AE - George William Russell
Whatever revelation of beauty of the spirit has been in Europe for many centuries, has come, not from churches, who hold they already have truth, but from the poets who are still the seekers, and who at times have that lordly utterance as if the God was speaking through His prophets … it is through the poets and musicians alone that we get the sense of a glory transmitted from another nature.
The motivation of the poet is to put inspiration into words. That experience can also be a vision or possibly something even more profound. Although many poets do have a belief in the spiritual world, their poetry is usually unaffected by their belief systems, their primary concern is always to express in words the experience or the insight they have had.
Gerald Vann
The aim of scientific language is to provide exactly defined and unambiguous statements about reality. That of poetic language is to communicate reality itself as experienced by means of imagery, evocation, tone and the ambiguity or rather the ambivalence or paradox of symbol. That is not to say that poetic language is nebulous, vague, uncertain: on the contrary, the cutting edge of great poetry is sharper and digs deeper than that of prose.
A. Austin – The Owl and the Lark
O souls, perplexed by hood and cowl
Fain would you find a teacher
Consult the lark and not the owl
The poet, not the preacher
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- Admission, Frank
- Anacreon
- Arnold, Matthew
- Auden, W H
- Bailey, Philip James
- Barker, Cicely Mary
- Barker, Elsa
- Barrett Browning, Elizabeth
- Baudelaire, Charles
- Bax, Clifford
- Beddoes, Thomas Lovell
- Binyon, Laurence
- Blood, B P
- Borden, Mary
- Bridges, Robert
- Brittain, Vera
- Brontë, Anne
- Brooke, Rupert
- Browning, Robert
- Byron, Lord
- Cameron, Norman
- Cannan, May
- Carpenter, Edward
- Cavafy, C P
- Chang Chien
- Chang Chih-ho
- Chen Tziang
- Cirlot, J E
- Clare, John
- Coleridge, David Hartley
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
- Cowper, William
- D' Aubigneé, Theodore-Agrippa
- Daniel, Samuel
- Davidson, Lucretia
- Desnos, Robert
- Dickinson, Emily
- Donne, John
- Dowden, Edward
- Dowson, Ernest
- Dryden, John
- Eliot, T S
- Frost, Robert
- Furichius, Johannes Nicolaus
- Ginsberg, Allen
- Goldsmith, Oliver
- Gray, Thomas
- Guaita, Stanislas de
- Gurney, Ivor
- Hamilton Adair, Virginia
- Han Shan
- Heine, Heinrich
- Herat, Arifi of
- Herbert, George
- Hesiod
- Hood, Thomas
- Hughes, Ted
- Hugo, Victor
- Jami.
- Jelling, Lily
- Jia Dao
- Kao-Shih
- Keats, John
- Lear, Edward
- Li Po
- Li Qingzhao
- Lindsay Gordon, Adam
- Lowell, James Russell
- Lowell, Robert
- Mallarme, Stephane
- Manley Hopkins, Gerald
- Masefield, John
- Meng Hao-jan
- Michaux, Henri
- Monro, Harold
- Morris, George Pope
- Myers, F W H
- Namdev
- Nash, Ogden
- Neruda, Pablo
- Nichols, Robert
- Novalis
- O Reilly, John Boyle
- Omar Khayyam
- Ono no Komachi
- Ou-Yang Hsiu
- Ovid
- Owen, Wilfred
- Paulus Silentiarius
- Po Chu-I
- Poet other
- Pound, Ezra
- Qu Yuan
- Reid, Christopher
- Reverdy, Pierre
- Rilke, Rainer Maria
- Rimbaud, Arthur
- Ritsos, Yiannis
- Rosenberg, Isaac
- Rossetti, Christina
- Russell, George William
- Saadi
- Sassoon, Siegfried
- Sen no Rikyu
- Seo Jung-ju
- Shabazi, Shalom
- Shabistari, Mahmud
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- Silesius
- Song Zhiwen
- Southey, Robert
- Spender, Richard
- Spender, Stephen
- Spenser, Edmund
- Ssu-Kung Tu
- Stone, Ruth
- Su Hui
- Surdas
- Swinburne, Algernon Charles
- Symonds, John Addington
- Symons, Arthur
- Taylor, Bayard
- Thomas, Dylan
- Thompson, Francis
- Thomson, James B.V.
- Traherne, Thomas
- Trakl, Georg
- Tranströmer, Tomas
- Traubel, Horace
- Ts en-Ts an
- Tu Fu
- Tulsidas
- Vaughan, Henry
- Verlaine, Paul
- Virgil
- Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry
- Waller, Edmund
- Wang Chang-Ling
- Watson, Sir William
- Whitman, Walt
- Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
- Willetts, Sam
- Wotton, Sir Henry
- Yeats, W B
- Yu Xuanji
- Yuan Chen