Spiritual concepts
Once one has left the confines of the soul and reached the Aether level at the top of the soul cone and in the centre portion of the egg where all other Higher spirits are to be found, the one overwhelming sensation that one experiences is of that of light.
The word Light is utterly inadequate to describe this phenomenon, it is actually a shadowless light, it is extraordinarily powerful but does not 'blind', as one travels closer to the 'centre' the 'Light' increases and at that stage one realises that Light is power .
At the centre the power is beyond all description, as its 'strength' [again an inadequate human word] is overwhelming. The closer to the centre of power one gets and the weaker functionally you are, the greater the likelihood that annihilation awaits. And this is simply destruction, although if you have achieved new function you may be 'absorbed' [again an inadequate word].
Light and divine love are often together, but they may not be as you will see from the observations.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- A golden shaft of light beamed down through the middle part of his body
- A NDE from a prolonged grand mal seizure
- A near-drowning experience when he was a five-year-old
- A Psychologist goes out of body
- A Visit to Theodor Geisel's La Jolla Mountaintop - May 25, 1986
- Acute porphyria attack produces a walk into Paradise
- Ahmad Ahsai, Shaykh - Kitab Sharh al-Ziyara - On alchemical metals
- Albertus Magnus – On union with God - How to achieve Union
- Alexander, Dr Eben - enters the Inner Court
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the light, the tunnel and paradise
- Although my nan had died, it will always comfort me, seeing her smiley face being taken up to a safer place
- Anaesthetist goes out of body
- Ancient Egyptian - The symbolism of the Sun and Moon
- Ann and the blue tunnel
- Anna from Greece has a NDE from childbirth
- Anne Thomson - Attempted suicide
- Appendicitis produces an NDE
- As they were tagging his toe to identify him as a dead man, he found himself out of his body
- Ashtavakra Gita - 02 Joy of Self-Realization
- Asian 'flu produces NDE
- Asthma attack gives bliss and love
- At the dentists he had probably received an overdose of the medication
- Atharvaveda - IV 10 The Pearl and its Shell bestowing long life and prosperity
- Atrial fibrillation
- Atrophic uterus produces out of body
- Attar, Fariduddin - God Speaks to David
- Attar, Fariduddin - Invocation
- Attar, Fariduddin - Mysticism
- Attempted suicide at the age of 18
- Aurora consurgens - 09 An allegory of the citadel
- Avicenna - Henry Corbin on the cosmology of Avicenna
- Aware during her NDE, that her newborn infant would die
- Aziz al-Nasafi
- Bailey, Philip James - from Festus I - Archangels
- Bailey, Philip James - from Festus I - The Guardian Angel's plea that man should know the Great Work
- Bailey, Philip James - from Universal Hymn 02
- Balzac, Honoré de - Louis Lambert - The Laws of the Universe
- Barddas - The Vision of Menw Manu
- Barrett Browning, Elizabeth - Human Life's Mystery
- Barrett, Marvin - Second Chance: A Life After death – An NDE from cardiac arrest
- Beausobre, Iulia de - goes to Samarkand
- Beers, Clifford - Light
- Bees – Lectures by Rudolf Steiner - What has consciousness?
