cirlot on the ram
- Cirlot on the swastika
- Cirlot on towers
- Cirlot on Water
- Cirlot on wings and birds
- Clare, John - What wonder strikes the curious while he views
- Clare, John - And from their hurry up the skylark flies
- Clare, John - Love lives beyond the tomb, the earth
- Clare, John - O I never dreamed of parting or that trouble had a sting
- Clare, John - O take me from the busy crowd I cannot bear the noise
- Clare, John - Old customs, O I love the sound
- Clare, John - Wilt thou go with me sweet maid
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – Days and numbers
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – Hunabku is not vindictive and Hunabku does not punish his children
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – The early Mayan concepts of creation, the creator, and the origin and destiny of the Nagual
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – The Nagual, the order of Creation in Mayan cosmology and the Three Worlds
- Classic of Embryonic Breathing - The embryo
- Claudio Naranjo - On education
- Clement of Alexandria - Eclogue Propheticae - The Sun
- Clement of Alexandria - Excerpta - On Templates
- Clement of Alexandria - Excerpta - On the Planets
- Clement of Alexandria - Excerpta - The Son
- Clement of Alexandria - I have eaten from the drum
- Clement of Alexandria - Paidagogos - The symbol system of the Mysteries
- Clement of Alexandria - Protrepticus - Describes the Dionysian mysteries
- Clement of Alexandria - The Stromata - On ascension and the spiritual path
- Clement of Alexandria - The Stromata - On gods
- Coast Salish - Native American Indians – Mourning Dove
- Coba - Mayan - White ways and pyramids
- Cock a doodle
- Cocteau, Jean - Diary of an Unknown - Quotes
- Cocteau, Jean - Le Coq et l’Arlequin - Quotes
- Cocteau, Jean - Le Coq et l’Arlequin - Wisdom
- Cocteau, Jean - Opium the Diary of his cure - The Island
- Cocteau, Jean - Opium the Diary of his cure - Atoms
- Cocteau, Jean - Opium the Diary of his cure - Death
- Cocteau, Jean - Opium the Diary of his cure - Magic carpet
- Cocteau, Jean - Opium the Diary of his cure - The dead drug leaves a ghost behind
- Codex Azcatitlan - Aztecs and Mexica - Adepts
- Coehlo, Paulo - Manuscript found in Accra - Flowers in the field
- Coehlo, Paulo - The Alchemist - Metals
- Coehlo, Paulo - The Alchemist - The desert
- Coehlo, Paulo - The Alchemist - The Master Work
- Coehlo, Paulo - The Alchemist - The power of love
- Coehlo, Paulo - Warrior of Light; a manual
- Cohen, Leonard
- Cohen, Leonard - Land of Plenty
- Cohen, Leonard - Alexandra leaving
- Cohen, Leonard - Anthem
- Cohen, Leonard - Bird on a wire
- Cohen, Leonard - By the Rivers Dark
- Cohen, Leonard - Lover, lover, lover
- Cohen, Leonard - Magic is afoot
- Cohen, Leonard - Raven and dove
- Cohen, Leonard - Recent songs
- Cohen, Leonard - Suzanne
- Cohen, Leonard - That Don't Make it Junk
- Cohen, Leonard - The Guests
- Cohen, Leonard - There For You
- Cohen, Leonard - Tower of Song
- Cohen, Leonard - Travelling light
- Cohen, Leonard - You want it darker
- Cole, Neil Donald - People don't get diagnosed early enough
- Coleridge, David Hartley - Long time a child, and still a child, when years
- Coleridge, David Hartley - There is a fable that I once did read
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Addressed to a Young Man of Fortune
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Apologia Pro Vita Sua
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Happiness
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Lines from a Notebook June 1810
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Love, Hope and Patience
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Ode to Tranquillity
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Psyche
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Qaue nocent docent
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - The Eolian Harp
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - This lime tree bower my prison
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Time Real and Imaginary
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - To an Infant
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - To William Wordsworth
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Youth and Old Age
- Colin Wilson - Mysteries - Celtic gods and beliefs
- Colin Wilson - Mysteries - Celtic suppression by Christianity
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Abolish corporal punishment
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Avoid specialisation
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Develop reasoning and logic, reduce memorising
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Eat well, sleep long
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Encourage debate
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Encourage the use of the word ‘why’
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Ensure all learning is enjoyable
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Explore new mechanisms of teaching
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Improve people's observational powers
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Introduce ‘just-in-time’ learning
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Keep and encourage vernacular schools
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Learning based on the Great Work and Destiny
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Make sure a logical progression of subjects is taught
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Promote the value of personal ‘revelation’
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Provide alternative teaching and learning methods
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Provide equal access to education [Income]
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Provide equal access to education [women]
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Regularly alternate theory and practise
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Start the revolution in Education
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Suit the teaching to the abilities of the person
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Teach morality as a core subject
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Teach the value of meticulous observation
- Comenius - Didactica Magna - Teach the Virtues
- Comenius - On Death
- Comenius - On Death and Desire
- Comenius - On the Higher spirit
- Commentary on the paper by Jahn, Robert G., et al; Acoustical Resonances of Assorted Ancient Structures, Technical Report PEAR 95002, Princeton University, March 1995
- Concealed Treasure of Dao; Thesis of Sitting Forgetfulness
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Birth
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Chaos, Spirit, and Space-Time
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Death
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Destiny and Rebirth
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Egg
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – god
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Godparents and the Master Mudang
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Higher spirit, Immortal soul or the Saryong
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Intelligence hierarchy and the Tree of Life
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Judgement, Paradise and Hell
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Psychopomp
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Sacrifice
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Shin and gods
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – The Three Worlds
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Won'gwi
- Confucius - from the Four Books; Great Study
- Confucius - from The Way of Chuang Tzu
- Confucius - Quote - When two people become one in their hearts
- Confucius - The Analects - Ji Shi Ren 08
- Confucius - The Analects - Li Ren 05
- Confucius - The Analects - Li Ren 07
- Confucius - The Analects - Li Ren 09
- Confucius - The Analects - Wei Zheng 02
- Confucius - The Analects - Wei Zheng 12
- Confucius - The Analects - Wei Zheng 22
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 01
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 02
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 03
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 04
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 05
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 06
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 07
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 08
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 09
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 10
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 11
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 12
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 13
- Confucius - The Doctrine of the Mean - 14
- Constable, John - An 'ugly thing'
- Constable, John - Seascape Study with Rain Cloud
- Coomaraswamy, A K - Sympleglades
- Copan - Mayan - Stela D
- Copan - Mayan - Stela N
- Copan - Mayan - The staircase
- Corbin, Henry - And Ibn El-Arabi
- Corbin, Henry - Jabalqa and Jabarsa
- Corbin, Henry - Mundus Imaginalis
- Corbin, Henry - Na-koja-Abad: a place outside of place
- Corbin, Henry - On harmony and songlines
- Corbin, Henry - On mountains
- Corbin, Henry - On the stars
- Corbin, Henry - Qazvini
- Corbin, Henry - The celestial pole and the Orient
- Corbin, Henry - The Earth of the Emerald Cities
- Corbin, Henry - The landscape of Xvarnah
- Corbin, Henry - The Paradise of Yima
- Corinthians 1 15: 42-44
- Corinthians 12:14
- Corinthians 4
- Corpus Hermeticum II
- Corpus Hermeticum III
- Corpus Hermeticum III
- Corpus Hermeticum IX
- Corpus Hermeticum VI
- Corpus Hermeticum VIII
- Corpus Hermeticum X
- Corpus Hermeticum XI
- Corpus Hermeticum XII
- Count of St Germain - Dying wool and silk
- Count of St Germain - Philospher's stone
- County Meath - Tara - Lia Fáil
- Cowper, William - 'Tis a sight to engage me, if anything can
- Cree - Native American Indians - Cardinal points
- Crete – The Cave of Smnisos
- Croll, Oswald - Preface of Signatures – 12
- Crosse, Andrew – Experiments and their reception by fellow scientists
- Crosse, Andrew – Experiments in a thunderstorm
- Crosse, Andrew – Mean must be the soul, and debased the heart of him, who is blind to the beauties of Nature
- Crosse, Andrew – Poems – My Dog
- Crosse, Andrew – Where is heaven
- Crowley - 0 The Fool
- Crowley - 01 The Magician [or Magus]
- Crowley - 02 High Priestess
- Crowley - 03 The Empress
- Crowley - 04 The Emperor
- Crowley - 05 The Hierophant
- Crowley - 06 The Lovers
- Crowley - 07 The Chariot
- Crowley - 08 Lust
- Crowley - 09 The Hermit
- Crowley - 10 Wheel of Fortune
- Crowley - 11 Adjustment
- Crowley - 12 The Hanged Man
- Crowley - 13 Death
- Crowley - 14 Art
- Crowley - 15 The Devil
- Crowley - 16 The Tower
- Crowley - 17 The Star
- Crowley - 18 The Moon
- Crowley - 19 The Sun
- Crowley - 20 The Aeon
- Crowley - 21 The Universe
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Buttons and Rosettes
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Candles
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Caviar
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Dewdrops
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Dust Devils
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Onion peelings
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Peaches
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Pilgrim talk
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Samson
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Steeped horsehair
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Ante Primal Triad
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Battle of the Ants
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Branks
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Cry of the hawk
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Dinosaurs
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Dragon Flies
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Drooping Sunflower
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Glow-worm
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Gun Barrel
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Leopard and the Deer
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Oyster
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Sabbath of the Goat
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The swan
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Vigil of St Hubert
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Wound of Amfortas
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Windlestraws
- Crowley, Aleister - Example Tarot cards
- Crowley, Aleister - from Yoga for Yahoos - Yama and Niyama
- Cus D’Amato - from Mike Tyson, Undisputed Truth – The importance of converting fear to become a hero
- Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - Argue with Socrates in Athens
- Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - Only a lunatic would want to do anything so grandiose
- Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - Synchronicity
- Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - The house as castle
- Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - The need for Contrast
- Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - The world, the flesh and the devil
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - A truly truly special experience
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - On the depressive phase
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - On the depressive phase
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - Spirit and matter are one
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - The horrors and insights of the depressive phase
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - What is reality
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Allegory with Wolf and Eagle
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful men - Head of Christ
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful men - Portrait of a musician
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful men - Salvator Mundi
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - La Belle Ferroniere
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - Madonna Litta
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - Madonna with the Yarnwinder
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - Mona Lisa
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Beautiful women - Portrait of Ginevra Benci
- Da Vinci, Leonardo - Viola Organista
- Da Vinci, Leonardo – Notebooks – And the theory of water veins, domes of water and springs
- Dahl, Roald - Misc. Quotes
- Dahl, Roald - The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar - Visualisation
- Dali - Death
- Dali - Dream caused by the flight of a bee
- Dali - Exploding clock
- Dali - Saint Jacques le Grand
- Dali - Sleep
- Dali - St John of the Cross
- Dali - The Dawn of a New Day
- Dali - The Enigma of Desire
- Dali - The Temptation of St. Anthony
- Daling Gomchen
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 01 The Elements and the Laws of Attraction
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 02 Atoms and the Laws of Attraction
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 03 Intensity and the Laws of Attraction
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 04 Aggregates and changes in function
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 05 Aggregates and changes in function; colour and size
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 06 Crystals and the Laws of Attraction
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – 07 The law of multiple proportions
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – Attraction; between mercury and gold
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – Repulsion; steel and water
- Dalton, John – Philosophical Experiments – The advantages of experiment and observation over book learning
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Emotion and emotions
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Reason and emotion
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - The Proto self
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Emotion
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Perceptions
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Perceptions and boundaried aggregates
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Remembering
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Systems of communication and Inner speech
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - TED talk: The quest to understand consciousness
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - The 'mind' of a cell
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - The lying memory
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - The need for defining Form boundaries
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Where do perceptions reside?
- Damasio, Professor Antonio - Will and Command
- Dandamis - We love God and have no fear of death; you love gold, kill people, fear death and despise God
- Daniel Webster
- Danielou, Alain - While the Gods Play - Western democratic education is completely immoral
- Daniélou, Alain – The Way to the Labyrinth – Is our destiny foreseen
- Daniélou, Alain – The Way to the Labyrinth – On love as the door to spirituality
- Daniélou, Alain – The Way to the Labyrinth – Our destiny justifies the unique gifts we have been blessed with
- Daniélou, Alain – The Way to the Labyrinth – Time is an illusion
- Dante - Inferno - Canto 02 - 07
- Dante - Inferno - Canto 08
- Dante - Inferno - Canto 1 :2
- Dante - Inferno - Canto 16
- Dante - Inferno [anger]
- Dante - Inferno [arrogance]
- Dante - Inferno [avarice]
- Dante - Inferno [bribery, extortion and swindling]
- Dante - Inferno [descent into abyss]
- Dante - Inferno [descent to hell via abyss]
- Dante - Inferno [egg shape]
- Dante - Inferno [envy and discontent]
- Dante - Inferno [false flattery]
- Dante - Inferno [fraud]
- Dante - Inferno [gluttony]
- Dante - Inferno [hypocrisy]
- Dante - Inferno [malebolge]
- Dante - Inferno [obsession]
- Dante - Inferno [overview]
- Dante - Inferno [procuring]
- Dante - Inferno [sandy wastelands of hell]
- Dante - Inferno [seduction]
- Dante - Inferno [self pity]
- Dante - Inferno [theft and robbery]
- Dante - Inferno [violence]
- Dante - Paradiso - Divine Light comes to a point upon me
- Dante - Paradiso - Jupiter
- Dante - Paradiso - Mars, Courage and bravery
- Dante - Paradiso - Saturn
- Dante - Paradiso - The Ladder of Paradise
- Dante - Paradiso - The second kingdom
- Dante - Paradiso - The Sun
- Dante - Paradiso - The wood and trees
- Dante - Paradiso - Venus and love
- Dante - Purgatorio
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 03 & 04
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 07
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 09
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 11
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 12 & 13
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 13
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 15
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 16
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 17
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 17
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 19
- Dante - Purgatorio - Canto 31
- Dante and Mary Coleridge [words that hurt]
- Dante and the siren
- Dao de Jing - Chapter 01
- Dao de Jing - Chapter 06
- Dao de Jing - Chapter 16
- Dao de Jing - Chapter 5
- Dao de Jing – Chapter 10
- Dao scriptures
- Darwin, Charles - Dr W.Y. Evans-Wentz on Darwin's evolutionary theory
- Darwin, Charles - The Expression of the Emotions
- Darwin, Charles - The Power of Movement in Plants
- Daumal, Rene - A Fundamental experiment - Part 8
- Daumal, Rene - A Fundamental experiment - the essence
- Daumal, René - Mount Analogue
- Dava Sobel on the Planets
- David Bolinsky: Visualizing the wonder of a living cell
- David Foster - Hardware, software and the speed of execution
- David Foster – On aggregates and reuse
- David Lewis-Williams - the Xam and Rain
- David Lewis-Williams - the Xam and the Unmoving mover
- David-Neel, Alexandra - Karma and reincarnation - from Immortality and Reincarnation
- David-Neel, Alexandra - The Secret Oral Teachings in Tibetan Buddhist Sects - The tangible world is movement
- Davy, Sir Humphry - Sublime emotions, vivid ideas and feeling like the sound of a harp
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Home schooling
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - On belief systems
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - On contrast
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - On disease
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - On inspiration
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - On death
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - On DNA
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - On hearing
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - On reality
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - Personality
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - Prosopagnosia
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - Sound
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - Symbiosis
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - The seagull
- Dawkins, Professor Richard - Unweaving the Rainbow - Uncanny coincidences
- De Morgan, Augustus - Formal Logic – Necessary reasoning
- De Morgan, Augustus - The Budget of Paradoxes – There’s a paradox to blame
- De Morgan, Augustus - Trigonometry and Double Algebra - On symbolic algebra
- Debra McCann - Native American Indians - Wolf
- Delos - 01 Overview
- Delos - 02 The 'Carians'
- Delos - 03 The sacred geographical features
- Delos - 04 Statue of Dionysus
- Delos - 05 Bronze mask of Dionysos
- Delos - 06 Ivory plaque
- Delos - 07 The Terrace of the Lions
- Delos - 08 Columns with phallus at the Stoivadeion
- Delos - 09 Bull sculptures
- Delos - 10 T-O Map
- Delville, Jean - Portrait of Mrs. Stuart Merrill
- Delville, Jean - Satan's treasures
- Delville, Jean - The Angel of Splendour
- Delville, Jean - Dante drinking from the Waters of Lethe
- Delville, Jean - Eleusis
- Delville, Jean - Magica
- Delville, Jean - Mangod
- Delville, Jean - Orpheus
- Delville, Jean - Parsifal
- Delville, Jean - Plato’s disciples
- Delville, Jean - Prometheus
- Democritus - Fr 117 Diogenes Laertius IX 72
- Democritus - Galenus Diels fr 125
- Dennis Elwell - Cosmic Loom
- Descartes, Rene - 'God' is not matter only spirit
- Descartes, Rene - All the diversity of forms depends on motion
- Descartes, Rene - Behavioural function
- Descartes, Rene - Causes of ideas
- Descartes, Rene - Discoveries in sleep
- Descartes, Rene - Entities and entity sub-types
- Descartes, Rene - Functions, Attributes and Spirit
- Descartes, Rene - I think therefore I am
- Descartes, Rene - Manifestly more reality in infinite substance than in finite
- Descartes, Rene - Modes of willing are all caused by some movement of the spirit
- Descartes, Rene - Objectives of creation
- Descartes, Rene - On appetites and emotions
- Descartes, Rene - On desires and the ego
- Descartes, Rene - On pain and the 5 senses
- Descartes, Rene - The attributes of God
- Descartes, Rene - The cause of all things is God
- Descartes, Rene - The concept of shared function
- Descartes, Rene - The contracting universe
- Descartes, Rene - The earth and heavens are formed of the same matter
- Descartes, Rene - The illusion of Insanity and the false awakening
- Descartes, Rene - The physical world is a mathematical construct
- Descartes, Rene - The subjective nature of perceptions
- Descartes, Rene - The unreliability of memory
- Descartes, Rene - The unreliability of the 5 senses
- Descartes, Rene - Thinking substance and extended substance
- Descartes, Rene - This 'I' is entirely and absolutely distinct from my body
- Descartes, Rene - Time, energy and function execution
- Descartes, Rene - What is Reality?
- Descartes, Rene - Why some people are unable to conceive of the existence of a spiritual realm
- Devereux, Paul - What is reality?
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – A mental world, or universe of ideas, requires a cause
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – Annihilation as a means of worship
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – Nothing exists without a cause; and the original cause of this universe (whatever it be) we call ‘God’
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – On the impossibility of knowing the nature of evolution and the Great Work
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – Reason alone is insufficient when investigating the spiritual and sublime as opposed to the mundane
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – System and order as an indicator of the Nature of ‘God’, but not necessarily proof of one Being
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – The effects of inspiration
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – The eye and the likeness of men and woman as observed examples of Intelligent Design
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – What is the soul of man
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – Arguments for the Great Work, Configurations and versions within the Work and an Intelligence hierarchy
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – Order and intention, all indicate in the clearest language an Intelligent Cause
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – The Intelligent hierarchy is both male and female, as is God
- Dickinson, Emily - A hallowed thing to drop a life Into the purple well
- Dickinson, Emily - A little madness in the Spring Is wholesome even for the King
- Dickinson, Emily - A moth the hue of this Haunts candles in Brazil
- Dickinson, Emily - Delight is as the flight Or in the ratio of it
- Dickinson, Emily - Distance be her only motion
- Dickinson, Emily - Dropped into the ether acre, Wearing the sod gown
- Dickinson, Emily - Experience is the angled road Preferred against the Mind
- Dickinson, Emily - Go thy great way!
- Dickinson, Emily - Ideals are the fairy oil
- Dickinson, Emily - In lands I never saw – they say, Immortal alps look down
- Dickinson, Emily - Is Heaven a physician
- Dickinson, Emily - Like rain it sounded till it curved And then I knew ‘twas wind
- Dickinson, Emily - My life closed twice before its close
- Dickinson, Emily - My life had stood a loaded gun
- Dickinson, Emily - My wheel is in the dark
- Dickinson, Emily - Of Paradise’s existence
- Dickinson, Emily - One life of so much consequence Yet I for it would pay
- Dickinson, Emily - The inundation of the Spring Enlarges every soul
- Dickinson, Emily - The lonesome for they know not what
- Dickinson, Emily - The mountains grow unnoticed Their purple figures rise
- Dickinson, Emily - The Outer from the Inner Derives its magnitude
- Dickinson, Emily - The Sun retired to a cloud a woman’s shawl as big
- Dickinson, Emily - They say that ‘time assuages’ Time never did assuage
- Dickinson, Emily - Through those old grounds of memories
- Dickinson, Emily - To hear an oriole sing May be a common thing
- Dillard, Annie - Crystals grew inside rock like arithmetic flowers
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - Assorted Wildlife, INSECTS
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - Life and the rocks, like spirit and matter, are a fringed matrix
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - The silence is all there is. It is the alpha and the omega
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - There is the still small voice, God's speaking from the whirlwind
- Dillard, Annie - Teaching a stone to talk - We have drained the light from the boughs in the sacred grove
- Dionysius Andreas Freher - Paradoxa Emblemata
- Dionysius the Areopagite - Celestial Hierarchy - Fire
- Dionysius the Areopagite - Celestial Hierarchy - Order of Angels
- Dionysius the Areopagite - Celestial Hierarchy - Symbolic forms
- Dionysius the Areopagite - Celestial Hierarchy - Symbols
- Dionysius the Areopagite - Celestial Hierarchy - The Great Work
- Dionysius the Areopagite - De Mystica Theologia - Attribute and function
- Dionysius the Areopagite - De Mystica Theologia - Darkness and Light
- Dionysius the Areopagite - De Mystica Theologia - God
- Dionysius the Areopagite - De Mystica Theologia - Names
- Diotima – 01 Eros and his nature
- Diotima – 02 Eros and his role
- Diotima – 03 Eros and an allegory of his birth
- Diotima – 04 Eros and the Lovers of Wisdom
- Diotima – 05 Eros, Divine love and mortal love
- Diotima – 06 Eros and birth in beauty
- Diotima – 07 Eros, passion and dying for love
- Diotima – 08 Eros, and the desire for immortality
- Diotima – 09 Eros, co-creation and justice
- Diotima – 10 Eros and the vast sea of beauty
- Diotima – 11 Eros, to become the friend of God and be immortal
- Disapproval
- Dixon, Jeane - Explains why we are here
- Dogon - And Digitaria
- Dogon - The features of Digitaria - the 'seed'
- Dogon - The Order of creation
- Dogon - The system of Initiation into the Mysteries
- Donne, John
- Doré, Gustave - The Bible - The Flood
- Dorn, Gerhard - from Mysterium Coniunctionis
- Dorn, Gerhard - from Philosophia speculativa
- Dorn, Gerhard - from Theatrum Chemicum
- Dr Alberto Villoldo - Moses's staff
- Dr Andrei Linde - The fallacy of the 'big bang'
- Dr Chongho Kim - Korean Shamanism – The Cultural Paradox
- Dr David Hicks
- Dr Elmer Green – On Reality and Perception
- Dr Elmer Green – The root of psychosomatic disease lies in unconscious and involuntary domains
- Dr Iain McGilchrist - The divided brain
- Dr J C Barker - Sudden death, asthma and the need for the will to live
- Dr Jack Vernon on brainwashing in education
- Dr Jean Piaget - The Language and Thought of the Child - Will
- Dr Joan Halifax - The Warao of Venezuela
- Dr John F. Haught - Nature is not all there is
- Dr John Ross on adversity
- Dr John Upledger
- Dr Jordan Peterson – The Mesopotamian gods and the Creation story
- Dr Jordan Peterson – the story of Osiris, Seth, Horus and Isis
- Dr Lewis Thomas on aggregates
- Dr Seuss - Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?
