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Although my nan had died, it will always comfort me, seeing her smiley face being taken up to a safer place
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Art of Dying – Drs Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick
Andrew Gordon remembers a dream he had the night his grand-mother died. Such a young child would have had no real concept of death, and certainly no preconceptions associating light with death, so it is interesting to see how closely his dream corresponds to the near-death model of the dying person approaching the Light, as if he was indeed somehow sharing the experience with her.
I was only about six or seven at the time. I was sleeping and I dreamt my nan was going up to a bright light. She was talking to me, but I cannot recall what she said; but I will always remember that moment, she was just floating up waving at me. I was very touched by this and I remember when I woke up the next day my mum telling me that my nan had died, but I never felt surprised. I will always remember that night - although my nan had died, it will always comfort me, seeing her smiley face being taken up to a safer place.