Spiritual concepts
Communication with disembodied souls
A disembodied soul is the soul of a person or even an animal that has died. I found enough observations to pretty well convince me that - firstly disembodied souls exist, and secondly that we are capable of communicating with disembodied souls and that they are capable of communicating with us.
The disembodied have been given over the ages any number of different synonymous names – ghost, ghouly, but to me ‘disembodied soul’ is better because it is what its name suggest a soul without a body – temporarily.
In the diagram I have attempted to show the place of the disembodied soul within the overall scheme of things as described in the observations – the so called ‘spiritual hierarchy’ –whether this is a ‘celestial hierarchy’ or ‘terrestrial hierarchy’.
Basically the disembodied soul is at the bottom of the hierarchy. There are souls of which there are two sorts, embodied and disembodied – one with a body, one without. Above the soul come ‘Spirit Beings’ [terrestrial hierarchy] and above that come ‘Intelligences’ [Celestial hierarchy] .
Types of contact
I have found evidence that the soul after death is actually stripped of most of its ability to communicate, all its learned function, all functions related to learning and memory – the memory is removed as well - and all the functions related to its role as for example a human or dog or some other creature in the physical world. In the spiritual world a soul has no need of any of this, as such what tends to be left are the perceptions. Furthermore, according to the observations I have collected, souls do not ‘hang about’ generally speaking, but move on away from contact with the physical world. Thus any communication with a disembodied soul is with some soul that has missed out on this process.
Furthermore, from the evidence of the observations, the composer of a bodied soul [us] generally does not attempt to make contact with a disembodied soul, but there are some disembodied souls that appear to have a desperate need to communicate with our composers. Occasionally the purpose is to act as a Spirit helper, but sadly, there are also other reasons of a considerably less benign nature.
- Newly dead - some people die unexpectedly in a car accident for example, or of a sudden heart attack and desperately seek to communicate with those who are left grieving below. In some of the observations there was even some evidence that the communication was for oddly materialistic reasons such as money!
- Lost souls - there are some observations that seem to show that occasionally the soul did not seem to believe they had died – they had not, as it were, moved on, the vast majority appeared to be those who had experienced sudden and traumatic deaths
- Thirsting souls - some souls appear to have an overwhelming need to experience physical life again. It appears that the spirit world in which they find themselves offers none of the sensations we have on earth, and many are so attached to the physical and the 'sensuous' that they 'attach' themselves to people.
The Dangers of Communication from a Disembodied soul
The first two groups of disembodied souls once they have been helped often disappear or need no more help, but the latter group of disembodied souls is the most dangerous. They can provide the auditory hallucinations of the schizophrenic, they can 'possess' someone and a person who is possessed is often being possessed by a disembodied soul.
They can also provide 'advice' in the form of auditory hallucinations that is mischievous and dangerous. You are dealing with a dead person or even a dead animal, they have no more wisdom than you do. This is the province of the ouiji board and the moving cups, table lifting and mediums.
Time and again I was struck by the willingness that many cultures displayed once [and sometimes still do] to ‘listen’ to disembodied souls. In some cultures the ‘ancestors’ are looked on as hugely important. In life, they would probably never have given these people a second hearing, but because these souls attempt to communicate after death they are regarded as oracles. It doesn’t seem to occur to people that if the majority of people know very little in life; their knowledge is not going to improve on death. They are going to be as ignorant in death as they were in life.
By allowing themselves to be contacted and possibly possessed by disembodied souls a person has actually contacted not just the bottom rung of the intelligence ladder, but a possibly disruptive and harmful rung at that. Some old people are wise, but many of them are not. The fact that the cultures of the past and some cultures of today allow themselves to be directed by people ‘possessed’ as opposed to people who had prayed for guidance in a controlled manner is quite a terrifying thought. A soul with no useful intelligence to bring to a problem could influence the direction of nations, whereas in life, that person would have been ignored. For example
Enduring Beyond Oppression - The Truth About Vodou - by: Ross Heaven
The ancestors (zanset yo) are a third spiritual force in Vodou. Even the Haitian national anthem begins with the words, "For the country, and the ancestors, we walk united..." Every family compound has its own ancestral graveyard, many with tombs so elaborate that they sometimes resemble small houses. In this tripartite system of God, loa, and ancestors … at the centre ... stands the Houngan, or Vodou Priest.
which explains a lot I think.
How can you tell the difference between a spirit helper and a disembodied [or even bodied soul]
The difference appears to be that a disembodied soul uses words, voices and speaks to you, but a helper will only ever use symbolic images. Thus a hallucination, vision or dream which is almost entirely pictorial is from a spirit helper or your composer. If you receive endless sentences, voices, huge amounts of verbal input – you have reached a disembodied soul. There is, I might add the possibility that the voices are also from bodied souls.
If I put this another way, voices whether in your own language and understandable to you or in a foreign language, which speak incessantly in long sentences that last for some time come from soul and nothing higher than that – whether the soul is embodied or disembodied.
Personally I would ignore it. But it's up to you.
Automatic writing
The disembodied [or it may be a bodied] soul may use a person to act as the 'scribe' for their ideas. This is known as automatic writing and although it can be an effective form of communication because there is a written record which can be studied it is obvious in this case that you are studying the thoughts of another soul, with all their limitations.
I suppose the lesson we should learn from this is that we should be extraordinarily careful about taking advice from voices that ramble on and on and on – whether we receive them directly or are simply acting as the scribe. They could be no more knowledgeable than us.
A spirit helper only ever uses a very small number of words used symbolically like images, imagery, and music or sounds they are very keen on puns. To repeat, no long sentences or endless voices.
Visions of the dead
From the evidence I have gathered, the vast majority of visions, visual hallucinations and dreams that involve the dead, are simply extracts from our perceptions. Just because someone has a vision of a dead person, this does not mean that the vision proves that it is of the soul themselves. F W H Myers, came to the same conclusions, when he studied this area ……….
Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death – F W H Myers
We have no warrant for the assumption that the phantom seen, even though it be somehow caused by a deceased person, is that deceased person, in an ordinary sense of the word. Instead of appealing to the crude analogy of the living friend who, when he has walked into the room is in the room, we shall find for the ghost a much closer parallel in those hallucinatory figures .. which living persons can sometimes project at a distance….
Whatever, then, the phantom was – however generated or conditioned – we cannot say that it was himself. And equally unjustifiable must be the common parlance which speaks of the ghost as though it were the deceased person himself – a revenant coming back amongst living men.
The rule appears to be that if it interacts - responds and inter communicates - then it may be a separate entity. But we have still to sound a note of caution.
