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Bilberry tea - The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
The Healing power of Herbal teas – Ceres Esplan
Bilberry – Vaccinium myrtillus - Whorleberry, Hurtleberry, Hurts, Blackhearts is a wild plant with so many popular names that it is impossible to quote them all. Such a vast number though does denote a plant’s usefulness and good reputation and bilberries are sought, when ripe, on moors and mountainsides in many parts of Britain and Europe as well as in the USA.
The berries are not only used as fresh fruit and for cooking, but some are now frozen.
A few dried berries made into a tea has according to tradition been useful for diabetics. The tea is also useful as a quick cure for diarrhoea, especially if the fruit is also eaten.
Herbalists use bilberries for bowel complaints and to provide a body deprived of adequate nutrients with a remedy.
The leaves made into a drink can help those with urinary troubles
The source of the experience
Healer otherConcepts, symbols and science items
Science Items
Activities and commonsteps
Bladder and urinary tract diseaseDiabetes
Intestine disease
Urinary and bladder control treatments