Observations placeholder
Schiller, Lori - The Voices terrified me
Type of Spiritual Experience
Lori noticed that other schizophrenics in the hospital did not have the same experiences as she did.
If the communication is in words and sentences it is a bodied or disembodied soul. If the communication is symbolic, or uses words as puns, or is simply a ‘thought’ without words – an impression conveyed, communication is with a Spirit being , Spirit helper or Intelligence
A description of the experience
From The Quiet Room – Lori Schiller and Amanda Bennett
It seemed so strange that my fellow patients could enjoy the Voices they heard in their own heads. On my unit one young man had Voices who told him he was the Messiah. Another young woman always sat by herself, laughing happily. Once I asked her what she was laughing about.
'Hubert is telling me jokes' she said. She called him her playmate and often talked about how much she liked him.
I was jealous. There was nothing about my Voices that was friendly. I had tried to make them my allies against the hateful staff. But in reality the Voices terrified me.