Spiritual concepts
Communication with a Spirit helper
A Spirit helper is in fact a role and not a Spirit Entity category, but in this case, where communication is taking place, the classification describes the communication of a person with the Higher spirit of an entity which has no physical existence and which furthermore has been divested of all 'soul' type functions, thus reduced to a Higher spirit plus perceptions, but then given additional function that makes them suited to being a helper. This category includes the 'gods' of old with which communication was sometimes made, [although it is possible to have living 'gods']. In shamanic societies, these spirits were often referred to as 'The Ancestors'.
The way in which you can tell whether the communication is from a Spirit helper is by analysing what form of communication is used.
- If the communication is in words and sentences it is with a bodied or disembodied soul, not a Spirit helper.
- If the communication is symbolic, or uses words as puns, or is simply a ‘thought’ without words – an impression conveyed, communication is with a Spirit being, Spirit helper or Intelligence.
If the latter form of communication is used then any image accompanying the communication will be constructed for you by your composer in order to indicate the nature of the entity to which you are in touch. Another clue is by knowing the substances you have ingested. Spirit helpers are usually presented as human looking in some way. Spirit beings are given an image reflecting our beliefs - elf, fairy, gnome and so on. Intelligences always have a totally incorporeal appearance, they are often huge, white, elongated and almost faceless and communicate principally in gestures.
From the observations it appears that true Spirit helper communication, when it is heard, sounds like bird song, chirping, clicking, sometimes like dolphins, sometimes like whales.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- 'Patient 10' with cerebral palsy has both an NDE and OBE
- A meeting with her dead mother and 'Jesus' helps resolve a dying woman's anger
- A narrative of the Experience of Horace Abraham Ackley MD late of Cleveland Ohio, since his entrance into spirit life
- A P Elkin - Aboriginal men of high degree - Unggud gives him a new brain and puts white quartz crystals in his body
- A shared experience of a loved one's death
- A. TEYNAC, de Biésignac visits the home of home of Mr. and Mrs. Caffray, ‘mediums of materialization’
- Abbot Garo, five or six ‘elderly and respectable priests’ and the teacher Didelot witness automatic writing – in Latin
- About three days before she died, she started talking in Macedonski
- Account of Alexander Henry – The Great Turtle Spirit, who had never lied
- Adam's dying Nan
- African nurse meets her dead grandmother
- Alice Dee - I then passed through the roof of the temple into the sky
- An experience of Subud testing
- Anaesthetist goes out of body
- Andrew Lang - The Strange Case of Daniel Dunglas Home - Mr. Hamilton Aïdé and M. Alphonse Karr
- Andrew Lang - The Strange Case of Daniel Dunglas Home - The affair of Sir David Brewster and Lord Brougham
- Anna from Greece has a NDE from childbirth
- Appendicitis produces an NDE
- Artāy Virāf - Chapter 4 - The spirit helpers of the dead
- As a cool breeze came through the window, Dad said, 'Yes, Mum, I understand’, but did not open his eyes at all.
- Asclepius - All depend from one and flow from it though they seem separated
- Asian 'flu produces NDE
- Asvaghosha - The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana - On Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - And the concept of 'alien' spirits
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Dogs are the messengers of the wind
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Rekindling kundalini to invoke new powers
- AwoFa'lokun Fatunmbi - Yoruba martial arts
- Ball, Dr Martin - Throat singing
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 03 The Gift of Specialism
- Barbara Cane's mother
- Bert, you were right all along, I saw Mum last night
- Beuys, Joseph - Animals and Insects
- Beverly Brodsky is comforted by a Spirit helper
- Billy in bed six talks with his dead mother
- Blithe spirit - A warning from long tail tits
- Blithe spirit - A warning from the birds
- Blithe spirit - The Raven and the Dove
- Bodenham, Anne – 01 Asked to prophesy what would be the outcome of a Law Suit
- Bodenham, Anne – 03 Constructing a witch’s brew
- Bogoras - Siberian shamanism - Chukchee drumming
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Mamma, little brother keeps on calling Ray
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 02 Professor A. Pastore, of the Royal High School of Genoa has a NDE
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 03 Mr Hudson Tuttle of Hartford
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 04 The death of Alfred Smedley’s wife
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 05 The death of Mr. Rud. C. Gittermann’s mother
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 06 Mr. G. Hall Tench dying in 1902 of a carcinoma
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 07 The death of Dr. E. H. Pratt’s sister Hattie
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 08 The dying child who saw her mother
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 09 The death of Mrs. Le Normand des Varennes’ husband
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 10 The miraculous healing and prophesied death of Jean Vitalis
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 11 The death of little Tommy Brown
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 12
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 13
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 14
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 15
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 16
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 17
