Spiritual concepts
The word God is a HOMONYM – in other words a word having the same spelling or pronunciation but many different meanings and origins.
In some cases it has been used to refer to the spiritual world at large, in other cases it has been used to supply a ‘Father’ figure, for those who need such things – ‘God will sort it out’. The word is used to personify a whole series of either Natural or perfectly preventable disasters that have happened to someone. ‘Why did God do this to me’. If there is any definition, it appears to revolve around the rather immature notion that we need something to blame ‘a wrathful God’ when something goes wrong, or something to thank when things go right ‘Thank you God’. In the best cases the term personifies a concept to thank for the wonderful world we live in.
In the Ukrainian language, the word "bo(h)" stands for "God", and, simultaneously, it also stands for "because". An ellipsis is placed after the word "bo" when people can find no evident and simple answer why this or that event has taken place. With time, the word "bo" was hypostasized – in other words, the abstract concept was treated as a concrete reality and it acquired independent existence as a cause of inexplicable events. It is the Ukrainian equivalent of ‘Allah wills it’.
"The child died unexpectedly -- it is Bo(h) (Eng. God) who took it.";
"A fierce drought has perished this year's crops -- it is Bo(h) (Eng. God) who has punished us"
"A thunderbolt has struck a man -- it is Bo(h) (Eng. God) who has punished him for his sins", and so on.
In effect, Bo(h) (Eng. God) was considered as an Ultimate Cause of actual events which had no other explanations. Then, “people's fantasy led to represent Bo(h) into anthropomorphic forms like an Old Man with a grey beard.”
The interesting thing about this definition is that it mixes type and occurrence, system with execution of the system. Analogously, there may be a set of software programs related to various diseases – in software terms a package. But the actual running of that package happens billions of times here on earth in the physical to different people and with different outcomes. Thus the definition is close to defining God as the systems of the universe, but it fails at the last hurdle, by not making the difference between the master package [God] and all the copies of the package implemented on us as analogously little computers.
The Lord’s prayer, which Jesus uses, starts ‘Our Father’ but the Father here uses symbolism that was well known at the time, and has nothing to do with the meaning now attributed to the term.
The spiritual world exists, see Inner speech for proof. The Intelligence hierarchy exists. The Ultimate Intelligence exists. But as Spinoza plus a host of other philosophers proved years ago – many years ago – the Creation was not created for us, we are a tiny part of it, and as far as the Ultimate Intelligence is concerned a parasite is as important as a person.
So where did other ideas of ‘God’ come from?
The majority of people who believe in God, do so because of the Bible and early Judaism. Christianity, Islamic beliefs and Judaic beliefs all centre round the idea of a single ‘God’ because their founders were, essentially, Jewish.
The older religions other than Judaism had a complex but more accurate understanding of the spiritual world, largely due to the Mystery religions. But as is so often the case, the mass of people was not involved in the Mysteries and their understanding was so simplified it was causing real problems. Instead of figurative sacrifice, there were literal sacrifices, instead of symbolic castration there was literal castration, instead of symbolic circumcision there was literal circumcision [and still is, unbelievably]. And there were also conflicts – as there are today – caused by the ‘My God is better than your God’ problem.
There is only one spiritual world, there is only one Ultimate Intelligence, there is actually only one Intelligence hierarchy, although the number of synonyms is extraordinary. Something had to be done, so Moses, who was an Adept of the Mysteries in Egypt said ‘There is only one God’ and so there was – for a time, because Allah appears to have crept in since, as well as the Catholic God versus the Protestant God, but this demonstrates the problem all too well.
Moses wanted to stop the conflict, one of the blessed – a peacemaker.
Once there was only one God, the theologians took over and decided they were going to create a concept closer to what they wanted to achieve – hence this had a political and power based motive. Now read on
On the Kabbalah and its symbolism – Gershom Scholem [Professor of Jewish Mysticism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem]
In opposition to the pantheistic unity of God, cosmos, and man in myth, in opposition to the nature myths of the Near-Eastern religions, Judaism aimed at [sic] a radical separation of the three realms; and, above all, the gulf between the Creator and His creature was regarded as fundamentally unbridgeable. Jewish worship implied a renunciation, indeed a polemical rejection, of the images and symbols in which the mythical world finds its expression.