- Dr Seuss - Horton Hatches the Egg 01
- Dr Seuss - Horton Hatches the Egg 02
- Dr Seuss - Horton Hears a Who 01
- Dr Seuss - Horton Hears a Who 02
- Dr Seuss - If I ran the Circus
- Dr Seuss - Oh the Places You’ll Go
- Dr Seuss - Sleep book
- Dr Seuss - The Cat in the Hat 01
- Dr Seuss - The Cat in the Hat 02
- Dr Seuss - The Hat as mask
- Dr Seuss - The Lorax 01
- Dr Seuss - The Lorax 02
- Dr Seuss - The Lorax 03
- Dr Seuss - The value of Home schooling, Knowing your Destiny and Patience
- Dr Seuss - To think that I saw it on Mulberry Street
- Dr Seuss - Yertle the Turtle
- Dr Seuss - Your Job in Germany
- Dr T Levin - Reciting the manas
- Dr T Levin - Siberian shamanism - Sayan
- Dr William Sargant – On the dangers of spiritual experience
- Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming - Qigong Meditation Embryonic Breathing - The Golden triangle
- Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming – Qigong Meditation Embryonic Breathing - On the Shen
- Druids, Celts and the Ancient Religion
- Dryden, John - from Alexander's feast
- Dryden, John - From Harmony
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Four Books on Human Proportion
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Ideal beauty
- Dürer, Albrecht - Portraits - Self portrait
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Constellations of the northern and southern skies
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Knight, Death, and the Devil
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Mary with child
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Melencolia
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Melencolia, the magic square and the polyhedron
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Nemesis
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Pipe and drum
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - St Christopher
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - The bagpiper
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - The flag wavers
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - The sea wonders
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - The small horse
- Dürer, Albrecht - Symbolism - Themis and the Joker
- Dürer, Albrecht - Treatise on Proportion - Geometry
- Earhart, Amelia
- Ebenezer Elliot - War
- Ecclesiastes 1
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - Quote - The idea of a universal Mind
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - Aggregates and gravity
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - And universal expansion
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - Curved space and the number of atoms
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding universe - Evolution
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - Metrical fields and function
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding universe - No big bang
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding universe - Ten thousand million million million stars
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding universe - The beginning of the universe was 'supernatural'
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The contracting universe
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The Egg
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The invisible universe
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The lonely universe
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding universe - The number 137
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The physical is not all there is
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - The stuff of the world is mind stuff
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - Time
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Expanding Universe - Time and relativity
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Nature of the Physical World - Illusion
- Eddington, Sir Arthur - The Nature of the Physical World - The shadow world
- Edinburgh Geologist, the - Issue no 29 Strange Earth, Bill Baird
- Edison, Thomas - Find the cause
- Edison, Thomas - On atoms and aggregates
- Edna Hunnicutt - The Eskimo Storyteller
- Edouard Claparède
- Edwin Percy Whipple - On education
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 125
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 015
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 030
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 078
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 083
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 098
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 110
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 118
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 127
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 149
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 150
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 153
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 168
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 176
- Einstein, Albert - Curved space time
- Einstein, Albert - E=mc2
- Einstein, Albert - On receiving wisdom and inspiration
- Einstein, Albert - On schooling
- Einstein, Albert - Rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law
- Einstein, Albert - The cult of the individual
- Einstein, Albert - The Laws of Nature
- Einstein, Albert - The Laws of the Universe
- Einstein, Albert - The nature of 'God'
- Einstein, Albert - The Rules and Systems of the Universe
- Einstein, Albert - Time
- Einstein, Albert - Why are we here
- Einstein, Albert - Zero point energy
- Eizon - The Ganmon - excerpt
- Elberfeld's horses and Hans, the Russian stallion - The horses-calculators
- Elburz
- Eleanor C Merry - The Flaming Door - Comments on the Pistis Sophia
- Eleanor C Merry - The Flaming Door - Working with the Seasons
- Eliade, Mircea - On Death
- Eliade, Mircea - The Flood
- Eliade, Mircea - The Moon as the place of souls
- Eliade, Mircea - The role of the Orgy
- Eliade, Mircea - Thoughts on Earth and Water
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 03 Burnt Norton V
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 04 East Coker I
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 07 East Coker V
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 08 The Dry Salvages I
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 09 The Dry Salvages II
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 10 The Dry Salvages III
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 11 The Dry Salvages V
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 12 The Dry Salvages V
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 13 Little Gidding I
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 14 Little Gidding II
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 15 Little Gidding III
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 17 Little Gidding V
- Eliot, T S - Hollow Men 01
- Eliphas Levi and Mudvayne
- Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallee - A Study of Qi
- Ella, prime numbers and magic
- Else Roesdahl - About the sagas
- Elwin, Verrier – A man must make his pilgrimage over the rugged uplands of his own spirit
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - All history is subjective
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Art - A true announcement of the law of creation
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Art - The purpose of art
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Character - Character is nature in highest form
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Character - Commitment
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Character - He who confronts the gods knows heaven
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Character - Latent power and self sufficiency
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Character - Non-conformity
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Character - On generosity
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Character - On gods
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Circles - The life of a man is a self evolving circle
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Compensation - There is no penalty to virtue
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Essays - Spiritual Laws
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Experience - The universe is the bride of the soul
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Give all to Love
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - History - Reuse
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - History - The true poem is the poet's mind
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - History - There is one mind common to all individual men
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Intellect - On inspiration
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Intellect - On inspiration and wisdom
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Intellect - On intellect
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Intellect - On learning
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Intellect - The oracle comes, because we had previously laid seige to the shrine
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Nature - Nature is the incarnation of a thought
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Nature - The beauty of Nature
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Nature - The rounded world is fair to see
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Nature - The Word and the unit of energy
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Nature - We know nothing rightly for want of perspective
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Nonunalists and Realities - why are we here
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over Soul - We are all discerners of spirits
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over Soul - We know that all spiritual being is in man
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over Soul - When I watch the flowing river
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over-soul - And the Will
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over-soul - Ascension
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over-Soul - Genius is religious
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over-soul - On the Egg
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over-soul - On the senses
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over-Soul - The growths of genius
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Over-Soul - The spirit sports with time
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Politics - The wise man needs no army
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Self Reliance - On time
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Self Reliance - Society never advances
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Self Reliance - The relations of the soul to the divine spirit
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Self Reliance - Who has more soul than I masters me
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Spiritual Laws - Belief and love
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Spiritual laws - Great souls
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - And now my chains are to be broken
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - Ascension
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - If thou fill thy brain with Boston and New York
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - Inspiration, a lover, a poet, is the transcendency of its own nature, him it will suffer
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - Language is fossil poetry
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - New witness
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - On songlines
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - The gypsies cannot die
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - The Order of creation
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - The universe is the externalisation of the soul
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - Unlock your human doors and suffer the ethereal tides to circulate through you
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - The Poet - When the soul of the poet has come to ripeness of thought
- Empedocles - On Nature - 233-364
- Empedocles - On reincarnation
- Empedocles - The Clepsydra
- Enel (Michel Vladimirovitch Skariatine) - La Langue Sacree - The unit of energy and the Word
- Engel, C - Musical Myths and Facts - Birdsong
- Engel, C - On ancient pitch and modes
- Engel, C - The Pentatonic scale
- Eno, Brian - Bottomliners
- Eno, Brian - The Studio As Compositional Tool - Full text
- Eno, Brian – Video on the transcendent power of music
- Enûma Eliš - First Tablet
- Enûma Eliš - Fourth Tablet
- Epic of Gilgamesh, the
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 01
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 02
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 03
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 04
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 05
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 06
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 07
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 08
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 09
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 10
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 11
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 12
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 13
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 14
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 15
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 16, 17, 18
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
- Epictetus - The Enchiridion - 29, 30, 31
- Eridu
- Eridu - Enki and Ninursag
- Eridu - Lament for Eridu
- Eridu - The Flood
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Homilia on the Prologue to the John Gospel - Eagles
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Homilia on the Prologue to the John Gospel – Darkness and Light
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Homilia on the Prologue to the John Gospel – Forms and Templates
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Homilia on the Prologue to the John Gospel – On purification
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Homilia on the Prologue to the John Gospel – The Word
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Homilia on the Prologue to the John Gospel – Time
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Periphyseon - Intelligence hierarchy
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Periphyseon – Know thyself
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Periphyseon – Reality
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Periphyseon – Spirit, form and function
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Periphyseon – The Great Work and Destiny
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Periphyseon – The Unmoving Mover
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Divine love
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Energy recycling
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Form
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – gods and divinity
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Harmony and songlines
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Higher spirit
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – How to have a spiritual experience
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – No one has ever seen God
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Objectives of the Great Work
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Stars
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Symbolism in scripture
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – The Creator and Created
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – The Elements
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – The Trinity
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – The Ultimate Intelligence
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – The World soul
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – Time
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus – Configurations and end stages
- Ernest Eitel - Feng Shui
- Ernest Rutherford - Life
- Ernst, Max - Approaching Puberty 1921
- Ernst, Max - Men shall know nothing of this
- Erwood, William Joseph – An answer to the objections that spiritual experience is sometimes abused
- Escher - Day and night
- Escher - Ascending Descending
- Escher - birds
- Escher - Bond of Union
- Escher - Circle limit
- Escher - Eye in colour
- Escher - Magic mirror
- Escher - Metarmophoses II
- Escher - Pegasus
- Escher - red ants
- Escher - Ripples
- Escher - spirals
- Escher - Swan infinity
- Escher - The Four Elements
- Escher - The Three Worlds
- Escher - thread and cord
- Escher - whirlpools
- Etemenanki
- Eugene Verboeckhoven
- Euripides - Fragment 965
- Euripides - Medea
- Euripides - The Bacchae
- Eusebius - Praeparatio evangelica
- Evan Hadingham – Ancient Carvings in Britain - Sacred geography
- Evans-Wentz, W Y - Alchemical and Mystical Theory [1911]
- Evelyn Lip - Chinese Geomancy
- Evelyn Underhill - Describes what happens on annihilation
- Evolution and Prototypes by Dr A Thorne
- Exodus 16
- Exodus 21: 24 - Commentary by Jacques Romano
- Exodus 3 - Milk and honey
- Exodus 36
- Ezekiel 36:24–28
- Fabre d Olivet, Antoine - 01 La Langue Hébraique restituée
- Fabre d Olivet, Antoine - 02 La Langue Hébraique restituée
- Fabre d'Olivet, Antoine - Le Musique explique comme science et comme art
- Fargard of Yima, the - gamshêd part 1
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Custom - 'The Flood'
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Caves
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Ceques and guacas
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Creation
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Eclipses of the Moon
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Head binding and ear plugs
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Pururaucas
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Sin
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Temple of Coricancha, Cuzco
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - The celebration of diversity
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - The god of Thunder
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - The Higher spirit
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - The stars and constellations
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Titicaca Temple of Sun and Moon 1
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Titicaca Temple of the Sun and Moon 2
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Viracocha
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs – 'Sacrifice'
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor - A light as of transfiguration lay on all things
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor - As described by Erwin Schrodinger in What is Life
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor - As described by Henri Bergson in Time and Free Will
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor - One eye of the universe closes
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor - The Little Book of Life after Death 02
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor - The Little Book of Life after Death 03
- Fenelon, Francois - On adversity and humiliation
- Fenelon, Francois - On humility and empathy
- Fenelon, Francois - Sincerity vs Simplicity
- Fenelon, Francois - The Fool
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On music, ratios and the planets
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - On the intervals of the spheres
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - Unity goodness and intellect
- Ficino, Marsilio - On the alchemical art - Chapter 01
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter from to Rinaldo Orsini, Bishop of Florence
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Andrea Cambini.
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Francesco Bandini
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Francesco Tedaldi
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Giovanni Cavalcanti, methods
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Giovanni Nesi
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Giovanni Nesi, the passions
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Thomaso Valeri, Bishop of Florence
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Thomaso Valeri, Bishop of Florence
- Film - Wim Wenders: Painter, Filmmaker, Photographer
- First class honours in mathematics
- Flamel, Nicolas - Aurora consurgens
- Flammarion, Camille - On free will and the systems of the universe
- Flavius Josephus – On reincarnation
- Fludd, Robert - De Elementorum forma
- Fludd, Robert - Fiat
- Fludd, Robert - Utriusque Cosmi, Maioris scilicet et Minoris - 2
- Fludd, Robert - Utriusque Cosmi, Maioris scilicet et Minoris - 3
- Foreman, George – The power of forgiveness
- Forman, Simon - Of the Division of Chaos
- Found the 'On' Switch in My Soul Ibogaine by allotrope
- Franklin, Dr Rosalind Elsie - Faith is essential to success in life
- Frater Albertus - Introduction to Alchemy 01
- Freddie Mercury - The March Of The Black Queen
- Freddie Mercury and Queen - Friends will be friends
- Freddie Mercury and Queen - Heaven for Everyone
- Freddie Mercury and Queen - The Prophet’s Song
- Freddie Mercury and Queen - The Queen heraldic arms
- Freedom Long, Max - Becomes a rock
- Freudian theories
- Frost, Robert - But God's own descent
- Frost, Robert - A voice said, Look me in the stars
- Frost, Robert - And none are taken but who will
- Frost, Robert - Even the bravest that are slain
- Frost, Robert - Far star that tickles for me my sensitive plate
- Frost, Robert - I could be worse employed
- Frost, Robert - I stole forth dimly in the dripping pause
- Frost, Robert - Let chaos storm, Let cloud shapes swarm
- Frost, Robert - Love has earth to which she clings
- Frost, Robert - My love for every Heaven
- Frost, Robert - Never have I been sad or glad
- Frost, Robert - No speed of wind or water rushing by
- Frost, Robert - Poets know a lot. Never did I fail
- Frost, Robert - Some say the world will end in fire
- Frost, Robert - Something there is that doesn't love a wall
- Frost, Robert - That far off day the leaves in flight
- Frost, Robert - The people along the sand
- Frost, Robert - There was never naught
- Frost, Robert - They spoke of the sun and moon and stars
- Frost, Robert - Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
- Frost, Robert - We dance round in a ring and suppose
- Frost, Robert - We disparage reason
- Fry, Stephen
- G Wither - from the Heart
- Gabriel Delanne – A case for Intelligent Design and the existence of the Higher spirit
- Gambier Bolton, Robert – Questions Answered By Various Entities – 01 Ascension, Descent, Spheres and Levels and Layers
- Gambier Bolton, Robert – Questions Answered By Various Entities – 02 How are the materialised bodies formed?
- Gardening
- Gardner, Ingrid - On God
- Gardner, Ingrid - On hell
- Garm
- Gary Dealney
- Gasan Jōseki - from 101 Zen stones - Killing
- Gaskell, Walter Holbrook - The Origin of Vertebrates
- General Horng Yih - Song Shaw Shing
- Genesis 01 - The Creation
- Genesis 02 - Garden of Eden
- Genesis 03 - The Fall
- Genesis 04 - Cain and Abel
- Genesis 06 - the Flood
- Genesis 07 - the Flood
- Genesis 08 - the Flood
- Genesis 09 - The Aftermath
- Genesis 10 - The Tribes
- Genesis 17 - Circumcision
- Genesis 22 - Abraham and Isaac
- Genesis 3:19
- Gentling the Bull - 11 Additional picture
- Gentling the Bull – 00 Foreward by Chi-yuan to Master Kakuans Ten Bull pictures
- Gentling the Bull – 01 Searching for the Bull
- Gentling the Bull – 02 Finding the Traces
- Gentling the Bull – 03 Finding the Bull
- Gentling the Bull – 04 Catching the Bull
- Gentling the Bull – 05 Gentling the Bull
- Gentling the Bull – 06 Returning home on the back of the Bull
- Gentling the Bull – 07 Bull forgotten Man remains
- Gentling the Bull – 08 Both Bull and Man forgotten
- Gentling the Bull – 09 Return to the Origin, back to the Source
- Gentling the Bull – 10 Entering the Market-place with Bliss bestowing hands
- George Eliot - Adam Bede 1859
- George Eliot - Felix Holt
- George Harrison - All those years
- George Harrison - Any Road
- George Harrison - Art of Dying
- George Harrison - Beware of Darkness
- George Harrison - Circles
- George Harrison - Devil's radio
- George Harrison - Give me love [give me peace on earth]
- George Harrison - My Sweet Lord
- George Harrison - Run of the Mill
- George Harrison - Stuck Inside a cloud
- George Harrison - This is love
- George Harrison - What is Life?
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection - Afterthoughts 1
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection - Afterthoughts 2
- Germaine de Stael - Zulma and other tales
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - Aggregates
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - Atoms and the Alphabet
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - Midrash ha-Ne'elam
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - Names
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - Sefiroth
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - Sefiroth
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - The feminine in God
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - The Messianic Age
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - The Torah
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - Tikkun Hatsoth
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - Trees of Life and Knowledge
- Ghanaian Khente cloth
- Gibbings, Robert - Coming down the Seine
- Gibier, Dr Paul - Psychism Analysis of Things Existing - On squashing the big I am
- Gilbert, Elizabeth - Success, failure and the drive to keep creating – Identifying your destiny
- Gilbert, Elizabeth - Your elusive creative genius – The importance of transcendence
- Ginsberg, Allen - A revelatory moment
- Giordano Bruno – A definition of magic and the magician
- Giri, Sri Yukteswar - Centre of communication
- Giri, Sri Yukteswar - Quote
- Giri, Sri Yukteswar - The Holy Science - The Word Amen
- Girls and boys come out to play
- Giuoco delle Minchiate Fiorentine - 16 The Tower
- Giuoco delle Minchiate Fiorentine and Visconti-Sforza - 7 - The Chariot
- Giuseppe Tartini - The marriage of form and function, mass and mathematics
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Don’t hurt - Political franchise only for those who do not hurt
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Don’t hurt - Telling the truth
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Home schooling - Education policy
- Gladstone, William Ewart - LOVE - Serving others [charity]
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Love and not ‘sex’
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Removing threats - Avoiding dependence
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Removing threats - Government debt
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Removing threats – Peacemaking and Diplomacy
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Squash the big I am
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Suppressing obligations - Campaign against the misuse of power
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Suppressing obligations - Campaign against the misuse of power - Socialism
- Gladstone, William Ewart - Suppressing obligations - Restraining your use of power
- Glastonbury
- Glastonbury Tor
- Gnostic Gospels - Judas
- Gnostic Gospels - Judas
- Gnostic Gospels - Mechizedek
- Gnostic Gospels - Mechizedek
- Gnostic Gospels - Philip - Glass goblets and pottery jugs
- Gnostic Gospels - Philip - The dark powers imagine
- Gnostic Gospels - Philip - The Heavenly Man has many More sons than the earthly
- Gnostic Gospels - Philip - The Word
- Gnostic Gospels - Philip - When all the Truth is revealed Then man may be perfected
- Gnostic Gospels - Philip - When we were Jews we were fatherless
- Gnostic Gospels - Sophia of Jesus Christ
- Gnostic Gospels - Sophia of Jesus Christ
- Gnostic Gospels - Sophia of Jesus Christ
- Gnostic Gospels - The Gospel of Truth
- Gnostic Gospels - The son of man is within you all
- Gnostic Gospels - The Sophia of Jesus Christ - Primordial archetypal man
- Gnostic Gospels - Thomas
- Gnostic Gospels - Thunder
- Gnostic Gospels - Thunder [extract]
- Godwin, Joscelyn - God the Alchemist
- Godwin, Joscelyn - Harmonies of Heaven and Earth - Levels and layers
- Godwin, Joscelyn - Harmonies of Heaven and Earth - The Planets
- Godwin, Joscelyn - Knowing who you are
- Godwin, Joscelyn - Music, Mysticism and Magic - Ascension
- Godwin, Joscelyn - Music, Mysticism and Magic - On birth
- Godwin, Joscelyn - Music, Mysticism and Magic - Ten
- Godwin, Joscelyn - Music, Mysticism and Magic - The Sound of the Sun
- Godwin, Joscelyn - On butterflies
- Godwin, Joscelyn - On Shabda Yoga
- Godwin, Joscelyn - The Great Chain of Being
- Godwin, Joscelyn - The Great Work
- Godwin, Joscelyn - Where is heaven?
- Goethe - Autobiography - On Faith
- Goethe - Faust Part 1
- Goethe - Faust Part 1
- Goethe - Faust Part 1
- Goethe - Faust Part 1
- Goethe - Faust Part 1
- Goethe - Faust Part 1
- Goethe - Faust Part 1
- Goethe - Faust Part 1
- Goethe - Faust Part 2
- Goethe - Faust Part 2
- Goethe - Miscellaneous quotes 1
- Goethe - Miscellaneous quotes 2
- Goethe - Selected poems - And his voice, like a stream, of magic it is
- Goethe - Selected poems - As on the day that gave you to the world
- Goethe - Selected poems - Have you wishes without number
- Goethe - Selected poems - In life like a flood, in deeds like a storm
- Goethe - Selected poems - Tell it to the wisest only, For the mob will mock such learning
- Goethe - Selected poems - The sun proclaims its old devotion
- Goethe - Selected poems - The water lapped, the water swirled
- Goethe - Selected poems - To my garden here translated, Foliage of this eastern tree
- Goethe - Selected poems - Who never wept to eat his bread
- Goethe - Selected poems - Who shall envy me such pleasure
- Goethe - Selected poems - Whom shall you trust, honest friend
- Goethe - Wilhem Meister
- Goosey goosey gander
- Goryeo kasa - Chong Kugin
- Goryeo kayo - Introduction
- Gosala, Makkali - The nature of Halla and the doctrine of Niyati
- Goya, Francisco - The sleep of reason produces monsters
- Graham Hancock talking about Ayahuasca
- Graham Hancock's Float Tank Experience
- Graham Townsley – Yaminahua - Yoshi
- Graham, David - Natural High
- Grasse, Pierre-Paul - L'Evolution du Vivant - Argument against random evolution
- Green, Drs Elmer and Alyce – Experiments - With Mr Karabanda’s son, the numerical genius who turned out to be a savant
- Gregory, Dr Richard - Perceptions thought of as a software program
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - A belief about birth
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Access to unknown functions
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Accessing perceptions - the index
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Being given knowledge of the functions of the universe
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Exploring the tree of life and what it feels like to be a fish
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Loosening and losing of ego boundaries
- Guillaume Seignac - Pierrot's embrace
- Gujarat - The Adalaj Stepwell
- Gundestrup Cauldron
- Gurdjieff - Beelzebub's tales to his grandson - Schools and Caesarian section
- Gurdjieff - Beelzebub's tales to his grandson - The Brotherhood
- Gurdjieff - Beelzebub's tales to his grandson - The restaurant
- Gurdjieff - Beelzebub's tales to his grandson - Three brains
- Gurdjieff - Man Is a Plural Being (1922)
- Gurdjieff - Miscellaneous quote 1
- Gurdjieff - Miscellaneous quote 2
- Gurdjieff - Ouspensky learns about leaking energy
- Gurdjieff - Ouspensky learns about the destructive effect of negative emotions
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Bakitju
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Bapa
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Djarimirri
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Djolin
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Galika
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Gathu Mawula
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - History (I Was Born Blind)
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Mala Rrakala
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Saltwater Band - Bolu
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Wyathul
- Gurrumul Yunupingu, Geoffrey - Yothu Yindi - Gapu
- Guru Granth - Guru Nanak - short quotes
- Guru Granth - Guru Nanak on women
- Guru Granth - Hukm
- Guru Granth - Supreme Ultimate Reality
- Guru Granth - The Fearless, Formless One
- Guru Granth - The Sword
- Guru Granth - There is a light in all
- Guru Granth – Shalok
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Emotion - Emotions and emotional intensity [background]
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Summary: Disease is caused by extreme emotions
- Hack Tuke, Daniel – Sickness - Diabetes induced by powerful emotions – stress and anxiety
- Hadamard, Jacques - The process of invention
- Hadewijch - A fine exterior, fine garments And fine language adorn the knight
- Hadewijch - The madness of Love makes the strong weak And the sick healthy
- Hafez of Shiraz - Ghazals from the Divan - Grieve not
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - At dawn I came into the garden
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - I went into the garden at dawn
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - In the snare of your locks
- Hafez of Shiraz - Thirty Poems - O my soul receive this advice
- Hamilton, Dr Allan - Brain tumours, dry cleaning, dentists and Electromagnetic radiation
- Hannibal Buress
- Hans Peter Duerr - On Ragnarok and Vargold
- Hardy, Thomas - The ruined maid
- Harivamsha Purana - Krishna upholding the Govardhan mountain
- Harivamsha Purana - Overcoming the serpent Kaliya
- Harivamsha Purana - The return of the celestial tree
- Hark, hark
- Harunobu - 8 Views: Flight of the Wild Geese
- Haught, John F - The next step - deeper consciousness and deeper freedom, deeper capacity to love and feel
- Hawker, Robert Stephen - Modryb Marya - Now of all the trees by the King's highway
- Hawker, Robert Stephen - Now my own element, mine by discovery – Numyne
- Hawker, Robert Stephen - The Vine - Hearken, there is in old Morwenna's shrine
- Hawkes, Jacquetta - Symbols and Speculations - A Glass
- Hawkes, Jacquetta - Symbols and Speculations - Creation by Night
- Hawkes, Jacquetta - Symbols and Speculations - Dress
- Hawkes, Jacquetta - Symbols and Speculations - Instruments
- Hawkes, Jacquetta - Symbols and Speculations - Soliloquy
- Hawkes, Jacquetta – A Land – Gold
- Hawkes, Jacquetta – A Land – On Contrast
- Hawkes, Jacquetta – A Land – Past lives
- Hawking, Stephen - A Brief History of Time - Configurations
- Hawking, Stephen - A Brief History of Time - On time
- Hawking, Stephen - A Brief History of Time - The Great Work
- Hawking, Stephen - A Brief History of Time - The order in the universe
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The House of the Seven Gables - On adversity
- Hazlitt, William - Cleverness vs wisdom
- Hazlitt, William - Liber Amoris 1823
- Hazlitt, William - The Indian Jugglers
- Hazlitt, William – from The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte
- He gave his Mum a hug and said he loved her
- Heard, Gerald - Pain, Sex and Time - Fasting
- Heard, Gerald - Pain, Sex and Time - On sexual stimulation
- Heard, Gerald - Pain, Sex and Time - Repression
- Heard, Gerald - Pain, Sex and Time - The body is nothing but a material expression of craving and fear
- Hebrews 13:2
- Hegel - Know thyself
- Hegel - On the nature of ecstasy
- Hegel - Philosophy of Mind – Appetite or Instinctive Desire
- Hegel - Philosophy of Mind – Destiny Sacrifice and Virtue
- Hegel - Philosophy of Mind – Pantheism, Krishna , and the Bhagavad Gita
- Hegel - Philosophy of Mind – Reason
- Hegel - Philosophy of Mind – Recognitive Self-consciousness
- Hegel - Philosophy of Mind – Self consciousness
- Hegel - Philosophy of Mind – There is no such thing as matter
- Hegel - Philosophy of Mind – Universal Self-consciousness
- Hegel – Buried memories
- Hegel – The organs of the body as a means of expressing emotion
- Heindel, Max - On chaos
- Heindel, Max - Space is Spirit in its attenuated form
- Hell explained by a chemistry student
- Hendrix, Jimi
- Henry Austin - Perseverance conquers all
- Henry Corbin - Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth - Mountains
- Henry Corbin - Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth - Zoroastrian cosmology
- Henry Corbin - Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth - Zoroastrian Intelligence hierarchy
- Henry Corbin and Ta'wil
- Henry Ford - And reincarnation
- Heraclitus - Fragment 22B1
- Heraclitus - Fragment 50
- Heraclitus - The Word
- Herbert, George - Judgement
- Hereford mappa mundi
- Hermes Trismegistus - Fragment
- Hermes Trismegistus - Misc. Quote
- Hermes Trismegistus – Treatise XVI
- Hermes Trismegistus – Treatise XVI
- Hermes Trismegistus – Treatise XVI
- Hernan Cortes - Aztecs and Mexica - The view from Tlatelolco
- Herodotus – The Histories – On Sexual stimulation
- Herschel, Sir John - Explains plate tectonics in 1836
- Hesiod - Theogony - 01 Order of creation
- Hesiod - Works and Days - Giving, Taking and Thrift
- Hesiod - Works and Days - Justice and Conscience
- Hesiod - Works and Days - On women and marriage
- Hesiod - Works and Days - Pissing into the wind
- Hesiod - Works and Days - Sailing
- Hesiod - Works and Days - Sound Advice
- Hesiod - Works and Days - Words of Great Wisdom
- Hey diddle diddle
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - I must feel carefree to experience ESP
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Niels Bohr put his finger on a very real difficulty which faces the experient
- Hickory dickory dock
- Hildegard of Bingen - 1141, Bingen, Germany - And it came to pass…. that the heavens were opened
- Hilton, Walter - Describes the third stage of the spiritual path
- Hindu Saivism - 'A brief introduction'
- Hinton, Charles - A New Era of Thought – A Higher being than ours
- Hinton, Charles - A Picture of Our Universe – A Map of the Egg
- Hinton, Charles - A Picture of Our Universe – Out of time in the Aether level
- Hinton, Charles - The Fourth Dimension – Atoms
- Hinton, Charles - The Fourth Dimension – Consciousness, the Higher spirit and Destiny
- Hinton, Charles - The Recognition of the Fourth Dimension – Triangles, Cones and the Egg – Carroll’s Cheshire Cat
- Hinton, Charles - What Is the Fourth Dimension – An explanation for apporting
- Hinton, Charles - What Is the Fourth Dimension – An explanation for conservation of energy and a link with consciousness
- Hinton, Charles - What Is the Fourth Dimension – The existence of spirit beings, angels and time travellers
- Hinton, Charles - What Is the Fourth Dimension – The Matrix
- Hinton, Charles - What Is the Fourth Dimension – The threads of the loom
- Hinton, Charles – Many Dimensions – Truth
- Hippocrates - On food as medicine
- Hippolytus
- Hippolytus - Mamas and Papas
- Hiroshige
- Hiroshige
- Hiroshige - A river among snowy mountains
- Hiroshige - A shrine among trees on a moor
- Hiroshige - A sudden shower
- Hiroshige - Amanohashidate Peninsula
- Hiroshige - Awa Naruto no fuukei
- Hiroshige - Descending geese at Katada
- Hiroshige - Drum bridge at Meguro and Sunset Hill
- Hiroshige - Famous views Mount Fuji
- Hiroshige - Mount Fuji
- Hiroshige - One hundred Famous Views in the Provinces
- Hiroshige - Panorama of the Eight Views of Kanazawa under a Full Moon
- Hiroshige - Red Snapper, Sea Bass and Perilla
- Hiroshige - Rough sea at the whirlpools of Awa
- Hiroshige - View of a long bridge across a lake
- Hiroshige - white cranes
- Hiroshige’s bell
- Hiroshige’s waterfall
- Hobson, Dr Allan - The effects of a stroke 04 - Brain structure [form] and functions are separate
- Hobson, Dr Allan - The importance of love in healing
- Hodler, Ferdinand - Communication with the Infinite 1892
- Hodler, Ferdinand - Spring 1901
- Hodler, Ferdinand - The Dream 1897
- Hodler, Ferdinand - The Lumberjack 1910
- Hodler, Ferdinand - The Truth 1903
- Hodler, Ferdinand - To look into Infinity 1916
- Hodler, Ferdinand - View into Infinity
- Hodler, Ferdinand - What are flowers saying 1893
- Hogons of Dyon - The Shoemaker
- Hokusai - Cocks
- Hokusai - Cranes
- Hokusai - Images of Bathers
- Hokusai - Irises
- Hokusai - Mishima pass in Kai province
- Hokusai - Mount Fuji seen through cherry blossom
- Hokusai - Mt Fuji
- Hokusai - Octopus
- Hokusai - Peonies and a butterfly
- Hokusai - Phoenix
- Hokusai - Red Fuji
- Hokusai - Rokurokubi
- Hokusai - Shichiri beach in Sagami province
- Hokusai - Tama river in the Musashi province Katsushika
- Hokusai - The Dragon of Smoke escaping from Mount Fuji
- Hokusai - The Fuji reflects in Lake Kawaguchi
- Hokusai - The Great Wave off Kanagawa
- Hokusai - Views of famous bridges
- Hokusai - Waterfall at Yoshino in Washū
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell - A familiar letter
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell - A Parody on “A Psalm of Life”
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell - Sun and shadow
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell - The chambered nautilus
- Homer - The Iliad - Eos
- Homer - The Iliad - The Hours
- Homer - The Odyssey - Asphodel fields
- Homer - The Odyssey - Circe
- Homer - The Odyssey - The Elysian fields
- Homer - The Odyssey - The Garden of Alcinous
- Homer - The Odyssey - The nymphs
- Homer - The Odyssey - The Sirens
- Homer - The Odyssey - Vulcan
- Hopi and Zuni - Hummingbird legend
- Horace - On Happiness
- Hotaru no Hikari
- Huai nan tzu - In the beginning
- Huai nan tzu - The Creation of Earth
- Huai nan tzu - The great Light
- Huai nan tzu - The Tao
- Huangdi Neijing - Suwen
- Hubbard, Elbert - I think I know what love is for
- Hugh Brody - The Other Side of Eden - Reincarnation
- Hugh Brody – The Other side of Eden - Dunne-za
- Hugh Brody – The Other Side of Eden - On Dreaming
- Hugh Brody – The Other Side of Eden - The false theory of migration 01
- Hugh Brody – The Other Side of Eden - The false theory of migration 02
- Hugh Brody – The Other Side of Eden - The false theory of migration 03
- Hugo, Victor - Misc. Quote - On love
- Hugo, Victor - What, on earth, we call the end, Is the commencement
- Hume, David - 6th sense versus the other senses
- Hume, David - Animals have similar functions to humans
- Hume, David - Decision making and what influences the Will
- Hume, David - Desires, Objectives and the Ego
- Hume, David - Memory and the database of facts
- Hume, David - on empathy
- Hume, David - The Dual nature of the soul
- Hume, David - The Ego and Personality
- Hume, David - The Self and Perceptions
- Humpty Dumpty
- Hush a bye baby
- Huxley, Aldous - On Fools and Hermits
- Huxley, Aldous - Mind at large
- Huxley, Aldous - Misc. Quote - The complexity of character
- Huxley, Aldous - Misc. Quote - The exit portal
- Huxley, Aldous - Misc. Quote - The need for faith
- Huxley, Aldous - On Birth
- Huxley, Aldous - On the spiritually gifted
- Huxley, Aldous - Perennial Philosophy - Who can have a spiritual experience
- Huxley, Aldous - The Door in the Wall
- Huxley, Aldous - The Doors of Perception - The 5 senses
- Huxley, Thomas - Intellectually we stand on an islet
- Huxley, Thomas - Miscellaneous quotes
- Huxley, Thomas - The doctrine that God is in the world
- Hyangga of Korea - Introduction
- Hyangga of Korea – 05 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo
- Hyangga of Korea – 06 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo
- Hyangga of Korea – 07 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo
- Hyangga of Korea – 08 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo
- Hyangga of Korea – 09 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo
- Hyangga of Korea – 10 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo
- Hyangga of Korea – 11 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo
- Hymn from the Stele in Memphis in front of the Temple of Hephaistos
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Anchor and rope
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Beheading
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Blindfold
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Boat to the Isle of Venus
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Bull and Twin horns
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Cornucopia
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Death
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Dismembered by swords
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Dismemberment in the woods
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Eagle
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Egg and the Labyrinth
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Elephants
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Emperor
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Fields and meadows
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Flying Chariot
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Fountain
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Garden
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Hierophant
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Islands
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Janus and Hecate
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Leda and the Swan
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Lion
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Maze
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Nymphs and the Songlines
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Pegasus
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Poliphili has to contend with a dragon
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Portico
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Pyramid
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Queen
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Raven
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Rivers and streams
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Sacred Grove
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Satyr
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Scales
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - The High Priestess
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - The Weather
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Thorny Forest
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Three Tunnels
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Tree of life
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Trees and Tree maidens
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - Triumph drawn by Centaurs
- I Ching
- Iamblichus
- Ibn El-Arabi - Contemplation of the Holy Mysteries - Ascent
- Ibn El-Arabi - Henry Corbin - Fursus al-hikam
- Ibn El-Arabi - Idries Shah - My heart is capable of every form
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - Greeting to Salmá and to those who dwell in the preserve
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - O my two friends, pass by al-Kathíb
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - On the day of parting
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - Their abodes have become decayed
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - Would that I were aware
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - At Dhú Salam and the monastery
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - Flashes of lightning gleamed to us
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - Halt at the abodes and weep over the ruins
- Ibn Umayl - Al-Durra al-Naqīya
- Immanuel Kant - Describes Swedenborg's conception of symbols
- In marble halls as white as milk
- Incas - Macchu Picchu
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - 'Funerary rock'
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - 'Hitching post to the Sun'
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - Johan Reinhard
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - Sacred wells, springs and fountains
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - Temple of the Moon
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - Temple of the Sun
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - The 'citadel'
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - The 'condor's wings'
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - The Egg and the Ship of souls
- Incas - Macchu Picchu - The Power of Three
- Incas - Sacsayhuaman - henges and fountains
- Indus valley - General overview - 01 Introduction
- Indus valley - General overview - 02 Chess and dice
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 01 Introduction
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 02 Sign board
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 03 Sacred geometry layout
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 04 Water and the step wells
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 05 The Wheel
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 06 The ‘Smithy’
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 07 The ‘Hemispherical Constructions’
- Indus valley - Dholavira - 08 The lingas and the yoni
- Indus valley - Harappa - 01 Introduction
- Indus valley - Harappa - 04 Seals and script
- Indus valley - Mehrgarh
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 01 Introduction
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 02 Layout and plan
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 03 The Citadel
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 04 Great Granary
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 05 The Great Bath
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 06 The Dancing girl or Deva-dasi
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 07 The Pashupati Seal
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 08 The Hierophant
- Indus valley - Mohenjo-Daro - 09 The Seven-stranded necklace
- Intelligences - ELEMENTS AIR Sud
- Intelligences - ELEMENTS EARTH MOTHER Ninhursag
- Intelligences - ELEMENTS FIRE Gibil
- Intelligences - ELEMENTS Nergal and Ereshkigal
- Intelligences - ELEMENTS WATER Ea
- Intelligences - INTELLIGENCE HIERARCHY The Annunaki
- Intelligences - PLANETS JUPITER Adad [or Hadad] and Šala
- Intelligences - PLANETS MARS Ninurta
- Intelligences - PLANETS MERCURY Enki
- Intelligences - PLANETS MOON Sin and SUN Shamash
- Intelligences - PLANETS SATURN Nirig and Ugallu
- Intelligences - PLANETS VENUS Ashtar and Ishtar
- Intelligences - SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC [The Stars]
- Intelligences - TRINITY CREATOR AND CREATED Enlil and Ninlil
- Intelligences - ULTIMATE INTELLIGENCE Mircea Eliade on Anu
- Introspective Nap Time Nelumbo Nucifera (Sacred Lotus) & Skullcap by CognitiveLiberty4all
- Is your body trying to send you a message?
- Isa Upanishad
- Isa Upanishad
- Isa Upanishad
- Isaac ben Soloman ibn Sahula - Commentaries on the Song of Songs
- Isaac Loeb Peretz - A portion of that melody with which the Lord once created the Universe
- Isaac Luria - Etz chaim shaar 1 anaf 1 - Ein Sof
- Isaiah 33
- Isaiah 44:3
- Isaiah 55
- Isaiah 7
- Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire - Philosophe Anatomique - Vertebrates are built upon one uniform plan
- Isidore of Seville - Etymologiae
- Island of the Blessed
- Isole Madre
- Ixtlilxochitl - Aztecs and Mexica - The good king Nezaualcoyotl
- Ixtlilxochitl - Aztecs and Mexica - Tloque Nahuaque
- Iyengar, Srinivasa Ramanujan
- J R Buchanan - The past is entombed in the present
- J. R. Mortimer - Forty Years' Researches – Mapping constellations to the landscape – the Howes in Yorkshire
- Jabir ibn Hayyam - Misc. Quotes
- Jabir ibn Hayyan – Henry Corbin – The science of the balance
- Jack and Jill
- Jack Sprat
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - The Law of the Lotus
- Jacolliot, Louis - The Bible In India - 01 The Fall according to Shaivism
- Jacolliot, Louis - The Bible In India - 02 The Fall according to Shaivism
- Jacolliot, Louis - The Bible In India - 03 The Fall according to Shaivism
- Jacolliot, Louis - The Bible In India - The treatment of Women
- Jacques Romano - On the symbolism of the Bible
- Jacquetta and Christopher Hawkes - The many forms of prehistoric man
- Jacquetta Hawkes – A Land – Civilisation is the sharp knife cutting man from the matrix
- Jacquetta Hawkes – A Land – Of Menhirs, the Great Mother and women turned to stone
- Jacquetta Hawkes – A Land – Sea urchins
- Jainism - Acaranga Sutra
- Jainism - Ellora
- Jainism - Philosophies of India – Dr Heinrich Zimmer
- Jainism - Silappatikaram
- Jainism - The Syādvāda
- Jajrom [Jajarm] - Tepe Pahlavan
- Jakob Grimm - Journal for hermits - The Golem
- James - James 1 verses 1 to 27
- James - James 2 verses 1 to 26
- James - James 3 verses 1 to 18
- James - James 4 verses 1 to 17
- James - James 5 verses 1 to 20
- James Henry Cousins - Wisdom is wisdom only to the wise
- James Howard Kunstler: The ghastly tragedy of the suburbs
- James Montgomery – from The Brahmin
- James, Henry - Autobiography - The natural inheritance of everyone who is capable of spiritual life
- James, Henry - Partial Portraits - On experience
- James, William - A Pluralistic Universe - Intelligences
- James, William - Gary Lachman - Inhaling Nitrous Oxide
- James, William - Some problems of Philosophy
- James, William - The Confidences of a Psychical Researcher - Ego and Personality
- James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience - Emotion and decision making
- James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience - Fanaticism vs loyalty
- James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience - On adversity
- James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience - The effects of high emotion
- James, William - The Varieties of Religious Experience - Willing vs wishing
- Jami - All that exists in the created universe is illusion
- Jami - Fatihat al-Shabab - People of dignity
- Jami - Misc Quote - On Qu’ran L15
- Jami - Nafahat al-Uns - The Naqshbandis are the chiefs of the caravan
- Jami - SALÁMÁN AND ABSÁL – from 01 The Story
- Jami - Since I am hit by slanders
- Jami - The Three Diwans
- Jan Thorn Prikker - the Bride
- Japanese islands
- Jean Noblet - 00 [and Jean Dodal, Nicolas Conver] The Fool
- Jean Noblet - 01 Le Bateleur
- Jean Noblet - 02 La Papesse
- Jean Noblet - 03 L'Emperatrice
- Jean Noblet - 04 L'Empereur
- Jean Noblet - 05 Le Pape
- Jean Noblet - 06 L'Amoreux
- Jean Noblet - 07 Le Chariot
- Jean Noblet - 08 Justice
- Jean Noblet - 09 L'Ermite
- Jean Noblet - 10 La Roue de Fortune
- Jean Noblet - 11 La Force
- Jean Noblet - 12 Le Pendu
- Jean Noblet - 13 La Mort
- Jean Noblet - 14 Temperance
- Jean Noblet - 15 [and Hebreo and Payen] The Devil
- Jean Noblet - 16 [and Payen] The Tower
- Jean Noblet - 17 L'Etoile
- Jean Noblet - 18 La Lune
- Jean Noblet - 19 Le Soleil
- Jean Noblet - 20 Le Jugement
- Jean Noblet - 21 Le Monde
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Atoms
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Atoms and Bells
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Atoms and dice
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Conservation of matter, spirit and energy
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Cosmic radiation
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Curved space
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Death as a function
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Eggs and Bubbles
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Energy
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Matter and energy
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Reality
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Spirit
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Spirit and the expanding universe
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Bell Rope
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The blind worms
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The carbon atom
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Creator
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Loom
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The need for humility in physics
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Principle of Cause and Effect
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The ship on the sea
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The stage of life, why are we here?
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Universe as a great thought
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The Word
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - Threads and the loom
- Jeff Speck: The walkable city
- Jefferies, Richard - The Story of my Heart - Begin wholly afresh
- Jefferies, Richard - The Story of my Heart - Prayer
- Jefferies, Richard - The Story of my Heart - The ocean
- Jeremy Narby – Cosmic serpent
- Jesus - John 14 - In my Father's house are many mansions
- Jesus - John 14 - Spirit helpers
- Jesus - John 5 & 6 - On God
- Jesus - Luke 10 - Love your neighbour as you would yourself
- Jesus - Luke 12 - Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed
- Jesus - Luke 17 - Where is heaven?
- Jesus - Luke 18 - Rich men and camels
- Jesus - Luke 6 - Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you
- Jesus - Mark 8 - For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul
- Jesus - Matthew 13 - Grain of mustard seed
- Jesus - Matthew 13 - On parables
- Jesus - Matthew 18 - Except ye be converted, and become as little children
- Jesus - Matthew 5 : 01 - Blessed are the poor in spirit
- Jesus - Matthew 5 : 38 - Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
- Jesus - Matthew 7 - The Narrow and Wide Gates
- Jesus - Matthew 7:21 - Why are we here
- Jesus - The Gospel of Judas - Archons
- Jesus - The Gospel of Mary Magdalene - And the aeons
- Jesus - The Gospels - Love your enemies
- Jesus - The Sophia of Jesus Christ - Aeons and angels
- Jesus - The Sophia of Jesus Christ - And the aeons
- Jesus - The Sophia of Jesus Christ - He meditated with his bride Sophia
- Jianzhi Sengcan – On balance and good and evil
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Insan al-kamil - In parable, the creation is like ice
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Insan al-kamil - On Spirit helpers
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 010 Introduction full text
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 011 Introduction [Extract]
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 012 Introduction [Extract]
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 013 Introduction [Extract]
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 014 Introduction [Extract]
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 015 Introduction [Extract]
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 030 Section 2
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 041 Section 3
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 042 Section 3
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 043 Section 3
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 044 Section 3
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 045 Section 3
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 050 Section 4
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 060 Section 5
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 070 Section 6
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 080 Section 7
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 090 Section 8
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 100 Section 9
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 110 Section 10
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 120 Section 11
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 130 Section 12
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 160 Section 15
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Burckhardt - 1 Extract from Universal Man
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Henry Corbin - The Higher spirit
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Henry Corbin - The Paradise of Yima
- Joan Baez - Diamonds and Rust
- Job 41 - The Leviathan
- Joel 1:11
- Johann Adam Schall von Bell - from Athanasius Kircher
- Johann Simon Mayr - The Zibaldone - Songlines
- John 1
- John Butler BBC interview - organic farming
- John Davidson - Northern suburbs
- John Davidson – from Thirty Bob a Week
- John Fletcher - Melancholy
- John Franklin's lifelong spiritual experiences
- John Michell - The View over Atlantic – The sacred geography of China
- John Michell - The View over Atlantis – Choosing sites and shifting sites
- John Milton - Il Penseroso
- John Townley and Robert Schmidt - The law of seriality and its implications for astrology
- John White – On Destiny and the Great Work
- Jones, Sir William - A Hymn to Narayena
- Jones, Sir William - From Hymn to Suyra
- Jones, Sir William - On the Philosophy of the Asiatics
- Jones, Sir William - Third annual discourse before the Asiatic Society
- Joscelyn Godwin - On Plutarch, Ptolemy and Canobus
- Joseph Epes Brown - Native American Indians – Death
- Josephson, Professor Brian David - A New kind of Energy
- Josephson, Professor Brian David - Can the physicists' description of reality be complete
- Joshu - from 101 Zen stones
- Joyce, James - Ulysses
- Joyce, James - Ulysses - Nirvana
- Juan Luis Arsuaga - The Neanderthal's Necklace - Galtxagorri
- Juan Luis Arsuaga - The Neanderthal's Necklace - The Neogaean Realm
- Judee Sill - The Archetypal Man
- Judee Sill - The Phoenix
- Judges 14
- Judges and Exodus
- Julian of Norwich - We should know and believe that the Father is not a man
- Julius Caesar - "De Bello Gallico", VI, 13
- Jung, C G - An interview with the BBC
- Jung, C G - Memories, Dreams and Reflections - About dream meaning
- Jung, C G - Memories, Dreams and Reflections - Challenges
- Jung, C G - Memories, Dreams and Reflections - Fate and destiny
- Jung, C G - Memories, Dreams and Reflections - Multiple personality
- Jung, C G - Memories, Dreams and Reflections - Timelessness
- Jung, C G - Modern Man in search of the soul - What is normal
- Jung, C G - Religious Ideas in Alchemy
- Jung, C G - Religious Ideas in Alchemy
- Jung, C G - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Anima and animus
- Jung, C G - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Archaic archetypes
- Jung, C G - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Know yourself
- Jung, C G - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Lightning symbolism
- Jung, C G - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - The Shadow
- Jung, C G - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Water symbolism
- Jung, C G - The box like universe
- Jung, C G - The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature - Databases and Data stores
- Jung, C G - The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature - Harlequin
- Jung, C G - The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature - Imagination and inspiration
- Jung, C G - The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature - On the dive
- Kabir - A certain bird sits in the tree
- Kabir - All things are created by the Om
- Kabir - Are you looking for me? I am in the next seat
- Kabir - Between the conscious and the unconscious
- Kabir - Breathe in that Word
- Kabir - I know all the gates of his palace
- Kabir - I know of a strange tree
- Kabir - I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty
- Kabir - I talk to my inner lover
- Kabir - If you want the truth, I'll tell you the truth
- Kabir - Inside this clay jug there are canyons
- Kabir - Student do the simple purification
- Kabir - The flute of interior time is played
- Kabir - The love form is His body
- Kabir - The One I love has waited millions of years
- Kabir - The small diamond everyone wants
- Kabir - The woman who is separated from her lover
- Kabir - There is a flag no one sees blowing in the sky temple
- Kabir - Thinkers, listen, tell me what you know
- Kabir - What comes out of the harp? Music
- Kahuna - Bakunawa as Ouroboros
- Kahuna - British Museum Deity Image showing the Aura
- Kahuna - British Museum Deity Images showing the Higher spirit
- Kahuna - Hawaiki
- Kahuna - Mana
- Kahuna - The symbolic use of Lianas and Vines
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - On Zen
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - Origins of tea
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - Selecting leaves
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - The Adoration of the Beautiful
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - The Art of Teamaking
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - The Creation
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - The process
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - The Spiritual Path
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - The Tea Ceremony
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - The Use of the Whisk
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea - Zen Discipline
- Kakuzo, Okakura - The Book of Tea – The Tea Room
- Kālāma Sutta, the – Buddha – Doubting all beliefs
- Kālāma Sutta, the – Buddha – The Four solaces
- Kammerer, Paul - Alexander Vargas's support of Kammerer's finding
- Kammerer, Paul - Everything that has been created strives upwards
- Kammerer, Paul - Systems, functions and function dependency explained
- Kammerer, Paul - The law of seriality 01
- Kammerer, Paul - The law of seriality 02
- Kammerer, Paul - The law of seriality 03
- Kammerer, Paul - The law of seriality 04
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Image Composition VII - 1913
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Image Composition VIII - 1923
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Points 1920
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Several Circles 1926
- Kandinsky, Wassily - Yellow, Red, Blue
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - Cause effect chains and heuristics
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - Heuristics and the systems of the universes
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - Home schooling
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - How to use the knowledge gained?
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - Inner speech
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - On Deists and Theists
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - On the 5 senses
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - Synthesis
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - The Ultimate Intelligence
- Kant, Immanuel - Critique of Pure Reason - The Ultimate Intelligence as First Cause
- Kant, Immanuel - Dreams of a Spirit Seer - 11 Chapter Two
- Kant, Immanuel - Dreams of a Spirit Seer - 12 Chapter Three
- Kant, Immanuel - Dreams of a Spirit Seer - How are hallucinations & visions constructed?
- Kant, Immanuel - Dreams of a Spirit Seer - The illusion of form
- Kant, Immanuel - Dreams of a Spirit Seer - The invalidity of the threat of hell
- Kant, Immanuel - Quotes - Infinite spirit
- Kant, Immanuel - Quotes - On Leibnitz and the atom
- Kant, Immanuel - Quotes - What is Life?
- Kant, Immanuel - Quotes - Where is heaven and ascent
- Kant, Immanuel - Quotes - Where is the soul?
- Karnataka and South India - 02 Temple architecture
- Karnataka and South India - 03 Airavatesvara Temple
- Karnataka and South India - 04 Bhoga Nandeeshwara and Arunachaleswara Temples
- Karnataka and South India - 05 Brihadeeswarar Temple, Thanjavur
- Karnataka and South India - 06 Ekambareswarar Temple
- Karnataka and South India - 07 Gangaikonda Cholapuram temple
- Katha Upanishad
- Katha Upanishad
- Katha Upanishad
- Katha Upanishad
- Katha Upanishad
- Katha Upanishad
- Katherine Hepburn
- Kaushitaki Upanishad
- Kaushitaki Upanishad
- Kaushitaki Upanishad
- Keats, John - Epistle to John Hamilton Reynolds
- Keats, John - Ever let the fancy roam, pleasure never is at home
- Keats, John - from Letters
- Keats, John - Letter March 1819
- Keats, John - Quote
- Keats, John - The Tapestry of Life
- Keichu - from 101 Zen stones
- Keightley, Thomas - Coal and gold
- Keightley, Thomas - Commentary on the Edda
- Keightley, Thomas - Nymphs and Nereides
- Keightley, Thomas - Stromkarl
- Kekulé, Friedrich August – The nature of genius
- Kena Upanishad
- Kepler, Johannes - An epiphany of the laws of the solar system
- Kepler, Johannes - Epistola ad Maestlinum - The Sun and the Moon
- Kepler, Johannes - from Optics - On horns
- Kepler, Johannes - Gesam. Werke VII
- Kepler, Johannes - Harmonices Mundi Libri V
- Kepler, Johannes - Harmonices Mundi Libri V – The Matrix
- Kepler, Johannes - Harmony and spirit
- Kepler, Johannes - Notes from Somnium
- Kepler, Johannes - Platonic Universe from Mysterium Cosmographicum
- Kepler, Johannes - The planets’ songs are polyphonic
- Kepler, Johannes - The soul bears within itself the idea of the zodiac
- Kepler, Johannes – De Configurationibus harmonis
- Kerberos - As described in Ovid's Metarmorphosis
- Kerberos and Hercules
- Khafajah - Clay plaque from Khafajah
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quote - The feeling of 'I-ness'
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On accessing perceptions
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On art & diversity
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On becoming that of which you are accused
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On God the engineer
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On mind and body
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On nature
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On reality
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On why we are here
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Miscellaneous quote - Intuition
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On love
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - All creatures can be found in man
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - Blessed are the pure in heart
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On adversity
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On aspects of soul
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On Good and Evil
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On Good and evil, and justice
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On salt water and sweet water
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On springs and fountains
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On the ego
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On the Great Work
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On the inspiration for art
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On the sea
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On the stages of the mystic
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On why are we here
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On 'vibrations'
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On astrology
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On dream symbolism
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On energy
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On erasing memory
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On illumination
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On levels and layers
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On Resonance
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On spells and chants
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On spells and miracles
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On the Great Work
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On the levels
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On the music within
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On the Planets
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - On the Systems of the universe
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - The diagreeable vibrations of some people
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - The Word
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Mysticism of Sound and Music - Ultimate good
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - Editing memory
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - On criticism and your destiny
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - On democracy
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - On minding your own business
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - The best form of love
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - The dangers of hyper sensitivity
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - The eradication of suffering
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - The meaning of pleasure and happiness
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - Thorns and flowers
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat – The Art of Being and Becoming - What are we here for?
- Khidr and Ilyas
- Khnopff, Fernand - Brutishness
- Khnopff, Fernand - Des Caresses
- Khnopff, Fernand - Maske
- Khnopff, Fernand - Memories
- Khnopff, Fernand - The Cigarette
- Khunrath, Heinrich - Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeterna 1602
- Khunrath, Heinrich - Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeterna 1602
- Khunrath, Heinrich - Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeterna 1602
- Khunrath, Heinrich - Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeterna 1602
- Khunrath, Heinrich - Vom hylealischen Chaos 1708
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 1002
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 1186
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 129 [extract]
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 1400
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 1424
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 1772
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 1836
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 288
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 313
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 69
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 74
- Khusrau, Amir - Ghazal 857 [extract]
- Kierkegaard, Soren - Fear and Trembling - Every generation begins again from the beginning
- King's cross
- King, Martin Luther - 01 AUGUST 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail
- King, Martin Luther - 02 AUGUST 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail
- King, Martin Luther - 03 AUGUST 1963 Letter from Birmingham Jail
- King, Martin Luther - Family Planning ; A Special and Urgent Concern
- King, Martin Luther - My Pilgrimage to Nonviolence – 01 As a Christian I believe that there is a creative personal power in this universe who is the ground and essence of all reality
- King, Martin Luther - My Pilgrimage to Nonviolence – 02 The Kingdom of God is neither the thesis of individual enterprise nor the antithesis of collective enterprise, but a synthesis which reconciles the truths of both
- Kings 7 - The Temple, Jachin and Boaz
- Kipling, Rudyard - Jungle Book - The Law of the Jungle
- Kipling, Rudyard - Just So stories - Before the High and Far-Off Times
- Kipling, Rudyard - Just So Stories - The Crab that Played
- Kipling, Rudyard - Song to Mithras the Sun God
- Kipling, Rudyard - The Explorer
- Kish
- Kish - Temple hymns
- Kish - The Kish archaeological site
- Klimt - Allegory of Sculpture
- Klimt - Avenue of Schloss Kammer park
- Klimt - Death and Life
- Klimt - Garden with Roosters
- Klimt - Hope
- Klimt - Judith and Holofernes
- Klimt - Knight
- Klimt - Lady with Fan
- Klimt - landscapes various
- Klimt - Music
- Knights Templar - Temple Bruer Preceptory
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Creative thought
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Holons
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Learnt function
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - On Nature's subassemblies
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The common spider's web making function
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The impossibility of chance in evolution
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The nature of genius
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The need to question beliefs
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The rules of the game
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The staggering functional complexity of organelles
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - The unreliability of memory
- Koestler, Arthur - Janus - Wormholes
- Koestler, Arthur - Misc. Quote - On 'entrancement'
- Koestler, Arthur - Misc. Quote - The dangers of reason
- Konso - Waga statues
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Beauty, art and music
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Believing in the spiritual world
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Enacting ritual and ceremony
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Extreme emotion
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Laughing
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Making love
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Purification
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Questioning and doubting all existing beliefs
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Reducing desires and Humility
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Reducing threats via Forgiveness and reconciliation
- Krishna - Arjunas charioteer in the battle-field of Kurukshetra
- Krishna - Dancing in the Rasalila dance
- Krishna - Krishna stealing butter
- Krishna, Gopi - kundalini - a definition
- Krishnamurti - Be a light unto oneself
- Krishnamurti - Miscellaneous quotes - On education
- Krishnamurti - Miscellaneous quotes - On the ego
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - All human experience and knowledge is within oneself
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - Coping with sorrow and grief
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - Eradicating dented pride
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - Fear
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - Fear, the pursuit of pleasure, and the burden of greed and pain
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - Is beauty only out there?
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - Man has always sought something beyond the physical existence
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - Now, is there another form of learning
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - Sorrow
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - When you end attachment completely then love is
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - Where there is attachment there is corruption
- Krishnamurti - The Network of Thought - You, the ego… the me is just memory
- Krishnamurti - The Song of Life - Life is as the waters
- Kristofferson, Kris - 1970 To Beat the Devil
- Kusama, Yayoi
- Kusama, Yayoi
- Kusama, Yayoi
- Kutha - Temple hymn
- Lagash
- Lagash - Sacred geography
- Lagash - Statue of Gudea
- Lagash - Temple hymn
- Lake Maggiore - Borromee
- Lake Maggiore – Isola Borromee
- Lakotan 'Finger' - Native American Indians - Skan
- Lalla - Charge your bellows with breath
- Lalla - Fatten the five elements
- Lalla - From what direction did I come
- Lalla - Gluttony gets you the best table in the town of Nowhere
- Lalla - Gourmet meals and elegant clothes can’t buy you peace of mind
- Lalla - I burnt up the landscape
- Lalla - I didn’t believe in it for a moment
- Lalla - I locked the doors and windows
- Lalla - I wore myself out, looking for myself
- Lalla - I’m towing my boat across the ocean
- Lalla - Knowledge is a garden
- Lalla - Meditation and self discipline
- Lalla - Prune the weeds from your heart’s garden
- Lalla - Royal swan, what happened to your beautiful voice?
