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Woolger, Dr Roger - Other lives, Past Selves – Jane’s story
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Other lives, past selves [A Jungian Psychotherapist discovers Past Lives] – Dr Roger Woolger
Working with a woman client in her early forties named Jane, I helped her relive an unfulfilled life as a woman in pioneer days which ended tragically when a horse and trap overturned and she broke her back and died. In the regression I had not thought to ask her age until our session was almost completed.
"How old were you?" I asked.
"Twenty-seven," she said with certainty.
"Does twenty-seven remind you of anything in this life?" I queried.
Suddenly a look of astonishment came over her.
"My goodness," she exclaimed, "it was at twenty-seven that I was in the hospital with a very serious kidney infection they couldn't properly diagnose. I nearly died."
She reached down the left side of her back. "The pain was terrible, just here, exactly in the place where I broke my back as that pioneer woman."
As we talked further it was clear that twenty-seven was a crisis point both in this life and the past life. Gnawing self-doubt about the direction of her life and her failure to marry had surfaced at this juncture in the past life and it had taken a fatal turn.
When similar issues emerged in her current life it was as though her body had started to repeat and re-enact the old story.