Observations placeholder
I see a young girl, dressed in white, at the head of your bed; she's putting a wreath of roses on your forehead
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
Invisible input - bliss and peace
A description of the experience
Death and its Mystery – After Death – Camille Flammarian
Published in "Revista de Ciencias Psiquicas " of Caracas, in November, 1913.
Dr. Cabral, head of “El Atheneu Brasileiro," relates that he had taken care of a poor, deserted girl named Deolinila, who had died of consumption. Sometime afterward the doctor had accepted the hospitality of his friend, Monsieur Barbosa de Andrade, who lived in a rather out-of-the-way place. Monsieur Andrade's sister had just fallen so seriously ill that it was necessary to look after her during the night. This is the doctor's story:
One night, when I had finished my rounds, I was so tired that I went to bed. Two sisters, Mesdames Ana and Felicia Diaz, took my place at the invalid's bedside. I had scarcely stretched myself out on my bed when I was pervaded by an intense feeling of well-being.
I could not account for this sensation.
Soon I had an impression that some object was touching my head, as though someone were wrapping me up in something. Astonished at this feeling, I called to the two ladies who were on duty in the next room.
Madame Felicia Diaz said to me: “I see a young girl, dressed in white, at the head of your bed; she's putting a wreath of roses on your forehead. She says that her name is Deolinda, and that she has come to show her gratitude for the generosity with which you cared for her."
I was greatly astonished by this statement. I recalled the fact that it was the anniversary of Deolinda's death ; neither I nor anyone else had thought of this. I had never spoken to any one in that house of what I had done for Deolinda.
This account is hereby confirmed by the following signatures: Manuel Barbosa de Andrade, Madame Emilia Barbosa de Andrade, Madame Ana Ines Diaz Fortes.