Observations placeholder
Ghost of a dog seen by a cat
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
A description of the experience
Psychisché Studieu, revue, juillet 1908, page 04
As quoted in Gabriel Delanne's - Materials for use in the study of REINCARNATION
Here is another example where the clairvoyance of a sensitive is confirmed by that of an animal
Ghost of a dog seen by a cat
Mr. Carrington reports the following very curious fact: A gentleman and two ladies were walking in the countryside, when one of the ladies, who is clairvoyant, said that she saw a dog walking in front of them. She described it in detail to the other two people, who could not see anything.
As they were talking about it, a cat came out of a nearby house and approached very quietly to the point where the lady said that a dog was present. When it arrived there, it suddenly stopped, made an arched back, spat and clawed in the direction of the ghost animal, then suddenly turned around and returned to its home at full speed.