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Rig Veda - Make me Immortal
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Rgveda
The world where shines the inexhaustible splendour, where the sun is enthroned,
enthrone me there, O Soma,
in the imperishable world of immortality.
Where lives the king, the son of Vivasvant, where lies the solid vault of the firmament,
where the running waters are,
in this place,
make me immortal.
Where one moves about at one’s leisure, in the threefold firmament,
in the threefold heaven of the heavens,
where lie the worlds of Light,
make me immortal.
Where desire and kindness exist, on the surface of the empurpled sky,
where the banquet of the souls takes place
and where there is an abundance of food,
in this place,
make me immortal.
Where joy and delight reign, where reigns pleasure heaped upon pleasure,
where the heart's desires are attained,
in this place,
make me immortal.