- Lalla - So many times I’ve drunk the wine of the Sindhu river
- Lalla - Some, who have closed their eyes, are wide awake
- Lalla - Sunlight shines everywhere equally
- Lalla - The mill goes round and round in slow circles
- Lalla - The road I came by wasn’t the road I took to go
- Lalla - The Sun beneath the navel was made to burn
- Lalla - We’ve been here before, we’ll be here again
- Lalla - What the books taught me, I’ve practised
- Lalla - Whatever my hands did was worship
- Lalla - Who’s the garland maker, who’s his wife
- Lalla - You rule the earth
- Lalla - You won’t find the Truth
- Lalla - Your way of knowing is a private herb garden
- Lama of Enche
- Lamb, Charles - Composed at Midnight
- Lamb, Charles - Living without God in the world
- Lambeth Palace or Reading world map
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - Clowns
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - Diversity and beauty
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - Listen to the air
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - The Cardinal Directions
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - The Great Mystery
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - The Power of Four
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - The Wicasa Wakan
- Lane Cooper - Louis Agassiz as a teacher - 00 The children took their own share in the instruction
- Lane Cooper - Louis Agassiz as a teacher – 01 His first lesson was one in looking
- Lane Cooper - Louis Agassiz as a teacher – 02 Trusting your pupils with all the material available for observation
- Lane Cooper - Louis Agassiz as a teacher – 03 Treating pupils as friends and equals
- Lane Cooper - Louis Agassiz as a teacher – 04 Promoting a broad education and set of interests in pupils at all levels – avoid specialisation, encourage generalisation
- Lane Cooper - Louis Agassiz as a teacher – 06 Learning how to observe properly
- Lane Cooper - Louis Agassiz as a teacher – 07 Avoid book learning, suit the subject to be observed to the interest of the student
- Lane Cooper - Louis Agassiz as a teacher – 08 Vary the objects being studied in order to improve perspective and objectivity
- Lane Cooper - Louis Agassiz as a teacher – 09 Make every mistake into an opportunity for learning
- Lane Cooper - Louis Agassiz as a teacher – 10 - 'Look, look, look'
- Language - Picts - 01 Overview
- Language - Picts - 02 Examples
- Language - Picts - 03 Examples
- Larsa - And the Great Hymn to Shamash
- Larsa - Temple hymn
- Larsson, Carl - Home schooling for all the family
- Larsson, Carl - On freewill
- Lavender's blue
- Lawlor - Australian Aborigine - Crystals
- Lawrence, D H - More Pansies
- Lawrence, D H - Promises 1929
- Le Nain - Allegorie de la victoire
- Led Zeppelin - And pitch deviations
- Led Zeppelin – Jimmy Page, Aleister Crowley and Lucifer rising
- Leedskalnin, Edward - Magnetic current - Attraction and repulsion as functions
- Leibniz - And Communing with Nature as a way of knowing God
- Leibniz - Ascension and the Spiritual path
- Leibniz - Form, Function and the Word
- Leibniz - Function, Form, Mind and the Unmoving mover
- Leibniz - Letter to Damaris Masham - The aggregates of the body
- Leibniz - Light
- Leibniz - Love must give us the greatest pleasure of which we are capable
- Leibniz - On adversity
- Leibniz - On desire
- Leibniz - On Prophecy
- Leibniz - On symbol systems
- Leibniz - On the Higher spirit, soul and body
- Leibniz - The Best of all Worlds
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 01
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 02
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 03
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 04
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 05
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 06
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 07
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 08
- Leibniz - The Monadology - 09
- Leibniz - The source of wisdom and inspiration
- Leibniz - Whatever moves is being constantly created
- Leibniz - Wisdom comes from the Higher spirit
- Leibniz - World soul
- Leighton, Frederick Lord - Mother and child [and a Polish proverb]
- Leighton, Frederick Lord - The Antique Juggling Girl
- Lemaitre, Georges - Homogenous universe of constant mass and increasing radius - 01
- Lemaitre, Georges - Homogenous universe of constant mass and increasing radius - 02
- Lemaitre, Georges - Homogenous universe of constant mass and increasing radius - 03
- Lemaitre, Georges - Letter to Nature - The Intelligence hierarchy
- Lemaitre, Georges - Letter to Nature - The order of creation, Time and the physical came last
- Lemaitre, Georges - Letter to Nature - The programmed universe
- Lemaitre, Georges - The Expanding Universe - 'Condensation'
- Lemaitre, Georges - The Primeval atom - The Cosmic Egg
- Lemaitre, Georges - The Primeval atom - The expanding universe
- Lemaitre, Georges - The Primeval atom - The Laws of aggregation and repulsion
- Lennon, John - Imagine
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Levels layers, the Egg and the Great Work
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Retreating to become wise
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Ridgeways and the role of Lucifer
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Teaching children to be parrots
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – The dragonfly
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – The mind at large
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – The spiral, the pendulum and ascension
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Using the pendulum and colour symbolism
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Using the pendulum, correspondences
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance - On cones and the energy fields
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – Darwin’s theory of Evolution
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – On cones and circles and the Egg
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – On Cones and the Egg
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – The Emotions
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – The Harmonics of the cones
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – The Higher spirit
- Lethbridge, T C - ESP Beyond Time and Distance – Using the long pendulum
- Lethbridge, T C - Ghost and Ghoul - Dragonfly
- Lethbridge, T C - The Power of the Pendulum - Destiny and the Great Work
- Lethbridge, T C – ESP Beyond Time and Distance – The source of inspiration of Lord Rutherford
- Leverrier, Mrs. Somerville, and Adams - The discovery of Neptune
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - Masks
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - Misc. quote
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - On music and language
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - Order in the universe
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - Plan du village de Kejara
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - The Other Face of the Moon
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - The Other Side of the Moon
- Levi-Strauss, Claude - Twins
- Levitin, Professor Daniel - Harmony and overtones
- Levitin, Professor Daniel - Music and the brain
- Levitin, Professor Daniel - On ratios and pitch
- Levitin, Professor Daniel - On the octave
- Levitin, Professor Daniel - The Gestalts and configurations
- Lewis, C S - Prince Caspian - Sailing into the Light
- Lewis, C S - Quote
- Lewis, C S - The Discarded Image - Daemons
- Lewis, C S - The Horse and his boy - Shasta and the talking horse
- Lewis, C S - The Last Battle - Then the Moon came up quite in her wrong position
- Lewis, C S - The Last Battle - Like an onion
- Lewis, C S - The Silver Chair - Mountain
- Lewis, C S - The Silver Chair - The nine names of Aslan
- Li Po - Bathed and washed
- Lilly, John - Masculine and feminine
- Lilly, John - On LSD and butterflies
- Lilly, John - On questioning all beliefs
- Lilly, John - The atman
- Lilly, John - The brain is not the mind
- Lilly, John - The dust bowl universe
- Lincoln, Abraham - Harnessing the black dog
- Ling Jian Zi's Dao Yin Zi-Wu recording
- Linga Purana - The number of spirit beings
- Linklater, Richard - On time and reality
- Linnaeus, Carl - Letter to Johann Gmelon
- Linnaeus, Carl - Philosophia Botanica
- Linnaeus, Carl - Philosophia Botanica
- Linnaeus, Carl - Philosophia Botanica
- Linnaeus, Carl - Systema Naturae
- Little Bo-Peep
- Little Jack Horner
- Little Miss Muffet
- Logan Pearsall Smith - from 'More Trivia' 1922
- London Bridge is falling down
- Louis Ginzberg - Legends of the Jews
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible In India - 01 The Fall according to Shaivism
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible In India - 02 The Fall according to Shaivism
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible In India - 03 The Fall according to Shaivism
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - 01 The Story of Krishna: Vischnou appears to Lakmy/Birth of the Virgin
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - 02 The Story of Krishna: Infancy of Devanaguy/Death of her mother/Visit of Vischnou
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - 03 The Story of Krishna: Immaculate conception/Birth of Krishna/Massacre of the first born
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - 04 The Story of Krishna: Preaching the law/disciples/Ardjuna and Sarawasta
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - 05 The Story of Krishna: Parable of the fishermen
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - 06 The Story of Krishna: Nichdali and Sarasvati
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - 07 The Story of Krishna: His death
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - The Deluge according to the Maha-barata
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - The Thoughts and maxims of Krishna
- Lovecraft, H P - Letter to Maurice W. Moe, January 1929
- Lowell, James Russell - A little of thy steadfastness Rounded with leafy gracefulness
- Lowell, James Russell - Envy’s harsh berries and the choking pool
- Lowell, James Russell - For mankind are one in spirit, and an instinct bears along
- Lowell, James Russell - Give me, old granite grey
- Lowell, James Russell - God sends his teachers unto every age
- Lowell, James Russell - We see but half the causes of our deeds
- Lowry, L S - Punch and Judy
- Lowry, L S - Self portrait as a pillar in the sea
- Lu, Guang-Rong - translated in Qigong Meditation Embryononic Breathing by Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming
- Lucian of Samosata – De Dea Syria
- Lucid dreams as a bridge between realities - Chongtul Rinpoche - TEDxFultonStreet
- Luiseno - Native American Indians - Creation Myth
- Lull, Raymond - Breviculum
- Lusseyran, Jacques - And then there was Light
- Lyall Watson - Aido-Hwedo
- Lyall Watson - Ancient Egyptian - Ogham and Runes
- Lyall Watson - Celtic - Ogham and Runes
- Lyall Watson - On African totem groups
- Lyall Watson - Snakes
- Lyall Watson - Tales of Community
- Lyall Watson - The Lightning Bird
- M A Czaplicka - Siberian shamanism - On spirit beings
- M A Czaplicka - Siberian shamanism - On the soul
- M A Czaplicka - Siberian shamanism - Symbolism
- M A Czaplicka - The Anagyat of Siberian shamanism
- Mach, Ernst - The limitations of memory and the 5 senses
- Mach, Ernst - What is an atom?
- MacLaine, Shirley - On death, destiny and the spiritual path
- MacLaine, Shirley - The calming effect of Mother Nature
- MacLaine, Shirley - The pointlessness of competing, the importance of love
- MacLaine, Shirley - The Ultimate responsibility of the individual, Destiny, and why we are here
- MacLaine, Shirley - To get to the fruit of the tree you have to go out on a limb
- Macrobius - On songlines
- Macrobius - The Descent of the Soul from the Height of Cosmos to the Depths of Earth
- Madame Blavatsky slays the slayer
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 29 The mole and the bird
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - Concerning the spiritual in art - Wassily Kandinsky
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - Concerning the spiritual in art - Wassily Kandinsky 2
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - La Tragique Quotidien - On Othello and jealousy
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - Misc quotes - Therein lay his secret
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - On death
- Maeterlinck, Maurice – Wisdom and Destiny – On Destiny
- Maeterlinck, Maurice – Wisdom and Destiny – On Knowing yourself
- Maeterlinck, Maurice – Wisdom and Destiny – On the loom
- Mahasatipatthana Sutta
- Mahatma Gandhi’s spinning wheel
- Maier, Michael - Atalanta fugiens 1618
- Maier, Michael - Atalanta fugiens 1618
- Maier, Michael - The Secrets of Alchemy - The Elements
- Maier, Michael - The Secrets of Alchemy - The phoenix
- Maier, Michael - The Secrets of Alchemy - The Tincture and Gold
- Maier, Michael - Themis Aurea - Fires and mountains
- Maisie Yarrcali Barlow - Jirrbal - a rainforest dreamtime story
- Maitri Upanishad
- Maitri Upanishad
- Malevich, Kazimir - Cosmos
- Malevich, Kazimir - Enemy
- Malevich, Kazimir - Girls in the Fields
- Malevich, Kazimir - Mystic suprematism
- Malevich, Kazimir - Red Square
- Malevich, Kazimir - Soldier
- Malevich, Kazimir - Sportsmen
- Malevich, Kazimir - Suprematism 1915
- Malevich, Kazimir - Suprematismus
- Malevich, Kazimir - The Attentive Worker 1913
- Malevich, Kazimir - The Carpenter
- Malevich, Kazimir - The Peasant Woman 1912
- Malevich, Kazimir - The Reaper on Red 1913
- Malevich, Kazimir - Woman torso
- Malta - 01 Introduction
- Malta - 02 The Temples
- Malta - 02 The Temples detail
- Malta - 03 The 'cart tracks'
- Malta - 04 Venus of Malta and Alchemy
- Malta - 05 The Kiss, prehistoric 3200BCE
- Malta - 06 Tarxien Temples
- Malta - 07 The Hypogeum of Ħal-Saflieni
- Malta - 08 Mnajdra Temple
- Malta - 09 Xagħra Stone Circle
- Malta - 10 Ħaġar Qim
- Mandukya Upanishad
- Mandukya Upanishad
- Manley Hopkins, Gerald - The Leaden Echo and the Golden Echo
- Manley Hopkins, Gerald - The Starlight Night
- Mapa Mondi Figura Mondi, 1442 - world map by Giovanni Leardo (oriented with East at the top)
- Marad
- Marad - Ninurta and the turtle: translation
- Marad - Temple hymn
- Mare, Walter de la - Extract from Rupert Brooke and the intellectual imagination 01
- Mare, Walter de la - Extract from Rupert Brooke and the intellectual imagination 02
- Mare, Walter de la - Extract from Rupert Brooke and the intellectual imagination 03
- Mare, Walter de la - Extract from Rupert Brooke and the intellectual imagination 04
- Mare, Walter de la - The Marionettes
- Mare, Walter de la - The Moth
- Maria Prophetissima - And unification
- Marryat, Florence - The Spirit World – What happens on death
- Martin McNamara - Intertestamental Literature – Philo’s Logos
- Martineau, Harriet - Arise, My Soul And Urge thy Flight 1
- Martineau, Harriet - Arise, My Soul And Urge thy Flight 2
- Martineau, Harriet - Letters on Mesmerism - Feels herself transparent
- Marvin Gaye - The world is just a great big onion
- Mary had a little lamb
- Mary, Mary quite contrary
- Mascaro, Juan - For Anandam, pure joy
- Mascaro, Juan - Reality
- Mascaro, Juan - The Bird in the Cage
- Masefield, John - A White Night
- Masefield, John - Shakespeare and spiritual life
- Masefield, John - Shakespeare and spiritual life
- Masefield, John - Shakespeare and spiritual life
- Masefield, John - Shakespeare and spiritual life
- Masefield, John - Shakespeare and spiritual life
- Masefield, John - Shakespeare and spiritual life
- Masefield, John - Shakespeare and spiritual life
- Masefield, John - Sonnets and Poems XII
- Masefield, John - Sonnets and Poems XXXII
- Masefield, John - The Story of a Round-House - Sonnet
- Masefield, John - The Widow in the Bye Street
- Masochism
- Master Naong - Song of the Pure Land
- Masters and Houston
- Masters and Houston on the conscious
- Mathew 24
- Matisse - Icarus
- Matisse - Music
- Matisse - Polynesia the Sea
- Matisse - the Snail
- Matisse - Two Dancers
- Matthew 10
- Matthew 12 : 37
- Matthew 2
- Maxwell, James Clerk - My soul is an entangled knot
- Maxwell, James Clerk - The Book of Nature
- Mayan - Hummingbird symbolism
- Mayan - Madrid Codex - The Trickster
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 01 This is the beginning
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 02 Sky-earth, lake-sea
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 03 And then the Earth arose because of them
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 04 The Creation of the First humans
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 05 The Creation of the First humans
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 06 The Creation of the First humans
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 07 The Story of Blood Moon
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 08 The Story of Blood Moon
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 09 The Resurrection of Seven Hunahpu
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 10 The Twins and their Garden
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 11 The Spirit beings of disease
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 13 Hymn to the Creators
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 15 The Vigils of Plumed Serpent and Noble Sweatbath
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 16 The prayer to the gods
- Mayan - White roads and cardinal directions
- Mayan - Xbalanque
- Mayan – Using reverberating sound and chanting to induce trance states
- Mayan – Yaxche – The Tree of Life
- Mayo, Jeff - Hearts and aggregations
- Mayo, Jeff - Intelligent Mind
- Mayo, Jeff - On matter and form
- Mayo, Jeff - On systems and patterns
- Mayo, Jeff - On the ego
- Mayo, Jeff - On the Mother and Father
- Mayo, Jeff - On the Planets
- Mayo, Jeff - The different ways of measuring time
- Mayo, Jeff - Time in reality is fictitious
- Mayo, Jeff on birth
- McKenna, Terence - Tryptamines, Hallucinogens and Consciousness
- Meher Baba - Humility is one of the foundations of devotional life
- Meister Eckhart - Miscellaneous quotes - Be truly poor
- Meister Eckhart - Miscellaneous quotes - Guardian Angels
- Meister Eckhart - Miscellaneous quotes - I am my own first cause
- Meister Eckhart - Miscellaneous quotes - In or beyond understanding
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - A free mind can achieve all things
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - Abandon Memory, reason and will
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - Abandon the whole of your will
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - Abandon yourself
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - All suffering comes from attachment and affection
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - Free yourself from material things
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - God created the world so that he might keep on creating
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - God the Father and the Son have nothing to do with time
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - If you wish to discover and possess complete joy
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - Immortal soul versus mortal soul
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - It is the Sun that has burnt me
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - Learn to be inwardly free
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - No one comes to the Father except through the Son
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - On detachment
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - People should not worry so much about what they do but rather about what they are
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - Question all beliefs
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - The ego is bound up with fasting, holding vigil and ascetic practises
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - The egotistical are far far from God and are not in union with him
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - The eradication of self
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - The knower and the known are one
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - The lack of peace that you feel
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - The multitude of angels is a number beyond all numbers
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - The soul in its highest and purest part has nothing whatsoever to do with time
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - The wayless Way, where the Sons of God lose themselves
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - There is something in the soul closely akin to God
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - True obedience should have no ‘I want this’
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - Withdraw the mind entirely from things
- Mellery, Xavier - Chute des dernieres feuilles d’Automne
- Mellery, Xavier - Immortality
- Mellery, Xavier - La Poverella
- Melville Jean Herskovits - The Dahomey god of snake like things
- Melville, Herman - The World in a Man-of-War
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Asana - Agnistambhasana
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Asana - Ardha Matsyendrasana
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Asana - Halasana
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Asana - Pasasana
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Asana - Sarvangasana
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Asana - Simhasana
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Asana - Utthita Trikonasana
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Elgar Violin concerto
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Mendelssohn Violin Concerto E Minor
- Menuhin, Yehudi - Theme and Variations
- Menuhin, Yehudi - with Ravi Shankar - Jugalbandi
- Merlin - The Archetype of the Magician – John Granrose
- Mesopotamia - Its technology and culture 01 Inventions
- Mesopotamia - Its technology and culture 02 Divination
- Mesopotamia - Its technology and culture 04 Astrology, Astronomy and Mathematics
- Mesopotamia - Its technology and culture 05 Ages of Man
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 01 Ritual humiliation of those in power
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 02 Enacting Ritual and ceremony
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 03 Love with visualisation and Prayer
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 04 Creating Music
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 05 Removing threats and Justice
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 06 LOVE and Unrequited love
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 07 Sex
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 07 Sex High priestess with phyrigian cap
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 08 Believing in the spiritual world
- Mesopotamian - Means of achieving spiritual experience 09 Creating a sacred geography
- Michaux, Henri - Plume
- Michaux, Henri - The Company of Monsters
- Michaux, Henri - The Name is Everything
- Michaux, Henri - Towards Serenity
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – An Attempt at a Theory of the Elastic Force of Air – Gas, atoms and the repulsive forces
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Meditations on the Cause of Heat and Cold – Spin
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Meditations on the Solidity and Liquidity of Bodies – Anticipating the loom
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – On the Relation of the Amount of Material and Weight – Functions and spin
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 01 On light and Light
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 02 On transparency
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 03 ‘Heat’ is a function of an aggregate
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 04 ‘Light’ is a function of an aggregate
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 05 ‘Sound’ is a function of an aggregate
- Millais, John Everett - Christ in the house of his parents
- Milligan, Spike - Bump
- Mirabai - Life in the World
- Mirabai - Listen
- Mirabai - Nothing is really mine
- Mirabai - Oh my mind
- Mirabai - That Dark Dweller
- Mirabai - The Plums tasted
- Mirabai - We do not
- Mircea Eliade - Abakan Tatars Tree of Life
- Mircea Eliade - African tribal beliefs of God
- Mircea Eliade - Australian aboriginal beliefs on death
- Mircea Eliade - Australian aboriginal Bunjil
- Mircea Eliade - Baiame's crystals
- Mircea Eliade - Baiame, the supreme divinity
- Mircea Eliade - Belet
- Mircea Eliade - Bird as symbol of the spiritual person
- Mircea Eliade - Crystals as the means of making a shaman
- Mircea Eliade - Eggs and the Mysteries
- Mircea Eliade - Eggs as a universal symbol
- Mircea Eliade - Egyptian bird symbolism
- Mircea Eliade - Eskimo initiation
- Mircea Eliade - Hindu beliefs on death
- Mircea Eliade - I-Lai and Yelafaz in Indonesia
- Mircea Eliade - Iho, Nzambi, Sussistinako, & Awonawilona
- Mircea Eliade - Inuit beliefs of death
- Mircea Eliade - Kahuna ascent of the spirit on death
- Mircea Eliade - Kahuna Sun and Moon
- Mircea Eliade - Mimir
- Mircea Eliade - Mount Sumeru
- Mircea Eliade - On animals and birds
- Mircea Eliade - On cosmic mountains
- Mircea Eliade - On crystal powers
- Mircea Eliade - On Fate, Destiny and the Spindle
- Mircea Eliade - On Plutarch
- Mircea Eliade - On rain, thunder and lightning
- Mircea Eliade - On Sacred springs
- Mircea Eliade - On sky gods
- Mircea Eliade - On the Hindu pantheon
- Mircea Eliade - On the other names of God
- Mircea Eliade - On tree symbolism
- Mircea Eliade - Patterns in Comparative religion - The snake as fertiliser of women
- Mircea Eliade - Pygmy Moon festival
- Mircea Eliade - Quartz crystals
- Mircea Eliade - Semang, Fuegians and Bushmen
- Mircea Eliade - Shamanic belief in spirit beings
- Mircea Eliade - Siberian shamanism on Ultimate Intelligence
- Mircea Eliade - The Altai and the Tree of Life
- Mircea Eliade - The Banks Islands and New Hebrides
- Mircea Eliade - The Bantu cosmology
- Mircea Eliade - The Birhor, Munda, and Oraon of Northern India
- Mircea Eliade - The Blacksmith
- Mircea Eliade - The Dayak of South Borneo
- Mircea Eliade - The Eagle in Buryat and Yakut legend
- Mircea Eliade - The Earth Mother and Gaia
- Mircea Eliade - The gods of Siberian shamanism
- Mircea Eliade - The Great Goddess
- Mircea Eliade - The Ladder
- Mircea Eliade - The Maypole and the Sweep
- Mircea Eliade - The Moon as Mother of the Waters
- Mircea Eliade - The Moon as the resting place for the Souls of the Dead
- Mircea Eliade - The Moon, Spiders, Fate and Destiny
- Mircea Eliade - The Moussian Tree of life
- Mircea Eliade - The Mundas of Bengal
- Mircea Eliade - The Nature of Varuna
- Mircea Eliade - The Rainbow as a universal symbol
- Mircea Eliade - The Sel'nam nomad hunters and Temaukel
- Mircea Eliade - The Smith and Blacksmiths
- Mircea Eliade - The Storm gods
- Mircea Eliade - The Tibetan Book of the Dead
- Mircea Eliade - The use of the rainbow
- Mircea Eliade - The vault of the sky gods
- Mircea Eliade - The Yakut and Buryat Smith
- Mircea Eliade - The Yakut and the Tree of life
- Mircea Eliade - The Zhi Ma Funeral ceremony of the Na-Khi of Southwest China
- Mircea Eliade - Tirawa Atius
- Mircea Eliade - Tunguses, Yakut and the concepts of Good and Evil
- Mircea Eliade - Uran ajy tojon
- Mircea Eliade - Warramunga tribe and the Tree of life
- Mircea Eliade - Water
- Mircea Eliade - Water and the Vedic tradition
- Mircea Eliade - Yakut beliefs on death
- Mircea Eliade - Yggdrasil
- Mircea Eliade discusses the Epic of Gilgamesh
- Mircea Eliade – Chinese mythology
- Mircea Eliade – Mishna and the Tree of Knowledge
- Mircea Eliade – On Sea nymphs
- Mircea Eliade – Patterns in Comparative religion - Bulls
- Mircea Eliade – Patterns in Comparative religion – On Ahura Mazda
- Mircea Eliade – The Antaivandrika
- Mircea Eliade – The Tree in Africa and the Indus valley
- Mircea Eliade – The Turkic Rainbow bridge
- Mircea Eliade – The Zohar and the Tree of life
- Mircea Eliade – We plough the fields and scatter
- Miro - A Dew Drop Falling from a Bird's Wing Wakes Rosalie, who Has Been Asleep in the Shadow of a Spider's Web
- Miro - Apres l'orage
- Miro - Bottle of Vine
- Miro - Bouquet of Flowers - Smile of My Blond
- Miro - Ciphers and Constellations, in Love with a Woman
- Miro - Constellation - The Morning Star
- Miro - Constellation, awakening at dawn
- Miro - Dog Barking at the Moon
- Miro - Figure at Night guided by the phosphorescent tracks of Snails
- Miro - Harlequin's Carnival
- Miro - Ladders Cross the Blue Sky in a Wheel of Fire
- Miro - Nude with Mirror
- Miro - Person Throwing a Stone at a Bird
- Miro - Rope and People I
- Miro - The Birth of the World
- Miro - The Bull Fight
- Miro - The Circus Horse
- Miro - The Ear of Corn
- Miro - The Escape Ladder
- Miro - The Garden
- Miro - The Lark's Wing, Encircled with Golden Blue, Rejoins the Heart of the Poppy Sleeping on a Diamond-Studded Meadow
- Miro - The Melancholic singer
- Miro - The Nightingale's Song at Midnight and the Morning Rain
- Miro - The Red Sun
- Miro - Woman in front of sun
- Miro - Women and Birds at Sunrise
- Misc. source - A Sami drum map
- Misc. source - Australian aboriginal – A ceremonial corraboree
- Misc. source - Australian aboriginal – Rainbow serpent
- Misc. source - Jaguars as naguals
- Misc. source - Mayan maypole
- Misc. source - Silap Inua
- Misc. source - The Nazca culture
- Misc. source - Wolves
- Moitessier, Bernard - Tamata and the Alliance - The truck and the abyss
- Moitessier, Bernard - The Long Way - The real log
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - I am fed up with false gods
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - The Fairy Tern
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - The Rainbow Fish
- Monday's child
- Monroe, Robert - Extreme emotion has physical bodily effects
- Monroe, Robert - Nature as teacher
- Mont Salvat
- Montessori, Dr Maria - The Absorbent Mind - Learning
- Montessori, Dr Maria - The Montessori Method - Modern science
- Montessori, Dr Maria - The Secret of Childhood - The Christ in all
- Moody Blues - Dawn is a feeling
- Morrells, Luce and frost giants
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 001 Of the birth of Sigurd the son of Sigmund
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 002 Sigurd getteth to him the horse that is called Greyfell
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 003 Regin telleth Sigurd of his kindred, and of the Gold that was accursed from ancient days
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 004 Of the forging of the Sword that is called The Wrath of Sigurd
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 005 Of Gripir's Foretelling
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 006 Sigurd rideth to the Glittering Heath
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 007 Sigurd slayeth Fafnir the Serpent
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 008 Sigurd slayeth Regin the Master of Masters on the Glittering Heath
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 009 How Sigurd took to him the Treasure of the Elf Andvari
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book II – 010 How Sigurd awoke Brynhild upon Hindfell
- Morris, William - Sigurd the Volsung Book III – 001 Of the Dream of Gudrun the Daughter of Giuki
- Moses ben Nahman (Nahmanides) - Commentary on the Torah
- Moses Cordovero – Shi’ur Komah
- Moses de Leon – Sefer ha-Rimmon - Tree of life
- Motoyama, Dr Hiroshi – Energy, chaos and spirit
- Motoyama, Dr Hiroshi – The Great Work and Spirit helpers
- Mount Agung Bali
- Mount Athos
- Mount Fuji - Japan
- Mount Kailish
- Mount Meru
- Mount Meru - Cave painting Turkestan
- Mount Olympus
- Mount Shasta
- Mucha - 00 The Fool
- Mucha - 01 The Magician
- Mucha - 02 The High Priestess
- Mucha - 03 The Empress
- Mucha - 04 The Emperor
- Mucha - 05 The Hierophant
- Mucha - 06 The Lovers
- Mucha - 07 The Chariot
- Mucha - 08 Strength
- Mucha - 09 The Hermit
- Mucha - 10 Wheel of Fortune
- Mucha - 11 Justice
- Mucha - 12 The Hanged Man
- Mucha - 13 Death
- Mucha - 14 Temperance
- Mucha - 15 The Devil
- Mucha - 16 The Tower
- Mucha - 17 The Star
- Mucha - 18 The Moon
- Mucha - 19 The Sun
- Mucha - 20 Judgement
- Mucha - 21 The World
- Mucha, Alphonse
- Mucha, Alphonse - Zodiac
- Mucha, Alphonse - Dance
- Mucha, Alphonse - Morning star 1902
- Mucha, Alphonse - The Rose 1898
- Muhsin Fayz Kashani
- Muir, John - John of the Mountains - Reality is not what we perceive
- Muldoon, Sylvan - Repression, suppression and intensified desire
- Mulla Sadra and the metaphysics of transubstantiation
- Mullis, Dr Kary - We both knew I wouldn’t shut up
- Mundaka Upanishad
- Mundaka Upanishad
- Mundaka Upanishad
- Mundaka Upanishad
- Mundaka Upanishad
- Muriel Spark - Mandelbaum gate
- Music Bureau - East gate
- Mutus Liber 01 Cover
- Mutus Liber 02
- Mutus Liber 03
- Mutus Liber 04
- Mutus Liber 07
- Mutus Liber 08
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - On butterflies
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - On messengers
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - Amarava and Odu
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - The ena and the moya
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - And Nommo
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - Birds as creators
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - Ogham and hieroglyphs
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - On soul
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - On spirit helpers
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - On the Earth Mother
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - On the Trinity
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - Serpents
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - The Hidden Lake
- Myers, F W H - Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death - The ghost as an extract of perceptions
- Myers, F W H - The Varieties of Religious Experience - Prayer
- Myōe – If there is faith, myriad goods will flourish like the verdant earth
- Myōe – Lectures on the Commentary on the Mantra of Light
- Myōe – ln Recommending Faith in the Sand of the Mantra of Light 01
- Myōe – ln Recommending Faith in the Sand of the Mantra of Light 02
- Myōe – Mani is the wisdom of equality
- Myths and legends - Maol a Mhoibean
- Myths and legends - Mug Ruith
- Myths and legends - Popular Tales of the West Highlands – The Myths of the Mounds
- Myths and legends - Seitherin ap Seitherin - the keeper of the sea wall
- Myths and legends - The Fairy Mythology - The birth of the Dwarf Prince
- Myths and legends - The Fairy Mythology - The Brownie Luridan
- Myths and legends - The Fairy Mythology - The favour and kindness of the Dwarfs
- Nabokov, Vladimir - Speak, Memory - Spirals and Eggs
- Nāgārjuna – Mūlamadhyamaka-kārikā – Verse 01
- Nāgārjuna – Mūlamadhyamaka-kārikā – Verse 02
- Nāgārjuna – Mūlamadhyamaka-kārikā – Verse 03
- Nāgārjuna – Mūlamadhyamaka-kārikā – Verse 04
- Nāgārjuna – Mūlamadhyamaka-kārikā – Verse 05 and 06
- Naglowska, Maria de - The Light of Sex - Creation and destruction
- Naglowska, Maria de - The Light of Sex - On Justice and Contrast
- Nahuatl legends - Aztlan
- Narada - Sangita Makaranda - Celestial music
- Narada - Sutras 43-45
- Nash, John Forbes - Dream-like delusional hypotheses
- Nash, Ogden - A Lady who thinks she is thirty
- Nash, Ogden - On celery
- Nash, Ogden - Reprise
- Nash, Ogden - The Adventures of Isabel
- Nash, Ogden - The Dog
- Nash, Ogden - The Germ
- Nash, Ogden - The Parent
- Nash, Ogden - The Tale of Custard the Dragon
- Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - Sufi Essays
- Native American Wisdom - Blackfoot Indians
- Native American Wisdom - Chased-by-bears
- Native American Wisdom - Cilliwack Indians
- Native American Wisdom - Kiowa – On prayer
- Native American Wisdom - Ohiyesa - Creation
- Native American Wisdom - Omaha hollow mountain
- Native American Wisdom - Oren Lyons - The abuse of power
- Native American Wisdom - Osage Indians
- Native American Wisdom - Sioux - The Great Spirit
- Native American Wisdom - The Land of heaven
- Native American Wisdom - White Buffalo Calf Woman
- Navajo - Native American Indians - Wind chant
- Needham, Joseph - The Levels and layers
- Neiye - Verse 01
- Neiye - Verse 02
- Neiye - Verse 03
- Neiye - Verse 04
- Neiye - Verse 05
- Neiye - Verse 06
- Neiye - Verse 07
- Neiye - Verse 08
- Neiye - Verse 09
- Neiye - Verse 10
- Neiye - Verse 11
- Neiye - Verse 12
- Neiye - Verse 13
- Neiye - Verse 14
- Neiye - Verse 15
- Neiye - Verse 16
- Neiye - Verse 17
- Neiye - Verse 18
- Neiye - Verse 19
- Neruda, Pablo - The People
- Nerval, Gerard de - Towards golden
- Neumann, John von - Instant recall
- Newton, Sir Isaac - Principia - Seas of energy
- Newton, Sir Isaac - The General Scholium
- Newton, Sir Isaac - The Pipes of Pan - Laws of motion
- Newton, Sir Isaac - The Pipes of Pan - Music of the spheres
- Nichols, Robert – From Such was my Singing – from Sonnets to Aurelia
- Nick
- Nick Jans - The Last Night Breaking - Clarence
- Nick Jans - The Last Night Breaking - Maniilaq Part 4
- Nick Jans - The Last Night Breaking - On death and birth
- Nick Polizzi - Hit by lightning
- Nick Polizzi - On pharmaceuticals versus plants
- Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil - Every morality is a piece of tyranny against nature
- Nietzsche - Daybreak - Christianity has succeeded in transforming Eros and Aphrodite into diabolical kobolds
- Nietzsche - Daybreak - We aeronauts of the spirit
- Nietzsche - Ecce Homo - Philosophy
- Nietzsche - Ecce Homo - The concept ‘sin’ invented together with the instrument of torture which goes with it
- Nietzsche - Human all too human - There is more wisdom in your body
- Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals - Good and evil
- Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals - If a temple is to be erected, a temple must be destroyed
- Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals - Pain is the most powerful aid to mnemonics
- Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals - The exploitation of the sense of 'guilt'
- Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals - The ripest fruit is the sovereign individual
- Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals - There could be no happiness without forgetfulness
- Nietzsche - On the Genealogy of Morals - Too long the earth has been a madhouse
- Nietzsche - The Anti-Christ - On the commission of sins
- Nietzsche - The Anti-Christ - Religion is a profound discontent with the actual
- Nietzsche - The Case of Wagner - Music
- Nietzsche - The Gay Science - The poison which destroys the weaker nature, strengthens the stronger
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - It is true we love life
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - A span breadth from his goal, to languish!