Myers was also very sceptical of many of the communications received from the remaining cases of ‘communication from the dead’ and put them down in some instances to cases of multiple personality. Which means that only a very few examples of genuine communication with disembodied souls actually exist. They do exist, however and the souls that communicate with us are of very specific types as we have seen.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- 'Lord Peregrino calls me’
- A dead father makes noises in the bed curtains - 'Papa, if that's you, speak or appear to us.' The noise ceased at once.
- A ghost helps his partner to find his murderer
- A Lucid dream using Casimiroa edulis
- A meeting with her dead mother and 'Jesus' helps resolve a dying woman's anger
- A narrative of the Experience of Horace Abraham Ackley MD late of Cleveland Ohio, since his entrance into spirit life
- A P Elkin - Aboriginal men of high degree - Yualai (Euahlayi) initiation
- A shared experience shows how very close these two felt to each other
- A teacher in Copenhagen, in the habit of corresponding with her husband by means of thought
- A vision, similar to seeing a teletype ribbon, went past my eyes
- Abbot Garo, five or six ‘elderly and respectable priests’ and the teacher Didelot witness automatic writing – in Latin
- About three days before she died, she started talking in Macedonski
- Acts 10 - The precise instructions for Cornelius the centurion
- Advice to treat the voices as if they were real
- African nurse meets her dead grandmother
- After her mother died, the old granddaughter clock on the wall struck twice
- Agnes of Jesus, Prioress of Langeac – Certain exceptionally favoured individuals were conscious of her heavenly fragrance
- Aksakof, Alexandre - Proceedings of the S.P.R - The repeated apparitions of a young girl named Palladia
- Aksakof, Alexandre - The dog Beppo and his fury at the apparition
- Although my nan had died, it will always comfort me, seeing her smiley face being taken up to a safer place
- Am I possessed?
- An extraordinarily violent blow was struck upon the table-so violent that the ink-stands rolled to the floor
- An old wheelchair moved, hit the floor two or three times and came back in a straight line to its corner
- And they met him to help him on his journey
- Anders Wyman - The Sacred root - Kava
- Ann and the blue tunnel
- Anne's experiences
- Anon - The Unquiet grave
- Apart from paracetamol, he had refused to take anything
- Artāy Virāf - Chapter 4 - The spirit helpers of the dead
- As a cool breeze came through the window, Dad said, 'Yes, Mum, I understand’, but did not open his eyes at all.
- As my eyes opened, there was the face, in white, of my brother back in London
- Ashton R - Voices, voices, voices
- Athenodoros Cananites finds the body of a murdered man
- Aubert, Georges – 02 Second Epoch – 01 Experimenting at home guided by Emile T
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 01 The beginnings of musical mediumship – possessed by Méhul's spirit
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 03 Rousing the ire of a tempestuous musical spirit
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 04 A full concert with cello and piano
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 05 Dictating a sonata
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 06 Colonel de Rochas preliminary investigations
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 07 Mr Gabriel Delanne is involved and Georges has his first public séance
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 08 The grand séance on February 12, 1905
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 10 Researches on memory
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 12 Research with Mr Gailhard, director of the Opera
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 13 Research with Dr. Pierron and Bach
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 14 Research with Mr. Courtier, Secretary General of the Institute
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 15 The spirit of Chopin is offended by the rudeness of Mr V and leaves
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 16 An extremely curious incident at Madame la Comtese P... W...involving Berlioz
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 17 March 30 1912 and one of the most beautiful manifestations that I obtained’
- Aubert, Georges – 03 Third Epoch – 18 December 7, 1913, the Conference in Nancy
- Auguste Vacquerie - Pieces of history – Victor Hugo and the Talking tables
- Balzac, Honoré de - Seraphita - 03 The Gift of Specialism
- Barker, Elsa - Communication from Mr X
- Barker, Elsa - Communication from X and automatic writing
- Bayless, Raymond - The haunted house of Mrs. Bruce Ogden in Eagle Rock, California
- BBC Radio 4 Beyond Belief - Ghosts
- Became a vegetarian
- Became afraid of water
- Berget, Alphonse – The death of his grandmother’s close friend ‘I just heard her singing, like only a dead woman can sing’
- Bert, you were right all along, I saw Mum last night
- Billy in bed six talks with his dead mother
- Bingen, Hildegard of - The valley of scorpions
- Bishop Tikhon – Has a particularly harrowing experience with a Ouija board
- Blessed Maria degli Angeli – An incomparable fragrance made itself manifest in the place where she lived or through which she passed
- Born again Christian swearing and cursing
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - The medium becomes possessed and his hands, lifted as though to seize something, moved like the claws of a wild beast
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Mamma, little brother keeps on calling Ray
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 02 Professor A. Pastore, of the Royal High School of Genoa has a NDE
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 03 Mr Hudson Tuttle of Hartford
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 04 The death of Alfred Smedley’s wife
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 05 The death of Mr. Rud. C. Gittermann’s mother
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 06 Mr. G. Hall Tench dying in 1902 of a carcinoma
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 07 The death of Dr. E. H. Pratt’s sister Hattie
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 08 The dying child who saw her mother
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 09 The death of Mrs. Le Normand des Varennes’ husband
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 10 The miraculous healing and prophesied death of Jean Vitalis
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 11 The death of little Tommy Brown
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 12
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 13
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 15
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 16
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 17
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 18
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 19
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 20
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 21
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 22
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 24
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 25
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 26
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 27
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 28
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 32
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 33
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 34
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 35
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 38
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 39
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 43
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 45 The death of Dr. Albert Braudâo
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 47 The death of Bishop Gott
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 51 The death of Captain Dufauret
- Bozzano, Professor Ernesto - Psychic phenomena at the moment of death – 52 Suddenly, my mother heard a heavenly music
- Brittany - Forewarnings of death
- Brougham, Lord Henry - Sees his dead schoolfriend at the end of his bath
- Burroughs, Caisho - The Ghost of the Courtisan did appear to him and prophesied he should be slain in a Duell, which accordingly happened
- Burt, Sir Cyril - Communication after death
- Camille Flammarion - L'Inconnu (The Unknown) – The nurse who saw the dead husband of Mrs B de L of Lacapelle by the bed of her dying daughter
- Captain Drisko’s Ghost Story - How The Good Ship Harry Booth Was Saved From Wreck
- Car accident and hearing voices
- Case study of stroke victim who heard her dead mother
- Cash, Johnny – Moma, my brother Jamie is here
- Cassidy, Joe - Finding hidden money
- Cassidy, Joe - son being psychic
- Catherine Cavendish - Ouija - A Warning To The Curious...
- Cayce, Edgar - Seeing Grampa
- Cellini, Benvenuto – A necromancy session in the Colisseum goes very wrong
- Chaim Vital - Sha'ar Ruach ha-Kodesh – On Isaac Luria’s abilities
- Charles McKay, a Catholic priest – pays the debts of a dead woman to stop the apparitions
- Chaz Ebert meets the grim reaper
- Chesterton, G K - The dangers of the ouija board
- Chronicle of the Rebirth of Katsugorō – 05 The account as related by Matsudaira Kwanzan Sama
- Cicero - The Dream of Scipio
- Clark, Fay Marvin – Into the Light – Communicating with Adeline after death, and the disappearing hotel key
- Clocks that coincide with death cases
- Colin Wilson - Do not meddle with the spirits of the dead
- Colonel Morales goes out of body
- Colonel Voutier- The young Turkish girl's dream of the death of her mother
- Conversation with Great Grandpapa
- Count of Eulenburg – 01 1915, July 28th
- Count of Eulenburg – 02 1915, July 29th
- Count of Eulenburg – 03 1915, July 31st
- Count of Eulenburg – 04 1915, August 8th
- Count of Eulenburg – 05 1915, August 9th
- Count of Eulenburg – 06 1915, August 11th
- Count of Eulenburg – 07 1915, August 12th
- Count of Eulenburg – 08 1915, August 15th
- Count of Eulenburg – 09 1915, August 18th
- Count of Eulenburg – 10 1915, August 21st
- Count of Eulenburg – 11 1915, September 5th
- Count of Eulenburg – 12 1915, September 9th
- Count of Eulenburg – 13 1915, September 20th
- Count of Eulenburg – 14 1915, September 25th
- Count of Eulenburg – 15 1915, October 4th
- Count of Eulenburg – 16 1915, October 14th
- Count of Eulenburg – 17 1915, October 19th
- Count of Eulenburg – 18 1915, November 1st
- Count of Eulenburg – 19 1915, November 8th
- Count of Eulenburg – 20 1915, November 19th
- Count of Eulenburg – 21 1915, December 4th
- Count of St Germain - Intercourse with ghosts and supernatural beings, who appear at his call
- Count of St Germain - Teleports from China
- Count Thadee Czacki of Romanow, Province of Volkynie is instructed by his dead father to pay a debt
- Crazy Suciac died and shortly afterwards gave a message through the illiterate medium Antonio that he had been Lord de Sangarren
- Croad, Mrs Carrie - Blindsight by reading other people’s minds
- Croad, Mrs Carrie - The Testimony of the Nonconformist Minister Mr. J. G. Westlake - Blindsight and remote viewing
- Crystallinesheen - Wild Horses Are After My Spleen - Ayahuasca (B. caapi, P. viridis & D. cabrerana)
- Custance, John - Wisdom, Madness and Folly - Communicating with the dead
- Dangers of spirit communication
- Danny my heart is yours
- Danny Penman's cat, Buffy, has an NDE
- David and Harry
- David-Neel, Alexandra - Padmasambhava strikes back
- David-Neel, Alexandra – The god rides her and the pamos goes spinning
- Death of Wife
- Devas, Hell and human love
- Dickens, Charles - Hearing his characters speak to him
- Donor fell from an apartment window
- Donor shot in a flash
- Donor's murderer apprehended
- Dorothy Counts [1983] - Near Death and Out of Body Experiences in a Melanesian Society – Andrew
- Dr Barend Jacob Frederick Laubscher meets Miss Lily Thomas
- Dr M L Holbrook is cured by his dead sister
- Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – 01 The ghost who told him he was going to die
- Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – 06 A Young Lady Speaks German
- Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – 07 The Philanthropic Work Of ‘Spirits’
- Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – 09 An Agnostic's Experience of automatic writing
- Dr Minot Judson Savage - Can Telepathy Explain ? – Experiences Of A Famous Naturalist , communication from a spirit brother
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr C. Arnold has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr Evan Powell, J.P has several OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mr J. A. Dennis, a tinsmith, of Brockley, London
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Alice Latham, of Bexhill-on-sea has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs J. Rhys, of Pinegrove Rd., Southampton
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs M has a NDE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Myles Reese of Codsall, Staffs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Olive Morrogh, of Birmingham has an OBE
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Mrs Olive Mytton-Hill of Edinburgh has multiple OBEs
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Reine, P.E.Cornillier's model
- Dr William Sargant – Voodoo in Haiti and being 'mounted' by the loa
- Dr William Sargant – Voodoo in Haiti and the possession of Lavinia Williams
- Dr William Sargant – Voodoo in Haiti. And their gods live in them and they live in their gods
- Dr. Caltagirone of Palermo and the strange case of the falling light fixtures
- Dr. J. Garth Wilkinson - Evenings with Mr. Home and the Spirits 02
- Dr. Paul Edwards describes the death of the lady with consumption
- Dr. Vincent Gubernari is told of his imminent death
- Dream meeting with his Dead friend
- Durville, Hector and Henri - I caused the double to be projected, and when it seemed sufficiently condensed I asked it to strike more blows on the table
- Durville, Hector and Henri - The observer felt blows, touches, or pulls by invisible hands and the phantom double was even visible
- Dying - when the spirit can flit back and forth for a while before finally departing
- Dying boy tells nurse she should hug his mother for him when she saw her in three months
- Dying man meets mistreated boys
- Eating disorder from donor
- Edmonds, Judge John Worth - One day, an unknown entity caused my wife to speak the purest Scotch dialect
- Eldred W. Bowyer-Bower, an officer in the R.F.C killed in France, appears to his sister as a ghost
- Elsie’s kitten
- Erik’s mum
- Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 08 Mr. G. Graeser, from Lausanne tells how his parents had his beloved dog shot
- Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 18 Dr. Woetzel and his dog see his wife’s ghost
- Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 36 Terrified by the ghost of a small white dog, of the Pomeranian breed, which appeared to her at the bedside
- Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 37 Fourteen reports of the ghost of a small white dog
- Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 39 The psychic baby who saw dogs
- Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 44 The cat came back, it did not stay away
- Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 45 Smoky the deceased Persian cat appears as a ghost to four witnesses
- Eugen Bleuler - And the persecuting voices of schizophrenia
- F W Holiday and the Loch Ness terror
- F**kin' foo fighters
- Fancher, Mollie - At times I have seen around me, and around my friends who call to see me, the angel forms of those persons who are supposed to be dead
- Father Bernabe Cobo - Inca Religion and Customs - Communication with the dead
- Father N, parish priest of O--, in Moravia sees his dead niece
- Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti and Father Agostino Gemelli invoke EVP
- Fawcett, Lt Colonel Percival Harrison - His dreaded mother spoke to him during a seance
- Fawcett, Lt Colonel Percival Harrison - Nina Fawcett and his colleagues try to find Percy through mediums
- Fernand Gayraud, aged six and a half, sees the ghost of little Emilienne Blin of 117 rue Caulaincourt
- Ficino, Marsilio – Selected Letters - From a letter to Matteo Corsini
- Five year old boy sees his brother Gaston, who had died aged 16
- Ford, Arthur - Appearing in front of audiences
- Ford, Arthur - Dynamus and table tipping
- Ford, Arthur - Fletcher
- Ford, Arthur - How I Broke Houdini's Code 03
- Ford, Arthur - How I Broke Houdini's Code 04
- Ford, Arthur - There is a man here who gives his name as Adams