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 18
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 19
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 20
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 21
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 22
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 24
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 25
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 26
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 27
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 28
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 32
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 33
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 34
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 35
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 38
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 39
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 40
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 41
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 42
- Braveheart - Crossing the bridge
- Brian Keenan – Four Quarters of Light - Becoming a shaman 1
- Brian Keenan – Four Quarters of Light - Debra heals the hurt of Brian 1
- Brian Keenan – Four Quarters of Light - Debra heals the hurt of Brian 3
- Brian Keenan – Four Quarters of Light - Debra heals the hurt of Brian 4
- Brittany - Forewarnings of death
- Brittany - The fée who came as a child was dying
- Bronwen from New Zealand falls from a cliff and translocates
- Busey, Gary - And his NDE
- Camille Flammarion - L'Inconnu (The Unknown) – The nurse who saw the dead husband of Mrs B de L of Lacapelle by the bed of her dying daughter
- Captain Gilbert Nobbs - Has an NDE after being shot and blinded during the Battle of the Somme
- Carsolio, Carlos - Helped by the spirits of the mountain
- Cassidy, Joe - telepathy with a spirit
- Cayce, Edgar - An angel with a message
- Cellini, Benvenuto – The vision obtained whilst he was imprisoned in the dungeon of Castel Angelo
- Chaim Vital - Sha'ar Ruach ha-Kodesh – On Isaac Luria’s abilities
- Chaz Ebert meets the grim reaper
- Christina the Astonishing - Heaven, Hell and Purgatory
- Christine Stewart, hit by car, has NDE
- Chronicle of the Rebirth of Katsugorō – 05 The account as related by Matsudaira Kwanzan Sama
- Cicero Newell - Indian Stories – The Vision of White Thunder
- Circa 350, Emesa, Syria - Eusebios ‘s dialogue with a sacred baitylos
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – Should my guide of that evening again appear and say come, I would follow him willingly and unafraid
- Climbing high mountains – modern example
- Coehlo, Paulo - Aleph
- Colin Wilson's mother sees a spirit helper
- Communicating with two crows, a magpie, a collared dove, a pheasant and an assortment of little birds
- Corporal William Vandenbush - Blown up when on patrol in Vietnam in 1969
- Count of St Germain - Intercourse with ghosts and supernatural beings, who appear at his call
- County Galway - Tuam - Talking to the Good People and second sight
- County Sligo - The Peasant Seer of Ben Bulbin - Encounters with 'the Gentry'
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 01
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 02
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 03
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 04
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 05
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 06
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 07
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 08
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 09
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 10
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 11
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 12
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 13
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 14
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 15
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 16
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 17
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 18
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 19
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 20
- Crookes, Sir William - Notes of an Enquiry into the Phenomena called Spiritual during the Years 1870-73 - 21
- Custance, John - Adventure into the Unconscious - In touch with Spirit helpers
- Dad and the phoenix
- David-Neel, Alexandra – The god rides her and the pamos goes spinning
- De Morgan, Augustus - From Matter to Spirit - 02 Preface on the experiences of Mr De Morgan - raps
- De Morgan, Augustus - From Matter to Spirit - 03 Preface on the experiences of Mr De Morgan – questions and answers to the spirit
- De Morgan, Augustus - From Matter to Spirit - 04 Preface on the experiences of Mr De Morgan – the experiences of his sceptical friend
- De Morgan, Augustus - From Matter to Spirit - 05 Preface on the experiences of Mr De Morgan – it is more likely that P has seen a ghost than that Q knows he cannot have seen one
- Dickens, Charles - Hearing his characters speak to him
- Dickinson, Emily - The only ghost I ever saw
- Divorcing parents cause child's hallucinations
- Dixon, Jeane - The vision of the end of Catholicism
- Doctor and his dying patient share a vision of her father and childhood pet dog
- Doctor Philip Benjamin – Rescued by angels
- Dorothy Counts [1983] - Near Death and Out of Body Experiences in a Melanesian Society – Andrew
- Doyle, Lady - wife of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- DPT & Cannabis - Meets the spirit being of the drugs
- Dr Barend Jacob Frederick Laubscher meets Miss Lily Thomas
- Dr Carol Ferris - On mind reading and weather prediction
- Dr Gordon loses her family
- Dr M L Holbrook is cured by his dead sister
- Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – 01 The ghost who told him he was going to die
- Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – 07 The Philanthropic Work Of ‘Spirits’
- Dr Philip diagnoses illness
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections - Richard Dixon has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – James Moore Hickson author of Heal the Sick
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Miss Marion Price goes out of time
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Miss Nora Pennington has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr C. Arnold has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr S. H. Kelley, of Southport has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr W. L. Graham, of Dundee has many OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Elsie W. Fyal, of Marston Green has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs J. Watkin, a Baptist from Hove has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Kay has many deliberate OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M. Maries has an NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Myles Reese of Codsall, Staffs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Olive Morrogh, of Birmingham has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Reine, P.E.Cornillier's model
- Dr William Sargant - The Traditional healers of the Luo tribe in Kenya
- Dr William Sargant – The Sex Magick and drug based practises of Aleister Crowley 01
- Dr William Sargant – The Sex Magick and drug based practises of Aleister Crowley 02
- Dr William Sargant – Voodoo in Haiti and being 'mounted' by the loa
- Dr William Sargant – Voodoo in Haiti and the possession of Lavinia Williams
- Dr William Sargant – Voodoo in Haiti. And their gods live in them and they live in their gods
- Dr. A. S. Wiltse, a physician of Skiddy, Kansas and his NDE
- Dr. J. Garth Wilkinson - Evenings with Mr. Home and the Spirits 01
- Dr. J. Garth Wilkinson - Evenings with Mr. Home and the Spirits 02
- Dr. Overend G. Rose of Cheltenham goes out of body when he is violently thrown to the ground by a horse
- Dr. Paul Edwards describes the death of the lady with consumption
- Dr. Vincent Gubernari is told of his imminent death
- Duprè, Giovanni - A possibly fatal accident averted by the intervention of a warning voice
- Ektasis and enthousiasmos
- Fancher, Mollie - At times I have seen around me, and around my friends who call to see me, the angel forms of those persons who are supposed to be dead
- Father and son crop circle-making team reveal the secrets
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Titicaca Temple of the Sun and Moon 3
- Fawcett, Lt Colonel Percival Harrison - Nina Fawcett and his colleagues try to find Percy through mediums
- Feelings of presence in Parkinson's disease
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Matteo Corsini
- Fiennes, Sir Ranulph and Virginia - Ginnie meets a presence
- Flammarion, Camille - The mysterious case of the dreamt ink spill
- Ford, Arthur - Appearing in front of audiences
- Ford, Arthur - Dynamus and table tipping
- Ford, Arthur - Fletcher
- Ford, Arthur - How I Broke Houdini's Code 03
- Ford, Arthur - How I Broke Houdini's Code 04
- Foreman, George – Rebirth experience - 05 Hallelujah, I'm clean! HALLELUJAH, I'VE BEEN BORN AGAIN!
- Found the 'On' Switch in My Soul Ibogaine by allotrope
- Four year old has NDE
- Fourteen year old has NDE from pneumonia
- Frank Waters - Book of the Hopi - Initiation
- Frankie comes back to help his dying mother Audrey
- Fred Williams the Swansea pensioner
- French lady has NDE from ectopic pregnancy
- Gardner, Jeanne - Prophesies Robert Kennedy’s assasination
- Gautier, Theophile - The portrait from life of an elf
- Grimble, Sir Arthur - And the Island of Whistling Spirits
- Grisi, Giulia – The death of the opera singer Giulia Grisi
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Exploring the tree of life and what it feels like to be a fish
- Hagman, Larry – Takes LSD
- Hagman, Larry – The Liver transplant
- Hamilton, Dr Allan - Thomas the little boy with multiple burns
- Hannah and her multiple NDEs and OBEs
- Hawker, Robert Stephen - The daily affairs of us all are discussed among spirits
- He kept looking at the doorway at the foot of his bed and talking as if to someone there
- He started to see wires hanging from the ceiling and insects on the bed
- Her grandmother dreamed of the death of her mother
- Her husband came back as a bird
- Hesiod - Theogony - The gods
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - If I had not driven with exaggerated care as you asked me to, I should have had no less than three major accidents today
- Hi-ah Park – 04 The naerim kut
- Hi-ah Park – 05 Meetings with spirits
- Hi-ah Park – 06 Ecstatic dance
- Hinton, Charles - What Is the Fourth Dimension – The existence of spirit beings, angels and time travellers
- Homeopathy for Collective Diseases - AIDs, Malaria, Trauma, Vaccines and Toxins - The quest for a collective simillimum
- Houdini - Houdini versus ‘Margery’ the medium 04
- Howard Storm - And his terrifying rebirth experience
- Hypnotism cures madness
- I cannot fully articulate the feeling I had of a 'presence' in the room
- I didn't want to get back into mybody, it looked terrible, like a train wreck
- I even heard the name of the baby in the dream, in Hebrew–and the baby’s name meant 'He is to Live'
- I remained in this deep state of union with the saint for about twenty minutes
- I saw (without opening my eyes) the most wonderful scene of mountains. It was exquisite
- I wanted to go that way, but I had to go back
- I was in a large building filled with beautiful music
- Images of Paradise in the NDE 05
- Immanuel Kant - Describes Swedenborg's communication with spirits
- Immanuel Kant - Describes Swedenborg's communication with the dead
- Incidents in My Life - D D Home - Séance witnessed by Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hall, Lady Dunsany, and Mrs. Adelaide Senior on Easter Eve, 1866.