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Art thou a new strength and a new authority? A first motion?
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - As long as men have existed, man has enjoyed himself too little
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - As yet humanity hath not a goal
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Become hard
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - He who wisheth one day to fly
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Humility hath the hardest skin
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - I have flown into mine own heaven with mine own pinions
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - The higher thou risest the smaller doth the eye of envy see thee
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Those who grave new values on new tables
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Thus did my wise longing
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Unspoken and unrealised hath my highest hope remained
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - What falleth, that shall one also push
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - When I came unto men, I found them resting on an old infatuation
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Ye shall become procreators and cultivators and sowers of the future
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Zarathustra's Roundelay
- Nietzsche - Twilight of the Idols - Learning to see, habituating the eye to repose
- Nightingale, Florence - Intimations of her destiny
- Nimrud - Carved ivory figures in Phoenician style
- Nimrud - Oannes
- Nineveh
- Nineveh - Human Headed Lions
- Nineveh - Tablet of the asteroid strike on the 29th of June 3123 BC
- Nippur
- Nippur - Lament for Nippur
- Nippur - Temple hymn
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from Discourse on the excellence of song
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from In praise of King Fakhrod-Din
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from On the honour and dignity of this book 01
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from On the honour and dignity of this book 02
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from Poets and Poetry 01
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from Poets and Poetry 02
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from Poets and Poetry 03
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from Poets and Poetry 04
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The First Discourse 01
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The First Discourse 02
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The First Seclusion 01
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Second Discourse 01
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Second Discourse 02
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Second Seclusion 01
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Second Seclusion 02
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Third Discourse 01 On the changing world
- Nobel prize winner has flashes
- Nonnus, Dionysiaca 6. 155 ff
- Noodled by narcotics, and seeing how brain compression algorithms at work
- Norse - Borum Eshoj
- Norse - Faro
- Norse - Gamla Uppsala - Adam of Bremen
- Norse - Gamla Uppsala - The Three Great Mounds
- Norse - Gamla Uppsala - The Ynglinga and Njals saga
- Norse - Gudme
- Norse - Gutasaga
- Norse - Hákon the Good's Saga
- Norse - Heiðrún
- Norse - Helgo
- Norse - Idunn
- Norse - Jelling
- Norse - Jelling - The North and South Mound
- Norse - Jelling – The Rune stone of Harald Bluetooth
- Norse - Ladby
- Norse - Loki and Heimdall’s fight over the singing stone
- Norse - Lurs
- Norse - Rape, pillage, slaves and burials
- Norse - Staraya Ladoga
- Norse - Tanum
- Norse - The Night journey
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 01 Actual entities
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 02 ‘Prehensions’ or actual relationships
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 03 System, Processes, Functions and ‘becoming’
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 04 The immortality of an entity, the system of the universe, in time and outside time
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 05 Quanta
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 06 The impossibility of a Big Bang; the emergence of the ‘concrescence’
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 07 Event based processing versus objective based processing
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 08 Time and perceptions
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 09 The 5 senses and Reality
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 10 The nature of ‘delusion’
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 11 The Tree of Life and the leaves of actuality
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 12 A definition of an eternal object
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 13 Paths and roads
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 14 Co-creation and Temporary co-operation of organisms
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 15 Destruction of Temporary co-operation of organisms
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 16 Aggregates as bills of materials and the limitations of the Cartesian model
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 17 Which comes first the thought or the thinker?
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 18 The difference between a type of entity and an entity, class and member of class, its impact on consciousness
- North Whitehead, Alfred – 19 Perceptions are not the same as memory
- North Whitehead, Alfred – God
- North Whitehead, Alfred – On Personality and multiple personality
- North Whitehead, Alfred – Philosophy is conscious self-correction of excesses of subjectivity
- North Whitehead, Alfred – The essential nature of Destruction as a process
- North Whitehead, Alfred – The importance of multidisciplinary research and definition of terms
- North Whitehead, Alfred – The importance of new terms for new concepts in metaphysics
- North Whitehead, Alfred – The nature of discovery and learning
- North Whitehead, Alfred – The nature of inspiration and rationalism
- North Whitehead, Alfred – The need for a radical new approach to education
- North Whitehead, Alfred – There is no such thing as matter, there are only energy, entities and relationships, and processes
- Nuggets
- Numbers 31
- Nunn, Dr Chris - 03 The need for new theories
- Nuremberg Chronicle - 'Back feet'
- Nuremberg Chronicle - 'The Hairy Woman'
- Nuremberg Chronicle - 'Umbrella Foot'
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Arms
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Beheading
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Big Ears
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Blemyhas
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Boiled in a cauldron
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Cyclops
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Dog head
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Emperor and Empress
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Felicitas
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Harlequins and Jesters
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Hung snake
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Inverted crucifixion
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Janus
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Judith
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Libyan satyr
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Man with no nose
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Noah and his sons
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Plato
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Saint Lucy
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Saint Valentine
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Sun and Moon
- Nuremberg Chronicle - The Androgyne
- Nuremberg Chronicle - The Dance of Death
- Nuremberg Chronicle - The Tower
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Twin Peaks
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Twins
- Nuremberg Chronicle - Wolf Man
- Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan with Peter Gabriel - Passion
- O'Donohue, John - A Blessing of Angels
- O'Donohue, John - A Celtic Pilgrimage
- O'Donohue, John - For The Dying
- O'Donohue, John - Imagination as the Path of the Spirit
- O'Donohue, John - On Being
- O'Donohue, John - On the Death of the Beloved
- O'Reilly, John Boyle - I am tired of planning and toiling
- O'Reilly, John Boyle - The Day and Night are symbols of creation
- O'Reilly, John Boyle - The faithful helm commands the keel
- O'Reilly, John Boyle - There is blood on the face of the earth
- Obiter Dicta - Louis Agassiz
- Observing vessels
- Odetta - The Times they are a Changin'
- Odette - Reads from ‘A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles’
- Ogotemmeli - Anvils, hammers and the celestial granary
- Ogotemmeli - Granary
- Ogotemmeli - On bad seed
- Ogotemmeli - Ostriches, the Egg and teeth
- Ogotemmeli - The reaper
- Ogotemmeli - The Smith and the Potter
- Ogotommeli - Drums
- Ogotommeli - Egg and Atom layout
- Ogotommeli - Energy recycling
- Ogotommeli - Feet and shoes
- Ogotommeli - Kinndou-kinndou, soul soul
- Ogotommeli - Order of creation
- Ogotommeli - Spirals
- Ogotommeli - The Golden Ram and the Calabash
- Ogotommeli - The Matrix and constellations
- Ogotommeli - The Smith
- Ogotommeli - The Word
- Ogotommeli - Twins
- Ogotommeli - Water and Copper
- Ogotommeli - Weaving
- Ogotommeli - Weaving the universe
- Oken, Lorenz - On aggregates and species
- Old King Cole
- Old Mother Hubbard
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - Leaden Metal into Gold
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - On the Air of Heaven Ride
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - The Potter
- Omar Khayyam - On Creed and Belief systems
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - A Ruby kindles in the Vine
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - Dreaming when Dawn's left hand was in the sky
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - How Time is slipping underneath our Feet
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - Magic Shadow Show
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - No more of THEE and ME
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - Roll of Fate
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - The Bird of Time
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - The flower that once has blown for ever dies
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - The last Dawn of Reckoning
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - The Potter
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - The Sorry trade
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - The Surly Tapster
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - Where is heaven
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - ‘I myself am Heaven and Hell’
- One two buckle my shoe
- Oprah Winfrey talks with Thich Nhat Hanh
- Oranges and lemons
- Orbison, Roy - The importance of faith
- Organisation of Pictish society – 01 Introduction
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - Knight
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - Knight - The Whitham Shield
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - Queen
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - The Fool or Jester
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - The Hermit
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - The Hierophant
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - The High Priestess
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - The King
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - The Magician
- Organisation of Pictish society – Roles - The Peasants
- Organisation of Pictish society – Virtues - Strength
- Origen - Against Celsus - On reincarnation
- Origen - On hell and reincarnation
- Orme Johnson, Professor David
- Orpheus - Iamblichus's Life - Numbers
- Orphic hymn to the Mother of the gods
- Osho - Absolutely Free to Be Funny
- Osho - Insights on sex - Anil Kumar Mysore Nagaraj How to transform sex energy
- Osho - Making Love – A Sacred Experience
- Osho - Sex is your life force
- Osho - The Search for the Eternal Lover
- Osmond, Dr Humphry - Misc. Quote
- Ossowiecki, Stefan - and the prophecy of the wise old Jew
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – M. de Fleuriere the importance of symbolism in understanding images of the past present and future, as well as character
- Ouspensky, P D - Tertium Organum - Extension in space and existence in time
- Ouspensky, P D - Tertium Organum - Lobachevsky and Kant
- Ouspensky, P D - Tertium Organum - On Bernard Riemann's atom
- Ouspensky, P D - Tertium Organum - On love
- Ouspensky, P D - Tertium Organum - On Time
- Ouspensky, P D - The Fourth Way - Negative imagination
- O’Donohue, John - For One Who Is Exhausted, a Blessing
- Palenque - Mayan - 'Palace'
- Palenque - Mayan - Overview
- Palenque - Mayan - Pyramids and ball courts
- Palenque - Mayan - The 'top knot' initiate
- Palenque - Mayan - Wall panels and inscriptions
- Palmer, Daniel David - The underlying spiritual foundation of the body
- Panin, Ivan
- Paracelsus - And Nature spirits
- Paracelsus - extract from Scritti alchemici e magici
- Paracelsus - On destruction and alchemical metals
- Paracelsus - On the spiritual path
- Paracelsus - The Elements
- Paramahansa Yogananda - Why God permits evil - The Great Work
- Paris
- Parmenides - On Nature - 02 to 07
- Parrish, Maxfield and Collier's magazine
- Pascal, Blaise - Pensees
- Pat a cake pat a cake
- Paul Devereux - Hindu 'faith-scapes'
- Paul Devereux - Mayan - Chichen Itza cave
- Paul Devereux - Sacred Places - Symbols
- Paul Devereux - Sacred trees in Minoan Crete
- Paul Devereux - The realm of the dead
- Paul Devereux - The Tukano and Choco Indians - 'Entoptic geometry'
- Paul Devereux - Totemism
- Paul Devereux – Callanish, Duloe and quartz
- Paul Éluard - Where is heaven?
- Paul McCartney - Fool on the hill
- Paul McCartney - The Long and winding road
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Earth
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Illumination and the Light
- Pauli, Wolfgang - In search of Merlin
- Pauli, Wolfgang - On God
- Pauli, Wolfgang - On Reality
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Scilla and Charybdis
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Symbolism
- Pauli, Wolfgang - The future of Physics
- Pauli, Wolfgang - The role of intuition, inspiration and wisdom
- Pauli, Wolfgang - The Soul of the Earth
- Peake, Mervyn - If trees gushed blood
- Peckover, Priscilla Hannah – quote from Peace and Goodwill, A sequel to the Olive leaf
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 08
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 09
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 10
- Persepolis
- Persepolis - And its sacred geography 01 The Mountain
- Persepolis - And its sacred geography 02 Surroundings and cosmic egg
- Persepolis - And its sacred geography 03 Gate of All Nations
- Persepolis - And its sacred geography 04 Griffin
- Persepolis - And its sacred geography 05 Stairs and ladders
- Persepolis - And its sacred geography 06 Bull capitals and columns
- Persepolis - And its sacred geography 07 The Lion and the Bull
- Persepolis - And its sacred geography 08 Naghsh-e Rostam
- Persepolis - And its sacred geography 09 Estakhr
- Persepolis - Norouz
- Persepolis - The story of Jamshid
- Persian caves
- Perush 'Al ha-Torah - Menahem ben Benjamin Recanati - Revelation
- Peter 3
- Peter 3:2
- Peter Gabriel - Scratch my back
- Philip Larkin - This Be The Verse
- Philippians 2
- Philippians 4
- Phillips Brooks - Visions and Task - On Good and Evil
- Philo - On 'Seeing' God
- Philo - On rewards
- Philo - On the dove
- Physiologus, the
- Pico Iyer on Leonard Cohen's Years as a Buddhist Monk
- Picts – Basic truths - As above so below
- Picts – Basic truths - Entanglement
- Picts – Basic truths - Feet
- Picts – Basic truths - Ouroboros
- Picts – Basic truths - Sea urchins and cosmic eggs
- Picts – Basic truths - Shape shifting
- Picts – Basic truths - Torus
- Picts – Type of experience - Being consumed [rebirth]
- Picts – Type of experience - Comb [kundalini]
- Picts – Type of experience - Double or twisted snakes [kundalini]
- Picts – Type of experience - Snake and Straight rod [Healing]
- Picts – Type of experience - Snake and T [kundalini failed]
- Picts – Type of experience - Snake and z-rod [general]
- Picts – Type of experience - Z rod or Zigzag line [general]
- Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace on Intelligent Design
- Pillar of the Boatmen
- Pinchbeck, Daniel - Some estimates on shamanic capabilities
- Pirsig, Robert M - LILA - Evolution
- Pirsig, Robert M - quotes
- Pitahauerat Pawnee - Native American Indians - The End of the World
- Planck, Max - And the Ultimate Intelligence
- Planck, Max - Look beyond the senses
- Planck, Max - On Belief systems and Miracles
- Planck, Max - The Universe in the Light of Modern Physics
- Planck, Max - There is no such thing as Matter
- Plato - Charmides - Know yourself
- Plato - Cratylus - Everything flows
- Plato - Cratylus - On weaving
- Plato - Cratylus - The Daemon
- Plato - Critias - Atlantis and Athens
- Plato - Meno - On reincarnation and past lives
- Plato - Parmenides - Are functions implemented or multi-tasked
- Plato - Phaedo - Death is not the end of all, and the wicked is not released from his evil
- Plato - Phaedo - Energy recycling, streams and rivers
- Plato - Phaedo - The Expanding universe
- Plato - Phaedrus - The Immortal soul as the Charioteer
- Plato - Republic - Harmony and the Planets
- Plato - Republic - Roles and Destiny
- Plato - Republic - The Cave analogy
- Plato - Statesman - A Theory of Evolution
- Plato - Statesman - The Earth born men
- Plato - Theaetetus - Birds in an aviary, the metaphor of mind
- Plato - Theaetetus - Feet and shoes
- Plato - Theaetetus - On sensations
- Plato - Timaeus - Chaos, Spirit and the Immortal soul
- Plato - Timaeus - Mother Earth
- Plato - Timaeus - Moving spheres
- Plato - Timaeus - On Fire and Water
- Plato - Timaeus - On the elements
- Plato - Timaeus - On time
- Plato - Timaeus - Putting the leaves on the tree of life
- Plato - Timaeus - Reincarnation
- Plato - Timaeus - The Flood
- Plato - Timaeus - The Ouroboros and the Abyss
- Plato – Parmenides - Ideas
- Plato – Parmenides - Ideas, functions and function dependency
- Plato – Parmenides - Socrates questions the One and the Many
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure - 01
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure - 02
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 03
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 04
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 05
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 06
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 07
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 08
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 09
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 10
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 11
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 12
- Plattes, Gabriel – A Discovery of Subterraneall Treasure – 13
- Pliny – On the sacred role of mistletoe to Druids
- Plotinus - Eighth Tractate - On emotion and will
- Plotinus - Eighth Tractate - On Free will and the will of the One
- Plotinus - From first to last Providence descends from on high
- Plotinus - The Enneads - A powerful frame, a healthy constitution
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Accruement takes place at birth
- Plotinus - The Enneads - All the virtues without exception are purifications
- Plotinus - The Enneads - As for violent personal sufferings
- Plotinus - The Enneads - But if soul is sinless, how come the expiations
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Do not base your peace of mind on the fortunes, good or bad, of any other men
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Either we do or we do not use Intellect
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Happiness in animals and plants
- Plotinus - The Enneads - How lies the course
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Inner vision as a means of 'purification'
- Plotinus - The Enneads - It is certain that we shrink from the unpleasant
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Just so the soul, entering this drama of the universe
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Never did eye see the sun
- Plotinus - The Enneads - On death
- Plotinus - The Enneads - On learning how to learn
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Once a man is proficient
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Reincarnation as a reflection of our current proclivities
- Plotinus - The Enneads - The prayer is answered
- Plotinus - The Enneads - The solution is in understanding the virtues
- Plotinus - The Enneads - The Soul
- Plotinus - The Enneads - The use and act of Reason is a characteristic Act of the Soul
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Train the inner vision
- Plotinus - The Enneads - What is evil in the single soul will stand a good thing in the universal system
- Plotinus - The Enneads - Where is heaven
- Plumptre, Reverend Edward - The Spirits In Prison – Destiny and Challenges
- Plumptre, Reverend Edward - The Spirits In Prison – Good, evil and the end of the world
- Plumptre, Reverend Edward - The Spirits In Prison – Spirit helpers and co-workers
- Plumptre, Reverend Edward - The Spirits In Prison – The continuance of sympathy, communion, interdependence, between the living and the dead
- Plumptre, Reverend Edward - The Spirits In Prison – The law of continuity
- Plumptre, Reverend Edward - The Spirits In Prison – There is no death
- Plutarch - De Iside et Osiride
- Plutarch - Isis and Osiris
- Plutarch - Moralia - On Isis and the dog
- Plutarch - Moralia - The Immortal soul
- Plutarch - On the delay of the divine justice - Birthmarks
- Poe, Edgar Allen - Men have called me mad
- Poe, Edgar Allen - To F O
- Poetic Edda - Baldr's Dreams [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Baldr's Dreams [full text]
- Poetic Edda - Grimnir's sayings [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Grimnir's sayings [Extract]
- Poetic Edda - Grimnir's sayings [full text]
- Poetic Edda - Hymir's poem [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Lay of Sigrdrifa [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Lay of Sigrdrifa [full text]
- Poetic Edda - Sayings of the High One [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Sayings of the High One [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Sayings of the High One [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Sayings of the High One [full text]
- Poetic Edda - Sayings of the High One [Odin's sacrifice]
- Poetic Edda - Song of Grotti
- Poetic Edda - The Ballad of Alvis [exract]
- Poetic Edda - The Ballad of Alvis [full text]
- Poetic Edda - The Ballad of Fafnir [full text]
- Poetic Edda - The Prophecy of Grípir [full text]
- Poetic Edda - The Song of Rig [extract]
- Poetic Edda - The Song of Rig [extract]
- Poetic Edda - The Song of Rig [full text]
- Poetic Edda - Vafthrudnir's sayings [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Völuspá [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Völuspá [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Völuspá [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Völuspá [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Völuspá [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Völuspá [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Völuspá [extract] - 2
- Poetic Edda - Völuspá [full text]
- Poimandres - Hermes Trismegistus
- Poimandres - Hermes Trismegistus
- Poimandres - Hermes Trismegistus
- Poimandres - Hermes Trismegistus
- Poimandres - Hermes Trismegistus
- Poincare, Henri - Discovering functions without realising it
- Poincare, Henri - The process of illumination
- Polgar, Alfred - The law of attraction and repulsion
- Polly put the kettle on
- Pope Benedict XVI - The Logos
- Pope Francis - On spirit
- Popol Vuh Museum - Guatemala city - 'Priest'
- Pordage, John - Aether
- Pordage, John - Air is the third matter of eternal nature’s essence
- Pordage, John - Earth is a transparent crystalline earth
- Pordage, John - Eternal nature and its purpose
- Pordage, John - Eye of God
- Pordage, John - Inner court
- Pordage, John - On God
- Pordage, John - On the Planets
- Pordage, John - Outward and inward courts
- Pordage, John - The abyssal essence
- Pordage, John - The Creator and God
- Pordage, John - The nature of the Holy Trinity
- Pordage, John - The simplified spirits
- Pordage, John - Water is the second matter of eternal nature’s essence
- Pordage, John - What is above the abyssal essence
- Pordage, John - Wisdom
- Prasna Upanishad
- Prasna Upanishad
- Prasna Upanishad
- Prasna Upanishad
- Prasna Upanishad
- Prasna Upanishad
- Prasna Upanishad
- Priestley, J B - Margin Released - We change its quality from within ourselves
- Priestley, J B - Margin Released – On Perceptions and Time
- Priestley, Joseph - God
- Priestley, Joseph - Infinites as the cause
- Priestley, Joseph - Materialism as a failed approach
- Priestley, Joseph - Miracles
- Primary vaccine failure to routine vaccines: Why and what to do?
