Observations placeholder
John Ogle - Sees his dead friend
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
From Death Bed Visions – Sir William Barrett
My brother, John Alkin Ogle, died at Leeds, July 17th, 1879.
About an hour before he expired he saw our brother - who had died about sixteen years before - and John, looking up with fixed interest said
'Joe ! Joe ! ' and immediately after exclaimed with surprise, ‘George Hanley ! ‘
My mother, who had come from Melbourne, a distance of about forty miles, where George Hanley resided was astonished at this, and said
‘How strange he should see George Hanley; he died only ten days ago.'
Then turning to my sister-in-law she asked if anybody had told John of George Hanley’s death; she said 'No one.’
My mother was the only person present who was aware of the fact
(Signed) Harriet H Ogle