- Beuys, Joseph - Lightning with Stag in its glare
- Beverly Brodsky is comforted by a Spirit helper
- Bingen, Hildegard of - And their sound was like the voice of a multitude
- Blake, William - We reap not what we do not sow
- Bliss from communing with nature
- Blithe spirit - I almost reached the Light
- Blithe spirit - The vast moving sheet
- Blithe spirit - Thought palaces in pink and gold
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Darkness and Light
- Boehme, Jacob - Aurora - Light
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy - For I have swift and speedy wings
- Bonnard, Pierre - The Bowl of Milk c.1919
- Bonnard, Pierre - Cote d'azur landscapes
- Bonnard, Pierre - Jeune fille s'essuyant
- Bonnard, Pierre - l'Atelier au mimosa 1939
- Bonnard, Pierre - Nu a contre-jour 1908
- Bonnard, Pierre - Nu-accroupi-au-Tub 1914
- Bonnard, Pierre - Outside the Window 1923
- Bonnard, Pierre - The open window 1921
- Bonnard, Pierre - The Palm
- Bonnard, Pierre - The Red Chequered Tablecloth
- Bonnard, Pierre - The Terrace at Vernonnet
- Bonnard, Pierre - Toilet with a bouquet
- Born prematurely and weighed only two pounds at birth
- Bosch, Hieronymus - Ascent of the Blessed
- Botched Surgery produces Ecstasy
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 42
- Breedlove, Ben - This is my story (Parts 1 and 2)
- Broken neck playing rugby produces near death experience
- Bronwen from New Zealand falls from a cliff and translocates
- Brooke, Rupert - Lost into God
- Bullett, Gerald William - Maître de Ballet
- Busey, Gary - And his NDE
- C P Cavafy - The Windows
- Caesar, Ray - The vision of his mother that helped him become an artist
- Cameron, Norman - My soul is some leviathan in vague distress
- Car accident results in NDE
- Carlyle, Thomas - Sartor Resartus - Light sparkles floating in the aether of deity
- Carpenter, Edward - So thin a veil
- Cartwright, Sir Fairfax Leighton - The Mystic Rose - The Gardeners
- Cash, Johnny – An NDE from pneumonia, it was more than Light: it was the essence of Light
- Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman
- Chandogya Upanishad
- Chandra X Ray Observatory site - Dark matter
- Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz - The First Day
- Childbirth and bleeding
- Cirlot on butterflies
- Cirlot on crowns
- Cirlot on music
- Cirlot on obelisks
- Cirlot on the Orient
- Claudio Naranjo: The Early Days' Ibogaine Experiments
- Coehlo, Paulo - Warrior of Light; a manual
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - A woman patient's experience
- Cohen, Leonard
- Cohen, Leonard - Alexandra leaving
- Cohen, Leonard - If it be your will
- Cohen, Leonard - Love itself
- Cohen, Leonard - Tower of Song
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - Lines from a Notebook 1806
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - The Good Great Man
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor - To an unfortunate woman at the theatre
- Colours more beautiful than he had ever experienced before
- Corbin, Henry - Jabalqa and Jabarsa
- Corbin, Henry - The Earth of the Emerald Cities
- Cornwall - A seaman's testimony from Mousehole
- Corporal William Vandenbush - Blown up when on patrol in Vietnam in 1969
- Corpus Hermeticum XI
- Count of Eulenburg – 02 1915, July 29th
- Count of Eulenburg – 22 1915, Miscellaneous communications
- County Meath - Tara - Lia Fáil
- Croiset, Gerard - A vision of a host of angels
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Ante Primal Triad
- Crowley, Aleister - Book of Lies - The Glow-worm
- Crowley, Aleister - Divine synthesis
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - A truly truly special experience
- Dancing with God Amanitas - A. Muscaria by btorzyn
- Danny Penman's cat, Buffy, has an NDE
- Dante - Paradiso - Divine Light comes to a point upon me
- Dante - Paradiso - Purification by Light
- Dante - Paradiso - The Sun
- David-Neel, Alexandra - Bardo Thodal - Prayer for death or annihilation
- Delville, Jean - Dante drinking from the Waters of Lethe
- Delville, Jean - Mangod
- Denis - Figures in a spring landscape 1897
- Desnos, Robert - Demain
- Destruction on a terrifying scale
- Diana Merchant sees the most wonderful starburst
- Diane Sherman's near death experience
- Dickinson, Emily - I heard a fly buzz when I died The stillness in the room
- Dickinson, Emily - Pass to the Rendezvous of Light
- Dionysius the Areopagite - Celestial Hierarchy - Order of Angels