- Proclus - Elements of Theology - Dunamis and the Logos
- Proclus - Elements of Theology - Proposition 209
- Professor Dean Ornish - Your genes are not your fate
- Professor John Archibald Wheeler - The Black hole is the source of enlightenment
- Professor Pierre Janet - Below God there is an infinite chain from seraph to grain of sand, from highest self-consciousness to most absolute unconsciousness
- Professor William James - Louis Agassiz, Words Spoken at the Reception of the American Society of Naturalists [Dec 30, 1896]
- Proust, Marcel - Extract from the Death of Cathedrals
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time - On love
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volume I - The love of women
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volume II - Decisions
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volume II - On wisdom
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volume IV - Know thyself
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volume IV - On Pain
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volume V - In search of new worlds
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volume VI - On desire
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volume VII - The magic of art
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost Time Volumes VI & VII - On Grief and suffering
- Proust, Marcel - Letter from Proust to Daniel Halévy 1888
- Proust, Marcel - Notes to Sesame and Lilies - On the Ego
- Proust, Marcel - Preface to The Bible of Amiens - On Hawthorn
- Proverbs 24
- Proverbs 3
- Proverbs 9
- Psalm 23
- Psalm 82
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Andromeda
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Aquarius
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Aquila
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Ara
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Aries
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Auriga
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Boötes
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Canis Major
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Capricornus
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Centaurus
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Cetus
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Corvus
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Crater
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Eridanus
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Lyra
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Sagittarius
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Taurus
- Ptolemy after 150 AD - Triangulum
- PubMed - Effects of Montessori education on the intellectual development in children aged 2 to 4 years
- Pueblo and Mojave - Native American Indians - The hummingbird
- Puharich, Andrija - Beyond Telepathy - On free will
- Pythagoras - Alexander Cornelius Polyhistor - Reincarnation
- Pythagoras - Censorinus - De Die Natali
- Pythagoras - Eli Maor - The Pythagorean Theorem
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Adjusting the diet to help attain wisdom and prophesy
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - And Aristotle's comments
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Counting fishes
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Destiny
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Number is the ruler of forms
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Spheres
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Symbol system
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Symbol system, origin and widespread use
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Tetractys
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - The Elements and Contrast
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - The Mysteries
- Pythagoras - Marcilio Ficino describes the musical ratios of Pythagoras
- Pythagoras - Misc. Quote - A thought is an idea in transit
- Pythagoras - Misc. Quote - Above all things reverence thyself
- Pythagoras - Misc. Quote - In this theatre of man’s life
- Pythagoras - Misc. Quote - On contrast
- Pythagoras - Proclus in MSS. Schol. in Cratylum
- Pythagoras - The Sacred Discourse - Numbers
- Qu'ran - Conscience - Taqwa
- Qu'ran - Destiny - Surah Al-Baqarah 2:286
- Qu'ran - Good and bad - An-Nisā':19
- Qu'ran - Planets, the - Sura 67 verse 3
- Qu'ran - Rebirth - An Nisa 4:59
- Qu'ran - Squash the big I am - Surah Al-Isra 17:37
- Qu'ran - The End of the World - Surah 101 & 102
- Quakers - Margaret Fell and George Fox's sermon
- Quincey, Thomas de - Suspiria de Profundis
- Qu’ran - Black, White and Adversity - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Death
- Qu’ran - Death and the Spirit helpers - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Destiny and the Great Work - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Don’t hurt - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Intelligence as function not form - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Judgement Day; overview - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Judgement Day; The fate of those who conspire with evil spirits - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Judgement Day; The fate of those who go on the straight path - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Judgement Day; The Scroll of Deeds, Destiny and the Final Separation
- Qu’ran - No food is forbidden except that not of Allah [God] - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Perceptions - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Reincarnation
- Qu’ran - Spirit helpers and guides - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Symbols and signs - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - The Ages of Man - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - The Qu'ran alone is to be followed - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - The Qur’an as revelation - Surah Al An’am
- Qu’ran - Tolerance of others' beliefs - Surah Al An’am
- R Wilhelm – commentary on the I Ching
- Rabbi Isaac - Order of creation
- Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel – Nishmath Hayem - On reincarnation
- Rabbi Shimeon - Alas for the man who regards the Torah as a book of mere tales and profane matters
- Rabbi Shimeon - Sabbath of the Talmud
- Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov - Ge'ullat Yisrael
- Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli
- Rajaa Benamour is taught quantum physics whilst anaesthetised
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - On savantism
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - The Atman
- Ramachandran, Dr V S - The distortion of perceptions to fit belief systems
- Ramacharaka on Louis Agassiz - On learning to observe
- Ramakrishna - Gospel of Sri Ramakrishnan - The Primordial Power is ever at play
- Ramakrishna - Hymns of Ramakrishna - O, Mother, what a machine is this
- Ramakrishna - Hymns of Ramakrishna - The narrow channel first is made
- Ramakrishna - Hymns of Ramakrishna - The silk worm patiently prepares
- Ramakrishna - Misc. Quote - I look upon all human beings as incarnations of the Deity
- Ramakrishna - Misc. Quote - Sunyata
- Ramakrishna - Misc. Quotes - Different people call on [God] by different names
- Ramakrishna - Misc. Quotes - Is it possible to understand God’s action
- Ramakrishna - Misc. Quotes - There are pearls in the deep sea
- Ramana Maharshi - Bliss
- Ramana Maharshi - On happiness
- Ramana Maharshi - Quote - Now they say that the world is unreal
- Ramana Maharshi - Ramana the Magician - Awareness wherein brightly shine
- Ramana Maharshi - Sat Darshan - As in a well of water deep
- Ramana Maharshi - There is nothing new to get
- Ramdas, Swami - Just as an unshapen stone can be fashioned
- Ramdas, Swami - When sadness and suffering become intense
- Ramon Medina Silva - And Waterfall stimulation
- Ramsay Smith - Australian Aborigine - Sayings and customs
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 04
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 12
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 13
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 19
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 20
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 23
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 26
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 27
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 29
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 33
- Ravidas – from the Adi Granth 38
- Receiving wisdom when in a trance
- Recording of Marvellous Relations of Temperament, Heaven, Wind and Moon
- Red Pill Blue Pill Matrix Quote
- Redon, Odilon - Closed Eyes 1
- Redon, Odilon - his Love series
- Redon, Odilon - Mystic series 6
- Redon, Odilon - Mystic series 1
- Redon, Odilon - Mystic series 2
- Redon, Odilon - Mystic series 4
- Redon, Odilon - Mystic series 5
- Redon, Odilon - Mystic series 7
- Redon, Odilon - the Boat series
- Redon, Odilon - the Chariot of Apollo series
- Redon, Odilon - the Floating heads series
- Redon, Odilon - the Flower series
- Redon, Odilon - the Underwater series
- Reeve, Christopher – God doesn't make these things happen. We were given free will, and everything obeys the laws of nature
- Reeve, Christopher – What is a hero
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Desana Creation Myth
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Drums
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Humming and buzzing
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Jaguar symbolism
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Master of Animals
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - The cock-of-the-rock
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - The shield
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - The symbolism of blue
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Wisdom vs knowledge
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukana Indians - The Sun's Penis
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Blue, Red and Smoke
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Energy conservation
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Hair
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Hell and the Abyss
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - The Elements
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - The Milky Way
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - The paths on death
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - The Sun
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - The umbilical cord to the Sun
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Tulari and Boga
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – The Tukano Indians - Yellow, Honey and Semen
- Reid, Christopher - From Skull Garden
- Reid, Christopher - Gossip of the gods
- Reid, Christopher - I have in my possession an angel’s wingbone
- Reid, Christopher - It's a terrifying gift being able to make you cry
- Reid, Christopher - One dog barks at hot air balloons
- Reid, Christopher - Think of the energy squandered
- Reid, Christopher - Whether truly modest or not , he wrote
- Reid, Gall, Mill, Bain and Hack-Tuke – On the nature of the Will
- Relationships
- Rene Magritte and J H M Whiteman - Mme. Recamier
- Rhys Brydydd - The smallest if compared with small
- Richard Dreyfuss on Living with Bipolar Disorder
- Richet, Charles Robert - The A Pros And Cons Of Vivisection - It is our duty to have sympathy for, and to abstain from indifference and cruelty in our dealings with all living creatures
- Richet, Charles Robert - We should be entirely engrossed in doing good; justice should be our sole preoccupation
- Richter
- Ride a cock horse
- Rider-Waite - 0 The Fool
- Rider-Waite - 01 The Magician
- Rider-Waite - 02 High Priestess
- Rider-Waite - 03 The Empress
- Rider-Waite - 04 The Emperor
- Rider-Waite - 05 The Hierophant
- Rider-Waite - 06 The Lovers
- Rider-Waite - 07 The Chariot
- Rider-Waite - 08 Strength
- Rider-Waite - 09 The Hermit
- Rider-Waite - 10 Wheel of Fortune
- Rider-Waite - 11 Justice
- Rider-Waite - 12 The Hanged Man
- Rider-Waite - 13 Death
- Rider-Waite - 14 - Temperance
- Rider-Waite - 15 The Devil
- Rider-Waite - 16 The Tower
- Rider-Waite - 17 The Star
- Rider-Waite - 18 The Moon
- Rider-Waite - 19 The Sun
- Rider-Waite - 20 Judgement
- Rider-Waite - 21 The World
- Rig veda - Frogs
- Rig Veda - And in the One arose love
- Rig veda - Boats, Birds and Chariots
- Rig veda - Bull and Cow
- Rig veda - Chariots
- Rig Veda - Death
- Rig Veda - Energy
- Rig Veda - Faith
- Rig Veda - Gone to the other shore
- Rig veda - In the Beginning
- Rig veda - In the Beginning [Muller transl]
- Rig Veda - Make me Immortal
- Rig veda - Ploughs, Yokes and Fountains
- Rig Veda - Rain and Fire
- Rig veda - Rudra with braided hair
- Rig veda - Soma
- Rig veda - Soma
- Rig Veda - Spirit travel
- Rig Veda - Sun and Chariots
- Rig Veda - The Abyss
- Rig Veda - The All Maker
- Rig Veda - The bond of existence is in non existence
- Rig Veda - The Creation and Sacrifice
- Rig veda - The Golden Womb
- Rig veda - The Great Mother
- Rig Veda - The House of Clay
- Rig Veda - The Mist of Creation
- Rig veda - The One
- Rig veda - The Smith
- Rig veda - Tree of Life
- Rig Veda - Two Birds
- Rig veda - Water
- Rig Veda - Weaving the Matrix
- Right said Fred
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 18 Fourth Elegy
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 25 Fifth Elegy
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 36 Eighth Elegy
- Rimbaud, Arthur - Muscle bound goons The kind that rape the world
- Rimbaud, Arthur - When the cannon’s red spittle Whistles through limitless blue skies
- Rimbaud, Arthur - You have to be a seer, mold oneself into a seer
- Ring o ring o roses
- Ritter, Christiane - Seventy-eight days of darkness have already passed
- Rock a bye baby
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - Wisdom vs knowledge
- Rolling Thunder - Beyond Biofeedback by Drs Elmer and Alyce Green – Metaphysical beliefs
- Roman Osipovich Jakobson - On symbolic thinking
- Romance of the Rose - Meeting his lady
- Romance of the Rose - Meeting lady Reason
- Romance of the Rose - The Garden of Pleasure
- Romance of the Rose - The spring
- Romance of the Rose – Lady Fortune
- Romano, Jacques - On education
- Romano, Jacques - The Law of Compensation
- Romano, Jacques - The Snow Man
- Romans 1
- Romans 12:1-2
- Romans 2:28
- Rops - Felicien - L'Amour Mouche
- Rops, Felicien - Beauty and the Beast
- Rops, Felicien - Dans les coulisses
- Rops, Felicien - Grande Lyre
- Rops, Félicien - L'Enlèvement 1882
- Rops, Félicien - L'entr'acte de Minerve
- Rops, Felicien - l'initiation sentimentale
- Rops, Felicien - La Dame au Pantin
- Rops, Felicien - la femme au trapeze
- Rops, Félicien - La répétition
- Rops, Felicien - Lady with Puppet
- Rops, Felicien - Le bibliothécaire
- Rops, Felicien - Les Diaboliques
- Rops, Felicien - Monkey
- Rops, Felicien - Parodie humaine
- Rops, Felicien - Rare fish
- Rops, Felicien - Satan sowing tares
- Rops, Felicien - Study for the Temptation of St Anthony
- Rops, Felicien - the Key
- Rops, Felicien - the Rocking horse
- Rops, Felicien - The Sacrifice
- Rops, Felicien - The Social Revolution
- Rops, Felicien - The Supreme Vice
- Rops, Felicien – La Legende du sexes
- Rops, Felicien – La Sorciere
- Rops, Felicien – Pornokrates
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 01 The Fountain
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 02 The Bird and Branch
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 03 King and Queen
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 04 The Bath
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 05 Conjunctio
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 06 The Conception
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 07 Purification of the Soul
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 08 The Washing
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 09 The Rejoicing
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 10 The Union
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 11 The Fermentation
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 12 The Illumination
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 13 The Nourishment
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 14 The Fixation
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 15 The Multiplication
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 16 The Reviving
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 17 Demonstration of Perfection
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 18 The Green Lion devours the Sun
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 19 Deification
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 20 The Saint
- Rosicrucean - Thor Kiimaletho - 01 The fundamental beliefs
- Rosicrucean - Thor Kiimaletho - 02 The fundamental beliefs
- Rosicrucean - Thor Kiimaletho - 03 The fundamental beliefs
- Ross Heaven - Vodou, Hobs and the Loa
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Golden Water 1858
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Prosperine
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Aspecta Medusa
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Beata Beatrix
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Damsel of the Sanct Grail
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Dante's Dream
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Dantis Amor
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Lilith and Palmifera
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Marie Spartali
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Portraits of Fanny Cornforth 1
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Saint Catherine 1857
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Sudden Light
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - The Beautiful Hand
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - The Blessed Damozel
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Venus Verticordia
- Rubens - Judith with the head of Holofernes
- Rubens - Marchesa Brigida Spinola Doria
- Rubens - Mulay Ahmad
- Rudi Mappi Mundi
- Rudimentum Noviciorum
- Rumi - Divani Shamsi Tabriz - Every fair shape you have seen
- Rumi - Divani Shamsi Tabriz - Every moment the voice of Love is coming
- Rumi - Divani Shamsi Tabriz - O heart What a wondrous bird art thou
- Rumi - Divani Shamsi Tabriz - Twere better that the spirit
- Rumi - Love poems - Already, don't you rush toward the garden
- Rumi - Love Poems - Bough and leaf set free from the earth
- Rumi - Love poems - Silence lies in the ocean
- Rumi - Love poems - The whirling heaven, Ever seeking and searching
- Rumi - Love poems - There is a way from your heart to mine
- Rumi - Mathnawi - We have all been parts of Adam
- Rumi - Mathwani - Thou knowest not where is the Ocean of thought
- Rumi - Misc - Come, come Do you hear the music
- Rumi - Misc - Dear heart, where do you find
- Rumi - Misc - Every image you see
- Rumi - Misc - Fire
- Rumi - Misc - Garden of Love
- Rumi - Misc - God has made existence magnificent
- Rumi - Misc - I am a slave
- Rumi - Misc - I died a mineral and became a plant
- Rumi - Misc - Love is the Treasure
- Rumi - Misc - Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing
- Rumi - Misc - The Beginning of Things
- Rumi - Misc - Tis said, the pipe and lute that charm our ears
- Rumi - Quote - On adversity
- Rumi - Quote - Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment
- Rumi - Quote - The devil
- Rumi - Quote - various
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - A dervish gives freely
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Are you searching for your soul
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Be motivated by the falcon
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Deafened by the voice of desire
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Do you want to enter paradise
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Dreamy and distracted
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Heat is not brought by fire only
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - I hoped my grief to be my cure
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Imitating others I failed to find myself
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Peaceful
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - The Beloved knows you under any cover
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - The birds have flown to freedom
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - There are no signposts
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - There is no wine without You
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - This world is full of men like Jesus
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - Walking on your path
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - We are bound together
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - You are so near That I cannot see You
- Rumi - Rubaiyat - You know what love is
- Rumi - The Book of Love - I don’t mind if my companions
- Rumi - The Book of Love - This moment this love comes to rest in me
- Rumi - The Book of Love - Your deepest presence is in every small
- Rumi - The Game of Love - When a woman and a man become as One
- Rumi - Whispers of the Beloved - If you can’t smell the fragrance
- Rumi - Whispers of the beloved - You are the cure hidden in the pain
- Rumi - Whispers of the Beloved - Your charm lured me
- Ruskin, John - Extract from Letters to the Clergy
- Ruskin, John - Extracts from Letters to the Clergy
- Ruskin, John - Extracts from Letters to the Clergy
- Ruskin, John - Happiness
- Ruskin, John - Thy kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven
- Russell, George William - A Summer Night
- Russell, George William - Call not thy wanderer home as yet
- Russell, George William - Letters
- Russell, George William - Candle of Vision
- Russell, George William - My inner being is not one but many
- Russell, George William - Our being is musical
- Russell, George William - Short quotes
- Russell, George William - Song and its Fountain
- Russell, George William - Song and its Fountain
- Russell, George William - Song and its Fountain
- Russell, George William - The gods feed upon men
- Russell, George William - The Man to the Angel
- Rutherford, Lord Ernest - The process of scientific discovery may be regarded as a form of art
- RyoNen - from 101 Zen stones
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 10, Chapter 01 – Kamsa’s attempt on his sister’s life
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 10, Chapter 03 – The birth of Krishna
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 10, Chapter 12 – The Picnic in the Forest
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 10, Chapter 15 – The ladies of Vraja, like bees searching for honey
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 10, Chapter 20 – Autumn in Vrindâvana
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 10, Chapter 20 – The Rainy Season and Autumn in Vrindâvana
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 11, Chapter 02 - Stages of understanding on the spiritual path
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 11, Chapter 03 - Liberation from Mâyâ
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 11, Chapter 03 – End of the world
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 11, Chapter 05 – Of those who kill their soul and miss the peace
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 11, Chapter 09 – Reducing conflict
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 11, Chapter 09 – Reducing desire
- S'RÎMAD BHÂGAVATAM – Canto 11, Chapter 09 – The Great Work
- Saadi - A Drop of Rain was falling from forth a summer cloud
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 03 from the Panegyric of the Padsham of Islam
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 04 from the Cause for composing the Rose garden
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 05 from Excuse for Remissness in Service and Cause for Preferring Solitude
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 06 from The Manners of Kings Solitude
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 08 from The Manners of Kings Solitude
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 09 from The Manners of Kings Solitude
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 10 from The Manners of Kings Solitude
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 12 from The Manners of Kings Solitude
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 13 from The Manners of Kings Solitude
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 14 from The Morals of Dervishes
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 17 from The Morals of Dervishes
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 18 from The Morals of Dervishes
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 19 from The Morals of Dervishes
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 20 from The Morals of Dervishes
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 23 from The Morals of Dervishes
- Saadi - The Gulistan of Sa‘di – 24 from The Morals of Dervishes
- Sabina, Maria - from Shamanic voices by Dr Joan Halifax
- Sacks, Oliver - On dreams and the deaf
- Sacks, Oliver - On Inner speech
- Sacks, Oliver - On perception recall
- Sacks, Oliver - Perceptions as a means of 'knowing thyself'
- Sacred geography - Ancient Egyptian - Abu Simbel
- Sacred geography - Ancient Egyptian - Rivers and streams
- Sacred geography - Ancient Egyptian - Temples with pronaos
- Sacred geography - Ancient Egyptian - The sphinx
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Ancient trees
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Barrows
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Bridges
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Caves – 01 The Tomb Complex of Goguryeo
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Caves – 02 The Tomb Complex of Goguryeo
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Islands
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Mountains
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Poles
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Poles 2
- Sacred geography - Korean mystic shamanism – Sacred grove
- Sacred geography – Picts
- Sacred geography – Picts – Barrows 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Barrows 02
- Sacred geography – Picts – Barrows 03
- Sacred geography – Picts – Barrows 04 - Camster
- Sacred geography – Picts – Brochs 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Brochs 02
- Sacred geography – Picts – Brochs 03
- Sacred geography – Picts – Brochs 04
- Sacred geography – Picts – Castles, Palaces and Forts 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Castles, Palaces and Forts 02
- Sacred geography – Picts – Caves 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Citadels 01 – Mither Tap
- Sacred geography – Picts – Citadels 02 – Callanish
- Sacred geography – Picts – Citadels 03 – Orkney and the Brough of Birsay
- Sacred geography – Picts – Crannogs 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Crannogs 02
- Sacred geography – Picts – Cursus 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Mark stones
- Sacred geography – Picts – Mark stones - 01 Cup and rings
- Sacred geography – Picts – Mark stones - 02 Cup and rings
- Sacred geography – Picts – Round tower 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Round tower 02
- Sacred geography – Picts – Round tower 03 - Star maps and bliss
- Sacred geography – Picts – Sacred trees and sacred groves 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Sacred trees and sacred groves 02
- Sacred geography – Picts – Sacred trees and sacred groves 03
- Sacred geography – Picts – Souterrains or Step wells 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Souterrains or Step wells 02
- Sacred geography – Picts – Springs and wells 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Springs and wells 02 - Ben Newe
- Sacred geography – Picts – Stone circles 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Stone circles 02
- Sacred geography – Picts – Stone circles 03 - Corrimony
- Sacred geography – Picts – Wheelhouses 01
- Sacred geography – Picts – Wheelhouses 02 - A’ Cheardach Bheag South Uist
- Sacred geography – Picts – Wheelhouses 03 - A’ Cheardach Bheag South Uist
- Sacred geography – Picts – Wheelhouses 04 - A’ Cheardach Bheag South Uist
- Sacred geography – Picts – Wheelhouses 05 - A’ Cheardach Bheag South Uist
- Saddharma Pundarīka Sūtra - On plants
- Sadhguru - Insight Into Depression
- Sahib, Bhai
- Sai Baba - Miscellaneous quote
- Saint Augustine - Confessions - Reincarnation
- Saint Augustine - Confessions - The joint vision with his dying mother
- Saint Brendan - 02 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 03 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 05 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 06 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 07 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 08 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 09 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 10 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 11 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 12 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 13 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 14 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 15 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 16 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Catharine of Genoa - On the destructiveness of the Ego and Desires
- Saint Catharine of Genoa - On the value of undergoing Purgatory whilst alive
- Saint Francis Xavier - from Poulain - Graces of Interior Prayer
- Saint John Joseph of the Cross - On God
- Saint Teresa of Avila - Imagination versus true experience
- Saint Teresa of Avila - Inner speech
- Saint Teresa of Avila - Rapture 2
- Saint Thomas Aquinas - On the dangers of spiritual experience
- Saint-Exupery, Antoine de - Le Petit Prince
- Saint-Exupery, Antoine de - Le Petit Prince
- Saint-Martin, Louis Claude de - Misc. Quotes - Love is the helm of our vessel
- Saint-Martin, Louis Claude de - Quote
- Saint-Yves d'Alveydre - On music
- Saks, Elyn TED talk
- Sales, Francois de - On free will
- Sales, Francois de - On one's 'calling'
- Salvador Dalí Illustrates Alice in Wonderland, 1969
- Salvador Dalí Illustrates Alice in Wonderland, 1969 - Alice’s Evidence
- Sam Willetts - New Light for the Old Dark - Desert humming and rocking
- Samavedas – 01 Book 04 Chapter 01, DECADE I Indra and others
- Samavedas – Book 04 Chapter 01, IV Soma Pavamana
- Samavedas – Book 04 Chapter 02, IX Soma Vaisvanara
- Samuel Johnson - On adversity
- Samyutta Nikaya - Wheel of life
- Schelling, F W J - Abhandlungen zur Erläuterung des Idealismus der Wissenschaftslehre – Matter arises from spirit
- Schelling, F W J - Clara or On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World – On the death of a spiritual person
- Schelling, F W J - Clara or On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World – On the nature of the material and spiritual world
- Schelling, F W J - Clara or On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World – Spring
- Schelling, F W J - Clara or On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World – The effects of hypnagogia
- Schelling, F W J - Clara or On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World – The enormous value of observation
- Schelling, F W J - Clara or On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World – The existence of creation and destruction
- Schelling, F W J - Philosophical Inquiries into the Nature of Human Freedom – Contrast, including attraction and repulsion, and the passions
- Schelling, F W J - Philosophical Inquiries into the Nature of Human Freedom – Darkness and Light and divine transmutation
- Schelling, F W J - Philosophical Inquiries into the Nature of Human Freedom – On Darkness and Light
- Schelling, F W J - Philosophical Inquiries into the Nature of Human Freedom – Personality, Destiny and the Great Work
- Schelling, F W J - Philosophy and Religion – Nature
- Schelling, F W J - Philosophy and Religion – The Great Work and Destiny
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - On the Metaphysics of Music - Systems and music
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - An erection is a motive, because it is an idea
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Beauty
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Fate and destiny
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Form and function
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Imagination and genius
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Inspiration
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Memories and emotions
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Minding your own business
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Music and function
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - On fleeting gratification
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - On motives
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - On music
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Opposite to sublime
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Personality
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Pure contemplation
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Reducing desires
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - Taking pleasure in the beautiful
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - The Innocence of plants
- Schopenhauer, Arthur - The World as Will and Idea - The nature of inspiration and genius
- Schrodinger and Boltzman
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - Cause effect chains
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - Death as a function
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - Mind
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - Testing creation
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - The 5 senses
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - The Cat
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - Time
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - What is Reality
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - Where is Mind
- Schrodinger, Erwin - Mind and Matter - Where is the Personality
- Schrödinger, Erwin - Quantum entanglement and the Doppelganger
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Aggregates
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Atoms
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Atoms and aggregation
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Death is a function
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Energy
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Form and function
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Mutation
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Mutation design and planning
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Mutation rate and temperature
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Mutations and 'jumping'
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - The Word as programming language
- Schrodinger, Erwin - What is Life - Versions
- Schulz, Charles - Adversity
- Schulz, Charles - And Nature
- Schulz, Charles - Cartooning is preaching
- Schulz, Charles - Change
- Schulz, Charles - Depression
- Schulz, Charles - Janus
- Schulz, Charles - On church services
- Schulz, Charles - On education
- Schulz, Charles - On fate
- Schulz, Charles - On happiness and sadness
- Schulz, Charles - On inspiration
- Schulz, Charles - On loneliness
- Schulz, Charles - On love
- Schulz, Charles - On love and chocolate
- Schulz, Charles - On school prayer
- Schulz, Charles - On the apocalypse
- Schulz, Charles - Sleeping
- Schulz, Charles - Snoopy
- Schulz, Charles - The Church is a refuge for flaws in our make-up
- Schulz, Charles - The little red haired girl
- Schulz, Charles - The need to squash the ego
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – Egypt as the axis of the Mysteries
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – Hermes-Thoth
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – Isis and Osiris
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – The roles
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – The Sphinx and cardinal directions
- Schwabe, Carlos - Ange
- Schwabe, Carlos - Ange desperance
- Schwabe, Carlos - Destiny
- Schwabe, Carlos - Faun
- Schwabe, Carlos - Hope raising up Wounded Love
- Schwabe, Carlos - La femme au luth
- Schwabe, Carlos - Les Fleurs du Mal illustrations
- Schwabe, Carlos - Les noces du poete avec la muse ou l'ideal 1902
- Schwabe, Carlos - Paroles d'un Croyant
- Schwabe, Carlos - Pelleas and Melisande
- Schwabe, Carlos - The Death of the Gravedigger
- Schwabe, Carlos - The Virgin of the Lilies 1899
- Schwabe, Carlos - Veil
- Schwarz, Jack - Extract from It's Not What You Eat But What Eats You
- Schwarz, Jack - What is the meaning of life? Interview with Jack Schwarz
- Scientist in the Canary isles remote views
- Scientist Joe acts like a bumblebee
- Scotland, Lewis - Cailleach na Mointeach - moonrise
- Scott, Sir Peter - Why are we here?
- See Saw Marjory Daw
- Seeress of Prevorst, the - On perceptions
- Seeress of Prevorst, the - Spells
- Seeress of Prevorst, the - The log of life
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 109 - North as the source of evil
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 14 – The letter Bet
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 21 - Order of Creation and Tree of Life
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 26 - Gates of Zion
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 29 – The letter Heh
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 37 – The Patach
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 47 – The Word
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 51 – One, Two, Three
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 61 – Tzadi
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 85 - The Egg and Intelligence hierarchy
- Sefer Yetzirah
- Segantini - Dans les champs de riz 1898-1901
- Segantini - Death
- Segantini - Die Eitelkeit 1897
- Segantini - Engel des Lebens 1894 [L'angelo della vita]
- Segantini - Frühmesse
- Segantini - Goat with offspring
- Segantini - Knitting girl in the sun
- Segantini - Love at the Fountain of Life
- Segantini - Nature
- Segantini - Ploughing
- Segantini - Punishment for Lasciviousness
- Sen no Rikyu - from 101 Zen stones
- Sen no Rikyu - from 101 Zen stones - and the assassin
- Seneca – Agamemnon - Fortuna
- Seshadri or Seshachalam hill
- Seven Ages of Man - 01 Paracas Man
- Seven Ages of Man - 01 The Boskopoid people – from Lyall Watson Dreams and Dragons
- Seven Ages of Man - 02 The Centaurs/Homo heidelbergensis - various sources
- Seven Ages of Man - 03 The Giants/Penghu Man - The Poetic Edda, Virgil and LSD
- Seven Ages of Man - 03 The Giants/Penghu Man – Archeological finds 01
- Seven Ages of Man - 03 The Giants/Penghu Man – Archeological finds 02
- Seven Ages of Man - 03 The Giants/Penghu Man – Archeological finds 03
- Seven Ages of Man - 03 The Giants/Penghu Man – Archeological finds 04
- Seven Ages of Man - 03 The Giants/Penghu Man – Archeological finds 05
- Seven Ages of Man - 04 The Trows, Ebu Gogo/Homo floresiensis - various sources
- Seven Ages of Man - 05 The Mermaids and mermen - 01 Aquatic man
- Seven Ages of Man - 05 The Mermaids and mermen - 02 The Mermaid wife
- Seven Ages of Man - 06 Dwarfs/The Neanderthals - Juan Luis Arsuaga - Intelligence
- Seven Ages of Man - 06 Dwarfs/The Neanderthals - Jane M Renfrew - The Tomb of the Bears
- Seven Ages of Man - 06 Dwarfs/The Neanderthals - various sources
- Seven Ages of Man - 06 Dwarfs/The Neanderthals – Jane M Renfrew and the kindness of early man
- Seven Ages of Man - 06 Dwarfs/The Neanderthals – Keightley and Mithen
- Seven Ages of Man - 07 Man/Cro Magnon Man - Hawkes and Keightley
- Seven Ages of Man - 07 Modern Man [and woman]
- Seven Ages of Man - The Denisovans- from Svante Pääbo; DNA clues to our inner neanderthal
- Seven Ages of Man - The discovery of fire - various sources
- Seven Ages of Man - Thomas Keightley - Why and where did the Ancestors go?