Judaism strove to open up a region, that of monotheistic revelation, from which mythology would be excluded. Those vestiges of myth that were presented here and there were shorn of their original symbolic power and taken in a purely metaphorical sense. Here there is no need to expatiate on a matter that has been amply discussed by students of Biblical literature, theologians, and anthropologists. In any case, the tendency of the classical Jewish tradition to liquidate myth as a central spiritual power is not diminished by such quasi-mythical vestiges transformed into metaphors.
This tendency was very much accentuated by the rationalistic thinking of medieval Rabbinical Judaism; its unbroken development from Saadya to Maimonides gave rise to a problem closely related to the subject that will concern us here. The philosophers and theologians were concerned first and foremost with the purity of the concept of God and determined to divest it [sic] of all mythical and anthropomorphic elements. But this determination to defend the transcendent God against all admixture with myth, to reinterpret the recklessly anthropomorphic statements of the Biblical text and the popular forms of religious expression in terms of a purified theology, tended to empty the concept of God. For once the fear of sullying God's sublimity with earthly images becomes a paramount concern, less and less can be said of God.
The price of God's purity is the loss of His living reality. For the living God can never be subsumed under a pure concept. That makes Him a living God in the mind of a believer is precisely what involves Him in some part of the human world, what makes it possible for man to see Him face to face in a great religious symbol.
Reformulated in rational terms, all this vanishes.
so the concept of God is invented, but the Ultimate Intelligence and all the concepts on this site are not, so follow the links to find out more.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 09 The soul as a mean of understanding God
- Al-Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness - 14 There is no God and that this world of wonders made itself
- Ancient Egyptian - A Hymn of Thebes
- Ancient Egyptian - Djew
- Ancient Egyptian - The Paradise gardens and their symbolism
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of Min
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of the god Seker
- Angkor Wat
- Asclepius - Classes and forms
- Asclepius - God is all named since he and she is one and all
- Asclepius - God is of both sexes
- Asclepius - Ultimate Intelligence
- Asclepius - When the gods withdraw from mankind
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - How to know if you have achieved annihilation
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - On Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - Symbols
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 09 The goodness that we crave
- Atharvaveda - XII 1 Hymn to goddess Earth - Part 12 Expansion out of time
- Atharvaveda - XIX 26 Gold
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Becoming a god
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Death and the gods
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Fortune and the gods
- Aurelius, Marcus - Meditations - Self pity
- Bach, Dr Edward - The Nature of God
- Bailey, Philip James - from Festus
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 01
- Barddas - The Vision of Menw Manu
- Baudelaire, Charles - Hymne à la Beauté
- Bhagavad Gita - All creatures exist in me
- Bhagavad Gita - The silence of secret things
- Bhagavad Gita - Thou art Parabrahma
- Blake, William - One curse, one weight, one measure One king, one God, one Law
- Blake, William - Whilst Virtue is our walking staff
- Blodeuwedd
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Holy spirit and Holy Ghost
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The interior or hollowness in the body of man
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - The nature of God
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - If one thing is distinct from another
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - Since every reward is desired because it is believed to be good
- Book of Enoch- 08
- Borobudur
- Bowie, David - 2003 Interview - I'm Not Quite an Atheist, and It Worries Me
- Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad
- Buddha - Diamond sutra - 09 Once returner
- Buddha - Tevigga sutra - From time to time a Tathagata is born
- Burton, Sir Richard - THE KASÎDAH 04 1
- Byrne, David - Once In A Lifetime - The God behind the universe is a song
- C P Cavafy - Wise men perceive approaching things
- Censorinus - De Die Natali
