Observations placeholder
Charles McKay, a Catholic priest – pays the debts of a dead woman to stop the apparitions
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
Death and its Mystery: After Death – Camille Flammarion
This observation concerns a letter- written on October 21, 1842, by Charles M'Kay, a Catholic priest, to the Countess of Shrewsbury. The Earl of Shrewsbury had sent the letter to Dr. Binns. Dale Owen, too, has quoted it in his book "Footfalls" (page 294). Here is the narration, in abridged form:
In July, 1838, I left Edinburgh for the Perthshire Mission. Upon my arrival in Perth, I was summoned by a Presbyterian woman, Anne Simpson. For more than a week she had been extremely anxious to see a priest, because one of her friends, a woman named Maloy, had appeared to her for several nights, and begged her to ask a priest to pay a small sum of money (three shillings and ten pence) which the dead woman owed when she died.
There was no other source of information. I began to investigate, and found that a woman of that name had died; that she had been a laundress in a regiment. I ended by discovering the grocer with whom she had had dealings, and asked him if a woman named, Maloy owed him anything. He consulted his books and told me that she owed him three shillings and ten pence. .I paid this sum. The woman came to see me, to tell me that the apparitions had ceased.