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Symbols - What does heaven look like



[from a painting by Ilya Yefimovich]

A fish can have many symbolic and very specific meanings, especially culturally and within various religions, but here I wish to concentrate on the more generic meaning of the fish.

One of the ways we can view perceptions is as a series of interconnected threads – the loom. Our perception logs are interconnected by links that cross relate shared action and activity.  The loom is one symbolic name given to this vast network of interconnected thoughts, but the other name given to it is the net

Fish live in water  and they are silver [moon] which means they are symbols of the feminine and the Subconscious.  The subconscious contains our perceptions and emotions thus fish take on this symbolism – they are of the spirit and are symbols of emotions – feelings and perceptions.

But we can be more specific.

A fish looks like a bobbin, thus it is a symbol of weaving – the weaving of the net.  In effect, a fish is a symbol of a thought – a thought that can travel all over the net and construct the links between us all.  It can be an idea that travels and creates a great network of connected thoughts and ideas.

Thus if you see a lot of fish in a pool or tank you are seeing a mass of ideas ready to spring forth and break loose from their pool!

When Jesus talked of making his disciples fishers of men – he was talking about the spreading of the net – capturing people’s minds through ideas – his ideas and those of his disciples – fish weaving through the perceptions of his followers.  The Fisher king of the Holy Grail was there to spread ideas.  When Jesus fed the crowds with only 5 fishes – he was feeding them with only 5 main ideas – but he still kept them happy. 



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