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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Captain Gilbert Nobbs - Has an NDE after being shot and blinded during the Battle of the Somme



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Captain Gilbert Nobbs - Englishman: Kamarad! [also published in Light (1919, p. 46)]

I hesitate to tell what happened to me. But since I am trying to record on paper the sensations experienced when I was hit on the head, I will do so in simple terms, leaving it to the reader to form an opinion on the subject.

I instantly became blind, and remained so all the time. But the eternal darkness that surrounds me at that moment suddenly ceased, when a "voice" whispered in me:

 "Death is coming. Do you want to come with us?"

The veil of darkness seemed to slowly decrease: I had the feeling of space. Beyond that there was thick darkness. An ineffable feeling of bliss, of peace, invades me; it was nothingness, but nevertheless what an indescribable happiness! At one point, looking into the void, I saw my own body lying in a shell hole, blood was flowing from a temple. So I was dead, and it was my corpse. But I felt happy!

Nevertheless, I had the impression that the voice I had heard was waiting for an answer. Making a supreme effort, I shouted, I don't know how! "My time is not over: I will not die!" The veil of darkness came up again and enveloped me. But my body made a movement. I was the one who provoked it. I was coming back to life!

I thus scrupulously described my feelings at the time. I would add that I was not unconscious when what I described happened to me, I did not lose consciousness for a few more minutes, and when it happened, I realized how different the true unconsciousness was from the state in which I found myself in this case...

As for the described incident, it is called a hallucination or an illusion of the brain. I don't care about it and I don't intend to influence the reader about it.

I limit myself to documenting my impressions of the solemn moment. As for my personal convictions, I hold them for myself. Here they are: No matter how my case is interpreted, the mystery of death no longer exists for me.

So I no longer fear death.

The source of the experience

Nobbs, Captain Henry Gilbert

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