- Frankie comes back to help his dying mother Audrey
- Fred Williams the Swansea pensioner
- Gabriel Delanne - Evidence For A Future Life - Mme. Renardat remote viewing and prophecy
- Gardner, Jeanne - Prophesies Robert Kennedy’s assasination
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 07 - 2nd OBE
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 08 - 2nd OBE
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 09 - 2nd OBE
- Gerhardie, William - Resurrection 10 - 2nd OBE
- Get the suitcase out from under his bed
- Ghost of a dog seen by a cat
- Gibier, Dr Paul - Psychism Analysis of Things Existing - Nearly killed by a very evil spirit which possessed the medium
- Giordano Bruno – A definition of magic and the magician
- Girls asking him questions
- Gowdy, Barbara - Meets an incubus
- Grandpa feels better now he's dead
- Grandpa, grandma and Uncle Willie
- Greta had told her that she couldn't die because 'it wasn't the right time'
- Grimble, Sir Arthur - Goes to the Place of Dread
- Grisi, Giulia – The death of the opera singer Giulia Grisi
- Grof, Dr Stanislav - Diving to the Underworld
- H. Mollier’s grandparents hear a noise in the kitchen that marked the death of her brother
- Hadewijch - And then I heard a Voice speaking to me; it was terrible and unheard of
- Haggard, Rider – Dog telepathy – Haggard dreamed that Bob, their eldest daughter's old pointer dog, was going to die
- Hagman, Larry – Takes LSD
- Hamilton, Dr Allan - Thomas the little boy with multiple burns
- Hamilton, Dr Allen - Healed by a Navajo medicine man
- Harold had been killed when his plane was brought down by enemy fire
- Harriet's husband's heart
- Haunted by ghosts: Prevalence, predictors and outcomes of spirit possession experiences among former child soldiers and war-affected civilians in Northern Uganda
- Haunted house in St Petersburg
- Hazel Cornwell senses her Nan as a ball of energy
- He had just closed his eyes and died
- He picked up my nephew's bike and said, 'That's it, I'm off'
- He started to see wires hanging from the ceiling and insects on the bed
- He stood at the end of my bed, just smiling at me
- He suddenly began to cry uncontrollably and was consumed with grief
- He walked over to the cot and looked at my son and smiled
- He was distraught because he had seen his mother who had been dead for many years
- Hearing voices - be nice to them and they will be nice to you
- Hearing voices that sing to him
- Heart lung transplant 005313
- Heart lung transplants
- Heart transplant
- Heart transplant taste changes
- Henry Scott Holland - Death is nothing at all
- Her dead husband came to see her and told her he would come back at 4 a.m.
- Her husband's communication the night after he had died
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Dealing with hostile entities that could be neither seen nor heard
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - Go to my mother now, straightaway, and tell her to stop all that ridiculous mourning at once; I'm very happy here
- Heywood, Rosalind - The Infinite Hive - If I had not driven with exaggerated care as you asked me to, I should have had no less than three major accidents today
- Hilarion Marquand’s neighbour finds the hidden hoard with help from a ghost
- Hinton, Charles - What Is the Fourth Dimension – The existence of spirit beings, angels and time travellers
- His dead mother told him to take another route
- His voice said, 'Look up, Mary.' I did, and saw his head and shoulders above a white cloud
- Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue – Sees the ghost of her maid
- Hypnotism cures madness
- I cannot possibly describe the feelings of love and great peace I experienced
- I could see a shadow of a baby's face looking through the window
- I distinctly felt her kiss the top of my head
- I dreamed that I heard the phone ring, and I answered it and his voice said, 'Hi'
- I even heard the name of the baby in the dream, in Hebrew–and the baby’s name meant 'He is to Live'
- I felt incredibly happy, at peace and joyful
- I felt this warm feeling that death was all right and nothing to be scared of
- I had heard a knocking at the window a second time: it was my grandson's soul saying good-by to me
- I have no doubt that she reached out to me at that moment
- I Hear A Voice That I Don't Want to Stop Hearing
- I heard him calling me saying "Kate, Kate" as he passed over
- I knew that my late mother-in-law was standing beside the bed
- I saw (without opening my eyes) the most wonderful scene of mountains. It was exquisite
- I saw a person who had been dead for twenty-four hours, and spoke to him
- I saw my poor Henri (this was her dead husband's name]. He gazed at me fixedly, then passed on, smoking a cigarette; I could see its glow distinctly
- I see a young girl, dressed in white, at the head of your bed; she's putting a wreath of roses on your forehead
- I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying - Dr Christopher Kerr - TEDxBuffalo
- I was in Stevenage, asleep in bed with my husband, when I was awoken by my friend coming into the bedroom
- I'm going mad. But I know what I heard. It was Ron's voice
- Ikkyu - the last will and testament of Ikkyu's mother
- Images of Paradise in the NDE 05
- Immanuel Kant - Describes Swedenborg's communication with spirits
- Immanuel Kant - Describes Swedenborg's communication with the dead
- Immanuel Kant - Describes the Visions of Swedenborg
- Incidents in My Life - D D Home - Edwin comes to say goodbye
- Incidents in My Life - D D Home - The last Duke of Parma’s dead son comes to visit
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 01 A seance description with music box and disembodied voices
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 02 Automatic writing
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 04 Levitating tables
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 05 Knocking on the walls and ceiling
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 06 Lights
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 07 Teleportation of Mr Jenson
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 08 Levitation of Indriði with and without sofas
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 09 Flying over the heads of 50 people in a basket chair
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 10 Performing remarkable gymnastic feats
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 12 – His controls cut off Indriði’s arm
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 14 – Sigmandur
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 15 – Jensen materialises and dematerialises in a pillar of light
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 16 – Part materialised beings including Gunnarson’s dead wife
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 17 – Apporting
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 19 – Haunted by the ghost of a man who committed suicide
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 20 – Terrifying assaults on Indriði by a malignant ghost pulling him from his bed
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 21 – A night of terror for all the experimenters as the malignant ghost tries to throw Indriði out of the window
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 22 – Direct voices
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 26 – Automatic writing by a ghostly hand
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 27 – Levitation of Indriði until he is bumping along the ceiling 12 foot above them
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 29 – Direct singing – two voices a soprano and bass in harmony
- Indriðason, Indriði – Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol 57 – 30 – Direct voices in full light
- Ingo Swann’s granny
- It's still kind of spooky though, isn't it?