- Incidents in My Life - D D Home - The last Duke of Parma’s dead son comes to visit
- Incidents in My Life – D D Home – Testimony of W. M. Bryant, B. K. Bliss, W. M. Edwards, David A. Wells
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 04 Levitating tables
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 05 Knocking on the walls and ceiling
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 06 Lights
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 07 Teleportation of Mr Jenson
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 08 Levitation of Indriði with and without sofas
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 09 Flying over the heads of 50 people in a basket chair
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 10 Performing remarkable gymnastic feats
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 11 The Factory fire and the account of Mr Jenson
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 12 – His controls cut off Indriði’s arm
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 14 – Sigmandur
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 15 – Jensen materialises and dematerialises in a pillar of light
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 16 – Part materialised beings including Gunnarson’s dead wife
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 17 – Apporting
- Influenza, out of body and healing
- Iyengar, Srinivasa Ramanujan
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - 02 Fakirs The Leaf Dance
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - 03 Fakirs The Bronze vase
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - 04 Fakirs The Water spout
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - 05 Fakirs Elevation and knocking
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - 06 Fakirs The Bamboo stool
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - 07 Fakirs Flying feathers
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - 08 Fakirs Sand drawing
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - 10 Fakirs Mysterious hands and letters of fire
- Jaundice cured by the three ghostly doctors
- Jayne Smith and her near death experience
- Jefferies, Anne – Clairvoyance and healing powers emerge
- Jefferies, Anne – The experience in her own words
- Jerome Cardan, De Subtilitate Rerum Libri XXI (Nuremberg, in-folio 1550), XIX.
- Jesus - Luke 8 - The transfiguration
- Joan Baez - Dream Song
- Joan of Arc - W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The trial of Joan of Arc
- John Ogle - Sees his dead friend
- John Puckering of Arley, Worcs who was dead for four and a half minutes
- Jules Lyons and her near death experience
- Keightley, Thomas - The Elfdans
- Kepler, Johannes - from Somnium - Spirit helpers
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Kuts, Koris and Rituals
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Music, ritual, chanting and dance as healing methods
- Korean mystic shamanism – Methods – Rhythmic drumming as an essential trance inducing method
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - The Vision pit
- Lame Deer - Native American Indians - Yuwipi ceremony
- Laubscher, B J F - Outa Jantjes, the Bushman and going OBE in his dreams
- Laubscher, B J F – Am I getting a little crazy because of my pregnancy
- Laubscher, B J F – The amaxhwele herbalists, the amagqira healers and the isanuses
- Laubscher, B J F – The amazing powers of Soloman Daba, prophecy
- Laubscher, B J F – The artist who, when in need of inspiration, would put her hand on the planchette - Moenie bang wees vir die dood nie
- Laubscher, B J F – The diviners or isanuses among the Amaxosa people
- Laubscher, B J F – The schizophrenics and epileptics who are ukutwasa and the rites associated with the Abantubomlambo
- Lehmann, Rosamond Nina - Emotionally shattered by the death of her daughter, she has an OBE
- Lehmann, Rosamond Nina - Then out of this appalling darkness came an extraordinary breakthrough: I had the conviction of her presence
- Leonard Crow Dog - Native American Indians - The Vision pit
- Lethbridge, T C - Ghost and Ghoul - White Hawk
- Lethbridge, T C - Ghost and Ghoul – The unusual experience of Kenny Mackenzie
- Lethbridge, T C – ESP Beyond Time and Distance – They knew by the sixth sense
- Lethbridge, T C – ESP Beyond Time and Distance – They knew that when they died, they were not extinguished
- Lieutenant Jacquot and the Kammara garrison; and the rapping table’s story
- Lilly, John - Near death from PCP bike accident
- Lilly, John - Near death meeting with helpers
- Lindbergh, Charles - The angels in the air
- Little Lily and Aunt Louise
- Lyon White's Mum Peggy talks to her dead father
- M A Czaplicka - Siberian shamanism - The young shaman Enchu
- M. L. Holbrook is healed in a dream by the spirit of his dead sister
- MacLaine, Shirley - Kevin 01
- MacLaine, Shirley - Kevin 02
- MacLaine, Shirley - Kevin 03
- MacLaine, Shirley - Kevin 04
- MacLaine, Shirley - Kevin 05
- MacLaine, Shirley - Kevin 06
- MacLaine, Shirley - Kevin 07
- MacLaine, Shirley - Kevin 08
- MacLaine, Shirley - Kevin 09
- MacLaine, Shirley - The death of her parents
- MacLaine, Shirley - The Gifts and Prophecies of Maria
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - A Near death from tuberculosis
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - First levitation experiences
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Lord Lindsay’s night vision at Norwood
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Saved from a falling tree
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mr B Coleman
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mr. H. T. Humphreys, a journalist
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mr. James Hutchinson, Chairman of the London Stock Exchange
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mr. William Crookes, in the Quarterly Journal of Science for January 1874
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mrs Adelaide Senior
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mrs Hennings
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mrs Parkes
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mrs. Honywood
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mrs. Honywood, Mrs. E, the Earl of Crawford (then Lord Lindsay), and Captain Gerard Smith, of the Scots Fusilier Guards 01
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mrs. Honywood, Mrs. E, the Earl of Crawford (then Lord Lindsay), and Captain Gerard Smith, of the Scots Fusilier Guards 02
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - The Emperor Napoleon and Empress of France 01
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - The Emperor Napoleon and Empress of France 02
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - The Testimony of Alexis Tolstoy 01
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - The Testimony of Alexis Tolstoy 02
