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Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Myles Reese of Codsall, Staffs
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections
Case No. 181-Mrs Myles Reese of Codsall, Staffs., sent the following (in litt.,Dec. 5, 1961):
For many years I have visited the other world in my sleep and, though l feel convinced that most of us also do, perhaps only a few, like myself, bring back clear recollections of it. Why do I know it is not a dream, a fragment of my own imagination?
Well, because the people I meet are the same yet wholly different from when they were on earth. They are completely changed and yet I know them. They look many years younger, far healthier, with brighter colouring and firmer skins. ... It is like seeing an Old Master after it has come back from the cleaner with all the colours restored.
The first time I went over was in the 1914 war. I met a young cousin, a childhood friend, who had been killed in France. He took me by the hand and led me across a stretch of open country towards a house where he was living, but before we reached it I was pulled back to earth. It was the glorious light, so different from anything I had ever known on earth, that convinced me that what I had seen was real. It was a radiance indescribable; no glare, no shadows, only a lovely shimmering light
A few years later I went over again and met my mother-in-law who had died. When I knew her she was an old 70, but in this other world she was barely 45, and yet I knew her. She was in a dimmer light in a room with two other women, strangers to me. She appeared to be amazed to see me and asked how I had come. The light was similar to that on a dull, late winter's afternoon.
I met my father after he had died. Again he looked 30 years younger but he was in a dark place.
When my husband died I went over far more often. The first time, a few weeks after his death, he met me supported on either side by two angels. It, too, was a dark place but he looked years younger and well. We had a talk together and after that I seemed to live there - this life was the dream, the other the reality. Gradually he drew back in lighter places, generally in a garden, but once in a house. ... Then either I was told or woke into the knowledge that I had work to do here and I couldn't do it while I was living in the after-life, so gradually the visits grew fewer or perhaps I did not bring back the memories so easily.
Last summer I met my husband again: this time in the lovely radiant light I had seen my cousin in so many years ago. He led me towards a wonderful building. ... We were both dressed in white robes. ...I could sense the dark world beyond me and knew that I had to return to it.
There have been other experiences when I have met people who died and when I have wandered through the place of outer darkness, where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth and where there is great depression. I think I have tried to work there among these unhappy ones.
As regards leaving and re-entering the body, I generally go and return without knowing anything about it-but there was one occasion when I tried to force a passage and l felt I was trying to get out of a tight sack or glove. The coming back is generally easy and unconscious, but I have sometimes felt a hurried rush so much so that my body seems to jump in the bed and I wake with a sense of shock.
The source of the experience
Ordinary personConcepts, symbols and science items
Communication with a Spirit helperCommunication with disembodied souls
Out of body separation methods