- Dionysius the Areopagite - De Mystica Theologia - Darkness and Light
- Dixon, Jeane - A vision of the snake
- Don't ever be afraid of dying; I have seen a beautiful Light
- Dorothy Counts [1983] - Near Death and Out of Body Experiences in a Melanesian Society – Andrew
- Doyle, Lady - wife of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Dr Allen Smith - Experiences bliss, peace and love
- Dr G. B. Kirkland - The others were passing me very rapidly, hurrying towards the light which was brightening
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections - Mr George Sandwith has multiple OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – John L. Lane has multiple OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Miss Marion Price of 37 Osborn Rd., London, N.13 has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr and Mrs C. M. Langridge, of Poole, Dorset have OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Marion Stubbs, of Wimborne, Dorset
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Myles Reese of Codsall, Staffs
- Dr Yvonne Kason and the plane crash onto the ice
- Dying and TB
- Edward and the compulsive, highly energetic mode that he calls his ‘painting frenzy’
- Eizon - The Ganmon - excerpt
- Eleanor C Merry - The Flaming Door - Comments on the Pistis Sophia
- Eleanor Merry - The Flaming Door - Celestial music
- Eliot, T S - Four Quartets - 02 Burnt Norton II
- Epileptic seizure causes near death
- Eriugena, Johannes Scotus - Homilia on the Prologue to the John Gospel – Darkness and Light
- Eva Gore Booth - The Quest
- Everything disappeared and was replaced by a bright white consuming light, in which was total peace, no pain, no thought, no time
- Faithfull, Marianne - Who Will Take My Dreams Away
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor - A light as of transfiguration lay on all things
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sailing boats 7
- Feininger, Lyonel - Sunset
- Ficino, Marsilio - Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus - Unity goodness and intellect
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Giovanni Cavalcanti, methods
- Fleetwood Mac - Sara
- Forman, Simon - Of the Division of Chaos
- Fourteen year old girl sees us from down a well
- Fourteen year old has NDE from pneumonia
- Freedom Long, Max - Becoming amber light
- Freedom Long, Max - Turning into Light
- From life to death, beyond and back - Dr Thomas Fleischmann - TEDxTUHHSalon
- Frost, Robert - Even the bravest that are slain
- Gambier Bolton, Robert – The Conditions needed to obtain a materialisation – 01 Light filtered through canary-yellow, orange, or red linen or paper is needed
- Gardner, Ingrid - A large room full of mirrors and crystal
- Gardner, Ingrid - The big wet bathroom
- Gaudi - Professional work - 04 The Sagrada Família
- Gay man meets his lover in near death
- Genesis - That's me
- Genesis 01 - The Creation
- George Harrison - All those years
- George Harrison - Give me love [give me peace on earth]
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 01
- Gershom Scholem – On the Kabbalah and its symbolism - The Torah
- Gibbings, Robert & Jonson, Ben - The noble nature
- Gnostic Gospels - 'Peter'
- Gnostic Gospels - Sophia of Jesus Christ
- Godwin, Joscelyn - On butterflies
- Goryeo sijo - Yi Chono
- Gregory of Nyssa - Treatise on Virginity
- Grey, Margot - Description of her NDE
- Grey, Margot - Divine love and nirvana
- Gurdjieff - Ouspensky learns about leaking energy
- Guru Granth - Bilaval 01
- Guru Granth - Bilaval 03
- Guru Granth - There is a light in all
- Gynaecological haemorrhage
- Hagman, Larry – Takes LSD
- Haig, Matt - Reasons to stay alive - 12 Writing and the useful bite of the black dog
- Hasidism And Jewish Mysticism In Israel
- Hawkes, Jacquetta - Symbols and Speculations - Creation by Night
- Hawkes, Jacquetta - Symbols and Speculations - Soliloquy
- He had "seen the face of God"
- Heading for the light with Pneumonia
- Healer H - Old clothes and a crocodile
- Hell Realms and Liberation DPT by Fr Moonwatcher 343
- Hennell, Thomas - On the abyss
- Henry Corbin - Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth - Zoroastrian cosmology
- Herbert, George - Heaven
- Herbert, George - The Call
- Hermes Trismegistus – Treatise XVI
- Hermes Trismegistus – Treatise XVI
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Oh, the Light! ... The Light!
- Hiroshige
- Hofmann, Dr Albert - Epiphany
- Holderlin, Johann - Once Gods walked
- Holderlin, Johann - Patmos
- Holderlin, Johann and Brahms - Hyperion's song of destiny
- Huai nan tzu - The great Light
- Hypnerotomachia Poliphili - The Weather
- I thought I was going to die
- Ibn El-Arabi - Henry Corbin - Fursus al-hikam
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - A ringdove wailed and a sad lover complained
- Ibn El-Arabi - The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq - My lovesickness is from her of the lovesick eyelids
- In the meadow with Grandpa from Pneumonia
- Intelligences - PLANETS VENUS Ashtar and Ishtar
- Isaac Loeb Peretz - Celestial music
- Jabir ibn Hayyan – Henry Corbin – The science of the balance
- Jainism - Philosophies of India – Dr Heinrich Zimmer
- Jami - All that exists in the created universe is illusion
- Jami - Perfume of the Desert - Hidden behind the veil of mystery
- Jami - Who is man
- Jayne Smith and her near death experience
- Jeans, Sir James - The Mysterious Universe - The need for humility in physics
- Jeff Neff
- Jesus - Luke 8 - The transfiguration
- Jili, Abd al-Karim - Al-Kahf wa al-raqim - 043 Section 3
- John 1
- John Franklin's lifelong spiritual experiences
- Jules Lyons and her near death experience
- Julie from Lllanelli could stop watches after her NDE
- Kabbalah and Eros – Moshe Idel - Treatise on sex and eroticism in 13th century Castile
- Kabir - Breathe in that Word
- Kahuna - Tattoos of Kundalini Energy
- Katha Upanishad
- Khan, Hazrat Inayat - The Art of Being and Becoming - On the stages of the mystic
- Khnopff, Fernand - Head of a Woman
- Khnopff, Fernand - Sleeping Medusa
- Khnopff, Fernand - Female Nudes
- Khnopff, Fernand - Mask with a Black Curtain
- Khnopff, Fernand - Maske
- Khnopff, Fernand - Nude Study, c.1920
- Khnopff, Fernand - Portrait of Jean Kefer
- Khnopff, Fernand - Silence
- Khnopff, Fernand - Study of a Woman
- Khnopff, Fernand - Study of a woman
- Khnopff, Fernand - The Cigarette
- Khunrath, Heinrich - Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeterna 1602
- Klimt - landscapes various
- Krishna, Gopi - the kundalini experience - enhanced perception
- Krishna, Gopi - the kundalini experience No 1
- Krishna, Gopi - the kundalini experience No 5 - hearing bees
- l lost sight of the light and music, I felt so bereft at being left behind
- Lady goes out of body on LSD
- Lalla - Fatten the five elements
- Lalla - My mind boomed with the sound of OM
- Lalla - Sunlight shines everywhere equally
- Lalla - There are two results and three causes
- Laubscher, B J F - I lost my baby; and my sister and sister-in-law each lost a child
- Lear, Edward - Jerusalem
- Leary, Timothy - tries DMT
- Led Zeppelin - Battle of Evermore
- Led Zeppelin - In the Light
- Leibniz - Light
- Leighton, Frederick Lord - Flaming June
- Lemaitre, Georges - Homogenous universe of constant mass and increasing radius - 03
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Ridgeways and the role of Lucifer
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – Using the pendulum, correspondences
- Lethbridge, T C - Ghost and Ghoul - Dragonfly
- Lewis, C S - Prince Caspian - Sailing into the Light
- Li Po - Bathed and washed
- Light, tunnels and thyroid problems - the story of Maud
- Little girl has an NDE with a Sindy doll
- Look at that lovely light, isn't it beautiful?