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - 10 Fakirs Mysterious hands and letters of fire
- Jacolliot, Louis - Occult Science in India - Evocation in the First Degree
- Jacques Rouxel de Grancey, Marshal of France’s ghost appears to his wife and asks her to burn a letter
- James Nugent, called Mountain Jim, visits Mrs Bishop in Switzerland to say good-bye
- Jasmin
- Jean Goujon’s ghost asks that masses be said for him, and indicates that the payment is in the chimney-corner, behind a stone
- Jesus - Luke 8 - The transfiguration
- Joan of Arc - Oliver Sacks - Hallucinations
- Joan of Arc - W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The trial of Joan of Arc
- Jóhann J. E Kúld - Says goodbye to his dead wife
- John Puckering of Arley, Worcs who was dead for four and a half minutes
- Jose de Freitas - Ze Arigo
- Joseph's transplanted heart wanted to trick or treat
- Kahuna - On bridges and 'mainu'
- Karen Simons' dead father sits beside her in her truck
- Katherine Pulling - I woke in my bed to find this girl, cross legged at the end of my bed
- Key of Solomon, The - Treasure up, O my son Roboam
- Kidney and heart transplants
- Laubscher, B J F - Dreams of flying, OBEs and sights of another world where his dead friend was learning to make pictures with his mind
- Laubscher, B J F - His little doggie pal had come back to play with him
- Laubscher, B J F - Outa Jantjes and the dead folk with arms of wind
- Laubscher, B J F - Outa Jantjes, the Bushman and going OBE in his dreams
- Laubscher, B J F - The Rabbi’s spirit kept the little boy from being lonely
- Laubscher, B J F - Three knocks as the signal of having gone to the other side
- Laubscher, B J F – Little Deon Els prophesies his own death
- Laubscher, B J F – Mrs K from Pretoria sees her dead son and goes out of body
- Laubscher, B J F – Mrs Mey has too many prophecies and after this was regarded almost as a witch
- Laubscher, B J F – Mrs R is given the instructions of a dying man - Clara please give Koos a piece of bread
- Laubscher, B J F – The amaxhwele herbalists, the amagqira healers and the isanuses
- Laubscher, B J F – The amazing powers of Soloman Daba, prophecy
- Laubscher, B J F – The artist who, when in need of inspiration, would put her hand on the planchette - Moenie bang wees vir die dood nie
- Laubscher, B J F – The diviners or isanuses among the Amaxosa people
- Laubscher, B J F – The schizophrenics and epileptics who are ukutwasa and the rites associated with the Abantubomlambo
- Lehmann, Rosamond Nina - Emotionally shattered by the death of her daughter, she has an OBE
- Lehmann, Rosamond Nina - Then out of this appalling darkness came an extraordinary breakthrough: I had the conviction of her presence
- Lethbridge, T C - Ghost and Ghoul - It made one feel that it would be nicer to have a light on when trying to go to sleep
- Lethbridge, T C - Ghost and Ghoul - White Hawk
- Lethbridge, T C - Ghost and Ghoul – Sat on by the ghost of Mrs R
- Lethbridge, T C – ESP Beyond Time and Distance – They knew that when they died, they were not extinguished
- Lieutenant Jacquot and the Kammara garrison; and the rapping table’s story
- Lilly, John - The isolation tank
- Ling Look and Yamadeva – communications from beyond the grave
- Little Lily and Aunt Louise
- Liver transplant patient meets his donor
- Look at that lovely light, isn't it beautiful?
- Look how pretty grandfather is! He's all white and he's making a light.
- Lost souls - Soul Release: Guiding the Dead to the Spirit World
- Lukens, Dr Anna – The doctor's great music box spontaneously began to play
- M A Czaplicka - Siberian shamanism - The young shaman Enchu
- M. L. Holbrook is healed in a dream by the spirit of his dead sister
- MacLaine, Shirley - The death of her parents
- MacLaine, Shirley - The Out-of-Body and NDE experience of her father
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Lord Lindsay’s night vision at Norwood
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mr B Coleman
- Madam Home - D D Home his life his mission - Testimony of Mrs Hennings
- Madame A Clarinval has a vision enabling her to find the grave of her son killed in action
- Madame Camille, during a hypnotic sleep, gives indications which result in the recovery of the body of Monsieur Cadiou
- Madame d’Esperance - Letter to Light 1910 – The moving watch
- Madame d’Esperance - Letter to Light 1904 - The return of Monna the dog
- Madame L. David, of 149 rue de Rennes, Paris has a dream of her friend’s death
- Madame Poncet from Marseille sees her husband's dead brother-in-law
- Madame X, an asthma patient in Vierzon, sees her grandson lying dead, on a sort of slab, covered with a grey cloth
- Major Newell - Indian Stories – The experience of a Native American Indian chief
- Man who had experienced the Horrors of the Somme, sees his dead comrades
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 18 Putting to rest the soul of the cruelly treated
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 21 Getting 'outside help' for school work
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 22 Automatic writing and the little boy who was knocked down by a car
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 25 Communication from his dead grandpa
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 26 More communication from his dead grandpa
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 29 Thomas Penn and an accurate diagnosis of a gammy leg
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 32 Automatic drawing experiments - Picasso
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 33 Automatic drawing experiments - Leonardo da Vinci
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 34 Automatic drawing experiments - Isaac Oliver
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 35 Automatic drawing experiments - Durer
- Manning, Matthew - The Link - 36 Automatic drawing experiments - Beardsley
- Maria and Keith's youngest son, David, died after crashing his motorbike
- Marie Bottini, aged thirteen, fractures her skull and receives comfort from her dead father
- Marie-Claire Hubert
- Mario's new heart stops him dancing
- Marryat, Florence - The Spirit World – A person only attracts such spirits as stand on the same plane as itself
- Marryat, Florence - The Spirit World – Hearing voices
- Marryat, Florence - The Spirit World – Sees and hears her dead child
- Marryat, Florence - The Spirit World – You seem to me as if you were at the bottom of a well
- Marryat, Florence – The Spirit World – Her mother comes back to tell her what heaven is really like
- Marryat, Florence – The Spirit World – The Possession of Charlie H by the late Edward Ogilvie
- Mary Lurancy Vennum becomes possessed
- Mechanical malfunction on a flamboyant scale
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 01
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 02
- Meeting relatives, friends, and loved ones on the NDE 03
- Michaux, Henri - Space of the Shadows
- Mircea Eliade - Possession in the Polynesians
- Mircea Eliade - Sami out of body flight
- Mircea Eliade - The Ladder
- Monroe, Robert - Communicating with other out of body explorers
- Monroe, Robert - Locale II and its occupants
- Monsieur Thadee Cuneo d’Ornano has his head carried away at the entrance to a tunnel
- Motoyama, Dr Hiroshi – Telepathic information, and subjective or objective science
- Motoyama, Dr Hiroshi – The many layers and beings of the spirit world
- Mr Durocq - communicates with his dead friends
- Mr E Asinelli of Modena in Italy and the vision of his dead mother
- Mr Emerson of New Zealand, a gold miner, suddenly left his body and after travelling upward through space, found himself passing over a strange country
- Mr Rouge's daughter sees her dead brother
- Mr Tout becomes possessed
- Mr. Alfred Bard sees the ghost of Mrs de Freville - My eyes were riveted on her, and she turned her face toward me, following me with her eyes
