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This book, which covers Visions and hallucinations, explains what causes them and summarises how many hallucinations have been caused by each event or activity. It also provides specific help with questions people have asked us, such as ‘Is my medication giving me hallucinations?’.

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Observations placeholder

Turvey, Vincent – The beginnings of Seership – I saw a lovely woman enter my room



Type of Spiritual Experience

Inter composer communication

Number of hallucinations: 1


A description of the experience

The beginnings of Seership – Vincent Turvey

On the night of October 10 or 11, 1906, I lay in bed thinking, and was not even drowsy. Suddenly I became conscious that I was not alone.

I saw a lovely woman enter my room, robed in white glittering garments, something like spangled muslin; in her hand was an ornament, such as is the Arum lily, and on her head was that which looked like a star or diamond. Her face was classical in its beauty. She bent over me and said: "I want you to describe me to a gentleman at the Hall on Sunday. I come to you now as I cannot come then, because I am attached to a Home where we receive little children in our Sphere and nurse them, and on Sunday next I am 'in charge' there. Take a good look at me, so that you will remember all details"-(Of hair, nose, eyes, mouth, age, height, etc., etc.)

[Note:  * I cannot be held responsible for what " spirits " say to me, or for their wearing apparel. In this book I merely write of that which I have "seen" and “heard" Those whose theories are upset by proved facts will kindly hold me excused]

I said to myself: "Look here, Turvey, you have got Spiritualism on the brain, and it, is making you imaginative, and subject to delusions."

The "Spirit" said: "Oh no, I am not a delusion; do describe me. See! I change to earth clothes to make it easier."

Then she seemed to go "out," like an electric lamp, and "on" again in an instant; but now she was in a sealskin jacket, a green skirt, patent leather boots, a toque with a feather and buckle.
"Look! this was a mannerism I had in picking up a book-this, another in opening a door." Here she showed me the mannerisms. (When I reproduced them, later on, they were recognized instantly-as was her description.)

She said: "Say to the gentleman: 'A flower-a book-a ring" I did so on the following Sunday, and he said, "Yes, the ring is actually in my house now".

I append a letter proving that I described the "spirit" before the Sunday. The recognition is signed for in my book by three witnesses, and I can produce the gentleman who knew the lady in Earth Life, if needed. I may add that the gentleman was unknown to me at the time.

(No. 18.)


June 5 1907,


I well remember calling on you about October 12 or 13, 1906, and you told me about the Visitant you'd had from the next world. You described it to me very minutely. On the Sunday, October 14, 1906, you repeated the description from the platform to a gentleman in the audience for whom the spirit came and he recognized her immediately.

Yours truly,


The source of the experience

Turvey, Vincent N

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps

