Near death
Near death
A near death experience or NDE is used to describe one very specific type of spiritual experience. In effect it is what people experience when they almost die, or they die and are resuscitated. Whether someone has a NDE when they are close to death seems to be tied in to how genuinely close to death they were. Many people seem to suffer cardiac arrests or other life threatening events but are not in reality at risk from dying – those who have an NDE have been. Some people, whose descriptions I found in the books I have listed in the Reference section, had even had their death warrant signed. One lady woke up in a mortuary.
The experience has been used for millenia as an indicator of what happens on death, as people appear to go through much the same series of steps or stages. Pope Gregory the Great in the sixth century even collected descriptions of these experiences in order to prove that there was an existence after death. It is perhaps interesting to note that all those who have NDEs believe implicitly in an afterlife and lose all fear of death. They ‘know’ the spiritual world exists and that their spirit continues. This knowledge seems to also result in an effect on those who do survive longer with an increased interest in the meaning of one's own life - destiny, and in increased tolerance, compassion, love and acceptance of others. They also feel “more emotionally vulnerable and empathic, and often there is evidence of increased intuitive feelings”.
A poll conducted by George Gallup in 1982 in an extensive survey found an estimated 8 million near death experiences, so the experience is not uncommon. In retrospective studies, between 43% and 48% of adults and up to 85% of children who had a life-threatening illness were estimated to have had an NDE. A random investigation of more than 2000 Germans showed 4·3% to have had an NDE at a mean age of 22 years. Furthermore it has become more common as we find ways of saving people from death. In effect, near death experiences are more frequent nowadays because of all the improved techniques of resuscitation. These people were dying and would have died, but they were brought back to life by technology.
Dr. Bruce Greyson, professor of psychiatry and director of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia Health System
While near-death experiences (NDEs) were once thought to be rare, research now indicates that a third of those who come close to death, or approximately 5 percent of the American population, experience an NDE.
There are two types of near death experience, that which was not a result of a suicide attempt – I have called this the ‘normal’ near death and that which was – the ‘Suicide near death’.
Normal near death
The specific stages that characterise a normal NDE are:
- First an out of body experience – in which the person usually hovers at ceiling level watching what is going on.
- Next a tunnel or more correctly a long vortex in which they are drawn up towards a pin point light. In some cases the light is invisible to start with and the people only experience blackness, but eventually all get drawn up this tunnel towards the light. Speeds vary, sometimes it seems slow, sometimes fast, some may feel they are going up, some that they are going down [like Alice in Alice in Wonderland].
- Next they actually come out into the Light which is described as a time of enormous peace and joy.
- They may also meet 'Beings of Light'. These are actually Spirit helpers taller than the person, ethereal, kindly. Many people meet their Higher spirit.
- They then may meet 'people' - disembodied spirits [not souls] that they know - mothers, fathers, grannies, friends - whose appearance has been reconstructed [from the software templates they had at birth] to make them recognisable. This stage is characterised by them being in a sort of 'holding area', which is generally how they might perceive paradise. Often it is a green place, with lush grass and thousands of flowers, with brilliant blue sky and wooded, warm, no houses, the occasional palace or temple, sometimes mountains or hills, occasionally a gentle warm wind. Paradise in its archetypical form.
- If they get this far and not all do – at this stage they are often told they have to go back and they return the way they came not enacting this stage. But they may alternatively be given a life review which is a run through of their perception log. It depends a lot on whether the review is of help to them at that stage of their life. The Spirit helpers know they have to return but occasionally a review helps the person see what the next steps in life need to be – to understand their destiny. Children hardly ever have reviews, not because their lives are too short, but because they are children still and don't need guidance on what to do next. People are apparently given the choice occasionally on whether to go back or not, but the review is often used as a means of directing them on the predestined path.
The number of observations diminishes as we proceed through the stages. This is a reflection of the number of people who get to each stage. Any number have an OBE, very many go through the tunnel and even meet the Spirit helpers, but there are only a few that have a review or go to the holding area.
Suicide near death
I almost didn't include this section, because being a compassionate person who understands how desperate it can be for some people who do try to take their life, it seemed better not to describe the experiences of those who had tried to take their own life and nearly died, or who had died but were brought back to life.