- Seven Ages of Man - Thomas Keightley - Why did the Ancestors 'fail' or cease to thrive?
- Seven Ages of Man - Thomas Keightley et al - Spiritual capabilities
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - A sacred Tradition has explained this meaning
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Actions give rise to endless multiplicity
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - All beings have secured existence through a Name
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - All of the excellent virtues are of a middle way
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - All of the world has appeared by His Light
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Every creature's body has a spirit related to yours
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Know that the world from end to end is a mirror
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Long and twisted are the tales of the Beloved tresses
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Look at the drops of rain rising up from this sea
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Non being is the mirror of absolute being
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Now you ask me who is the traveller on the Way
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Our universe is the whole
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - The actions and states that have left their traces
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - The elements of water, air, fire and earth
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - The material and spiritual worlds sprang from one Breath
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - The philosopher's eyes, squinting with double vision
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - The sea is being and speech its shore
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - The very first verse was the universal Intellect
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - While still facing your mountain of unreal existence
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - You didn’t exist when your actions were created
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Your real you is a copy of the divine design
- Shah, Idries - A Perfumed Scorpion
- Shah, Idries - A Perfumed Scorpion - Human well-being is the minimum, not the maximum, duty of humanity
- Shah, Idries - A Perfumed Scorpion - How Sufis teach
- Shah, Idries - A Perfumed Scorpion - The Great Work
- Shah, Idries - A Perfumed Scorpion - The Natural and Supernatural methods
- Shah, Idries - The Sufis - Alif, Ba, Lam
- Shah, Idries - The Sufis - On Rapture
- Shah, Idries - The Sufis - On the call of the force
- Shah, Idries - The Sufis - QaLB
- Shah, Idries – The Sufis - QSS and Alif Ba Lam
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Darkness and Light
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Descent and ascent
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Earth and Underworld
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Eight degrees of Paradise
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Higher spirit
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Inverted trees
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Landscapes of the mind
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Levels and layers
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Star of David
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - The Planets
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Wells and tunnels
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Androgyny and Ardhanarishvara
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Annihilation and moksha
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Atom
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Balance
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Bull
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Coalescing and Separating , expansion and contraction
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Column or lingam and Serpent
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Contrast
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Creator
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Creator and Created
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Destiny
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Drum
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Elements - earth, water, fire, and air [from Onbadukadir] and Aggregates
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Energy
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Energy and matter
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Fig [and other plants]
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Goat and Ram
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Great Work
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Great Work and the System of the Universe
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Heroes and demigods
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Higher spirit [Murugan, Kumara, Skanda]
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Intelligence hierarchy and Great Work
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Intelligence hierarchy, gods and spirit beings
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Labyrinth
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Lingam and yoni
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Masculine and feminine
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Mask and theatre
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Mountain
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Nakedness, Ash and Rainbows
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Names, Entities and Aggregates
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Perceptions
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Play and Theatre
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Reincarnation and Destiny
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Spirit and matter
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Templates and archetypes
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - The Dance
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - The Dance floor
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - The Flood and The Theory of Cycles
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - The High Priestess
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - The Spiritual path and its stages
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - The Word
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Trident
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Trimurti
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Ultimate Intelligence
- Shakespeare, William - All's Well That Ends Well - Act II, scene 3
- Shakespeare, William - As you like it - All the world's a stage
- Shakespeare, William - As you like it - And this our life
- Shakespeare, William - Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased
- Shakespeare, William - Hamlet
- Shakespeare, William - Hamlet
- Shakespeare, William - Hamlet Act 2, Scene 2
- Shakespeare, William - Henry VIII
- Shakespeare, William - King Richard III Act IV
- Shakespeare, William - Macbeth Act I Scene VII
- Shakespeare, William - Macbeth Act IV, Scene 1
- Shakespeare, William - Merchant of Venice Act V scene 1
- Shakespeare, William - Merchant of Venice, Act v, Scene I
- Shakespeare, William - Poor Soul, the centre of my sinful earth
- Shakespeare, William - Romeo and Juliet Act II Scene ii
- Shakespeare, William - Short Quote
- Shakespeare, William - The Two Gentlemen of Verona
- Shakespeare, William - They that have power to hurt, and will do none
- Shakespeare, William - Troilus and Cressida Act III Scene iii
- Shakespeare, William - When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced
- Shakespeare, William - When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
- Shaku, Soyen - from 101 Zen stones
- Shankara - On the ego
- Shankara - The goal and salvation of the ‘Highest Swans'
- Sha’are Gan Eden [The Gates of Paradise] - Jacob Koppel Lifschitz
- Sheikh el Melewi and the mountain
- Sheridan, Clare - A religious revival, a mighty mysticism, a fervour of belief and remembrance
- Sheridan, Clare – One’s life as an evolving Jig-Saw puzzle
- Sheridan, Clare – The MYSTERUM TREMENDUM
- Sherrington, Sir Charles - Man and his Nature - Aggregates and 'mind'
- Sherrington, Sir Charles - Man and his Nature - Mind
- Sherrington, Sir Charles - Man and his Nature - The eye and its functions
- Sherrington, Sir Charles - Man and his Nature - The universe is running down
- Shih Ching - Dove
- Shinto
- Shinto crossed eyes
- Shinto dragon
- Shinto kundalini figurine
- Shinto – Shimenawa
- Shirley, J - Death the leveller
- Shuruppak
- Shuruppak - Atrahasis - Tablet 1
- Shuruppak - Atrahasis - Tablet 2
- Shuruppak - Atrahasis - Tablet 3
- Shuruppak - Epic of Gilgamesh - The story of the Flood
- Shuruppak - The Instructions of Shuruppak
- Sidis, William James - The Animate And The Inanimate - 01 Chapter One The Reverse Universe
- Sidis, William James - The Animate And The Inanimate - 02 Chapter Two Reversible Laws
- Sidis, William James - The Animate And The Inanimate - 03 Chapter Three on Entropy and the 2nd law of thermodynamics
- Sidis, William James - The Animate And The Inanimate - 12 Chapter Twelve
- Sikhism - Janamsakhi - Nanak's hymn
- Sikhism – Ik Onkar
- Sikhism – Japji 02
- Sikhism – Japji 03
- Sikhism – Japji 04
- Sikhism – Japji 05
- Sikhism – Japji 06
- Sikhism – Japji 08
- Sikhism – Japji 09
- Sikhism – Japji 10
- Sikhism – Japji 11
- Sikhism – Japji 13
- Sikhism – Japji 14
- Sikhism – Japji 18
- Sikhism – Japji 34
- Sikhism – Japji 35
- Sikhism – Japji 37
- Sikhism – Japji 38
- Śikṣāsamuccaya - Contemplation of Thought
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 03 The Still Wilderness 056
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 03 The Still Wilderness 074
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 03 The Still Wilderness 075
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 05 Inwardness 121
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 05 Inwardness 123
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 05 Inwardness 124
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 05 Inwardness 128
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 05 Inwardness 132
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 05 Inwardness 134
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 06 Self abandonment 139
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 06 Self abandonment 140
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 06 Self abandonment 145
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 06 Self abandonment 153
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 06 Self abandonment 154
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 06 Self abandonment 158
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 182
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 183
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 185
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 189
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 193
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 08 Time and Eternity 204
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 10 Love 237
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 10 Love 242
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 10 Love 250-1
- Simon, Paul - Maybe I think too much
- Simon, Paul - When numbers get serious
- Simple Simon
- Sing a song of sixpence
- Sir Francis Galton - Hereditary genius
- Sir James Fraser – The Golden Bough - Mistletoe in Italy
- Sir James Fraser – The Golden Bough - The mistletoe
- Sir James Fraser – The Golden Bough - The mistletoe
- Sir Julian Huxley – New Battles for New Wine
- Sir Thomas More - Utopia
- Siren of Cannossa
- Six Dharmas of Nāropa - 01 Introduction
- Six Dharmas of Nāropa - 02 Special Preparations
- Six Dharmas of Nāropa - 03 Arising and Perfecting Yoga
- Six Dharmas of Nāropa - 05 Stong-ra
- Six Dharmas of Nāropa - 06 Gtummo - Meditation on the Three Pillars
- Six Dharmas of Nāropa - 07 Gtummo - The Practice of Visualizing Words
- Six Dharmas of Nāropa - 08 Gtummo - The Practice of Vase-Breathing
- Six Dharmas of Nāropa - 09 Gtummo - The entering, remaining, and dissolving process
- Six Dharmas of Nāropa - 10 Gtummo - The Manner of the Arising of the Four Blisses
- Six little mice
- Socrates - Axiochus 366 - The soul and Higher spirit
- Socrates - Death and its Mystery - On death
- Socrates - Epictitus The Enchiridion - Humility
- Socrates - Epictitus The Enchiridion - Learning from experience
- Socrates - Misc. Quote - Prosperity and Adversity
- Socrates - Misc. Quote - Turn the other cheek
- Socrates - Paul Brunton - Meditation and trance states
- Socrates - Plato Alcibiades - Know yourself
- Socrates - Plato Alcibiades - What is love?
- Socrates - Plato Cratylus - The daemon
- Socrates - Plato Euthydemus - Vault among swords, and turn upon a wheel
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - Abyss and energy recycling
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - Nails
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - Reincarnation
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - Reincarnation and Materialists
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - Systems of the Universe
- Socrates - Plato Phaedrus - On divine madness
- Socrates - Thomas Traherne - They are most happy and nearest the gods, that need nothing
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 02 Energy recycling, form, function and the Egg
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 03 Aggregates, the force of aggregation, form and functions
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 04 Surely ... the world is doomed, if it fools with the achievements of science as it has fooled too long in the past
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 05 Economy and conservation will replace development and ‘progress’
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 06 The prospect of atomic weapons
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 07 Science must speak the truth though the heavens fall
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 08 The curse of Economic theory and fiscal practice
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 09 The curse of Economic theory and fiscal practice
- Soddy, Frederick – Soddy's role as prophet - 10 The curse of Economic theory and fiscal practice
- Soddy, Frederick – The Order of Creation – Creation of Time and the Elements
- Soddy, Frederick – The state of medicine
- Soddy, Frederick – While you are here, live in a world which is great, in the realm of expanding ideas
- Soko Morinaga Roshi - From Novice to Master
- Solomon ibn Gabirol - Lord of the World
- Solomon ibn Gabirol - The Fountain of Life
- Solomon ibn Gabirol - The Royal Crown
- Song of Solomon 2
- Song of Solomon 3
- Song of Solomon 4
- Song of Solomon 5
- Song of Solomon 6
- Song of Solomon 7
- Song of Solomon 8
- Songs of Embracing Singularity in Embryonic Breathing
- Songs of Flying Dragons – Dedication, Destiny and Serving the common man
- Songs of Flying Dragons – Reducing obligations, Justice and forgiveness
- Songs of Flying Dragons – Reducing threats and employing justice
- Songs of Flying Dragons – Though he was busy with war, he loved the way of the scholar
- Songs of Flying Dragons – Worshipping that which is bigger than us all
- Songs of Valley Spirit 01
- Songs of Valley Spirit 03
- Sophia and Augustus de Morgan – From Matter to Spirit – 01 Symbolism – Red Sea
- Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan – A Theory of Inspiration and the need for Purification in order to obtain genuine Inspiration
- Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan – The Universal symbol system and the symbol of the Child
- Soustelle - Aztecs and Mexica - Determining destiny
- Soustelle - Aztecs and Mexica - Mothers and Fathers
- Soustelle - Aztecs and Mexica - The Earth and the Sun
- Soustelle - Aztecs and Mexica - The end of the world
- Soustelle - Aztecs and Mexica - The local gods
- Soustelle - Aztecs and Mexica - The three routes on death
- Spencer and Gillen - Atnongara stones 2
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 06 - Pines
- Spencer, Stanley - Portraits 06
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 01 - Mending Cowls Cookham 1915
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 02 - Helter skelter 1937
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 03 - The Roundabout 1923
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 04 - Scarecrow Cookham 1934
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 07 - A village in heaven 1937
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 10 - The Blacksmith's Yard
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 11 - Buttoning the collar 1935
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 12 - The Woolshop
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 13 - Garden, Greenhouse and onions
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 14 - Farms, gates and cows
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 15 - Waterfalls, rivers and locks
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 16 - Bride and bridegroom
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 17 - Marsh, meadow, wheel
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 18 - Eggs, nest and birds
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 19 - The Lovers (The Dustman)
- Spender, Stephen - What I believe
- Spilliaert, Leon - Girls on a dune
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Aggregation
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Attributes
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Attributes and diversity
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Energy
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Energy and vacuums
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Function dependency
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - God as the ultimate cause
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Intelligences
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Mind
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Mind
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - On navigating memory
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - On the nature of God
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Order of creation
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Physical aggregation
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Spirit, function and form
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - The autonomic system
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - The essence of man
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - The Great Work
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - The nature of function
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - The nature of intellect
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Uniqueness of God
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Various thoughts on the nature of God
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Why are we here?
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Will and free will
- Spiral Minaret at Samarra
- Sri Airobindo - Savitri - A Message from the Unknown Immortal Light
- Sri Anandamayi Ma - The purpose of suffering
- Sri Aurobindo - 01 Savitri Book I Canto I
- Sri Aurobindo - 01 Savitri Book I Canto IV
- Sri Aurobindo - 06 Savitri Book VI Canto I
- Sri Aurobindo - Savitri - In Absolute Silence
- Sri Aurobindo - The Fear of Life and Death
- Sri Aurobindo - To Weep Because
- Sri Swami Satchidananda
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Concentration
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Despondent
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Embroideries
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Fascination
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Motion
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Return of Spring
- Ssu-Kung Tu - Set Free
- Ssu-Kung Tu - The Colour of Life
- St Catherine of Sienna - Judgement of others
- St Francis - A Prayer
- St Francis - And the love for our fellow creatures
- St Francis - Embrace God in all things
- St Francis - On Death
- St Francis - On sunbeams
- St Francis - Progress
- St Francis - Start by doing what is necessary
- St Francis - The Little Flowers
- St Francis - The Sun, the Moon and the levels and layers
- St Vincent - Interview
- St Vincent - Talks about the teachings of Sai Baba & sings Actor
- Stapledon, Olaf - Odd John - On atoms
- Stapledon, Olaf - Odd John - On hate
- Stapledon, Olaf - Odd John - Why are we here?
- Stapledon, Olaf - Sirius - Why are we here?
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Ants
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Awakened being
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Common consciousness
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Consciousness
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Diversity
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Extinction and destruction
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Meets his Creator
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Multiple universes
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Objectives of creation
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - On the Starmaker
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Progress
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - The cosmos
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - The Loom
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - The Mind of the Galaxy
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - The perfected cosmos
- Steiner, Rudolf - Elemental Spirits and the Plant World
- Steiner, Rudolf - Gnomes, Undines, Sylphs and Salamanders
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Abide in calm single mindedness
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Developing an active inner life
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Devotion and reverence
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Do I need a guru?
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Exercising your will
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Finding your destiny
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Higher spirit
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Names
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - On humility
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Patience
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - The lust for power and how to combat it
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds – The Symbol System
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Architecture, design, function and form
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Cycles of time
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Lunar Pitris
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - On creation and destruction
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Perception and evolution
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - The forces of Nature
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - The misuse of power
- Steiner, Rudolf - Redemption and the Elementals [1909] - Fire
- Steiner, Rudolf - Redemption and the Elementals [1909] - The Elements
- Steiner, Rudolf - The disembodied souls who are too good for the bodies of a subordinate order and for the other bodies too bad
- Steiner, Rudolf - The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone 1906
- Sterry, Peter - At our Birth, our Soul and Body are joined as Horses are put into a Waggon
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - A Good boy
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - If a man love the labour of any trade
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - Virginbus Puerisque
- Stevenson, Robert Louis - What is love
- Still, Andrew Taylor - A definition of osteopathy
- Still, Andrew Taylor - Body, Mind and Spirit
- Still, Andrew Taylor - Matter and Spirit
- Still, Andrew Taylor - What is Nature
- Sting - A Thousand Years
- Sting - Desert Rose
- Sting - Fragile
- Sting - Island of Souls
- Sting - Sacred love
- Sting - Shadows in the Rain
- Sting - Soul Cages
- Sting - The Lowest Trees have Tops
- Sting - Until
- Stobart, Henry - A view from the Bolivian Andes – The Animu
- Stobart, Henry - A view from the Bolivian Andes – The Animu and soul loss
- Stobart, Henry - A view from the Bolivian Andes – The Yatiri and being struck by lightning
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - About spiritual experience
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Every idea is an intellectual child
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Harnessing sexual energy to produce creative energy
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Masculine and feminine principles and the need for balance
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - Men sow seed habitually where they do not wish it to grow
- Stockham, Alice Bunker - Karezza - On the spirit and the soul
- Stockhausen - Gesang der Junglinge
- Stockhausen - Mantra 1
- Stockhausen - Momente
- Stolz von Stolzenberg, Daniel - Viridarium chemicum 1624
- Stolz von Stolzenberg, Daniel - Viridarium chemicum 1624
- Stolz von Stolzenberg, Daniel - Viridarium chemicum 1624
- Stolz von Stolzenberg, Daniel - Viridarium chemicum 1624
- Stolz von Stolzenberg, Daniel - Viridarium chemicum 1624
- Stolz von Stolzenberg, Daniel - Viridarium chemicum 1624
- Stolz von Stolzenberg, Daniel - Viridarium Chymicum Frankfurt 1624
- Stone, Ruth - The source of inspiration
- Strindberg, August - A Blue Book 1918
- Suhrawardi - Book of Conversations - Jabalqa, Jabarsa and Hurqalya
- Suhrawardi - Book of Elucidations - Hermes
- Suhrawardi - Book of Elucidations - Spheres
- Suhrawardi - Book of Oriental Theosophy - The double barzakh
- Suhrawardi - Book of Oriental Theosophy - The Intelligence hierarchy
- Suhrawardi - Book of Oriental Theosophy - The number of levels and what they contain
- Suhrawardi - Hikmat al-ishriq - The Music of the Spheres
- Suhrawardi - Hikmat al-ishriq - The twofold universe
- Sumerian poems and lamentations – 02 In Praise of Shulgi
- Sumerian poems and lamentations – 04 In Praise of Urukagina
- Sumerian poems and lamentations – 05 In Praise of Gudea
- Sumerian poems and lamentations – 07 The Lament for Sumer and Urim
- Sumerian poems and lamentations – 17 The Descent of Ishtar
- Sumeru
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 138
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 2415
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 292
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 3122
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 3399
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 368
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 371
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 4208
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 792
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 901
- Susa
- Susa - Archers frieze from Darius' palace
- Susa - Darius' palace - Winged sphinx circa 510 BC
- Susa - Enlil and Ninlil with the Tree of life
- Susa - Ribbed torc with lion heads, Achaemenid
- Susa - The meeting place for mystic systems
- Susa - Ziggurat of Chogha Zanbil
- Susan Hale - Letters
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - Absolute Emptiness
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - Attachment and detachment
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - God is not 'in time'
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - Man and Nature
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - Painters versus artists
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - Sunyata
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - The enlightenment experience
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - The finite and the infinite
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - Trisna
- Suzuki, DT - Hazrat Inayat Khan and Meister Eckhart - God as a growing evolving God
- Svetasvatara Upanishad
- Svetasvatara Upanishad
- Svetasvatara Upanishad
- Svetasvatara Upanishad
- Svetasvatara Upanishad
- Svetasvatara Upanishad
- Swami Rama - 10 All of the body is in the mind, but not all of the mind is in the body
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Parallel universes
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - Arcana Coelestia - Universal language
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Aggregate complexity
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Aggregates
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - And the creation
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Atoms
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Discord
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Energy
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Form and function
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Free will
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Harmony and songlines
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Levels and layers
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Objectives of creation
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - On energy
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - The creation
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - The First cause
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - The Great Work
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - The Great Work
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Time
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Unit of energy shape
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Units of energy and rates of spin
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Where is the intellect?
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Why are we here?
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Why are we here?
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The seed of all natural things
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The True Christian Religion - The Trinity
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Unit of energy and infinitely small
- Sylvie and Bruno - The Outlandish watch
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Androgyny and Grey
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Bear
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Beheading
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Bridge
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Crane
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Door [and Munshin]
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Fire
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Hourglass [and the double-headed changgo drum]
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Lanterns
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Path or road
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Taegeuk and taegeukgi
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Tiger [and Shape shifting]
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Water
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Wheel and Unmoving mover
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Belt
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Cones and horns
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Crown
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Elements and her dress
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Fan
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Feathers
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Finger pointing
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Flags and pennants
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Hair and jewels
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Hats
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Knots and ties
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Masks
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Pigtail
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Pipes
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Plaits and bows
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Ribbons and rainbows
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Rolls of cloth
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Sleeves
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Swords
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Thread or cord
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Topknot
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Trident
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: White
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism – Costume: Wings
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Altar [Ara]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Bear [Ursa]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Bull [Taurus]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Cauldron, Cup or Chalice [Crater]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Centaur [Centaurus]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Chariot [Auriga]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Dog or Hound [Canis]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Harp or Lyre [Lyra]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Rivers and streams [Eridanus]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Shears [Circinus]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Triangle [Triangulum]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Twin horns [Aries]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Unicorn [Monoceros]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Water and pitcher [Aquarius]
- Symbols – Picts – Constellation - Whale [Cetus]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Archway [Barrow]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Concentric circles [Complex site]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Crosses in Eggs [citadels]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Double crescent [Barrow]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Double disc and Z rod [Crannog]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Mirror [Broch]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Rectangles and squares [enclosures and camps]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Smithy [Abstract Patterns]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Smithy [Anvil, hammer and tongs]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Smithy [Tuning fork]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Spirals [blind springs]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Three ovals [Menhirs]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Trefoiled cross [Wheelhouse]
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - Triqueta
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - V Rod
- Symbols – Picts – Sacred site - V Rod and Crescent
- Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert - On aggregation
- T H White - The Once and Future King
- Ta'ame ha-Mizwot - Menahem ben Benjamin Recanati
- Tabula Smaragdina - Jabir ibn Hayyan translation
- Tabula Smaragdina - Latin translation
- Tabula Smaragdina - Newton translation
- Tabula Smaragdina - Theatrum Chemicum translation
- Tagore, Rabindranath - A documentary
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Gitanjali - Stream of Life
- Tagore, Rabindranath - On how to learn
- Tagore, Rabindranath - On the Sick bed
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Recovery
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song VIII to XI, Gitanjali
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XIII to XX, Gitanjali
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XXI to XXIX, Gitanjali
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XXX to XXXIX, Gitanjali
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXIX, Gitanjali
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXIX, Gitanjali
- Tagore, Rabindranath - The Gardener - The tame bird was in a cage, the free bird was in the forest
- Tagore, Rabindranath - The Gardener - Who are you, reader, reading my poems
- Taino - Carribean hummingbirds
- Taittiriya Upanishad
- Taittiriya Upanishad
- Taittiriya Upanishad
- Takht-i Rustam
- Tales of the Trickster
- Taoism - Embryonic breathing
- Taoism - The body as a castle and city
- Taq Bostan 01
- Taq Bostan 02
- Tarot - 00 Major Arcana - 10s The Wheel of Fortune
- Tarot - 00 Minor Arcana - 10s The Trigger
- Tarot - 01 Major Arcana - 09 The Hermit
- Tarot - 01 Minor Arcana - 09s The Tests
- Tarot - 02 Major Arcana - 08 Justice
- Tarot - 02 Minor Arcana - 08 Prudence
- Tarot - 02 Minor Arcana - 08s Learning
- Tarot - 03 Major Arcana - 07 The Chariot
- Tarot - 03 Minor Arcana - 07s Redemption [Rebirth]
- Tarot - 04 Major Arcana - 06 The Lovers
- Tarot - 04 Minor Arcana - 06s Union
- Tarot - 05 Major Arcana - 05 The Hierophant
- Tarot - 05 Minor Arcana - 05s Adversity [purification]
- Tarot - 06 Major Arcana - 04 The Emperor
- Tarot - 06 Minor Arcana - 04s Power and Desire [Intellect]
- Tarot - 07 Major Arcana - 03 The Empress
- Tarot - 07 Minor Arcana - 03s Love, Kindness and compassion [Intuition]
- Tarot - 08 Major Arcana - 02 High Priestess
- Tarot - 08 Minor Arcana - 02s Balance
- Tarot - 09 Major Arcana - 01 The supporting cards of the Aces
- Tarot - 09 Minor Arcana - 01s The Aces
- Tarot - 10 Minor Arcana - 00 The Court Cards introduction
- Tarot - 10 Minor Arcana - 01 The Queens
- Tarot - 10 Minor Arcana - 02 The Kings
- Tarot - 10 Minor Arcana - 03 The Knights
- Tarot - 10 Minor Arcana - 04 Prince and Princesses
- TED - Tyrone Hayes & Penelope Jagessar Chaffer: The toxic baby
- TED talk - Filmed March 2015 at TED2015 Theaster Gates: How to revive a neighborhood: with imagination, beauty and art
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 01 Transcript extract
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 02 Transcript extract
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 03 Transcript extract
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 04 Transcript extract
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 05 Transcript extract
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 06 Transcript extract
- TED talk - Shekhar Kapur: 07 Transcript extract
- TED talk - Temple Grandin - The world needs all kinds of minds
- TEDtalk - Maysoon Zayid: I got 99 problems ... palsy is just one, Dec 2013
- TEDtalks - Isabel Allende - Tales of Passion
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - Light
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - The stream of universal becoming
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - The Word
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Co-creation
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Destiny
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Increments of evolution
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Increments of evolution
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Into thy hands I commend my spirit
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Love as unifier
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - One heart, one soul
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Order of Creation
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Pensees - Within and without
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Aggregation
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Aggregation and function
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Aggregation and individuation
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Aggregation disadvantages
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Brains
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Cells
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Cells
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Co-operation
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Crystals
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Designing aggregates in Nature
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Diversification
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Diversity and beauty
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Divine love
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Energy
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Function comes before form
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Isolation as a design strategy
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Love
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Minerals
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - On love
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Organic compunds
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Reuse
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Reuse
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Reuse of designs
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Society as aggregation
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Specialisation
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Spirit
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - The creation process
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - The Great Work
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - The Great Work - patterns
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - The Great Work - species
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - The Great Work and the Increments
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - The Microscopic
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Theramorphs
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Tree of life
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Tree of life
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Tree of life
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Triggers
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Trinity
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Phenomenon of Man - Wheel of evolution
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - The Phenomenon of Man - Homo sapiens
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - The Phenomenon of Man - Predesigned forms
- Temple Mount
- Tendai - Seiganto-ji
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - For woman is not undeveloped man
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - I trust I have not wasted breath
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - Life is not as idle ore
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - That which we dare invoke to bless
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - The baby new to earth and sky
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - Tis better to have loved and lost
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - Who loves not Knowledge?
