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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Oleg Oprisco

In many medical text books and web sites you will see the word hallucination treated in a sort of derogatory way.  ‘Oh it was only an hallucination’.  But this lacks complete understanding of how a hallucination is formed or what it actually means.  An hallucination is a genuine spiritual experience and needs to be treated as one.

It should also not be ignored.  When a ‘Census of Hallucinations’ was taken in the late 1800s, about 10% of the people questioned had had hallucinations of some kind.  The results in the UK, France, Germany and the USA were all similar. 

The perception system normally takes images, sounds, smells, tastes and feeling sensations from the 5 senses and feeds them to our Conscious self for interpretation.  But the composer is also capable of providing input that matches these sensations.  It too can provide images, sounds, smells, tastes and feelings which it extracts from our past perceptions or takes from the wider spiritual world.

As a true composer it then constructs a ‘scene’ or a set of scenes’ suited to what our Higher spirit deems we need at the time.  But if we have our eyes open, or if there are still noises coming in from ‘outside’ for example, or smells wafting to us from our kitchen, then what the composer provides for us may get superimposed onto the input from the 5 senses.  In effect we get a combination of inputs – extremely confusing because often we do not know what is from the outside and what is from the spiritual world.


An hallucination can result in varying degrees of both mixed imagery and mixed sensory input.  We may suddenly see the figure of a demon, for example,  superimposed on the landscape in which we are situated and with it the strong smell of sulphur and bad eggs! 

The images from the eyes can be totally subjugated – in which case the images from the composer take over and the composer input appears to be the reality.  Alternatively you may get various forms of transposition of images – the figure of a man for example combined with the landscape seen with the eyes.  This is when we see ‘ghosts’.

Ghosts and other forms of hallucination are not the spirits of a dead person – the very nature of most of the observations I have seen show that there is no recognition or interaction between the observer and observed.  The image is just a transposed image carefully interposed over the scene.

These photos are very obviously doctored images – very easy to do - but I have included them to show the overall effect produced on people who have these hallucinations.

The photographs are actually quite well done, because they show the rather ethereal and unsubstantial nature of the hallucinations people often see.  To a large extent the process the photographer has used – exposing the negative to two shots  - is very much the process which is taking place in the mind,  a superimposition of one image over ‘reality’.

Incidentally it is not possible to photograph a hallucination.  All photos will be frauds.

In order to help you home in on where the hallucination is coming from and how it is being formed, the following sections give details dependent on the type of input you are getting;



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