But hiding this serves no one, and I think all those who are contemplating this route need to be aware of what might happen. And we need to remember that amongst this group of people we have suicide bombers, who may find this interesting.
The suicide completes the first two stages of the normal near death experience - the out of body and the tunnel - but finds themselves in a completely different type of holding area to paradise. Any relief or sense of peace they may feel is also simply a normal human reaction to having given up and found death – escaped [apparently] from the misery that was their life.
They do not get the true overwhelming sense of peace experienced in an ordinary NDE and they usually end up in a confused grey or murky void - a sort of twilight zone.
If you would like to know what this holding area looks like see observation 002493.
Whilst universally characterised as being very unpleasant , suicide related NDEs found that whatever conflict or problem they had which they had tried to escape, simply followed them into death. There was the further complication to this in that in their disembodied state they had no way to do anything about the problem and were obliged to view the perceptions that led up to their acts as well as the consequences
In Dr Raymond Moody's book he provides an example of a man who was devastated about the death of his wife. He shot himself and 'died' as a result, but doctors managed to resuscitate him. Before he was resuscitated however he found himself in 'an awful place' not where his wife was.
“I immediately saw the mistake I had made... I thought 'I wish I hadn't done it'”.
K Osis and E Haraldsson in “At the hour of death” showed that near death experiences are negatively correlated with drug related conditions. In effect drug related near death experiences unfold like suicide attempts.
G K Chesterton – Orthodoxy
Not only is suicide a sin, it is the sin.
It is the ultimate and absolute evil, the refusal to take an interest in existence; the refusal to take the oath of loyalty to life.
The man who kills a man, kills a man. The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out the world.
His act is worse – symbolically considered – than any rape or dynamic outrage. For it destroys all buildings; it insults all women. The thief is satisfied with diamonds; but the suicide is not; that is his crime. He cannot be bribed even by the blazing stones of the Celestial City. The thief compliments the things he steals, if not the owner of them. But the suicide insults everything on earth by not stealing it.
He defiles every flower by refusing to live for its sake. There is not a tiny creature in the cosmos at whom his death is not a sneer.
When a man hangs himself on a tree, the leaves might fall off in anger and the birds fly away in fury; for each has received a personal affront.
Who can get a NDE?
This maybe seems a silly question, because the obvious answer is those who nearly die, but there are any number of religious institutions that will make claim that only those who belong to their institution are able to get an experience of this sort, because only those who follow Mohammed or Jesus or whoever their leader is, is allowed into heaven. Heaven is for believers and, it would seem according to their dogma, only their believers. It is of course even more important as a question, as it is clear that this is indeed about the only indicator we will ever get of what happens after death.
Well, it would seem the religious institutions have got it totally and utterly wrong.
I will leave it up to Dr Kenneth Ring to summarise for me the findings of numerous researchers, who did proper sampled and carefully researched analyses into NDEs.
Life at Death – Dr Kenneth Ring
My impression during the course of this investigation and before I came to analyse these data, was that a respondent's religiousness, like other personal and demographic factors, just didn't seem to make much, if any, difference.
It certainly wasn't my judgement that this experience was more likely to be vouchsafed to persons who had been religious all along. Rather it seems - and this is consistent with what other investigators have found or suggested – that religiousness as such mainly affects the interpretation of a near death experience, not its occurrence.
In short, those who are religious seem to be more inclined to give a religious construction to their experience, but they are not necessarily more likely to have one in the first place.
Perhaps more interesting to me was that the believers in hell and promoters of hell had a high level of OBEs [not NDEs] involving hell, thus their belief in a hell often took them to it – those who induce fear in others find fear themselves – create demons and you get demons.
It is also worthy of note that those who had been through the NDE experience found religious institutions sorely wanting after their experience.
Life at Death – Dr Kenneth Ring
Although indifference or even contempt for organised religion is sometimes expressed by core experiencers, it is usually stated within a context that implies an overall religious tolerance for all ways of worship. From this point of view, there is no one religion or religious denomination that is superior or 'true'; rather, all religions are an expression of a single truth. It is the smug sectarian quality of some religious groups to which core experiencers tend to object
Of the books I have used, I particularly recommend Margot Grey's book because she actually had an NDE experience, so could write with some authority on the subject. The other books I have used are principally of value because they contain case histories. It is clear from the descriptions of a few of the other writers that they have never had a spiritual experience in their life and are at a loss to explain the subject – so the explanations seem mostly naïve and somewhat protracted.
