Observations placeholder
Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections – Nurse D. Greenwood has an OBE
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Dr Robert Crookall - More Astral projections
Case No. 302 - Nurse D. Greenwood. Miss Greenwood has been a nurse all her working life and is about to retire. She sent me her experiences (in litt., Oct.3, 1960) and insisted, "No one could say I am given to imagination." Her account is as follows:
I had a bad fit of depression. I rested on my bed and, as I lay there, someone, or some being, came and sat on the side of my bed, as a doctor might. He took my hands and floated with me through the window and into the garden. I glanced back and saw myself on the bed.
Then I was back, healed, and saying, 'How glorious ! It will be like that when I die! 'All my troubles had dropped from me like a cloak."