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - Locksley Hall
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - Morte d'Arthur - Then loudly cried the bold Sir Belvedere
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - The Ancient Sage - And in the millionth millionth of a grain
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - The Making of Man
- Teotihuacan
- Tepe Anginah
- Tepe Chigha Bal
- Tepe Ecbatana
- Tepe Hasanlu
- Tepe Hasanlu - aerial views
- Tepe Kangavar
- Tepe Khatkuda Kalandar
- Tepe Marand
- Tepe Marlik 01
- Tepe Pasargadae
- Tepe Qaisarvand
- Tepe Sarkar Pa'in
- Tepe Sasanian Gur
- Tepe Shahrud
- Tepe Sialk
- Tepe Tureng
- Tepe Yahya
- Tesla, Nikola - Creation of matter
- Tesla, Nikola - His less than rational moments
- Tesla, Nikola - On the source of inspiration
- Tesla, Nikola - Tesla was able to perceive almost the totality of the electromagnetic functioning of the Solar System
- Tetsugen Doko - from 101 Zen stones
- The Ancestors - Arminghall henge - Dr Christopher and Jacquetta Hawkes
- The Ancestors - Avebury World Heritage site - Avebury henge
- The Ancestors - Avebury World Heritage site - Marlborough Mound
- The Ancestors - Avebury World Heritage site - Silbury Hill
- The Ancestors - Avebury World Heritage site - The Sanctuary
- The Ancestors - Avebury World Heritage site - Windmill Hill
- The Ancestors - Bryn Celli Ddu - Rock art
- The Ancestors - Bryn Celli Ddu - The Henge
- The Ancestors - Cornwall - Carn Euny
- The Ancestors - Neolithic Orkney - Skara Brae
- The Ancestors - Neolithic Orkney - The Ring of Brodgar
- The Ancestors - Neolithic Orkney - The Standing Stones of Stenness
- The Ancestors - Somerset - Cadbury Castle
- The Ancestors - Wayland’s Smithy
- The Ancestors – Stonehenge – 01 Dr Christopher and Jacquetta Hawkes
- The Ancestors – Stonehenge – 02 Dr Christopher and Jacquetta Hawkes
- The Ancestors – Stonehenge – 03 Dr Christopher and Jacquetta Hawkes
- The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
- The Architect – The Matrix – The Ages of Man, Increments, configurations and The Great Work
- The Big Ship Sails
- The Book of Baruch
- The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War - The Great Learning
- The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War - The Normal Mind
- The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War - The Quiescent Sword
- The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War - The Sense of the Void
- The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War - True and False Mind
- The Book of Lambspring
- The Book of Taliesin - Kanu y Byt Mawr
- The Book of Taliesin - The Battle Of the Trees - 04
- The Calculation of the Sigui - By the Dogon, the Bambara, the Bozo and the Minianka
- The Ceasing of Notions – 01 Pacifying the heart
- The Ceasing of Notions – 02 The eradication of delusions
- The Ceasing of Notions – 03 How does one become a buddha?
- The Ceasing of Notions – 04 Finding the Way
- The Ceasing of Notions – 05 The limiting effect of the 5 senses
- The Ceasing of Notions – 06 Reality
- The Ceasing of Notions – 07 The mind that knows cannot know itself
- The Ceasing of Notions – 08 The Way
- The Ceasing of Notions – 09 Creating matter using thought
- The Ceasing of Notions – 10 The Way, Spirit and Energy
- The Ceasing of Notions – 11 The Way and other powers
- The Ceasing of Notions – 12 The Way and other creatures and things
- The Ceasing of Notions – 13 Emptiness
- The Ceasing of Notions – 14 Emptiness and The Way
- The Ceasing of Notions – 15 Who should teach The Way?
- The Ceasing of Notions – 16 Ego, Humility and The Way
- The Ceasing of Notions – 17 Good, bad and The Way
- The Ceasing of Notions – 18 Non-discrimination
- The Ceasing of Notions – 19 Annihilating the ‘I’
- The Ceasing of Notions – 20 The Ego, separation and discrimination
- The Ceasing of Notions – 21 The Body is not the Soul [Mortal or Immortal]
- The Ceasing of Notions – 22 The Great Work and Free Will
- The Ceasing of Notions – 23 Ego and Rules vs No-Ego and the Way
- The Ceasing of Notions – 24 How to recognise an enlightened person
- The Ceasing of Notions – 25 Buddha and the Way
- The Ceasing of Notions – 26 Emmon at last understands
- The Ceasing of Notions – 27 Last thoughts
- The Children of the Sun - W. J. Perry – The Sun God
- The Classic of Tai Shang's Embryonic Breathing for Life Nourishment
- The Cloud of unknowing
- The Cloud of unknowing
- The Cloud of unknowing
- The Cloud of unknowing
- The Cloud of unknowing
- The Cloud of unknowing
- The Cloud of unknowing
- The Cloud of unknowing
- The Cloud of unknowing
- The Cloud of unknowing
- The Complete Book of Principal Contents of Human Life and Temperament: Hen anthology
- The Complete Book of Principal Contents of Human Life and Temperament: Hen anthology
- The Complete Book of Principal Contents of Human Life and Temperament: Nourishing the Origin
- The dangers of willful blindness - from TED
- The Ebstorf World Map
- The Enneagram - 01 The Discernment Of Spirits (Introduction)
- The Enneagram - 02 The Discernment of Spirits (Types 1 2 3 4)
- The Enneagram - 03 The Discernment of Spirits (Types 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
- The Enneagram - 04 The Discernment of Spirits (Conclusion)
- The Enneagram as a tool for spiritual discernment
- The First Epistle of Clement
- The Furches Twins: Our story
- The Grand old Duke of York
- The Great Mound of Ching
- The guardian of Takanakapsaluk
- The Healing Wisdom of Birds - Lesley Morris - The Stork
- The Healing Wisdom of Birds – Lesley Morris - The pantomimic dance of the Armenian araghil
- The Healing Wisdom of Birds – Lesley Morris - On Parrots
- The healing Wisdom of Birds – Lesley Morrison – The Finch
- The Heart of Prajñāpāramitā - 'Gone, gone, gone to the other shore, gone together to the other shore.
- The Homeric Hymn to Demeter - 01
- The Homeric Hymn to Demeter - 02
- The Homeric Hymn to Demeter - 03
- The Inner Mental Method of reaching the Heavenly Immortality through Golden Elixir
- The Ishavasya Upanishad with Shankara’s Commentary 01
- The Ishavasya Upanishad with Shankara’s Commentary 02
- The Ishavasya Upanishad with Shankara’s Commentary 03
- The Ishavasya Upanishad with Shankara’s Commentary 04
- The Kabbalistic Tradition: An Anthology of Jewish Mysticism - Alan Unterman
- The Kama sutra - 01 On The Arts And Sciences To Be Studied
- The Kama sutra – 02 The set and setting
- The Kama sutra – 03 Festivals
- The Kama sutra – 04 Social Gatherings
- The Kama sutra – 05 Going to Gardens or Picnics and Other Social Diversions
- The Kama sutra – 06 The best places to live [for the purposes of attracting women]
- The Kama sutra – 07 On obtaining sexual vigour and health
- The Kama sutra – 08 How to knowing when a woman is interested in you
- The Kama sutra – 09 Signals
- The Kama sutra – 10 Creating confidence
- The Kama sutra – 11 Getting to know each other
- The Kama sutra – 12 Winning her over
- The Kama sutra – 13 Testing to ensure love is there
- The Kama sutra – 14 What turns a woman off a man
- The Kama sutra – 15 The types of men who are successful with women
- The Kama sutra – 16 Seduction 1
- The Kama sutra – 16 Seduction 2
- The Kama sutra – 17 The man she should marry
- The Kama sutra – 18 Love quarrels
- The Kama sutra – 19 Knowing when a woman is interested in making love
- The Kama sutra – 20 Kissing
- The Kama sutra – 21 The ‘work of the man’
- The Kama sutra – 22 Congress
- The Kama sutra – 23 The congress of a crow
- The Kama sutra – 24 Pleasure and satisfaction
- The Kama sutra – 25 Letting go and no rules
- The Kama sutra – 26 The embrace of milk and water
- The Kama sutra – 27 Afterwards
- The Kybalion - The Law of the Pendulum
- The Kybalion - As above so below
- The Kybalion - Everything is vibration
- The Kybalion - The Law of Cause and Effect
- The Kybalion - The Law of Change
- The Kybalion - The Law of Energy
- The Kybalion - The Law of Function and System
- The Kybalion - The Law of Knowledge
- The Kybalion - The Law of the All
- The Kybalion - The Principle of Gender
- The Kybalion - The Principle of Polarity
- The Kybalion - The Rule of Ascent
- The Kybalion – The Mother and Father
- The Lady of Ephesus
- The legend of Kartikeya
- The lighthouse of Alexandria
- The Line of Destiny - Palmistry for all - Cheiro
- The Line of Intuition - Palmistry for all - Cheiro
- The Line of Life - Palmistry for all - Cheiro
- The Line of the Head - Palmistry for all - Cheiro
- The Line of the Heart - Palmistry for all - Cheiro
- The Lion and the Unicorn
- The Lotus Sutra - 01 Introduction - 1 The memorial towers
- The Lotus Sutra - 02 Expedient Means - 1 The net of doubt
- The Lotus Sutra - 02 Expedient Means - 2 Desires as the cause of affliction and endless reincarnation
- The Lotus Sutra - 02 Expedient Means - 3 The nirvana of no remainder
- The Lotus Sutra - 02 Expedient Means - 4 The reason for the use of expediency
- The Lotus Sutra - 02 Expedient Means - 5 The reason for the use of expediency
- The Lotus Sutra - 03 Simile and Parable - 1 The Law of emptiness
- The Lotus Sutra - 03 Simile and Parable - 2 The Parable of the Burning House
- The Lotus Sutra - 03 Simile and Parable - 3 The Parable of the Burning House
- The Lotus Sutra - 03 Simile and Parable - 4 The rule of extinction
- The Lotus Sutra - 03 Simile and Parable - 5 Karma and reincarnation
- The Lotus Sutra - 04 Belief and understanding - 1 Charity and the use of similes
- The Lotus Sutra - 05 The Parable of the Medicinal Herbs - 1 The Parable
- The Lotus Sutra - 07 Phantom City - 1 Turning the wheel of the Law
- The Lotus Sutra - 07 Phantom City - 2 The Light that shines in the ten directions
- The Lotus Sutra - 07 Phantom City - 3 The Parable of the Phantom City
- The Lotus Sutra - 09 The Teachers of the Law - 1 The protection given to those who sacrifice
- The Lotus Sutra - 10 The Emergence of the Treasure Tower - 1 The Treasure Tower
- The Lotus Sutra - 10 The Emergence of the Treasure Tower - 2 Many Treasures Thus Come One
- The Lotus Sutra - 11 Devadatta - 1 The Dragon Girl
- The Lotus Sutra - 13 Peaceful practises - 1 The practices and associations proper for bodhisattvas in the evil age
- The Lotus Sutra - 13 Peaceful practises - 2 Reality
- The Lotus Sutra - 13 Peaceful practises - 3 Cause effect
- The Lotus Sutra - 13 Peaceful practises - 4 Compassion and patience
- The Lotus Sutra - 13 Peaceful practises - 5 The Thus Come One acts as king of the doctrines
- The Lotus Sutra - 15 Life span - 1 The Parable of the poisoned children
- The Lotus Sutra - 17 Benefits of Responding with Joy - 1 When the people hear this Law, all are able to become arhats
- The Lotus Sutra - 18 Benefits of the Teacher of the Law - 1 The benefits of becoming a 'seer'
- The Lotus Sutra - 18 Benefits of the Teacher of the Law - 2 The benefits of becoming a 'seer'
- The Lotus Sutra - 18 Benefits of the Teacher of the Law - 3 The benefits of becoming a 'seer'
- The Lotus Sutra - 18 Benefits of the Teacher of the Law - 4 The benefits of becoming a 'seer'
- The Lotus Sutra - 18 Benefits of the Teacher of the Law - 5 The benefits of becoming a 'seer'
- The Lotus Sutra - 18 Benefits of the Teacher of the Law - 6 The benefits of becoming a 'seer'
- The Lotus Sutra - 19 The Bodhisattva Never Disparaging - 1 The bodhisattva Never Disparaging bore all this with patience
- The Lotus Sutra - 20 Supernatural powers - 1 Like a wind in the open sky moving everywhere without hindrance or block
- The Lotus Sutra - 21 Medicine king - 1 Constellation King Flower, this sutra can save all living beings
- The Lotus Sutra - 22 Wonderful sound - 1 Adorned with Pure Light
- The Lotus Sutra - 22 Wonderful sound - 3 Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound manifests himself in different bodies and preaches in different places
- The Louvre - Cast terracotta funerary figure made in Myrina, 1st century BC
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 01
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 02
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 04
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 05
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 06
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 07
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 08
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 09
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 10
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 11
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Talk on Supreme Guidance for the World 12
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 01
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 02
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 03
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 04
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 05
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 06
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 07
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 08
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 09
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 10
- The Marriage of Philology and Mercury - Harmony, Phoebus and Pallas
- The Marriage of Philology and Mercury - Maid 1
- The Marriage of Philology and Mercury - Maid 2
- The Marriage of Philology and Mercury - Maid 3
- The Marriage of Philology and Mercury - Maid 4
- The Marriage of Philology and Mercury - Maid 5
- The Marriage of Philology and Mercury - Maid 6
- The Marriage of Philology and Mercury - Maid 7
- The Marriage of Philology and Mercury - The Strains of a Cithara attract Hyperborean Swans
- The meaning of the patterns on the tiles
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 01 Sexual techniques – Kundalini yoga
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 01 Sexual techniques – ‘Nyasa’, the rite of touching
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 02 Suppressing Memory
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 03 Visiting telluric hot spots
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 04 Music and dance
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 05 Love with visualisation
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 06 Enacting ritual and ceremony
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 06 Enacting ritual and ceremony - Festivals and processions
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 07 The methods of the ‘Bhakta’
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 08 Squash the big I am and Suppressing obligations
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 09 Sensory Deprivation
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 10 Creating a sacred geography
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 11 Humiliation, loneliness and isolation
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 12 Don’t hurt and compassion
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 15 Believing in the Spiritual world
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 16 Being naked in the sun
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 17 Communing with nature
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 18 Relaxation
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 19 Reverberating sound and chanting
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 20 Dietary moderation and Sexy eating
- The Merovingian - The Matrix - Cause and effect
- The Mithras Liturgy - Lines 475 to 535
- The Mithras Liturgy - Lines 620 to 655
- The Mithras Liturgy - Lines 660 to 715
- The Mithras Liturgy - Lines 720 to 830
- The Mystic Cross and the Ring of Soloman - Palmistry for all - Cheiro
- The North Wind doth blow
- The Oracle - The Matrix - Prophecy and free will
- The Owl as the Vahana of Lashmi
- The Psalter Map, British Library Additional Ms 28681, f.9 recto. Circa 1260
- The Rasa’il Ikhwan al-Safa - The Epistle on Music
- The Saami - A Cultural Encyclopaedia - The Power of the Drum
- The Sacred geography of the Amazon basin
- The Sadist
- The Saint-Sever Beatus world map, made at the Abbey of St. Sever in about 1050
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 01 The Celestial Mind
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 02 The Original spirit and the Conscious spirit
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 03 Turning the Light around and keeping to the Centre
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 04 Tuning the breathing
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 05 Errors in turning the light around
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 06 Authenticating experiences of turning the light around
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 07 The Living Method of turning the light around
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 08 The secret of freedom
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 09 Setting up the foundation in a hundred days
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 10 The light of essence and the light of consciousness
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 11 The intercourse of water and fire
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 12 The Cycle
- The Seokguram Grotto
- The Song of Great Dao - Gao, Lian - Ming Dynasty
- The Student who got 0% in their exams
- The Supreme teaching
- The Supreme Teaching
- The Supreme teaching
- The Supreme Teaching from the Upanishads
- The Sutra of Hui-Neng - Cities and castles
- The Sutra of Hui-Neng - Essential nature
- The Sutra of Hui-Neng - Hui-neng has no skill, Does not cut off a hundred thoughts
- The Sutra of Hui-Neng - Paramita
- The Sutra of Hui-Neng - There is neither motion nor stillness
- The Sutra of Hui-Neng - There is nothing true anywhere
- The Sutra of Hui-Neng - This truth is to be lived
- The Tao - from Immortality and Reincarnation – Alexandra David-Neel
- The third patriarch of Zen - On likes and dislikes
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 01
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 02
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 03
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 04
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 05
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 06
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 07
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 08
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 09
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 10
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 11
- The Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine - Key 12
- The Water King and Vasilissa the Wise
- The wisdom of an old man
- The Wombats - Anti-D Official Video
- Theophan the Recluse
- There was a crooked man
- There was a little girl
- There was an old woman
- Thich Nhat Hanh - The Miracle of Mindfulness - Eating a tangerine
- Thich Nhat Hanh - The Miracle of Mindfulness - The monkey's shadow
- This is the house that Jack built
- Thomas Dekker - The Gul's Horne-Booke
- Thomas Keightley - The Fairy Mythology - Gitto Bach
- Thomas Keightley - The Fairy Mythology - The Brownie
- Thomas Keightley - World Guide to Fairies - Elyll and Ellyon
- Thomas Love Peacock - from Melincourt 1817
- Thomas, Dylan - And Death shall have no Dominion
- Thompson, Francis - The Kingdom of God
- Thompson, Francis - An anthem of Earth
- Thompson, Francis - Strange Chief, with the scars of Thy conquest trenched about
- Thompson, Francis - The Hound of Heaven 1
- Thompson, Hunter S - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - No sympathy for the devil
- Thompson, J J - Spirit is as essential to us as the air we breathe
- Thoreau, Henry D - Misc quote - Be not simply good
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - An ocean of subtle Intelligences
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - Explore thyself
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - Perhaps he hears a different drummer
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - Simplification as a key to life
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - The landscape of soul
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - The Laws of Nature
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - The reptile in us
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - What is man but a mass of thawing clay
- Thoreau, Henry D - Walden - Where is heaven?
- Thorlacius - Noget Om Thor og Hans Hammer
- Thousands of Golden Important Prescriptions for Emergency; Scroll no 27, Temperament cultivation
- Three Blind Mice
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 01 - 1 Kitty and the Mirror
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 01 - 2 Making memorandums
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 01 - 3 Jabberwocky
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 02 - 1 The Garden of Live Flowers
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 02 - 2 The enormous game of chess
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 02 - 3 Running like the wind
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 02 - 4 Marking out the route
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 03 - 1 Looking glass insects
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 03 - 2 The Train
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 03 - 3 The Gnat
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 03 - 4 Alice and the fawn
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 04 - 1 Tweedledum and Tweedledee
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 04 - 2 The Walrus and the Carpenter
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 04 - 3 The Fight
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 05 - 1 Wool and Water
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 05 - 2 Alice meets the sheep in a shop
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 05 - 3 Feather feather!
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 05 - 4 Moving eggs
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 06 - 1 Humpty Dumpty
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 06 - 2 Names and ages
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 06 - 3 Unbirthday presents
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 06 - 4 Words
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 06 - 5 Jabberwocky explained
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 06 - 6 In Winter when the fields are white
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 07 - 1 The Lion and the Unicorn
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 07 - 2 Hatta and Haigha
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 07 - 3 Plum cake
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 07 - 4 Drumming
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 08 - 1 It's my own invention
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 08 - 2 The White Knight and the beehive
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 08 - 3 Falling off
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 08 - 4 Both using the same helmet
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 08 - 5 Head downwards
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 08 - 6 The New Pudding
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 08 - 7 "HADDOCKS' EYES."
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 08 - 8 Farewell to the Knight
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 09 - 1 Queen Alice
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 09 - 2 The Frog
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 09 - 3 The Dinner
- Through the Looking Glass - Ch 10 - and 11
- Thurber, James - Further fables for our Time
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Achieving Buddhahood - Part 2
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - All things are manifestations of the Mind
- Tibetan Book of the dead - Confession
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Confessions
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Learning and Lessons
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Meeting Vajrasattva
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Prayer to the Higher Spirit
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - The Chakras
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - The Nature of Mind
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - The Swamp of Existence
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Understanding why you are here
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Visualising rebirth 1
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Visualising rebirth 3
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Visualising the Crown Chakra
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Wheel of life
- Tikal - Mayan - Central Acropolis
- Tikal - Mayan - Museum jar
- Tikal - Mayan - Pyramid
- Tikal - Mayan - Stela 16
- Tikal - Mayan - Temple I
- Tikal - Mayan - The 'Nose God'
- Tikal - Mayan - Wall painting
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 Affability
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 from Forbearance
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 from Kindliness
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 from Non Killing
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 from Realization
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 from Right Conduct
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 from Self-control
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 from Social Obligation
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 from Truthfulness
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 Gratitude
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 Hospitality
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 Impartiality
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 Impermanence
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 In Praise of God
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 Not Hurting Others
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 Rain
- Tirrukural, the - Book 1 Yearning
- Tirrukural, the - Book 2 Agriculture
- Tirrukural, the - Book 2 from Character
- Tirrukural, the - Book 2 from Compassion
- Tirrukural, the - Book 2 from Courtesy
- Tirrukural, the - Book 2 from Friendship
- Tirrukural, the - Book 2 from Medicine
- Tirrukural, the - Book 2 from Strategy
- Tirrukural, the - Book 2 The Unswerving Sceptre
- Tissot - Women of Paris - The Circus lover
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confession - Unity and love is the only answer
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - Destiny, The Great Work and the parable of the Master and the Beggar
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - Discovers the meaning of faith
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - Know yourself
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - Of Life and Death
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - Searching for 'God'
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - The failure of science as a religion
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - The need for faith
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - We reap what we sow
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - Where truth lies
- Tolstoy, Leo - Letters - Reality
- Tom Tom the Piper's son
- Totem group – Picts
- Totem group – Picts – 00 Tattoos
- Totem group – Picts – Elements - Angels and Deer [Aether]
- Totem group – Picts – Elements - Eagle [Air]
- Totem group – Picts – Elements - Fish [Water]
- Totem group – Picts – Elements - Snake [Earth]
- Totem group – Picts – Elements - The Smith [Fire]
- Totem group – Picts – Planets - 00 Overview
- Totem group – Picts – Planets - Cat [Caitl]
- Totem group – Picts – Planets - Crest headed [Circenn]
- Totem group – Picts – Planets - Fairy hound [Fib]
- Totem group – Picts – Planets - Floclaid [Fotla]
- Totem group – Picts – Planets - Rivers and streams [Fortrenn]
- Totem group – Picts – Planets - Warriors [Ce]
- Totem group – Picts – Planets - Woodsman [Fidach]
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Archer
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Boar
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Cow [or Ox]
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Fox
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Giant
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Goat and-or Bear
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Goose
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Hare
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Horse
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Raven or Crow
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Stag
- Totem group – Picts – Sign of Zodiac - Wolf
- Toulouse Lautrec - Circus
- Townes, Charles - On Intelligent design in the universe
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - All appeared new and strange at the first
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - This is very strange that God should want
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - To have blessings and to prize them is to be in heaven
- Tranströmer, Tomas - A Few Moments
- Tranströmer, Tomas - from Along the Lines (Far North)
- Tranströmer, Tomas - from At Funchal
- Tranströmer, Tomas - from Preludes II
- Tranströmer, Tomas - from Schubertiana
- Tranströmer, Tomas - from The Scattered Congregation
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Midwinter
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Outskirts
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Passing through walls
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Solitude II
- Tranströmer, Tomas - The Forgotten Commander
- Tranströmer, Tomas - The Kingdom of Uncertainty
- Tranströmer, Tomas - Two Cities
- Traubel, Horace – Of Ecstasy, Bliss, Inspiration and Wisdom
- Tree, Isabella - Sliced Iguana – 01 Isabella tries peyote
- Tree, Isabella - Sliced Iguana – 02 In the cave where Isabella tries peyote
- Tree, Isabella - Sliced Iguana – 04 The ceremony
- Tree, Isabella - Sliced Iguana – 05 The ceremony
- Tree, Isabella - Sliced Iguana – 06 The ceremony
- Tree, Isabella - Sliced Iguana – 07 In summary
- Tree, Isabella - Sliced Iguana – Humming bird symbolism
- Tree, Isabella - Sliced Iguana – The Church of San Juan Chamula
- Tree, Isabella - Sliced Iguana – The Three worlds
- Tree, Isabella - The Economist - Extract from Radical Tantra
- Tree, Isabella - Wilding - Doggerland
- Tree, Isabella - Wilding - Sever the connection with nature and our deepest sense of ourselves is lost
- Tree, Isabella - Wilding - The fallacy of reforestation
- Tree, Isabella - Wilding - The real meaning of ‘forest’
- Tree, Isabella - Wilding - We are suffering from nutritional deprivation
- Trine, R W - In tune with the Infinite - By living, not by preaching
- Trine, R W - In tune with the Infinite - Castles in the air
- Trine, R W - In tune with the Infinite - Illumination
- Trine, R W - In tune with the Infinite - Know yourself
- Trine, R W - In tune with the Infinite - The mystic force
- Trine, R W - In tune with the Infinite - The source of wisdom
- Trine, R W - In Tune with the Infinite - The Spirit of Infinite Life and Power that is behind all
- Tulsidas - Kavitavali 07:120
- Tulsidas - Kavitavali 07:183
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 08
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 19
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 200
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 277
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 30
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 48
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 66
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 69
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 79
- Tulsidas - Vinaya Patrika 92
- Twain, Mark - Misc. Quote
- Twain, Mark - On vivisection
- Twain, Mark - Who are the oppressors
- Twelve drummers drumming
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Autumn - Autumn Melancholy
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Autumn - Content
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Autumn - Moonrise
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Autumn - The Mountain Shadow
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Autumn - The Pagoda
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Spring - A Night in the Spring
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Spring - A Vigil
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Spring - A Walk by the River at Night
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Spring - Cherry flowers
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Spring - Grief
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Spring - The End of the Spring
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Spring - The Wind and the Willow
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Summer - A Singing Girl
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Summer - By the Sea
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Summer - Hot Silence
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Summer - The Chess party
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Summer - The Cottage
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Summer - The End of Summer
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Summer - The Friendly Lamp
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Summer - The Nightingale
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Winter - A Rough Sea
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Winter - A Winter's Night
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Winter - In the Field
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Winter - Old Many Battled Sea
- Twenty five Chinese poems - Winter - The Old Fisherman
- Twinkle twinkle little star
- Tyaga the Road of Fire - 11
- Tyrrell, G N M - Psychical Research and Religion – The possibility of the mystical divine union
- Tyrrell, G N M - The Personality of Man – Functions, the subconscious and the autonomic system
- Tyrrell, G N M - The Personality of Man – Socrates and the nature of inspiration
- Tyrrell, G N M - The Significance of the Whole – The main task of psychical research is to induce the right psychological conditions in the most promising types of individual
- Tzu, Lao - A Way you can call Way isn’t the perennial Way
- Tzu, Lao - A wise person
- Tzu, Lao - All under Heaven have a common beginning
- Tzu, Lao - As for your name and your body
- Tzu, Lao - Attain to utmost Emptiness
- Tzu, Lao - Does anyone want to take the world
- Tzu, Lao - Failing Tao, man resorts to Virtue
- Tzu, Lao - Fame or Self: Which matters more
- Tzu, Lao - Fine weapons of war augur evil
- Tzu, Lao - He who holds the Great Symbol
- Tzu, Lao - He who is brave in daring will be killed
- Tzu, Lao - He who knows how to guide
- Tzu, Lao - How does the sea become the king of streams
- Tzu, Lao - I do not make any fuss, and the people transform themselves
- Tzu, Lao - I have three treasures
- Tzu, Lao - If a great country treats a smaller country with humility
- Tzu, Lao - If you know when you have enough
- Tzu, Lao - In keeping the spirit and the vital soul together
- Tzu, Lao - It lies in the nature of Grand Virtue
- Tzu, Lao - Learning consists in adding Tao consists in subtracting
- Tzu, Lao - Look at it but you cannot see it
- Tzu, Lao - My words are very easy to understand
- Tzu, Lao - People think that Tao is foolishness
- Tzu, Lao - Repose is called the law of return
- Tzu, Lao - Tao can be talked about, but not the Eternal Tao
- Tzu, Lao - Tao gave birth to One, One gave birth to Two
- Tzu, Lao - The Great Tao is universal like a flood
- Tzu, Lao - The Sage embraces the One
- Tzu, Lao - The sky attained Oneness and became clear
- Tzu, Lao - The softest of all things
- Tzu, Lao - The Spirit of the fountain dies not
- Tzu, Lao - The Tao is like an empty vessel
- Tzu, Lao - The wise men of old have truly said
- Tzu, Lao - There is something in a state of fusion
- Tzu, Lao - There was something undefined and yet complete in itself
- Tzu, Lao - Thirty spokes converge upon a single hub
- Tzu, Lao - Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know
- Tzu, Lao - To be heavenly is to be one with the Tao
- Tzu, Lao - Truly, humility is the root
- Tzu, Lao - When a great wound is healed
- Tzu, Lao - When once the Primal Simplicity diversified
- Tzu, Lao - You govern a kingdom by normal rules
- Uluru
- Unusual cards - 16 The Tower
- Upanishads, the
- Upanishads, the – Commentary by Mircea Eliade
- Ur
- Ur - Bull's head of the Gold lyre 2600- 2400 BC Mesopotamia
- Ur - Nannar statue 2000 BC and purse or bag
- Ur - statue of a Sumerian god c1800BCE, from a shrine at Ur