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - The Testimony of Mr Howitt
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - The Testimony of Mr Wason
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - The Testimony of William Crookes and his family
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission – The death of D D Home
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission – The Hartford Courant (March 6th, 1858), a séance with a member of the Board of Examiners of the national military school at West Point
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission – The letter sent by Sir David Brewster to his daughter giving his own account of the séance he and Lord Brougham attended
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission – The observations of Anthony Trollope the novelist on the séance with Sir David Brewster
- Madame A Clarinval has a vision enabling her to find the grave of her son killed in action
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 07 Second experiment in table tilting, the Lizzie Morton
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 13 The last visions of Georgio
- Madame d’Esperance - Shadow Land - 19 Healing the sick
- Major Newell - Indian Stories – The experience of a Native American Indian chief
- Man who had experienced the Horrors of the Somme, sees his dead comrades
- March 260, China, exact location unknown - A child from Mars flies away
- Marie Bottini, aged thirteen, fractures her skull and receives comfort from her dead father
- Marie-Claire Hubert
- Mario Omodei - 29 September 1504, Tirano, Val Poschiavo, Italy - Abducted by a lady of light
- Mark Botts has a NDE from bronchiolitis
- Martine Alexis from Swansea and her childhood NDE
- Mary Kingsley - Charms from a Bantu medicine man
- Mayan - Popol Vuh - 11 The Spirit beings of disease
- McKenna, Terence - First experiments with DMT - glossolalia
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 01
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 02
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 03
- Minnie and Ada
- Mircea Eliade - A initiation ceremony
- Mircea Eliade - Altaic shamanism and the descent to the underworld
- Mircea Eliade - Australian aboriginal ropes and stairs
- Mircea Eliade - Inuit - Ecstatic journeys for joy alone
- Mircea Eliade - Meeting a water spirit
- Mircea Eliade - On Bird song as spell
- Mircea Eliade - On Ostyak shamans
- Mircea Eliade - On the shaman who met the reindeer women
- Mircea Eliade - Sami out of body flight
- Mircea Eliade - Taulipang and the Yecuana
- Mircea Eliade - The role of the feminine spirit helpers
- Mircea Eliade - The secret language of the spirits
- Mircea Eliade - The use of the rainbow
- Mircea Eliade and R Bradley on magical flight and ley lines
- Moitessier, Bernard - Tamata and the Alliance - Make friends with the gods
- Moitessier, Bernard – The Long Way - The taicong
- Mona de Vestel
- Monroe, Robert - Communicating with other out of body explorers
- Morrells, Luce and Pied crows, mum and aunty
- Morrells, Luce and Shot!
- Morrells, Luce and the dead duck
- Motoyama, Dr Hiroshi – Telepathic information, and subjective or objective science
- Motoyama, Dr Hiroshi – The many layers and beings of the spirit world
- Mr Emerson of New Zealand, a gold miner, suddenly left his body and after travelling upward through space, found himself passing over a strange country
- Mr W. Adair Roberts - The 'shape' clinging to my left side seemed to dissolve and to be re-absorbed into my physical body
- Mrs G. A. Paton of Hove, who died and her death certificate was signed by her doctor, arrived in the death-chamber and saw her own corpse
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The Mudang as the mouthpiece of the gods
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - Sat helplessly in his hut bathed in pain and misery
- My daughter said the room had always been packed with people
- Myōe – I made the wind in the pines my friend in meditation
- Myōe – The 'three mysteries' (sanmitsu)
- Myōe – The Woman of Yuasa
- Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - Sufi Essays
- Natasha of Cardiff has a near death from whooping cough
- Near death blind woman sees
- Nearly killed during an episode of child abuse
- Nerval, Gerard de - I seemed to myself a hero living under the very eyes of the gods
- Nick Polizzi - On pharmaceuticals versus plants
- No Boundaries Ibogaine by TPTB
- Northern lights produces guide
- Now if I’m not feeling too well and wake up, I always check whether anybody is at the bottom of my bed
- Only 2 per cent of the ‘visitors' were religious figures, while 70 per cent were dead relatives or friends
- Parker, Shelley E - Senses the death of a little girl
- Parmenides - On Nature - 01
- Parmenides - On Nature - 09 to 11
- Parmenides - On Nature - 12 to 19
- Past lives
- Patricia Pearson - Native American Indians - Ojibwa and Cree shaking tent
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 01 Setting the scene
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 02 The first intimations of spirit presence, chilly winds and faint rappings
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 03 Rappings on the table get louder and faster
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 04 The table jibbed and bolted a little, and performed some nondescript antics
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 05 The table rose exuberantly twice directly under my own hands
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 06 Levitation
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 07 The Spirit, in virtue of my remark, thought me a sensible man. Need I say that I returned the compliment, and thought it a sensible Spirit
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 08 Dr. Findlater gets a pretty smart stroke on the pan of his knee
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 09 Mrs. D’s chair is dragged forcibly sideways towards the table, against which she was jammed
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 10 The accordion was moving and giving out sound, precisely as if it were worked by a hand at the other end of it
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 11 The accordion was played by the deceased Mr. Colin Campbell who plays Auld Lang Syne
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 12 Miss J assured me that once, when the accordion was playing of itself, she distinctly saw a hand appear, take hold of the keys, and then vanish
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 13 Are you all grateful to God for His many mercies ? We go
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 14 All at once, with a little feminine shriek, she cried out, ‘Oh! somebody's touching me under my clothes’
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 15 Pray, has any one here an Aunt Margaret?