- Chagall - dark gods
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chesterton, G K - The ballad of the White Horse
- Chichen Itza - Mayan - Platform of the Jaguars and Eagles
- Chichen Itza - Mayan - The Great Ball Court
- Chuang Tzu - The Powers of 'Holy Men'
- Chuang Tzu - Zhuangzi - Chapters 11 & 12
- Cicero - The Dream of Scipio
- Cirlot on islands
- Clement of Alexandria - The Stromata - On gods
- Cocteau, Jean - Opium the Diary of his cure - Atoms
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Religious Musings
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – god
- Concept - Korean mystic shamanism – Shin and gods
- Copan - Mayan - Stela A
- Copan - Mayan - Stela B
- Corpus Hermeticum IX
- Corpus Hermeticum XI
- Cowper, William - God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform
- Cowper, William - The Winter Morning Walk - The soul that sees him or receives sublimed
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Wound of Amfortas
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - Windlestraws
- Devas, Hell and human love
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – Nothing exists without a cause; and the original cause of this universe (whatever it be) we call ‘God’
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – Arguments for the Great Work, Configurations and versions within the Work and an Intelligence hierarchy
- Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion - David Hume – The Intelligent hierarchy is both male and female, as is God
- Dionysius the Areopagite - Celestial Hierarchy - The Great Work
- Dionysius the Areopagite - De Mystica Theologia - God
- Dionysius the Areopagite - De Mystica Theologia - Names
- Diotima – 11 Eros, to become the friend of God and be immortal
- Donne, John
- Dr Yang, Jwing-Ming – Qigong Meditation Embryonic Breathing - On the Shen
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 030
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 083
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 098
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 110
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 127
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 149
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 149
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 153
- Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 168
- Einstein, Albert - The nature of 'God'
- Eleusinian Mysteries - Thesmophoria - 07
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 08 The Dry Salvages I
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Character - He who confronts the gods knows heaven
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo - Character - On gods
- Empedocles - Purifications - Friends who inhabit the mighty town
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Homilia on the Prologue to the John Gospel – On purification
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – gods and divinity
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Peryphyseon – No one has ever seen God
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus – Configurations and end stages
- Euripides - The Bacchae and Pentheus
- Eusebius - Praeparatio evangelica
- Fargard of Yima, the - gamshêd part 2
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- Gardner, Ingrid - On God
- Gaudi - Professional work - 04 The Sagrada Família
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- Genesis 06 - the Flood
- George Harrison - All those years
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - The feminine in God
- Gnostic Gospels - Sophia of Jesus Christ
- Gnostic Gospels - Sophia of Jesus Christ
- Godwin, Joscelyn - Music, Mysticism and Magic - Ascension
- Goethe - Autobiography - On Faith
- Goethe - Faust Part 1
- Guaita, Stanislas de - The Living Ideals
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- Guru Granth - Bilaval 01
- Guru Granth - Supreme Ultimate Reality
- Guru Granth - The Fearless, Formless One
- Heard, Gerald - Pain, Sex and Time - Fasting
- Hell explained by a chemistry student
- Hesiod - Theogony - Mnemosyne [Memory] and the Three Graces
- Hesiod - Theogony - The gods
- Hesiod - Theogony - The Muses
- Hesiod - Works and Days - Justice and Conscience
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- Hesiod - Works and Days - The five ages of man
- Holderlin, Johann - For Zimmer
- Holderlin, Johann - Once Gods walked
- Holderlin, Johann - Patmos
- Holderlin, Johann - To the Fates
- Holderlin, Johann and Brahms - Hyperion's song of destiny
- Homer - The Odyssey - The nymphs
- Hyangga of Korea - Hymn to the Thousand Eyed Observer - Huimyong
