Observations placeholder
Then I saw that her face appeared to be glowing with a gold light
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
The hallucination is that she sees the spiritual image of her grandfather superimposed over the scene from her eyes
A description of the experience
The Art of Dying – Drs Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick
Joan Lovatt described what happened while she was holding the hand of her mother as she lay dying:
Suddenly I was aware that her father was stood at the foot of her bed. My mother was staring at him too and her face was lit up with joy. It was then I saw that her face appeared to be glowing with a gold light. The light began to leave through the top of her head and go towards the ceiling. Looking back to my mother’s face I saw that she was no longer breathing.
Note that Joan says she was 'aware' of her grandfather standing at the foot of the bed - she does not say in so many words that she 'saw' him. It seems as though she was sharing the experience with her dying mother.
The source of the experience
Ordinary personConcepts, symbols and science items
Communication with a Spirit helperCommunication with bodied souls
Communication with disembodied souls