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Observations placeholder

Burroughs, Caisho - The Ghost of the Courtisan did appear to him and prophesied he should be slain in a Duell, which accordingly happened



Type of Spiritual Experience


A description of the experience

Aubrey’s brief lives – John Aubrey

Sir John Burroughes being sent Envoy to the Emperor by King Charles I, did take his eldest son Caisho Boroughes along with him, and taking his journey through Italy, left his son at Florence to learn the language; where he having an intrigue with a beautiful Courtisan [Mistress of the Grand Duke] their familiarity became so public, that it came to the Duke’s ear, who took a  Resolution to have him Murdered, but Caisho having had timely notice of the Duke’s design by some of the English there, immediately left the City without acquainting his mistress with it, and came to England; whereupon the Duke being disappointed of his Revenge fell upon the Mistress in most reproachful language.  She on her side resenting the sudden Departure of her Gallant of whom she was most passionately enamour’d, killed herself.

At the same moment that she expired, she did appear to Caisho at his lodgings in London.  Collonel Remes was then in Bed with him, who saw her as well as he; giving him an account of her resentments of his Ingratitude to her, in leaving her so suddenly and exposing her to the Fury of the Duke, not omitting her own tragical EXIT, adding withal, that he should be slain in a Duell, which accordingly happened.

And this she appeared to him frequently, even when his younger brother (who afterwards was Sir John) was a Bed with him.  As often as she did appear, he would cry out with great shrieking and trembling of his Body, as anguish of Mind, saying ‘Oh God! Here she comes, she comes’ and at this rate she appeared ‘till he was killed.

This story was so common, that King Charles I sent for Caisho Burroughe’s Father, whom he examined as to the Truth of the Matter; who did (together with Collonel Remes) aver, the Matter of Fact to be true, so that the King thought it worth his while to send to Florence, to enquire at what time this unhappy Lady killed herself.

It was found to be the same Minute that she first appeared to Caisho being a Bed with Collonel Remes.

This Relation I had from my worthy friend Mr Monson, who had it from Sir John’s own mouth, brother of Caisho; he had also the same account from his own Father, who was intimately acquainted with Sir John Burroughes and both his sons, and says, as often as Caisho related this, he wept bitterly.

The source of the experience

Burroughs, Caisho

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

