Quite a large number of observations on this site come from websites.
Although they may mention a person, it is often the case that the name of the person is not mentionned. Thus strictly speaking the observation would be classified as having been that of an ordinary person.
But, in order that the observations stay together, I decided it was more helpful to use the website name as the source, rather than the category 'ordinary person'.
The EROWID website, Bluelight, PubMed, and the eHealthme sites come within this category.
This section also includes websites that I have used for more general information - the websites containing the online books by Culpepper, and Mrs Grieve for example, and the extraordinarily useful site from Dr Duke.
In some cases I have described a website, but it has no observations. In this case, the website was a source for a text which has been analysed and is to be found elsewhere. An example might be the Sacred texts site.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Alister Hardy Trust
- Bible gateway
- Bluelight
- Classic texts online
- Culpepper
- DMT-Nexus
- Dr Dukes plant database
- eHealthme
- Food and agriculture organisation of the United Nations
- HerbMed
- Kew gardens
- Lycaeum, The
- Meylers side-effects of drugs
- Mind
- Plants for a future
- Poetseers
- Project Gutenburg
- PubMed
- Sacred texts
- The Hearing Voices Network
- The Scientific and Medical Network
- The Society for Psychical Research
- USDA National Nutrients database
- Wisegeek
- World Health Organisation