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- Hyangga of Korea – 07 Eleven Poems on the Ten Vows of the Universally Worthy Bodhisattva - Great Master Kyunyo
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- Island of the Blessed
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- Jami - SALÁMÁN AND ABSÁL – from 04 The Story
- Jesus - John 5 & 6 - On God
- Joan Halifax - The red route
- Jochelson - Siberian androgyny
- Joyce, James - Ulysses - Nirvana
- Julian of Norwich - We should know and believe that the Father is not a man
- Jung, C G - An interview with the BBC
- Kahuna - British Museum Deity Images showing the Higher spirit
- Kahuna - Tattoos of Kundalini Energy
- Keightley, Thomas - The Lars
- Ken Wilber - On the stages of the spiritual path
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - Misc. Quotes - On God the engineer
- King, Martin Luther - My Pilgrimage to Nonviolence – 01 As a Christian I believe that there is a creative personal power in this universe who is the ground and essence of all reality
- Lamb, Charles - Living without God in the world
- Laubscher, B J F – The farmer who he felt his consciousness enter into every particle belonging to an infinite whole
- Leibniz - On the Higher spirit, soul and body
- Lewis, C S - The Discarded Image - Daemons
- Li Ho - Lament That the Days Are So Short
- Louis Jacolliot - The Bible in India - The Thoughts and maxims of Krishna
- Lovecraft, H P - The Other gods
- Lowell, James Russell - It seemed that thy strong heart would leap
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- Lu Dongbin - Sojourning in Ta-yu mountains
- Lucius undergoes initiation
- Maeterlinck, Maurice - The Invisible Goodness
- Magician Lu - Immortality and Reincarnation – Alexandra David-Neel
- Maimonides - Aristotle and disembodied souls
- Manley Hopkins, Gerald - As Kingfishers Catch Fire
- Marcus Annaeus Lucanus - Pharsalia - Book One
- Mark 3 - and Hesiod
- Martineau, Harriet - Arise, My Soul And Urge thy Flight 1
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 07 The Story of Blood Moon
- Mayan - Xbalanque
- Meister Eckhart - Selected writings - God created the world so that he might keep on creating
- Michaux, Henri - Miserable Miracle Mescaline - Hybrid animals
- Mircea Eliade - African tribal beliefs of God
- Mircea Eliade - On Siberian Black and White shamans
- Mircea Eliade - On the other names of God
- Mircea Eliade - The Eagle in Buryat and Yakut legend
- Mircea Eliade - The gods of Siberian shamanism
- Mircea Eliade - The role of the feminine spirit helpers
- Mircea Eliade - The vault of the sky gods
- Mircea Eliade - Uran ajy tojon
- Mircea Eliade – On Sea nymphs
- Moitessier, Bernard - Tamata and the Alliance - Make friends with the gods
- Moitessier, Bernard - Tamata and the Alliance - Of gods and dragons
- Monro, Harold - God
- Morrells, Luce and frost giants
- Mount Kailish
- Mount Olympus
- Mr Bryant on the 'worship in caverns'
- Mudang spiritual experiences – A Dream of Holy things
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The Mudang as the mouthpiece of the gods
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - And Nommo
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - On the Earth Mother
- Native American Wisdom - Chased-by-bears
- Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra - Thus did my wise longing
- Norse - Gutasaga
- Norse - Jelling
- Norse - Staraya Ladoga
- North Whitehead, Alfred – God
- Orphic hymn to the Mother of the gods
- Pascal, Blaise - The Memorial of Pascal
- Pauli, Wolfgang - On God
- Persepolis
- Persian caves
- Philo - On 'Seeing' God
- Pliny – On the sacred role of mistletoe to Druids
- Plotinus - The Enneads - The solution is in understanding the virtues
- Plutarch - De Iside et Osiride
- Poetic Edda - Baldr's Dreams [extract]
- Poetic Edda - Grimnir's sayings [extract]
- Pope Francis - On spirit
- Pordage, John - On God
- Pordage, John - Outward and inward courts
- Pordage, John - What is above the abyssal essence
- Poussin - Et in Arcadia Ego
- Poussin - The Triumph of Flora
- Proclus - And the Mysteries
- Psalm 82
- Pythagoras - Misc. Quote - In this theatre of man’s life
- Reid, Christopher - Gossip of the gods
- Reid, Christopher - Think of the energy squandered
- Rig veda - Those who know have wings
- Rig veda - Chariots
- Rig Veda - Make me Immortal
- Rig veda - Rudra with braided hair
- Rig veda - Soma
- Rig Veda - The Abyss
- Rig Veda - The All Maker
- Rig Veda - The bond of existence is in non existence
- Rig Veda - The House of Clay
- Rig veda - The Smith
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 27 Sixth Elegy
- Romans 1
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 10 The Union
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 11 The Fermentation
