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Healer other
Category: Healer
I have included this catch-all category so that I can include observations from doctors, acupuncturists, reiki healers, osteopaths, kinesiologists and so on, who are either not named in the observation, wish to remain anonymous or who have no biography or autobiography available for them.
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- A Day in the life of Oscar the Cat
- A past life experience of Salem
- A Study of Qi – Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallee
- Aconite - A deadly poison that epitomises the homeopathic principle
- Agrimony tea - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Alder tea - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Alfalfa tea - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Alison Pearson - 1586, Grangemuir, Scotland: Healer abducted by fairies
- Angelica - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Anise tea - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Art and Music therapy – Case history of a visit to an art gallery
- Art can heal PTSD's invisible wounds TEDMED 2015 - Melissa Walker
- Avens - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Barley - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Bearberry leaf tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Betony - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Bilberry tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Blackberry leaf tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Buchu tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Bunny Vreeland cured of allergies by hypnotherapy
- Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy - How doctors make you ill
- Calamint tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Celery - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Centaury tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Chris Astill Smith & James - 'Diagnostic Session'
- Community Music Therapy with Traumatised Refugees and Torture victims in Berlin
- Community Music Therapy with Traumatised Refugees and Torture victims in Berlin – Case history Herr A, a Kurdish man from Turkey
- Cornsilk tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Curing menstrual constipation
- Doctor and his dying patient share a vision of her father and childhood pet dog
- Doctor Dan diagnoses and heals
- Dr Alicia feels their pain
- Dr Carol Ferris - On mind reading and weather prediction
- Dr David Harvey-Austin healing the side-effects of mercury amalgam fillings
- Dr David Harvie-Austin - Case study with Angela Kilmartin
- Dr George Sava - The Case of the Railwayman's arm
- Dr George's surgical insights
- Dr John Upledger
- Dr Norris remote heals
- Dr Philip diagnoses illness
- Dr Ralph Spintge – Music therapy for pain, insomnia, stress and hypertension
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – James Moore Hickson author of Heal the Sick
- Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Nurse D. Greenwood has an OBE
- Dr Terry Wahls - Feeding Your Microbiome and going organic
- Dr Tom Nyerges - Chronic Mercury exposure from amalgam fillings
- Dr. Dufour, Chief Medical Officer of the Asile de Saint-Robert (Isère) – and a case of Chorea
- Dr. Liébeault - Hypnotic suggestion to induce or cure blisters
- Dr. Terry Wahls - Revitalize, How I Went From Wheelchair To Walking By Changing My Diet
- Ear Infection Remedies from a 'Natural plant based' healer
- Elecampane tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallee - A Study of Qi
- Essiac and prostate cancer
- Essiac and uterine cancer
- Eyebright - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Father Mathew and the power of Faith
- Fenugreek - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Feverfew - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Foods that may help with shingles
- Gary Craig's 'revelation'
- Gennadius
- Gerard - On Elecampane
- Gerard - On peonies
- Good-guy bacteria may help cancer immunotherapies do their job
- Group music therapy and dementia
- Gulkand - A descriptive overview
- Gupta, Robert - TEDtalk Between music and medicine - 03
- Gupta, Robert – TEDtalk Between music and medicine - 01
- Gupta, Robert – TEDtalk Between music and medicine - 02
- Hara Willow - All is well and all shall be well
- Hara Willow - Has a dream of twins
- Hartford Hospital - Reiki survey 1
- Hartford Hospital - Reiki survey 2
- Hartford Hospital - Reiki survey 3
- Hartford Hospital - Reiki survey 4
- Hawthorn tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Hazel Cornwell senses her Nan as a ball of energy
- Healing hands
- Healing Paediatric patients using music
- Hippocras
- Hippocrates - On food as medicine
- How to Apply Heat Therapy for Your Sciatica Symptoms - Dr Andrew Moeller
- How to Rid Your Body of Mercury and Other Heavy Metals: A 3-Step Plan to Recover Your Health
- Hypnotism - G. C. Barnard – Relieving pain and anesthesia
- I see a young girl, dressed in white, at the head of your bed; she's putting a wreath of roses on your forehead
- I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying - Dr Christopher Kerr - TEDxBuffalo
- Ibn al-Jazzar - The Guide for the Traveller and the Aid for those who Stay at Home
- Ibn Butlan - Tacuinum sanitatis - Taqwim al-Sihhah
- Ibn Hindu - The Key to Medicine and a Guide for Students
- Isobel Haldane - 1613, Perth, Scotland: Abducted by fairies
- John Cross - Healing with the Chakra Energy system - Templates
- John Gerard - Herbal 1597- On Butterbur
- John Gerard - Herbal 1597
- Jordan Peterson from an Interview with Russell Brand