I will also add that again because they have not had any sort of experience they occasionally use the evidence to push their own religious doctrine and dogma, which can be intensely annoying, as the spiritual world knows no such boundaries. My selection of observations should show that the genuine spiritual traveller simply feels one with whoever happens to be travelling with them – 'religion' never comes into it. Anyone who has genuinely had a spiritual experience knows that religious institutions are the last place you turn to look for the 'the truth'.
Other books on the subject if you are interested to find out more are:
- Life after life – Dr R A Moody [the definitive and first of the good research books on the subject, this is the book that started the interest].
- Adventures in Immortality – George Gallup.
- Beyond Death's Door – Maurice Rawlings.
- The experience of dying from falls – R Noyes and R Kletti based on the research of Professor Albert Heim.
- What happens when we die – Dr Sam Parnia.
- The Truth in the Light – Dr Peter Fenwick – this is an excellent book with loads and loads of well researched case histories
- .
I would add a note here about Maurice Rawlings, which I think needs to be borne in mind. Rawlings is a so called 'born again' Christian - born again Christians have not actually been through the rebirth process, but simply undergo a sort of reconversion back to the Christian religion. His survey is not unbiased and it is clear he seeks to find support for the Christian concept of heaven and hell. What is perhaps of interest is that it is clear he finds support for hell in the fundamentalist Christian community. Create a demon get a demon.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- 'Patient 10' with cerebral palsy has both an NDE and OBE
- 65 per cent of Londoners have had a religious, spiritual, ecstatic, sacred, paranormal or mystical experience
- A A Popov - The initiation of an Avam-Samoyed shaman
- A Journey to Heaven, a Journey to Hell DOM by J. Andersen
- A meeting with her dead mother and 'Jesus' helps resolve a dying woman's anger
- A NDE from a prolonged grand mal seizure
- A near death from GHB/Xyrem
- A near-drowning experience when he was a five-year-old
- A New Alloy Blooms in the Crucible - Syrian Rue, Cacti - T. peruvianus, 2C-E, 4-AcO-DMT & DMT - by Nowhereman
- A soldiers tale with Pneumonia
- Accidental leak in starter fluid causes near death
- Acute Nutmeg poisoning hallucinations
- Acute porphyria attack produces a walk into Paradise
- African torture victim
- After an injection of penicillin, she had a severe allergic reaction
- Agent Orange poisoning
- Alexander, Dr Eben - enters the Inner Court
- Alexander, Dr Eben - everything has a purpose, even a near death experience
- Alexander, Dr Eben - has to go back
- Alexander, Dr Eben - meeting Intelligences
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the light, the tunnel and paradise
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the spirit helper
- Alexander, Dr Eben - the underworld
- Allan Pring undergoes a life review during his NDE
- Angie Wilson's near death experience
- Ann and the blue tunnel
- Anna from Greece has a NDE from childbirth
- Anne Thomson - Attempted suicide
- Anni Dixon
- Appendicitis produces an NDE
- As they were tagging his toe to identify him as a dead man, he found himself out of his body
- Asian 'flu produces NDE
- Asthma
- Asthma
- Asthma
- At the dentists he had probably received an overdose of the medication
- Atrial fibrillation
- Attacked by lump hammer
- Attempted suicide
- Attempted suicide
- Attempted suicide at the age of 18
- Aware during her NDE, that her newborn infant would die
- Barrett, Marvin - Second Chance: A Life After death – An NDE from cardiac arrest
- Barrett, Pam - An NDE from a dental procedure
- Beaufort, Admiral Sir Francis – Drowning, experiencing bliss and reliving his life in perfect detail
- Beausobre, Iulia de - out of body in the steam baths
- Belfrage, Bruce – Has a near death experience
- Bennett, Tony – A description of his NDE
- Biophysicist discovers new life after death: Dr Joyce Hawkes at TEDxBellevue
- Black Sabbath - Ozzy Osborne's NDE
- Blue train, the
- Bolte Taylor, Jill
- Born prematurely and weighed only two pounds at birth
- Bosch, Hieronymus - Ascent of the Blessed
- Bowers, John - I was 'blown up' by a bomb accurately aimed by a German pilot - a Near Death Experience (NDE) which I greatly enjoyed
