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Observations placeholder

In the meadow with Grandpa from Pneumonia



Type of Spiritual Experience


I think she was talking to her Higher spirit who was made to look like the one person in whom she would deive comfort.

But I have added the category Spirit helper to broaden the possibilities out.

A description of the experience

The Truth in the Light – Dr Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick
In March 1987 Dawn Gillott was admitted to Northampton General Hospital, seriously ill with microplasma pneumonia..

The next thing was I was above myself near the ceiling looking down. One of the nurses was saying in what seemed a frantic voice ‘Breathe Dawn, breathe’. A doctor was pressing my chest, drips were being disconnected, everyone was rushing round. I couldn’t understand the panic. I wasn’t in pain. Then they pushed my body out of the room to the theatre. I followed my body out of the ITU and then left on what I can only describe as a journey of a lifetime.

I went down what seemed like a cylindrical tunnel with a bright warm inviting light at the end. I seemed to be travelling at quite a speed, but I was happy, no pain, just peace. At the end was a beautiful open field, a wonderful summery smell of flowers. There was a bench seat on the right where my Grampi sat (he had been dead seven years). I sat next to him. He asked me how I was and the family. I said I was happy and content and all my family were fine.

He said he was worried about my son; my son needed his mother, he was too young to be left. I told Grampi I didn’t want to go back, I wanted to stay with him. But Grampi insisted I go back for the children’s sake. I then asked him if he would come for me when my time came. He started to answer ‘Yes, I will be back in four….’ Then my whole body seemed to jump. I looked round and saw I was back in the ITU.

I honestly believe in what happened, that there is life after death. After my experience I am not afraid of death as I was before my illness

The source of the experience

Ordinary person

Concepts, symbols and science items

Science Items

Activities and commonsteps