- Lowell, James Russell - O dwellers in the valley land
- Lowry, L S - Industrial scenes and 'The Pond'
- Lowry, L S - Wales
- Luiseno - Native American Indians - Creation Myth
- Lusseyran, Jacques - And then there was Light
- Lyrics from the Chinese - The wind blows from the North
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - A Near death from tuberculosis
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 26 Going out of body towards the Light
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 27 Out of body [continued]
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 28 Out of body [continued]
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 29 The mole and the bird
- Maeterlinck, Maurice – Wisdom and Destiny – On the loom
- Magritte, Rene - La Bonne Fortune
- Maier, Michael - Themis Aurea - Fires and mountains
- Man has two near death experiences
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 25 Communication from his dead grandpa
- Marie-Claire experiences divine love in her NDE
- Mark Botts has a NDE from bronchiolitis
- Martineau, Harriet - Arise, My Soul And Urge thy Flight 1
- Martineau, Harriet - Letters on Mesmerism - The healing
- Martineau, Harriet - Letters on Mesmerism - Transfiguration
- Mascaro, Juan - For Anandam, pure joy
- Masters and Houston - And particles of light
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 01 This is the beginning
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 02 Sky-earth, lake-sea
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 03 And then the Earth arose because of them
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 04 The Creation of the First humans
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 09 The Resurrection of Seven Hunahpu
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 13 Hymn to the Creators
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 15 The Vigils of Plumed Serpent and Noble Sweatbath
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 16 The prayer to the gods
- Michael Harner - On quartz crystals
- Michelangelo - 1534 Sistine Chapel - 03 Last Judgement
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov – Oration on the Origin of Light. A New Theory of Colour – 01 On light and Light
- Mind machine
- Mircea Eliade - Baiame's crystals
- Mircea Eliade - Initiation practises of the Wiradjuri people
- Mircea Eliade - On caves and rebirth
- Mircea Eliade - On rain, thunder and lightning
- Mircea Eliade - On the other names of God
- Mircea Eliade - Quartz crystals
- Mircea Eliade - The Eagle in Buryat and Yakut legend
- Mircea Eliade - The vault of the sky gods
- Mircea Eliade – Mishna and the Tree of Knowledge
- Monro, Harold - God
- Moody Blues - House of Four Doors
- Moody Blues - The Word
- Morata, Ursula Micaela - Wrapped in Light
- Morrells, Luce and the egg
- Morrells, Luce and the loom
- Mortimer, John and wife Penny
- Moses Cordovero – Shi’ur Komah
- Motor cycle accident
- Muller's false prophesies
- Mundaka Upanishad
- Myōe – Receives a vision of Light
- Natasha of Cardiff has a near death from whooping cough
- Native American Wisdom - Kiowa – On prayer
- Naval gazing as a source of bliss
- Near death
- Near Death Experience Witnessed By Medical Professionals
- Near death from accidental inhalation of gasoline
- Near death from car accident
- Near death from pain killers
- Nicholle, Charles - The nature of blue sky thinking
- Nick
- Nilakantha Mahadeva Joshi – On Laya [Translated from the Tamil]
- Ninety year old remembers his teenage NDE vividly
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Second Discourse 01
- Nizami – Makhzanol Asrar (The Treasury of Mysteries) – from The Second Seclusion 02
- Novalis - Hymns to the Night 1
- Nunn, Dr Chris - 02 Everything in the material world around me is made of Light
- Omar Khayyam - The Rubaiyat - No more of THEE and ME
- Out of Body by Choking
- Out of body from Reflex anoxic seizure
- Pam Williams from Swansea
- Paramahansa Yogananda - Heart tapping
- Parmenides - On Nature - 01
- Parmenides - On Nature - 09 to 11
- Paul McCartney - Blackbird
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Illumination and the Light
- Pauli, Wolfgang - Letter [Zollikon-Zurich] 28th October 1946 [Handwritten]
- Peake, Mervyn - To All things solid as to All Things Flat
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 06
- Peter Panagore's NDE and Why He Regretted Coming Back
- Petersen, William - Describes his NDE
- Philippine nurse has NDE after car accident .... with after-effects
- Plato - Misc. writings - The Mysteries
- Plato - Republic - The Cave analogy
- Plato - Republic X - 02 Tale of Er