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 02 Professor A. Pastore, of the Royal High School of Genoa has a NDE
- Breedlove, Ben - This is my story (Parts 1 and 2)
- Brian Gard - Accidental ingestion of poisonous mushroom in the Central Idaho Wilderness
- Brittany - The legend of the Morgan
- Broken neck playing rugby produces near death experience
- Burst appendix
- Busey, Gary - And his NDE
- Caesarian section
- Captain Gilbert Nobbs - Has an NDE after being shot and blinded during the Battle of the Somme
- Car accident results in NDE
- Cardiac arrest
- Cardiac arrest
- Cardiac arrest
- Cardiac arrest
- Cardiac arrest
- Cash, Johnny – An NDE from pneumonia, it was more than Light: it was the essence of Light
- Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman
- Charles E. Hicks – has a NDE with celestial music and a sight of paradise
- Childbirth experience 02
- Christina the Astonishing - Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
- Christina the Astonishing - Up in the rafters
- Christine Stewart, hit by car, has NDE
- Cicero Newell - Indian Stories – The Vision of White Thunder
- Clark, Fay Marvin - Near death experience
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – A full description of his Near-Death-Experience
- Cohen, Dr Sidney - The deranged Morning glory man
- Colours more beautiful than he had ever experienced before
- Concussion
- Congresswoman's son brought back by prayer
- Constant babble of noise
- Coronary at 37 years old
- Corporal William Vandenbush - Blown up when on patrol in Vietnam in 1969
- Crushed under a truck
- Dahl, Roald - A Piece of Cake - The abyss
- Danny Penman's cat, Buffy, has an NDE
- David Lewis-Williams on tunnels
- Deaf mute hears
- Deaf-mute hears music from Paradise, which he called wonderful, and recovers from serious illness
- Deliberate surgical hypothermia
- Diabetic coma
- Diane Sherman's near death experience
- Dickinson, Emily - My life closed twice before its close
- Dorothy Counts [1983] - Near Death and Out of Body Experiences in a Melanesian Society – Andrew
- Doyle, Lady - wife of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Dr G. B. Kirkland - The others were passing me very rapidly, hurrying towards the light which was brightening
- Dr Joan Halifax -Uvavnuk, the Netsilik Eskimo woman hit by lightning
- Dr M Morse - From Closer to the Light - Egyptian rebirth reconstruction
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – A man with a weak heart has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Kathleen Snowden has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Leslie Grant Scott has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Miss S. M. Stopford, of Blackpool has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr and Mrs C. M. Langridge, of Poole, Dorset have OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr C. Arnold has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr E. G. West, a Quaker, of Salcombe, Devon has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs E. M. Mills, of Walthamstow has two OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs L. Hemingway has a Near Death experience
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M. Maries has an NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M. Veitch, of Redcar has a NDE and OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Nina Tank’s daughter has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Olive Morrogh, of Birmingham has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Sybil A. Sabel has an OBE
- Dr Yvonne Kason and the plane crash onto the ice
- Dr. A. S. Wiltse, a physician of Skiddy, Kansas and his NDE
- Dr. Tom Aufderheide and the cardiac arrest patient
- Drowning 01
- Drowning 03
- Drowning 04
- Drowning 05
- Drowning 06
- Drowning 07
- Drowning 08
- Dust off spray near death
- Electrocuted in a peanut field
- Embraced by love
- Epileptic seizure causes near death
- Ernest Hemingway's near death experience
- Ether for 9 year old
- Eusevgny Faygdish - Mystic Cosmos - Baptism and 'born again' the old Christian way
- Fancher, Mollie - At times I have seen around me, and around my friends who call to see me, the angel forms of those persons who are supposed to be dead
- Fancher, Mollie - The long trance
- Fields and meadows
- Flying ointment
- Four year old has NDE
- Fourteen year old has NDE from pneumonia
