Observations placeholder
Lilly, John - The isolation tank
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
An unbelievably dangerous state to be in "other people apparently joined me in this dark silent environment. I could actually see them, feel them, and hear them".
A description of the experience
John C Lilly – The Center of the Cyclone
After a few tens of hours [of experience in the tank], I found phenomena that had been previously described in various literatures. I went through dreamlike states, trance-like states, mystical states.
In all these states, I was totally intact, centered and there. At no time did I lose conscious awareness of the facts of the experiment. Some part of me always knew that I was suspended in water in a tank in the dark and in the silence.
I went through experiences in which other people apparently joined me in this dark silent environment. I could actually see them, feel them, and hear them. At other times I went through dreamlike sequences, waking dreams as they are now called, in which I watched what was happening. At other times I apparently tuned in on networks of communication that are normally below our levels of awareness, networks of civilisations way beyond ours.