- Plato - Republic X - 03 Tale of Er
- Plotinus - The Enneads - When you know you have become this perfect work
- Plutarch - De Iside et Osiride
- Plutarch - Stobaeus – At first there is a wandering
- Plutarch – The Vision of Aridæus 06
- Pordage, John - Eye of God
- Proclus - And the Mysteries
- Proust, Marcel - In Search of Lost time Volume 6 - A Vision of azure blue
- Pueblo and Mojave - Native American Indians - The hummingbird
- Pythagoras - Misc. Quote - Above all things reverence thyself
- Quakers - Margaret Fell and George Fox's sermon
- Rassenfosse, Armand - Nudes various
- Rassenfosse, Armand - The Dancer - study
- Reaction to Penicillin produces NDE
- Rebecca Martin's near death experience
- Receiving wisdom when in a trance
- Reichel-Dolmatoff – Amazonian Cosmos - Desana Creation Myth
- Renoir - Landscapes 4
- Renoir - Portraits 3
- Renoir - Young boy with a cat
- Reverdy, Pierre - Carrefour
- Rhys Brydydd - The smallest if compared with small
- Ricardo from Mexico experiences divine love
- Richard of St Victor - De Quatuor Gradibus Violentae Charitatis
- Rig Veda - Make me Immortal
- Rig veda - Rudra with braided hair
- Rig veda - Soma
- Rig Veda - The bond of existence is in non existence
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 07 Second Elegy
- Ritter, Christiane - Seventy-eight days of darkness have already passed
- Robert Layton - Divine love in a constant stream, like a stream or pencil of sweet light.
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - Ecstasy, song and fervour!
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - Violence
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel - Woman with a fan
- Rudd, Xavier - Messages
- Rumi - Love Poems - Bough and leaf set free from the earth
- Rumi - Quote - various
- Russell, George William - Letters
- Russell, George William - On being possessed
- Russell, George William - The gods feed upon men
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – A Vision of Mecca in the Bath
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – Riding with the Prophets
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – Scattered jewels
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – Shower of Pearls
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – The attack of the Saints
- Ruzbihan Baqli – The Unveiling of Secrets – The Face of God
- Saint Anskar - Visions of Dying in the Ninth and Nineteenth Centuries - His NDE
- Saint Brendan - 01 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Saint Brendan - 07 The Voyage of Saint Brendan
- Samavedas – 01 Book 01 Chapter 01, DECADE II Agni
- Samavedas – 01 Book 06 Chapter 02, DECADE III Soma Pavamana
- Samavedas – Book 07 Chapter 03, XII Soma Pavamana
- Samavedas – Book 08 Chapter 03, IX Asvins
- Scarlet fever produces NDE
- Schubert - Rosamunde, D797 - VII. Chorus of Spirit ('In der Tiefe wohnt das Licht')
- Schwabe, Carlos - La Vierge aux colombes 1895
- Sean W, Delaware - Affirmations and taken to the Light
- Seeing grandpa on anti-depressants
- Seeress of Prevorst, the - Everything resolves itself into an unbounded sea of Light
- Segantini - Afternoon in the Alps
- Segantini - Die Eitelkeit 1897
- Segantini - Die Heuernte; La raccolta del fieno; The Hay Harvest 1890-1898
- Segantini - Engel des Lebens 1894 [L'angelo della vita]
- Segantini - Nature
- Segantini - Pascoli alpini; alpine pasture
- Segantini - Petalo di rosa
- Segantini - Rückkehr vom Wald 1890
- Segantini - Schattiger Ruheplatz
- Sellers, Peter - His out of body experience
- Sellers, Peter – 02 from Out on a Limb – Out of body from cardiac arrest
- Seymour, Jane - Youtube video of Jane talking about her NDE and other spiritual experiences
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - Actions give rise to endless multiplicity
- Shabistari, Mahmud - The Gulshan-i raz - All of the world has appeared by His Light
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Darkness and Light
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Higher spirit
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Levels and layers
- Shaikh Muhammad Karim Khan Kirmani - Irshad al-‘awamm - Star of David
- Shaivism - Concepts and symbols - Elements - earth, water, fire, and air [from Onbadukadir] and Aggregates
- She found herself in the presence of pure Light and Peace
- Shot up like a rocket
- Sidis, William James - The Animate And The Inanimate - 12 Chapter Twelve
- Silesius - The Cherubinic Wanderer – 03 The Still Wilderness 056
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - The crystals of the after-life
- Socrates - Plato Phaedo - The Egg
- Sorolla, Joaquin - 1896 Mending the Sail