- French lady has NDE from ectopic pregnancy
- From life to death, beyond and back - Dr Thomas Fleischmann - TEDxTUHHSalon
- Gail, Frances - 04 The operation and her out of body experience
- Gall bladder operation near death
- Gay man meets his lover in near death
- Glandular fever
- Grey, Margot - Description of her NDE
- Grey, Margot - Divine love and nirvana
- H.I.M.'s sister - realized herself as being in the spirit and very luminous, like an electric light
- Hagman, Larry – The Liver transplant
- Hallucinations from antibiotics and zinc
- Hamilton, Dr Allan - Harry and his heart
- Hamilton, Dr Allen - Sarah's out of body experience when clinically dead
- Hannah and her multiple NDEs and OBEs
- Harmaline, 5-MeO-DMT & DMT - by Netrunner
- Harris, Bob – The Near death experience and OBE from Legionaire’s disease
- Hashmina Habeeb - Adieu And Back
- He had "seen the face of God"
- Heading for the light with Pneumonia
- Heim, Professor Albert von St Gallen - And his near death experience
- Her relatives were smiling at her and beckoning her to come with them
- Herr Schmidt and his dying wife Lotta Schmidt, who visits Fritz in Rio de Janeiro
- How to destroy your mind
- Howard Storm - And his terrifying rebirth experience
- I didn't want to get back into mybody, it looked terrible, like a train wreck
- I now look forward with peace and joy to the day of my death
- I wanted to go that way, but I had to go back
- I was moving at high speed towards a net of great luminosity
- Ibn El-Arabi - Henry Corbin - Sura Yasin
- Images of Paradise in the NDE 01
- Images of Paradise in the NDE 02
- Images of Paradise in the NDE 03
- Images of Paradise in the NDE 04
- Images of Paradise in the NDE 05
- Impact of near-death experiences on dialysis patients: a multicenter collaborative study
- In the meadow with Grandpa from Pneumonia
- Isaac Hopper (a Quaker) – In illness, his spirit left his body for several hours during which time he saw visions of heavenly glory
- Ivory wave
- James Owen - for National Geographic News - Published April 8, 2010
- James V. Arcadi - The attorney who had numerous near-death experiences
- Japanese lady rang the bell of the ancestors' altar in her house whilst out of body
- Jayne Smith and her near death experience
- John Puckering of Arley, Worcs who was dead for four and a half minutes
- Jules Lyons and her near death experience
- Julian of Norwich - And so I understood it shall be in heaven without end to all that shall come there
- Julian of Norwich - I am Ground of thy beseeching
- Julian of Norwich - I it am, I it am
- Julian of Norwich - I saw the bodily sight lasting of the plenteous bleeding of the Head
- Julian of Norwich - Suddenly out of this body sprang a full fair creature, a little Child
- Julie from Lllanelli could stop watches after her NDE
- June nearly drowned
- Ketamine and near death
- Ketamine-Based Anesthetic Protocols and Evoked Potential Monitoring: A Risk/Benefit Overview
- Kidney failure causes heart failure
- Kircher, Dr Pamela - Love is the Link - My OBE/NDE
- Knocked off bicycle
- Knud Rasmussen - Caribou Eskimo Initiation rite
- Lady in hospital resists the draw of the tunnel
- Laubscher, B J F – Mrs. Greyling’s Near Death Experience
- Lethbridge, T C - A Step in the Dark – The parson who had the OBE
- Light, tunnels and thyroid problems - the story of Maud
- Lilly, John - Near death from PCP bike accident
- Lilly, John - Near death meeting with helpers
- Little girl has an NDE with a Sindy doll
- Local anaesthetic sends her down the tunnel
- Lord Geddes PC GCMG KCB MD
- Loss of blood
- MacLaine, Shirley - The Out-of-Body and NDE experience of her father
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - A Near death from tuberculosis
- Major Newell - Indian Stories – The experience of a Native American Indian chief
- Man has two near death experiences
- Marie-Claire experiences divine love in her NDE
- Marie-Claire Hubert
- Mark Botts has a NDE from bronchiolitis
- Martine Alexis from Swansea and her childhood NDE
- Mary of Oignes - Hallucinates 'angels'
- McMoneagle, Joe - Poisoned by someone who doctored his drink
- Meeting her sister
- Meeting relatives
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 01
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 02
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 03
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 04
- Mellen Thomas Benedict
- Meningitis
- Mercury poisoning