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 16 A third chair left its place, came slowly across the room, and set itself beside the others, to her no little surprise
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 17 On the accusations of skeptics
- Paul Devereux - Cross roads in Iceland
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 06
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 07
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 09
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 12
- Peter Panagore's NDE and Why He Regretted Coming Back
- Philippine nurse has NDE after car accident .... with after-effects
- Plumptre, Reverend Edward - The Spirits In Prison – The continuance of sympathy, communion, interdependence, between the living and the dead
- Plutarch – The Vision of Aridæus 02
- Poetic Edda - The Ballad of Fafnir [extract]
- Poetic Edda - The Song of Rig [extract]
- Pretty soon you'll be swimming with the porpoises
- Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research - Volume vi - A shared hallucination
- Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research volume vi - A shared message
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Patient gets advice from his dead father
- Professor Jon Klimo - The Voice that called his name
- Pulmonary embolism produces NDE and sense of mission
- Reaction to Penicillin produces NDE
- Reagan, Ronald – The assassination attempt and the white angels who encouraged him to live
- Rebell, Fred - The voice that told him to 'Trust your instruments'
- Reichel-Dolmatoff - The Desana of the Amazon basin
- Religious Beliefs, Possession States, and Spirits: Three Case Studies from Sri Lanka
- Ricardo from Mexico experiences divine love
- Rimbaud, Arthur - She didn't return and he 'cried more than all the world’s children'
- Ritchie, Dr George – A Premonition
- Robert Bell - Morning Star, October 1860 – Testimony of Dr. Gully, of Malvern confirming Bell’s testimony
- Robert Bell - Stranger than Fiction – 01 Introduction
- Robert Bell - Stranger than Fiction – 02 The table commenced a vigorous movement across the floor
- Robert Bell - Stranger than Fiction – 03 The table glided slowly towards a table which stood close to a large ottoman
- Robert Bell - Stranger than Fiction – 04 The effect was exactly like the throbbing and heaving immediately preceding an earthquake
- Robert Bell - Stranger than Fiction – 05 The table rose entirely unsupported into the air
- Robert Bell - Stranger than Fiction – 06 The table abruptly forces its way across the room, pushing on before it the persons who are on the side opposite to that from whence the impetus is derived
- Robert Bell - Stranger than Fiction – 07 I seized it, felt it very sensibly, but it went out like air in my grasp
- Robert Bell - Stranger than Fiction – 08 By what art the accordion was made to yield that dying note, let practical musicians determine. Our ears, were visited by "a sound so fine."
- Robert Bell - Stranger than Fiction – 09 His voice was in the air above our heads. He had risen from his chair to a height of four or five feet from the ground
- Robert H. RUSSEL DAVIS’s wife lectures her husband on the political situation in France
- Robertson, Morgan Andrew - The Wreck of the Titan described by Greenhouse
- Robyn's experience whilst being murdered
- Rolle, Richard - Incendium Amoris - On humility
- Russell, George William - Miscellaneous quote - Cured by a being of light
- Russell, George William - On being possessed
- Russell, George William - What comes back to us from that high sphere loses beauty in its descent
- Saint Columba - The death of St Columba as described by his disciple and biographer, Adamnan
- Saint Lidwina of Schiedam – Emitting perfumes and light
- Saint-Yves d’Alveydre – The Archeometer – Revelation 04
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 14 A twelve year old meets her guardian angel on the stairs and relives a funeral
- Saved by a disembodied voice - If the vessel had continued her original course for a few more minutes all would have been over for both ship and crew
- Saved from Addiction Ibogaine by Lightofiboga
- Scarlet fever produces NDE
- Schneider, Rudi - Seance with Herr Karl Amereller and Harry Price in Munich, March 1929
- Schumann, Robert - A melody which the angels had sung to him
- Scotland, Barra - The Testimony of Murdoch MacLean
- Scott, Selina - An interview with Canon Paul Greenwell about his ghost work
- Scott, Selina - Selina Scott talks to Yasmin Ishaq about Jinns
- Seeress of Prevorst, the - The last three visions of dying
- Seven year old boy
- Shackleton, Sir Ernest
- Shared death vision
- She said her dead sister Alice would come for her the next day at 2.30 p.m.
