Poet other
Category: Poet

A catch all category to enable me to provide you with relevant observations but where a full biography is not available.
For iPad/iPhone users: tap letter twice to get list of items.
- Albius Tibullus - Elegies
- Alexander Pope - A Quiet Life
- Alexander Pope - Oh Death where is thy sting?
- Angela Morgan - Work
- Anna L Barbauld - From Tomorrow
- Anne Sexton - Briar Rose
- Anon - Adversity
- Anon - Angels
- Anon - Ladder of Augustine
- Anon - The Unquiet grave
- Armenian Folk-Song - The Stork
- Brian Henry - A walk
- Campbell, Thomas - The Soldier's dream
- Cazalis, Henri - I have been here many times
- Charles Cotton - If solid happiness we prize
- Charles Lamb - from On an Infant Dying as soon as born
- Coventry Patmore - Woken
- E E Cumings - I like my body
- Ebenezer Elliot - War
- Edmund Blunden - Report on Experience
- Edward Thomas - The Cherry Trees
- Edward Young - Love of Fame - extracts
- Emily Jane Pfeiffer - The winged soul
- Eva Gore Booth - The Quest
- Frederick William Harvey - Out of the Mouths of Babes
- G Wither - from the Heart
- Geoffrey Faber - The Eve of War
- Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy - His Mate
- George Darley - Unicorn
- George Meredith - Dirge in Woods
- Grantland Rice - Alumnus Football
- Hashmina Habeeb - Adieu And Back
- Henley, William Ernest - from Echoes
- Henry Austin - Perseverance conquers all
- Henry van Dyke - The Story of the Other Wise Man
- Horace - On Happiness
- Houseman, A E - The nature of inspiration
- J C Squire - A Generation
- James Cousins - The Quest
- James Henry Cousins - Wisdom is wisdom only to the wise
- James Hogg - On the power of music
- James Montgomery – from The Brahmin
- John Davidson - Northern suburbs
- John Davidson – from Thirty Bob a Week
- John Fletcher - Melancholy
- John Greenleaf Whittier - from the Over-Heart
- John Milton - Il Penseroso
- Josephine Kermode – To the Cushag’s friend
- Kenneth Rexroth - Quietly
- Liou Ying - 3 June 1277, China, - Strange event seen at dawn
- Maria Lovell - What is Love?
- Maria White Lowell - Soft hangs the opiate in the brain
- Mark Strand - The secret to flow
- Michael Donaghy - Time passing
- Paul Éluard - Where is heaven?
- Petrarch – The Triumph of Eternity
- Petronius - If I could only die that way
- Philip Larkin - This Be The Verse
- Placide Cappeau - O Holy Night
- Randall Jarrell – I see at last that all the knowledge
- Robert Herrick - Hesperides - Gather ye rosebuds
- Robert Herrick - Hesperides - Thou mak’st me airy
- Samuel Laman Blanchard - from Lyric offerings 1828
- Samuel Rogers - Man's going home
- Sheridan - The flower
- Shirley, J - Death the leveller
- Teresa Hooley - A War Film
- Theodore Roethke - In a dark time, the eye begins to see
- Theodore Roethke – The Waking
- Thomas Love Peacock - from the Sundial
- Thomas May - The Tragedy of Cleopatra 1639
- Thomas Moore - Believe me and Odes to Nea
- Thomas Otway - Capture 1709
- Timothy Gager - Ode to Wormwood
- Tom Berman - Storks
- Valery, Paul - On deriving inspiration
- Voznesensky, Andrei - The poet is two people
- Walter J Turner - The Hunter 1916
- Walter Savage Landor - Death stands above me
- William Browne – The Rose
- William Collins - An Ode for Music
- William Drummond - This is that happy morn