- Mercury poisoning
- Messner, Reinhold
- Mike Miura's near death experience
- Mircea Eliade - Shaman's Initiation whilst sick with smallpox
- Mircea Eliade - The spiritual path - signs and symptoms
- Mme Asa L'Orne - Not only did I see, but heard most, if not the whole, of the doctor's remarks
- Morata, Ursula Micaela - Wrapped in Light
- Morgan, Tracy – Describes his NDE
- Mortimer, John and wife Penny
- Motor cycle accident
- Mr J Ramel of Geneva and his near death experience
- Mrs Bhat is cured of cancer of the uterus
- Mrs G. A. Paton of Hove, who died and her death certificate was signed by her doctor, arrived in the death-chamber and saw her own corpse
- Mrs S A P Thirlwall
- Natasha of Cardiff has a near death from whooping cough
- NDE with Steve Gardipee, Vietnam War Story
- Near death
- Near death and the unfinished house
- Near death blind woman sees
- Near Death Experience Witnessed By Medical Professionals
- Near death from accidental inhalation of gasoline
- Near death from car accident
- Near death from ether
- Near death from ether
- Near death from Freon
- Near death from mis-prescription
- Near death from pain killers
- Near death from pain killers
- Near death from valium suicide attempt
- Near death of 5 year old
- Near death on Cough syrup
- Near fatal attack
- Near-Death and Other Transpersonal Experiences Occurring During Catastrophic Events
- Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands
- Nearly killed during an episode of child abuse
- Nerve agents
- Never caught the attacker
- Nine year old girl
- Ninety year old remembers his teenage NDE vividly
- Oliver Sacks - Tony Cicoria is hit by lightning
- Osis and Haraldsson
- Out of Body by Choking
- Out of body from chloroform
- Out of body from fever
- Out of body from flu
- Out of body from meningitis
- Out of body from miscarriage
- Pam Williams from Swansea
- Parker, Shelley E - My near death experience
- Pastorelli, Robert - His near death experience
- Peace from a stroke
- Peritonitis fever
- Peter Panagore's NDE and Why He Regretted Coming Back
- Petersen, William - Describes his NDE
- Philippine nurse has NDE after car accident .... with after-effects
- Plato - Republic X - 01 Tale of Er
- Plato - Republic X - 02 Tale of Er
- Plato - Republic X - 03 Tale of Er
- Plato - Republic X - 04 Tale of Er
- Plato - Republic X - 05 Tale of Er
- Plato - Republic X - 06 Tale of Er
- Project MKUltra
- PubMed - A phenomenological study of medically induced unconsciousness in ICUs
- PubMed paper - The pharmacological effects of Salvia species on the central nervous system
- Puharich, Andrija - The Syriac Book of Medicines - The Agarikon
- Pulmonary embolism produces NDE and sense of mission
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Quincey, Thomas de - The inscriptions remain forever
- R. K. Beggs – has an NDE from drowning and hears celestial music
- Rabbi Alon Anava - Is there life after death? Is God real? Jewish NDE (Near Death Experience)
- Ralph Shirley - The Mystery of the Human Double – Death, Trance and being Buried alive
- Reaction to Penicillin produces NDE
- Reagan, Ronald – The assassination attempt and the white angels who encouraged him to live
- Rebecca Martin's near death experience
- Reynolds, Burt - An NDE after a car accident
- Ritchie, Dr George – The NDE 01
- Ritchie, Dr George – The NDE 02 [and perception recall]
- Ritchie, Dr George – The NDE 03
- Ritchie, Dr George – The NDE 04
- Ritchie, Dr George – The NDE 05
- Robyn's experience whilst being murdered
- Run over by a train – It was as if the judgment book had been opened before his eyes
- Ruptured ulcer
- Ruth Hall has an NDE and goes to paradise hearing celestial music
- Saint Anskar - Visions of Dying in the Ninth and Nineteenth Centuries - His NDE
- Sarah near death
- Scarlet fever produces NDE
- Schelling, F W J - Clara or On Nature’s Connection to the Spirit World – The effects of hypnosis, near death and death compared
- Schoenberg, Arnold - String Trio [Op 45]
- Schoolboys have near death experiences
- Scottish fasting
- Scottish out of body
- Sellers, Peter - His out of body experience
- Sellers, Peter – 02 from Out on a Limb – Out of body from cardiac arrest
- Serious car accident
- Seymour, Jane - It took a near-death experience to turn actress Jane Seymour’s life around
- Seymour, Jane - Youtube video of Jane talking about her NDE and other spiritual experiences
- She was taking pain pills for a broken arm when she felt faint and nauseated