- She said she was going to die - all her dead relatives had come to visit her that afternoon and they were ready for her in heaven
- She saw her mother, appearing as a young woman, quite clearly at the foot of the bed
- She was taking pain pills for a broken arm when she felt faint and nauseated
- Sheridan, Clare – I abandoned my body on my bed and went soaring as though in a dream
- Sheridan, Clare – The concept of the Totem group and synchronicity
- Sheridan, Clare – The Creation of our Lady of Brede
- Sheridan, Clare – There are elemental spirits everywhere-in every flower and shrub and tree
- Sheridan, Clare – WWII - One would never dream that such a philosopher could live in a tree
- Signore Pascal Cocozza is reproached in a dream, by his father, who had been dead for ten years
- Simon Lewis - And his near death experience
- Simone, Nina - Sees her deceased father
- Sister Veronica Laparelli – Both levitation and bodily elongation
- Small boy who died in a car accident gets in touch with his cousin
- Smith, Joseph - 01 The first vision
- Smith, Joseph - 02 The visit of the Angel Moroni
- Smythe, Frank - The last 1,000 feet of Everest are not for mere flesh and blood
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – She died of consumption and without sufferings
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – The Angels of Death and Renewed Life
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – The death of a friend who is reunited with his dead child
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – The little crippled girl and her spirit helpers
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – Then peace came to me and my soul found rest
- Socrates - Apology of Socrates - Divine voices
- Socrates - Epictitus The Enchiridion - Seeking spirit help
- Socrates - Xenophon Apology - His divine sign interposes
- Sojourner Truth - 03 The value of forgiveness, the nature of synchronicity
- Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan – Gates as symbols of deeper states of consciousness
- Spectacular, Sacramental Meeting Ibogaine by Bjorn C.
- Spirit helpers and grandpa
- Stainton-Moses, William - Letter to The Spiritualist - The ‘odour of sanctity’
- Stainton-Moses, William - Spirit Identity – ABSENCE OF PRECISION IN STATEMENTS
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - Inner speech
- Steiner, Rudolf - How to Know Higher Worlds - The understanding of the ecstatic
- Steve Rushton has a near death from drowning
- Suddenly the corridor filled with the brightest white light
- Suhrawardi - Hikmat al-ishriq - Human forms of extreme beauty who speak to them
- Susan and Jane and Ellen and Edward too
- Tagore, Rabindranath - The Gardener - Ah me, why did they build my house by the road
- Taylor, Elizabeth - Describes her Near Death experience
- Taylor, Elizabeth - Near-Death Experience, The Oprah Winfrey Show
- Tenyson, Alfred Lord - Timbuctoo [extract]
- Tesla, Nikola – Empathetic communication with pigeons
- That was how I saw Palladia for the first time, three years after her death. I have often seen her since
- The anthropologist Kenneth Kensinger, witnesses the abilities of the Cashinahua tribe in the Peruvian Amazon
- The atheist who met Jesus in an NDE
- The Bedroom visitation and abduction of Wang's daughter in 1036, Taichang, China
- The bridge or barrier in the NDE 01
- The Calculation of the Sigui - By the Dogon, the Bambara, the Bozo and the Minianka
- The case of Dr Vidigal - we are obliged to admit that the dead woman alone knew of this, and that the revelation came, at least in part, from this disembodied entity
- The Case of January Schofield
- The children’s dead mother ordered them not to go any farther, but to turn back; when she had said this, she vanished immediately
- The death of Katharine
- The death of tenor James Moore
- The doctor who became much more humanitarian in her practice of medicine after an NDE
- The elderly lady visited by her mother and 13 siblings . . . all deceased
- The experiences of Sir William Crookes and the medium
- The experiments of Mrs. A. M. Kaulback and her sons in telepathy
- The invisible friends of the child
- The Khlystys - Possessed by the Spirit
- The Means of achieving spiritual experience - Shaivism – 04 Music and dance - Kirtana and Dithyramb
- The NDE of Curma the Senator
- The parallel worlds the dying seem able to inhabit
- The prayer circle when she felt that she was in the presence of Jesus
- The role of Spirit helpers in an NDE 01
- The Saami - A Cultural Encyclopaedia - The Ovdasas
- The Story of Burnt Njal - Flosi's dream
- The Story of Burnt Njal - Gunnar sings a song
- The Tai Chi Grand Master and the rainbow bridge
- The Tai Chi Master gone, gone to the other shore
- The wife of Mr. C. F., an Edinburgh artist, could make the table follow her about the room like a dog
- Then I saw that her face appeared to be glowing with a gold light
- Thomas Edison has his mind read
- Thomas, John F - Case Studies Bearing Upon Survival - Violets
- Thomas, John F - Case Studies Bearing Upon Survival – Sitting with the medium Mrs Soule; remote reading books
- Tibetan Buddhism - The Possession of the Oracle of the Dalai Lama
- To Heaven and Back Methadone & Ibogaine by Jasen
- Tom Kennard
- Traubel, Horace – In his dying moments is helped by the ghost of Walt Whitman
- Trithemius, Johannes - Steganographia
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – 'I,' 'Me,' and ‘It’
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – A command to preach by a dead vicar
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 03 The Case of Jasbir
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 04 The Case of Jasbir
- Two sisters at death
- Tyndall, John – Science and the Spirits – 05 The table was pushed. Attention was drawn to the wine, still oscillating in the glasses, and I was asked whether that was not convincing
- Tyndall, John – Science and the Spirits – 06 For some seconds it was pull spirit, hold muscle
- Tyndall, John – Science and the Spirits – 08 Dubbed the Poet of Science
- Tyrrell, G N M - Psychical Research and Religion – An undiscovered book is found by a medium describing the process of death and dying
- Tyrrell, G N M - Psychical Research and Religion – Miss I. Sollas is told in a dream by her dead father where to find two boxes of fountain pens
- Unable to cope with the voices
- Urantia Book - Paper 12 - The Universe of Universes - Aggregates
- Urantia Book - Paper 132 - The Sojourn at Rome - Good and evil
- Urantia Book - Paper 132 - The Sojourn at Rome - Scientism
- Urantia Book - Paper 16 - The Seven Master Spirits - Intelligence hierarchy