- Rosary of the Philosophers - 17 Demonstration of Perfection
- Ross Heaven - Vodou, Hobs and the Loa
- Rumi - Misc - I died a mineral and became a plant
- Russell, George William - Aerial clashings in an ever-changing musical silvery sound
- Russell, George William - Candle of Vision
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – Shower of Pearls
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – The attack of the Saints
- Sacred geography - Ancient Egyptian - Abu Simbel
- Saint John Joseph of the Cross - On God
- Samavedas – 01 Book 06 Chapter 01, DECADE III Soma Pavamana
- Samavedas – Book 03 Chapter 01, XVII Soma Pavamana
- Samavedas – Book 03 Chapter 02, VI Soma Pavamana
- Samavedas – Book 03 Chapter 02, XVI Soma Pavamana
- Saxo Grammaticus - Gesta Danorum
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – 11 Reconstruction of an Initiation ceremony
- Schuré - The Great Initiates – Hermes-Thoth
- Sefer ha-bahir – Para 61 – Tzadi
- Sefer Yetzirah
- Seven Ages of Man - 06 Dwarfs/The Neanderthals – Keightley and The Hill people
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Heroes and demigods
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Intelligence hierarchy, gods and spirit beings
- Shenxian zhuan - Fàn - 饭—“Diet”
- Shenxian zhuan - Fángzhōng Zhī Shù - 房中之术—“Arts of the Bedchamber”
- Shuruppak - Atrahasis - Tablet 1
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 06 Self abandonment 153
- Sir James Frazer - The Golden Bough - Greek gods
- Socrates - Describes Thoth
- Socrates - Thomas Traherne - They are most happy and nearest the gods, that need nothing
- Solomon ibn Gabirol - Lord of the World
- Songs of Valley Spirit 01
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - God as the ultimate cause
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - On the nature of God
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - The nature of intellect
- Spinoza, Baruch - Ethics - Various thoughts on the nature of God
- Spiritual Development and Death Attitude in Female Patients With Type II Diabetes
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Awakened being
- Stapledon, Olaf - Starmaker - Meets his Creator
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 1806
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 371
- Suzuki, D T - Misc. Quote - Sunyata
- Suzuki, DT - Hazrat Inayat Khan and Meister Eckhart - God as a growing evolving God
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - The Infinite - Why are we here?
- Symeon the New Theologian - How are You at once the source of fire
- T H White - The Once and Future King
- Tales of the Trickster
- Taoism - Embryonic breathing
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - The Word
- The Ai shi ming (哀時命 "Alas That My Lot Was Not Cast")
- The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
- The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
- The Book of Taliesin - Kanu y Byt Mawr
- The Healing Wisdom of Birds – Lesley Morris - Feather fans
- The legend of Kartikeya
- The Liezi - 列子 "Book of Master Lie" - Chapter 2
- The Manuals of Taoist Sexual Practise – Ten Questions 06
- The Mithras Liturgy - Lines 620 to 655
- The Owl as the Vahana of Lashmi
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 01 The Celestial Mind
- The Seokguram Grotto
- The Supreme teaching
- The Xi shi (惜誓 "Sorrow for Troth Betrayed")
- The Yuan You (遠遊 "Far-off Journey")
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Achieving Buddhahood - Part 3
- Tikal - Mayan - The 'Nose God'
- Tirgereh - Prayer to the Celtic goddesses
- Tracy D Snipe - Shango
- Ur - Nannar statue 2000 BC and purse or bag
- Ur - statue of a Sumerian god c1800BCE, from a shrine at Ur
- Uxmal - Mayan - West building the feathered serpent
- Various symbolic objects - Kudurrus
- Visionary experience of God
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - On gods
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - Tara as the centre of the Irish Mysteries
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - The Druids
- Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry - Prometheus
- Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass - God
- Woody Allen on God
- Yeats, W B - Collected poems - I passed along the waters edge below the humid trees
- Ynglinga saga - 04 Chapter Four
- Ynglinga saga - 07 Chapter Seven
- Ynglinga saga - 09 Chapter Nine
- Ynglinga saga - 10 Chapter Ten
- Yoruba creation myth
- Zhang Guolao - Secrets of Embryonic Breathing
- Zhu Zi - The Complete Book of Zhu-Zi - An essay on regulating the breath
- Zoroastrian - Means of achieving spiritual experience - 09 LOVE
- Zoroastrian - Symbols and concepts - Water 03