- Sorolla, Joaquin - 1905 Clotilde and Elena on the rocks at Javea
- Sorolla, Joaquin - 1906 Biarritz
- Sorolla, Joaquin - 1908 to 1910 Sea Idyll
- Sorolla, Joaquin - 1911 Portrait of Louis Comfort Tiffany
- Sorolla, Joaquin - Boats on the beach at Valencia
- Sorolla, Joaquin - Children on the beach
- Sorolla, Joaquin - The Arrival of the Boats & Fishermen
- Sorolla, Joaquin - Valencia beach in the Morning and Afternoon
- Sorolla, Joaquin - Valencian fisherwomen
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 01 - Southwold
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 02 - Boatyards
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 04 - Cookham
- Spencer, Stanley - Landscapes 07 - Allotments
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 04 - Scarecrow Cookham 1934
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 07 - A village in heaven 1937
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 09 - Early visionary period
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 10 - The Blacksmith's Yard
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 14 - Farms, gates and cows
- Spencer, Stanley - Symbolism 15 - Waterfalls, rivers and locks
- Spilliaert, Leon - Example later works
- Spilliaert, Leon - Jeune femme de dos asisse sur un tabouret
- Spontaneous out of body
- Sri Airobindo - Savitri - A Message from the Unknown Immortal Light
- Sri Aurobindo - 03 Book III Canto II - 02
- Sri Aurobindo - 03 Savitri Book III Canto III
- Sri Aurobindo - Blue Bird
- Sri Aurobindo - Bride of the Fire
- Sri Aurobindo - Musa Spiritus
- Sri Aurobindo - The Ascent
- Sri Aurobindo - The Fear of Life and Death
- St Vincent - Marrow
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - On humility
- Steiner, Rudolf - Nature spirits - Fire spirits
- Steiner, Rudolf - The Inner Nature of Music and the Experience of Tone 1906
- Sterry, Peter - The State of a Saint's Soul and Body in Death
- Steve Rushton has a near death from drowning
- Sting - Soul Cages
- Stone, Sharon - Description of her near death experience
- Strassman, Rick - DMT and becoming a child
- Strings 'N' Thing - Out of body on ketamine
- Suddenly the corridor filled with the brightest white light
- Suhrawardi - Book of Conversations - The encounter with suprasensory reality
- Suhrawardi - Book of Conversations - The pure lights
- Suhrawardi - Book of Oriental Theosophy - The number of levels and what they contain
- Suhrawardi - Mundus Imaginalis - The crimson archangel
- Surdas - Fatephur Sikri manuscript - NPS 368
- Susy Smith - The psychiatrist's experience
- Sutherland, Donald – A NDE from a severe case of meningitis
- Svetasvatara Upanishad
- Symeon the New Theologian - By what boundless mercy, my Savior
- Symeon the New Theologian - How are You at once the source of fire
- Symeon the New Theologian - In the midst of that night, in my darkness
- Symeon the New Theologian - The Light of your Way
- Tagore, Rabindranath - Song XXXXXII to XXXXXIX, Gitanjali
- Tales of the Trickster
- Taylor, Elizabeth - Describes her Near Death experience
- Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre - Hymn of the Universe - Light
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - On yet we trust that somehow good Will be the final goal of ill
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - When summer's hourly mellowing change
- Tesla, Nikola – Empathetic communication with pigeons
- The atheist who decided she couldn't stand anymore, slit her wrists and has a NDE
- The atheist who met Jesus in an NDE
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 02
- The Clear Light Experience MDMA by MindTripper
- The Good Drugs Guide website - summary of effects of LSD
- The humming bees of Dr Valerie Solheim
- The Kabbalistic Tradition: An Anthology of Jewish Mysticism - Alan Unterman
- The light is usually described as bright and white and associated with strong feelings of love and compassion
- The Lotus Sutra - 07 Phantom City - 2 The Light that shines in the ten directions
- The Lotus Sutra - 22 Wonderful sound - 1 Adorned with Pure Light
- The Lotus Sutra - 23 Perceiver of the World's Sounds - 1 Brahma's sound, the sea tide sound
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 01 Sexual techniques - The experience of absolute Light attained through maithuna
- The Mithras Liturgy - Lines 475 to 535
- The professional guitarist, the car accident and the golden wall
- The role of Spirit helpers in an NDE 01
- The role of Spirit helpers in an NDE 02
- The Secret of the Golden Flower - 03 Turning the Light around and keeping to the Centre
- The Sophia of Jesus Christ - Do ye seek after these Mysteries?
