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Tibetan Buddhism - The Pawo of Tibet
Type of Spiritual Experience
This is actually quite funny, but it has a serious side. The medium has got in touch with something but there is no knowing what he has attracted
A description of the experience
With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet – Alexandra David-Neel
Spiritualistic seances do not resemble those of the Western countries. Neither darkness nor silence are required, sometimes they are held in the open air.
The pawo begins chanting, accompanying himself with a little drum and a bell. He dances, first slowly, then faster and faster, and, finally, trembles convulsively.
A being of another world, god, demon or spirit of - a dead person, has taken possession of him.
In a kind of frenzy, he utters broken sentences, which are supposed to convey that which the invisible being wishes to communicate to the assistants.
Since it is of the first importance to know exactly who is speaking through the medium, and what he is saying, the most intelligent men of the village are called upon to listen attentively.
It sometimes happens that different gods or spirits take possession of the medium one after another. Once in a while, the latter, under the impulsion given to him by one of these beings, will suddenly attack one of the public and beat him mercilessly. This correction is always accepted without any resistance being offered.
Tibetans imagine that it is meant to drive out a demon that has lodged himself in the man without his being aware of it. This undesirable guest has, however, been discovered by the spirit animating the medium.
The departed ones who suffer in the next world usually limit their performances to giving an account of their misfortunes.
The source of the experience
Tibetan BuddhismConcepts, symbols and science items
Bodied soulCommunication with bodied souls
Communication with disembodied souls
Disembodied soul
Spirit being
Substance guide communication
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Frenetic exerciseSuppressions
Listening to beating soundsSuppression of learning