- Mr. Herwig, a distinguished German violinist dies, and provides celestial music after his death, like rays of sunlight turning into sounds
- Mrs Jennie D, who seemed to be a congenial soul, visits Mr Weymouth after her death
- Mrs Thomas Doan of Long Beach, California and her son have an OBE visitor and an OBE
- Mrs V D S goes out of body during an operation and sees her grandmother, who had died ten years earlier
- Mrs. de Lagenest sees the ghost of her dead uncle Monsieur Bonnamy
- Mrs. M. A. Larcombe - You may be sure your friend, Anne Cox, has gone to Heaven
- Mudang spiritual experiences – A Kut for the deceased mother of six children
- Mudang spiritual experiences – An East Coast Ogu-kut for one who has drowned at sea
- Mudang spiritual experiences – Korean-Australian woman, Mrs Baek is violently possessed by the Spirit Stick, but is cured of her headaches
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The healing of Dr Chongho Kim by Sutra chanters
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The healing of Muno’s mental illness
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The kut for Oki’s mother and the ghost in the car
- Mudang spiritual experiences – The Kut ritual for Boyoung's Mother
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - Possessed by an Ancestor spirit
- Mutwa, Vusamazulu Credo - Sat helplessly in his hut bathed in pain and misery
- My daughter said the room had always been packed with people
- My mother said that he was calling for me as he died
- My poor father had died at half-past seven in the evening, at the hour at which he had appeared to me
- Myers, F W H - Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death – Bridges
- Myths and legends - The Folk-Lore of the North-East of Scotland – Ghosts
- Nasr, Seyyed Hossein - Sufi Essays
- Natasha and her spirit baby communication
- Nelly Hanlon
- Nervous breakdown caused by hospital stay
- New heart turns him into an African
- Now if I’m not feeling too well and wake up, I always check whether anybody is at the bottom of my bed
- Ochorowicz, Dr Julian - Annals of Psychic Sciences - Experiments with the medium Miss Stanislawa Tomczyk
- Olga Pouchkine - The terrible, thrice-repeated clapping of hands on the death of her grandfather
- On a certain evening in 1888, my son-in-law appeared to me. On the following day I learned that he had died the morning of the previous day
- On questioning the medium for fuller details as to the spirit’s death, she replied that his head had been cut off, and his body thrown into a canal
- Only 2 per cent of the ‘visitors' were religious figures, while 70 per cent were dead relatives or friends
- Organ donor drowned in bathtub
- Osty, Dr Eugene - Supernormal faculties in Man – Mlle de Berly is asked to contact ‘one of my relations who died a short time since’
- Our piano played by itself - We live in the countryside around Neuchâtel, and I assure you that we are not neurotics here
- Pamela’s Story – A Brief Visit from a Little Soul. It was like being visited by an angel
- Parker, Shelley E - Her dead fiance communicates by mobile phone
- Patricia's story
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 11 The accordion was played by the deceased Mr. Colin Campbell who plays Auld Lang Syne
- Patrick Proctor Alexander - Spiritualism: A Narrative with a Discussion – 15 Pray, has any one here an Aunt Margaret?
- Paul Gibier - Western Fakirism – A spirit that told jokes of dubious taste
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 06
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 07
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 09
- Pelley, William Dudley - Seven Minutes in Eternity With Their Aftermath 12
- People coming through the walls
- Philipine lad just wants the voices to stop
- Plumptre, Reverend Edward - The Spirits In Prison – The continuance of sympathy, communion, interdependence, between the living and the dead
- Plutarch – The Vision of Aridæus 02
- Poe, Edgar Allen - From Spirits of the Dead
- Pretty soon you'll be swimming with the porpoises
- Price, Harry - A message from the late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Priestley, J B - And perhaps, the future is there too, winking at us
- Prince Emile de Sayn de Wittgenstein - Reincarnation, past lives and possession
- Prince Wittgenstein – Communicates with the ghost of Lieutenant-General Baron de Korff, who had been dead for some months
- Princess de Montarcy - At nine o’clock my little dog jumped up on my bed howling as if he were being killed. I looked and saw at the foot of my bed, my grandmother
- Princess de Montarcy - I was in bed reading, when I heard my name spoken in a dying voice. I saw the count, dead and stretched out on the floor with a small bottle in one hand and my photograph in the other
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Out of body into an unknown sphere
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Patient gets advice from his dead father
- Professor Alexander Erskine - A Hypnotist’s Case Book – Possessed by her dead 12 year old sister
- Pythagoras - Iamblichus's Life - Talking to his dead father
- Ralph Shirley - The Mystery of the Human Double – Going out of body in a dream to see the dead body of her sister, led by her sister’s spirit
- Religious Beliefs, Possession States, and Spirits: Three Case Studies from Sri Lanka
- Remote viewing – account from a letter written by Mr. Larrabée, Wisconsin's chief-justice, to Governor Tallmage
- Report of death by SPR
- Return of the cat
- Return of the kitten
- Rev. C. Jupp, head of the Alberlour Orphan- Asylum in Craigellachie and the small cloud of light that visited the orphans
- Reverend Samuel Wesley – And the poltergeist in Epworth Rectory
- Rilke, Rainer Maria - 03 First Elegy
- Robertson, Morgan Andrew - The Wreck of the Titan described by Greenhouse
- Rochas, Albert De - Levitation of the human body – 10 Françoise Fontaine
- Romano, Jacques - Communication with the dead
- Rory McGill's father
- Ross Heaven - Vodou Bat guerre
- Russell, George William - The power of prayer
- Saint-Yves d’Alveydre – The Archeometer – Revelation 04
- Saint-Yves d’Alveydre – The Archeometer – Summary comment
- Sam North and Mr Patmore
- Sarah and Warrington Dawson – a premonition of death, and being pervaded by heavenly well-being
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 03 The ghost of a woman who died in the wreck of the City of Columbus, explains how she died to a medium
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 05 A medium describes where two drowned boys are using information from their dead father
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 06 The spirit who visited her doctor after she died
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 07 The death bed vision Edith has of the already dead Jennie
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 08 The skye terrier terrified by the three ghosts seen by his mistress
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 09 The spirit who reassured her her illness was not cancer
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 12 Possessed by several personalities
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 22 Information he did not know is given by a ‘dead friend’
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 23 Information he did not know is given by a spirit – ‘Mary is in a great deal of trouble’
- Savage, Dr Minot Judson - Psychics : facts and theories – 24 Information they did not know is given by a spirit – ‘your aunt is dead’
- Saved by a disembodied voice - If the vessel had continued her original course for a few more minutes all would have been over for both ship and crew
- Scarlet fever produces NDE
- Schiller, Lori - When the Voices laughed at her
- Schiller, Lori - 'You must die, bitch!' they shrieked 'Die! Die! Die!'