- Katie Eriksson suggests that love is the revelation and manifestation of health
- Lomatium - Properties of Lomatium
- Marsh mallow poulticing
- Mattheolus and Fuschius on the Holy Thistle
- Meadowsweet tisane
- Mr. E. G. Eames, a surgeon, and a premonition of a car accident
- Mrs Tarpey treats meat
- Music therapy - In Queen Mary's Hospital for Children, Carshalton
- Music Therapy - Nigel Hartley and the joy of improvisation
- Music Therapy - Nigel Hartley and the spiritual nature of music therapy
- Music therapy - A Dream Wedding- a musical play by men and women with varying degrees of dementia and their care staff
- Music therapy - In the Mansuri hospital Cairo and Edirne hospital
- Music therapy - The Community Music Therapy project – ‘Music is about mystery Music is spiritual’
- Music therapy - The story of Sophie
- Music therapy - The story of stroke victim Donald
- Music therapy – And the Homeless choir
- Music therapy – Case history of a spontaneous session involving Grace from Montserrat
- Music therapy – Case history of James, an ex-miner from the north of England
- Music therapy – Case history of Josie
- Music therapy – Case history of Kevin who had Friedreich's Ataxia
- Music therapy – Chava Sekeles - Therapy can usually be achieved either by excitation or by relaxation
- Music therapy – The story of stroke victim Joy who learned how to play jazz
- Music therapy – Tony, amphetamine abuse, schizophrenia and the power of music
- On duty all the time
- Parsley tisane - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Passionflower tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
- Peter Saul - Let's talk about dying
- Philippine Herbs Used in Small Animal Practice
- Pipsissewa tea - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Plantain tea - The Healing power of herbs – Ceres Esplan
- Sensing illness using hands
- Show Me How - The Alexander Technique: Angela Bradshaw at TEDxSWPS
- Soul music as exemplified in 19th century German psychiatry – Dr Cheryce Kramer 01
- Soul music as exemplified in 19th century German psychiatry – Dr Cheryce Kramer 02
- Stephen Harrod Buhner - Herbal Antivirals - Skullcap
- Surgeon changes to healing GP
- Tears, sweat and saliva and the fight against antigens
- The Alexander Technique for Back Pain
- The doctor who became much more humanitarian in her practice of medicine after an NDE
- The efficacy of Chinese medicine – The Erabu Sea snake
- The Evidence for Using Hypnosis with Skin Disorders
- The Healing effects of Cold Water Therapy
- The Healing power of herbs - Ceres Esplan - Lungwort
- The Healing Wisdom of Birds - Lesley Morris - The Stork
- The Healing Wisdom of Birds – Lesley Morris – The Parrot
- The healing Wisdom of Birds – Lesley Morrison – The Finch
- The impact of Alexander Technique lessons on chronic mechanical low back pain
- The importance of set and setting in LSD therapy
- The introduction of music therapy in the asylum at Auxerre
- The Syrian in Palestine who specialised in exorcising ghosts and curing victims of demonic possession
- The World Atlas of Mysteries - Francis Hitching - Black streams
- Tonic Stout
- Using a Hot Water Bottle for Ear Infections
- W.Y. Evans-Wentz - The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries - Exorcism
- Walnut leaf lotion and eczema
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - A Typical Past Life Session in Therapy
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - Alice
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - As this highly unsavory individual, I found myself in the thick of hideous massacres
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - Peter's Story
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - The despair 'I' seemed to have died with in 1933
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves - The guardian of the threshold
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – A failure to form close relationships with men
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – A former life as an epileptic taken to an asylum
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – A former life as an impoverished Dutch painter
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – A former life as the daughter of Russian peasants who have been massacred by cossacks
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – At the famous Wailing Wall, he found himself weeping uncontrollably
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other Lives, Past selves – Burton - I'm trying to hold my dying body together, I am angry, it isn’t working
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other Lives, Past selves – Edith and the terrorist who blew himself up
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other Lives, Past selves – Eliza and the baby with the deformed heart
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Elizabeth’s story
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Jane’s story
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – On one horrible occasion he chased them all with an axe
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other Lives, Past selves – Sherry and her past life as a Roman soldier
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Stuck in one of those vicious circles where negativity seems to feed upon itself
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – The Death of a Peasant
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Tormented by impotence
- Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Tormented by memories of a severe childhood nightmare of flashing eyes and teeth
- Yerba mate tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan