Observations placeholder
Corporal William Vandenbush - Blown up when on patrol in Vietnam in 1969
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Dr Madaleine Lawrence - Reports of Transpersonal Events During Catastrophic Events Near-Death Experience - During a War
Corporal William Vandenbush was on patrol in Vietnam in 1969. A bomb fell. It shattered his face and tore up his right side. Thinking he was going to die, he took off his backpack, laid on the ground to be as comfortable as possible. He was overtaken by a feeling of peace and tranquility.
Feeling out of his body, he entered a dark corridor. He was aware of being wounded but no longer felt any pain or concern. After passing through the corridor, he came to a white light full of peace and energy.
This is his description of what he felt and saw.
“This place of light was filled with the brightest, purest, white light I had ever seen. It was absolutely pure and clean. It was incredibly warm and friendly. I was in awe. The light was overwhelming and overshadowed everything else around me. This beautiful Light was filled with goodness and love. In this incredible bright White Light, everything was beautiful, everything within this Light was totally fulfilling. This place was filled with wonderful love, beautiful, unconditional love.
He then saw 2 figures of light, one of them being his grandfather who was willing to be his escort in this new place. Knowledge of the meaning of life and life purpose came to him. Another being of light appeared. This spirit figure told him he had to go back until he fulfilled his purpose and learned his life lessons. Later Vandenbush tried to describe this occurrence to others in his life.
Initially no one would listen or take the experience seriously.