- Schiller, Lori - The story's told that Adam jumped, but I'm thinking that he fell
- Schiller, Lori - The Voices terrified me
- Schiller, Lori - The Voices yelled so loud they woke her up
- Schiller, Lori - This asshole floods you with lies
- Schiller, Lori - Voices were speaking in some other language
- Scott, Selina - An interview with Canon Paul Greenwell about his ghost work
- Seeress of Prevorst, the - The last three visions of dying
- Sellers, Peter – 04 from Out on a Limb – Some reporter was trying to tell me that Peter Sellers just died
- Seventeen year old is possessed
- She said her dead sister Alice would come for her the next day at 2.30 p.m.
- She said she was going to die - all her dead relatives had come to visit her that afternoon and they were ready for her in heaven
- She saw her mother, appearing as a young woman, quite clearly at the foot of the bed
- She wants to go HOME
- She was taking pain pills for a broken arm when she felt faint and nauseated
- Shereston, Adam - Hears his dead Dad
- Sheridan, Clare – He was saying, ‘I am with you-I am here-‘ And it seemed so clearly futile to mourn his loss, for he was with me
- Sheridan, Clare – I abandoned my body on my bed and went soaring as though in a dream
- Sheridan, Clare – I, lying on my bed of fear, removed myself consciously in spirit to the feet of Father John
- Sheridan, Clare – The concept of the Totem group and synchronicity
- Sheridan, Clare – The Creation of our Lady of Brede
- Sheridan, Clare – The haunting of Brede Place
- Sheridan, Clare – Wilfrid’s baby remembered him in the spring flowers
- Signore Pascal Cocozza is reproached in a dream, by his father, who had been dead for ten years
- Simon Lewis - And his near death experience
- Sir Arthur Grimble - The spirits of the ancestors
- Sir William Barrett FRS - Proof of Supernormal Messages – Communications from beyond the grave
- Small boy who died in a car accident gets in touch with his cousin
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – She died of consumption and without sufferings
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – The death of a friend who is reunited with his dead child
- Snell, Joy – Ministry of Angels – Then peace came to me and my soul found rest
- St Vincent - Bonding with Huey Newton
- St. Catherine de' Ricci – Her body exuded a scent resembling vivuole mammole
- Stainton Moses, William - Spirit Identity – THE DEAD WINE MERCHANT COMES BACK TO SEE HIM
- Stainton-Moses, William - Spirit Identity - THE WHISTLING SPIRITS OF THE DEAD
- Stainton-Moses, William - Spirit Identity - USING AUTOMATIC WRITING
- Stainton-Moses, William - Spirit Identity – ABSENCE OF PRECISION IN STATEMENTS
- Stainton-Moses, William - Spirit Identity – AGENCIES OTHER THAN THOSE OF THE DEPARTED
- Stainton-Moses, William - Spirit Identity – THE GATES BEING AJAR A MOTLEY CROWD RUSHES IN
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Birth marks and past life trauma
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Child with three buffalo and two cows
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Joseph accesses his dead uncle's perceptions
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Past life as a Japanese soldier
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Past life as hit and run victim
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Past life in the Lebanon
- Stevenson, Dr Ian - Strangled by a demented brother
- Suhrawardi - Book of Conversations - The encounter with suprasensory reality
- Swedenborg, Emanuel - Helps Madame de Marteville find the lost receipt
- Sylvia, Claire - A liking for chicken nuggets
- Sylvia, Claire - A sudden preference for big blondes
- Sylvia, Claire - All I want is a beer
- Symbolism - Korean mystic shamanism - Hourglass [and the double-headed changgo drum]
- Talking to her dead husband
- Talking to her heart
- Talking to his dead shipwrecked brother
- Taylor, Elizabeth - Describes her Near Death experience
- Taylor, Elizabeth - Near-Death Experience, The Oprah Winfrey Show
- Telepathically experiencing the death of a friend as a mass of wet cement
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - No visual shade of some one lost
- Tennyson, Alfred Lord - In Memoriam A H H - So word by word, and line by line
- That was how I saw Palladia for the first time, three years after her death. I have often seen her since
- The anthropologist Kenneth Kensinger, witnesses the abilities of the Cashinahua tribe in the Peruvian Amazon
- The apparition appeared on the same night, to two persons sleeping, one of them on the ground floor, the other on the second floor
- The Ballad of Sweet William's Ghost – Kate Rusby
- The body of Monsieur Etienne Lerasle in Cher is found by Madaure Morel, who lived in Paris using his handkerchief
- The Brewer Wunscher
- The case of Dr Vidigal - we are obliged to admit that the dead woman alone knew of this, and that the revelation came, at least in part, from this disembodied entity
- The Case of January Schofield
- The children’s dead mother ordered them not to go any farther, but to turn back; when she had said this, she vanished immediately
- The clock on the mantelpiece had stopped at 3.15, as had his own wristwatch, his bedside clock and all other clocks in the house
- The Dead Michael Conley issues his instructions
- The death bargain between Lillian Nichia and Anton Rubinstein, the great pianist and composer
- The death of A.L. Danet’s nephew, Ernest Jouard, is marked by distinct blows on the furniture
- The Death of Michelle's grandfather
- The death of tenor James Moore
- The death of the Countess von Goertz as told by Count Bohdan K. de Castellane
- The doctor who became much more humanitarian in her practice of medicine after an NDE
- The dog began howling like a wolf. It was spine chilling
- The dreadful prophecy of the spirit Anton Fredler
- The elderly lady visited by her mother and 13 siblings . . . all deceased
- The experiences of Nashuwa Renee Miller
- The experiments of Mrs. A. M. Kaulback and her sons in telepathy
- The ghost of Palladia manifests itself to two people and is also visible to a dog
- The ghost of the dead patient
- The ghost who was disturbed about a debt of twenty-eight shillings which had not been paid
- The Haunted Bingo Hall - The Theatre Royal Margate
- The haunting of Hypollite Clairon
- The Head of BBC Television Drama and the unwanted spirit
- The jackdaw looked at my mum, squawked and then left
- The light is usually described as bright and white and associated with strong feelings of love and compassion
- The little boy, the phosphorescent glow, the three blows and the death of Monsieur Cognet
- The malicious nature of the disembodied soul
- The man who met his dead wife again as he was dying
- The Marquis of Precy made an effort to embrace The Marquis of Rambouillet , but his arms closed on nothing but air
- The NDE of Curma the Senator
- The noise that signalled death - It was as though all the mirrors in the room had been broken, and the glass shivered to bits
- The Owl
- The parallel worlds the dying seem able to inhabit
- The patient reported seeing insects and he thought the nurses were going to poison him
- The podiatrist who felt his father tell him he had died
- The Possession of a Nun by Asmodeus
- The Possession of Father Surin
- The Possession of Mr Le Baron
- The Possession of Sister Jeanne des Anges
- The Story of Burnt Njal - Gunnar sings a song
- The Syrian in Palestine who specialised in exorcising ghosts and curing victims of demonic possession
- The table raps out the death of Mr Chris Varis
- The Tai Chi Grand Master and the rainbow bridge
- The Tai Chi Master gone, gone to the other shore
- The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying – Sogyal Rinpoche
- The voice that said she was going to die
- The warning from her dead mother saved her life
- Thelmar, E – 07 A night that only Dante could adequately describe
- Thelmar, E – 09 Innumerable voices were speaking, and crying, and calling for help
- Thelmar, E – 12 You needn't be afraid that you are going to have a fiend-child
- Thelmar, E – 13 The doctor is sent for
- Thelmar, E – 20 I seemed to be sent out of my body into a sort of Limbo
- Thelmar, E – 22 She is advised by the doctor to dismiss the voices – the Invisible Liars
- Thelmar, E – 25 I hear the most grotesque and deafening death-dog barkings and howlings
- Thelmar, E – 27 In summary
- Then I saw that her face appeared to be glowing with a gold light
- Then my father-in-law faded away
- There came into my vision a bright light and there I saw my grandmother looking at me through a mirror
- There, bending over my son's cot, was my father-in-law who said, 'It's all right, I just want to say goodbye to the boy.'
- Thomas, Elizabeth and Phyllis come to visit
- Thomas, John F - Case Studies Bearing Upon Survival – Sitting with the medium Mrs Soule; remote reading books
- Thomas, John F - Case Studies Bearing Upon Survival – The smell of a pipe
- Thomson, James B.V. - Insomnia
- Tibetan Buddhism - The Ngari reincarnation
- Tibetan Buddhism - The Pawo of Tibet
- Tibetan Buddhism - The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
- Tibetan Buddhism - The Towos of Tibet
- Tissot - L' Apparition Mediumistique
- To Heaven and Back Methadone & Ibogaine by Jasen
- Tom Kennard
- Tom Lethbridge and the Ghoul of Ladram beach
- Tranströmer, Tomas - The Forgotten Commander
- Traubel, Horace – In his dying moments is helped by the ghost of Walt Whitman
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – 'I,' 'Me,' and ‘It’
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – A command to preach by a dead vicar
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – A Spirit intended for someone in the Hall at 8 p.m that night
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – A Visit from a dead Guru and his Master
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – I saw a lovely woman enter my room
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Reading minds and diagnosing illness
- Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – Splitting into three
- Tweedale, Reverend Charles – Sees the ghost of Aunt L and her dog
- Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation – Dr Ian Stevenson – 25 William George Jr
- Two demons now spoke in her, who barked like dogs and mewed like cats
- Tyrrell, G N M - Psychical Research and Religion – An undiscovered book is found by a medium describing the process of death and dying
- Tyrrell, G N M - Psychical Research and Religion – Miss I. Sollas is told in a dream by her dead father where to find two boxes of fountain pens
- Tyrrell, G N M - Trance-Personalities – On possession or telepathy [by the living] as an explanation for trance communication
- US based man has a daytime sighting of his UK based dying mother
- Usborne, Cecil Vivien – A communication from him after his death
- Varley, C F - 02 Experiments in spiritualism
- Varley, C F - 03 Experiments in spiritualism
- Varley, C F - 04 Experiments in spiritualism
- Vaughan, Dr Alan - Experiments with a Ouija board, possessed by Nada
- Veruska’s Dream Visit in Auschwitz
- Victim of drive by shooting
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 10 Dr. Elliotson’s ‘ghost’ follows them rapping on the banisters and stairs
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 14 Adah Isaaks Menken [deceased] possesses Home
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home - 15 Dogs being able to understand each other
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 20 Account of Manifestations at Stockton.
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 21 Phosphorescent lights about the room; balls of light would move along the floor and touch us
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 24 We heard Home go into the next room, heard the window thrown up, and presently Home appeared standing upright outside our window
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 26 Home was elongated slightly and raised in the air
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 33 Home’s dead wife moved close to Home and kissed him
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 34 Discerning the differences between pure and impure spirits
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 37 The ghost of the monk, who committed a crime, said mass, and the crime ’weighed heavily on his conscience’
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 42 We all saw him approaching, raised off the ground, for he floated, by, at a height which carried him over the broken wall
- Viscount Adare - Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr D D Home – 44 The table rose to the height of at least five feet, rolling and swaying with a movement like that of a ship at sea
- Visions and moving objects on the death of General Henry Havelock-Allan
- Vonnegur, Kurt - A telepathic communication from his brother-in-law
- Wales - Mrs Jones sees her dead fisherman husband
- Watson, Lyall - The nature of the disembodied soul
- Wave to your father girls, he's waving goodbye to us
- Wereide, Professor Thorstein - A ghost that has lately appeared in my own home
- Wereide, Professor Thorstein - The Trance Phenomena of Mrs Ingeborg
- Whispering voices
- Whitton, Dr Joel - The Philip Experiment
- Widower comforted by a "visit" from his wife four months after her death
- Wilson, Jeremiah M – The clock hangs on the wall of his room, constantly marking 2.10 a m
- With my eyes open, I saw my dead husband before me, in a suit of clothes which he had worn out a long time before. His expression was mild and calm and I smelt menthol
- Woman dying of breast cancer sees her grandfather was there to help her
- Woman gets new heart, goes sex crazy
- Woman senses the heart attack of her father
- Yeats, W B - Anima Mundi - Bridges
- Yeats, W B - Collected poems - O sweet everlasting Voices, be still
- Yram - And the realm of the disembodied soul
- Yram - On prayer