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Observations placeholder

The Book of Taliesin - Kanu y Byt Mawr



Type of Spiritual Experience


I am Taliessin = Higher spirit
With a speed flowing as a diviner - diinity = god.
Continuing to the end = immortal
In the pattern of Elphin = soul

This is symbolic and describes the spiritual not the physical

A description of the experience


Kanu y Byt Mawr

Gvolychaf vyn tat.
Vyn duw vyn neirthat.
A dodes trwy vy iat 
Eneit ym pwyllat.
Am goruc yn gwylat.
Vy seith llafanat.
O tan a dayar.
A dwfyr ac awyr.
A nywl a blodeu
A gwynt godeheu.
Eil synhwyr pwyllat
Ym pwyllwys vyn tat.
Vn yw a rynnyaf.
A deu a tynaf.
A thri a wedaf.
A phetwar a vlassaaf.
A phymp a welaf.
A chwech a glywaf.
A seith a arogleuaf.
Ac a agdiwedaf.
Seith awyr ysyd
O duch sywedyd.
a their ran y myr
Mor ynt amrygyr.
Mor uawr a ryfed
Y byt nat vn wed.
Ry goruc duw vry
Ary planete.
Ry goruc sola.
Ry goruc luna.
Ry goruc marca
Y marcarucia.
Ry goruc venus.
Ry goruc venerus.
Ry goruc seuerus.
A seithued saturnus.
Ry goruc duw da.
Pymp gwregys terra
Pa hyt yt para.
Vn yssyd oer.
Ar trydyd yssyd wres
A dyofac anlles.
Petweryd paradwys
Gwerin a gynnwys.
Pymhet artymherawd
A pyrth y vedyssawt.
Yn tri yt rannat
Yn amgan pwyllat.
Vn ywyr asia.
Deu ywyr affrica.
Tri yw europa.
Bedyd gygwara.
Hyt vrodic yt para.
Pan varnher pop tra
Ry goruc vy awen
Y voli vyren.
Mydwy taliessin 
Areith lif dewin
Parahawt hyt fin
Yg kynnelw elphin.

The song of the great world

I will adore my Father,
My God, my strengthener,
Who infused through my head
A soul to direct me.

Who has made for me in perception,
My seven faculties.
Of fire and earth,
And water and air,
And mist and flowers,
And southerly wind.

Other senses of perception
Thy father formed for me.
One is to have instinct
With the second I touch,
With the third I call,
With the fourth I taste,
With the fifth I see,
With the sixth I hear.
With the seventh I smell.

And I foresay,
Seven airs there are,
Above the astronomer,
And three parts the seas.
How they strike on all sides.
How great and wonderful,
The world, not of one form,
Did God make above,
On the planets.
He made Sola,
He made Luna,
He made Marca
And Marcarucia,
He made Venus,
He made Venerus,
He made Severus,
And the seventh Saturrnts.

The good God made
Five zones of the earth,
For as long as it will last.
One is cold,
And the second is cold,
And the third is heat,
Disagreeable, unprofitable.
The fourth, paradise,
The people will contain.
The fifth is the temperate,
And the gates of the universe.

Into three it is divided,
In the minstrelsy of perception.
One is Asia,
The second is Africa,
The third is Europa.
The baptism of consolation,
Until doomsday it will continue,
When everything will be judged.

My Awen has caused me
To praise my king.
I am Taliessin,
With a speed flowing as a diviner.
Continuing to the end
In the pattern of Elphin.


The source of the experience


Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps