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 01
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 02
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 04
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 05
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 06
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 08
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 09
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 10
- Theodore Roethke – The Waking
- Thomas, Dylan - From Love's First fever
- Thomas, Dylan - In the Beginning
- Tibetan Book of the Dead - Prayer to the Higher Spirit
- TIKHAL - Seeing a tunnel
- To Heaven and Back Methadone & Ibogaine by Jasen
- Tolstoy, Leo - Confessions - We reap what we sow
- Touched by Death 5-MeO-DMT by Kawagyia
- Traherne, Thomas - Centuries of Meditations - It is not by going with the feet, but by journeys of the soul
- Trip to heaven
- Twinkle twinkle little star
- Vaughan, Henry - Childhood
- Vaughan, Henry - extract from Ascension Day
- Vaughan, Henry - Friends Departed
- Vaughan, Henry - The Pursuit
- Vaughan, Henry - The World
- Vaughan, Thomas - Aula Lucis
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 13 A question and answer session with spirit beings
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 32 When men know all about material light, they will then turn their attention to the much greater subject of spiritual Light
- Von Stuck, Franz - 1889 Angel with the Flaming Sword
- Von Stuck, Franz - 1890 Lucifer
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - The Sun and the Moon and being 'moon-struck'
- Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry - Haunted Houses
- Waller, Edmund - Divine Poems - 04 Divine Love
- Waller, Edmund - On the foregoing Divine Poems
- Warner Allen, Herbert - The Timeless moment
- Warner Allen, Herbert - The Timeless Moment - An answer came
- Washington, George - A vision and a prophecy
- We three kings of Orient are
- Wendy has NDE from surgery
- White tunnel
- Whiteman, J H M
- Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass - Long enough have you dreamed
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Heather Whiteholme 06
- Whitton, Dr Joel - Case history Linda Irving [extract from full case history]
- William has NDE from cardiac arrest
- Wordsworth, William - Intimations of Immortality - Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting
- Wordsworth, William - On the Power of Sound
- Wren-Lewis, John - A Terrible Beauty: Reflections on Love and the Near-Death Experience
- Yaqui Myths and Legends – collected by Ruth Warner Giddings - The first fire
- Yasna - The Divine Heptad
- Yeats, W B - Anima Mundi - Perception recall
- Yeats, W B - Collected poems - The solitary soul and the swan
- Yerka, Jacek and Rashani Rea - The Unbroken
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book II - Sutras 01 to 55
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book III - Sutras 01 to 55
- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book IV - 05. World Soul
- Yu Xuanji - Free of all those hopes and fears
- Yung-Chia Ta-Shih - One nature perfect and pervading
- Zen priest - The Hellraiser leaf 2
- Zohar - I 019b – The Universe shell and kernel
- Zohar - I 031b – The First Light
- Zohar - I 050b – The allegory of the candle
- Zohar - I 083b – Wisdom
- Zohar - II 042b – Sefirot
- Zosimos of Panopolis - The Letter Omega - 07
- Zosimos of Panopolis - The Letter Omega - 11 and 12
- Zosimos of Panopolis - The Vision of Zosimos - 02