Observations placeholder
Shereston, Adam - Hears his dead Dad
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
The voice itself may have been manufactured from his perceptions, but this does not mean the spirit itself was not there
A description of the experience
Adam Shereston from Alignment
Dad had now been gone for 20 years. When I was younger, I had tried to visit his grave as often as possible, particularly on his birthday, so that I could give him an update on everything. With all the things that were going on in my life, it was about time for one of those visits.
On arrival, I sat next to his nicely tended grave, with its fresh flowers that Mum had recently laid and I started talking to him. I had thought that the day he died would be the last time I would ever see or hear from him, so I was a little surprised when he decided to pay me a visit.
'Hello son' he said.
The sound of his voice made me jump. I leapt up and looked all around me, but he was nowhere to be seen of course.
'Hello Dad' I replied in my mind