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Egyptian Book of the Dead - Spell 153
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead – translated by R O Faulkner
Spell 153a – spell for escaping from the net
I know the name of the floats in it and of its weight; they are the knee-cap and the knee of the Double Lion. I know the name of its cords with which it catches fish; they are the sinews of Atum.
I know the names of the fishermen who use it; they are the Earth-gods, the forefathers of the Swallowers. I know the names of its arms; they are the arms of the Great God who gives judgement in Heliopolis on the night of the half monthly festival in the Mansion of the Moon...
I know the name of the plateau on which it is pulled tight; it is the plateau of the firmament on which the gods stand.
I know the name of the agent who receives its fish; it is 'Marker of jars, the agent of the god'.......
I have come as a fisherman, with my net and my reel in my hand, my knife in my hand, and my cutter in my hand; I go to and fro and I catch with my net.
I know the name of the reel which closes the mouth of the opening; it is the middle finger of Osiris.
I know the name of the fingers which hold it; they are the fingers which are on the hand of Re and the nails which are on the hand of Hathor.
I know the name of the cords which are on this reel; they are the sinews of the Lord of the Common Folk.
I know the name of its valve; it is the hand of Isis.
I know the name of its draw rope; it is the draw rope of the Eldest God.
I know the name of the netting; it is... of the day
I know the names of the fishermen who use it; they are the Earth-gods who are in the presence of Re..............
O you fishers, children of your fathers, who entrap within Nefersenet, you shall not catch me in your net, you shall not entrap me in your net in which you catch the inert ones and entrap those who are throughout the earth, for I know it, I know it from its upper floats to its lower weights.
Here am I, I have come with my reel in my hand, my peg in my hand, my valve in my hand and my knife in my hand; I have come and I have entered; I smite and I catch. Do you know that I know the name of the catcher of fledglings? I break his bow. I smite him and I put him in his place. As for the peg which is in my hand, it is the shank of Shesmu; as for the reel which is in my hand, it is the finger of Sokar; as for the valve which is in my hand, it is the hand of Isis; as for the knife which is in my hand, it is the decapitating sword of Shesmu.
The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead – translated by R O Faulkner
Spell 153b – spell for escaping from the catcher of fish
O you net-users, trappers and fishermen,
O you children of your fathers,
Do you know that I know the name of that great and mighty net?
The 'All-embracing' is its name.
Do you know that I know the name of its cords?
They are the sinews of Isis.
Do you know that I know the name of the peg?
It is the shank of Atum.
Do you know that I know the name of its reel?
It is the finger of Shesmu
Do you know that I know the name of its valve?
It is the fingernail of Ptah
Do you know that I know the name of its weights?
It is the iron in the midst of the sky.
Do you know that I know the name of the floats?
It is the feathers of the Falcon.
Do you know that I know the name of its fishermen?
They bare baboons.
Do you know that I know the name of the plateau on which it is pulled tight?
It is the Mansion of the Moon.
Do you know that I know the name of him who uses it for himself?
He is the great prince who dwells in the eastern side of the sky.