- Urantia Book - Paper 34 - The Local Universe Mother Spirit - Father, Mother and Son
- Urantia Book - Paper 42 - Energy, Mind and Matter - Energy
- Urantia Book - Paper 42 - Energy, Mind and Matter - Spirit and energy recycling
- Varley, C F - 01 Experiments in spiritualism
- Varley, C F - 02 Experiments in spiritualism
- Varley, C F - 03 Experiments in spiritualism
- Varley, C F - 04 Experiments in spiritualism
- Vaughan, Dr Alan – Douglas Johnson said he thought she would die the next morning
- Veruska’s Dream Visit in Auschwitz
- Villoldo, Dr Alberto - The sub-levels of Earth - second tier
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 02 No. 1 Seance. Malvern, November 1867
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 03 No. 2 Seance. Nothing very remarkable occurred, just the usual table moving and raps
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 04 No. 3 Seance. The table was repeatedly raised in the air to the height of 4 or 5 inches
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 05 No. 4 Séance. The table was very large, above seven feet long and five feet wide, and very heavy
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 06 No. 5 Séance. The narrow end of the piano moved from the wall two or three times
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 07 Home grew, I should say, at least, six inches
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 08 A leaf of sweet-scented geranium falls from under Home’s hand into Adare’s
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 08 The table hands out an admonishment
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 09 A speech by a spirit being
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 11 My pocket handkerchief dropped through the air into my lap, with my latch key that I had left in my trousers pocket, knotted into one corner of the handkerchief
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 12 We had manifestations in the bed room, consisting of our beds vibrating strongly and of raps on the furniture, doors and all about the room
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 13 A question and answer session with spirit beings
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 15 Dogs being able to understand each other
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 16 Seance with Mrs. Hamilton, her daughter, Lady Fairfax, and Mrs. Gregory; diagnosing illness
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 20 Account of Manifestations at Stockton.
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 21 Phosphorescent lights about the room; balls of light would move along the floor and touch us
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 22 He placed his face right among the burning coals, moving it about as though bathing it in water
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 23 Levitating up and down with a wine glass; the spirits drink spirits
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 24 We heard Home go into the next room, heard the window thrown up, and presently Home appeared standing upright outside our window
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 26 Home was elongated slightly and raised in the air
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 27 We saw this crucifix waving in the air between us and the window
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 28 The flowers were carried through the air from the window of the next room in at our open window
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 29 Home holds a lemon up above his head and all the acid flavour is withdrawn from it
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 30 We all distinctly heard a spirit voice joining in our laughter
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 33 Home’s dead wife moved close to Home and kissed him
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 34 Discerning the differences between pure and impure spirits
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 35 We asked, “How many spirits present?” and were told “Nine."
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 36 I have never seen a table sustained in the air for so long a time
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 38 I tried to grasp the hand holding it, but did not succeed; it seemed to vanish, leaving the flower in my hand
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 39 Remember that God's ways are not our ways ; and out of what is apparently evil, much good may come
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 40 The accordion remained, as it were, suspended. It began playing very gently. Home clapped his hands several times to shew that he was not touching it
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 41 The pencil was a red one, and the word written was “Augusta."
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 42 We all saw him approaching, raised off the ground, for he floated, by, at a height which carried him over the broken wall
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 43 On two occasions during the séance, the table was raised about a foot in the air and remained there poised for some time, oscillating gently from side to side
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 44 The table rose to the height of at least five feet, rolling and swaying with a movement like that of a ship at sea
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 46 He took a red-hot ember from the fire, and spoke a few words to Miss Douglas on the subject of faith. She held out her hand, and he placed the coal in it
- Vitebsky, Piers - healing from a shaman
- Vitebsky, Piers - visit from a dying man
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - The story of Native American, Ahaktah
- Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry - Footsteps of Angels
- Wales - Mrs Jones sees her dead fisherman husband
- Wallace, Alfred Russel – Confirms an observation made by his friend, Mr. Serjeant Cox, ‘an eminent philosopher’
- Welsh Revivalists - It is the Spirit alone which is leading us
- Wendy has NDE from surgery
- Wereide, Professor Thorstein - A ghost that has lately appeared in my own home
- Wereide, Professor Thorstein - The Trance Phenomena of Mrs Ingeborg
- Wesley, John - Sermon 121 - On death
- Woman dying of breast cancer sees her grandfather was there to help her
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – The Death of a Peasant
- Wren-Lewis, John and Faraday, Ann – The Selling of the Senoi
- Yeats, W B - Anima Hominis - The spirit helper