- Sheridan, Clare – The healing medicine of Conquered-by-Night and the NDE of Crazy Crow
- Simon Lewis - And his near death experience
- Six year old boy has NDE when the garage door closed on his head
- Six year old Daniel
- Soldier’s story
- Soldier’s story
- Steve and Robin Larsen – The Shaman’s Doorway
- Steve Rushton has a near death from drowning
- Stone, Sharon - Description of her near death experience
- Suicide - Down the well like Alice in Wonderland
- Suicide attempt by taking an assortment of pills
- Sutherland, Donald – A NDE from a severe case of meningitis
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - Heaven and Hell – The Process of dying and resurrection
- Symonds, John Addington - A near death experience under chloroform
- Taylor, Elizabeth - Describes her Near Death experience
- Taylor, Elizabeth - Near-Death Experience, The Oprah Winfrey Show
- Taylor, Elizabeth - Video from ABC describing what she saw during seven minutes of not breathing
- Ten year old is shown her own death
- The apocalypse pepper
- The atheist who decided she couldn't stand anymore, slit her wrists and has a NDE
- The atheist who met Jesus in an NDE
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 01
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 02
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 03
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 04
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 05
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 06
- The doctor who became much more humanitarian in her practice of medicine after an NDE
- The experiences of Nashuwa Renee Miller
- The life review and the NDE 01
- The life review and the NDE 02
- The life review and the NDE 03
- The man who had two NDEs - Here I go again!
- The Mind Blank Spell - Salvia divinorum, Mushrooms & Alcohol by Memnoch
- The NDE of Curma the Senator
- The NDE of the man from Western New Britain, Melanesia
- The near death experience of Thomas Say, the Quaker
- The near-death experience: a cerebellar method to protect body and soul-lessons from the Iboga healing ceremony in Gabon
- The OBE Case histories of Dr Sandor Brent - 03 Scott experiments with his own group
- The professional guitarist, the car accident and the golden wall
- The Rev.W. Matiti - a Basuto evangelist - had seen his physical body surrounded by mourners
- The role of Spirit helpers in an NDE 01
- The role of Spirit helpers in an NDE 02
- The role of Spirit helpers in an NDE 03
- The Tai Chi Grand Master and the rainbow bridge
- The Tai Chi Master gone, gone to the other shore
- The terror of the hobbit pipe
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 01
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 02
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 03
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 04
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 05
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 06
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 07
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 08
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 09
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 10
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 11
- The tunnel and the light in the NDE 12
- The warm valley
- TIKHAL - Seeing a tunnel
- Timothy Wyllie is healed of pneumonia during a NDE
- Tom Kennard
- Toxic honey poisoning
- Travel within: 7 Steps to Wisdom and Inner Peace - Jamshid Hosseini
- Trip to heaven
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 03 The Case of Jasbir
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 04 The Case of Jasbir
- Typhoid
- Under hypnosis, she was able to remember the entire accident
- Very Bizzare Trip - Mushrooms by Faust
- Very high fever from illness
- Virus in spinal cord
- Wendy has NDE from surgery
- When I was 3 years old
- White tunnel
- William has NDE from cardiac arrest
- William Howell has NDE from heart attack and cardiac arrest
- William Seabrook - White monk of Timbuctoo
- Wren-Lewis, John - A Terrible Beauty: Reflections on Love and the Near-Death Experience
- Wren-Lewis, John - THE DARKNESS OF GOD: A Personal Report on Consciousness - Transformation Through an Encounter with Death
- Wren-Lewis, John - The Dazzling Dark - A Near Death Experience Opens The Door To A Permanent Transformation
- Yerka, Jacek and Raymond Moody - Judgement