Observations placeholder
Bingen, Hildegard of - The valley of scorpions
Type of Spiritual Experience
If the communication is in words and sentences it is a bodied or disembodied soul. If the communication is symbolic, or uses words as puns, or is simply a ‘thought’ without words – an impression conveyed, communication is with a Spirit being , Spirit helper or Intelligence.
A description of the experience
Hildegard of Bingen from The Vita
Thus at last I attained with the utmost fatigue to the summit of the mountain in which I had hidden before and turned downward to the valley into which I had to descend; and behold, there in my way were asps, scorpions, serpents and other like crawling things all hissing at me. Terrified I uttered the loudest of shrieks, crying ‘O mother where are you?’ …. Where now is your help?’ And then I heard my mother’s voice saying unto me ‘O daughter, run! For the most powerful giver whom no one can resist has given you wings to fly with'. Therefore fly swiftly over all these obstacles. And I, comforted with great consolation, took wing and passed swiftly over all those poisonous and deadly things