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Observations placeholder

Ernesto Bozzano, Professor - The parapsychological manifestations of animals – 37 Fourteen reports of the ghost of a small white dog



Type of Spiritual Experience

Inter composer communication

Number of hallucinations: 3


A description of the experience

Professor Ernesto Bozzano - The parapsychological manifestations of animals - 130 cases proving animal mediumistic abilities

Case 93. - (Visual, with collective impressions.) - I extract it from the Journal of the S.P.R., vol. XIII, pages 52-64. It is part of a long report on a haunted house in which the ghosts of a woman dressed in black, a man hanging from a tree branch, and a small dog, often seen by many percipients, appeared. In the report, there are fourteen reports of the small dog's apparitions, but I will limit myself here to recounting the first one.  This is what Mrs. Fletcher, who lived in the haunted house, tells us:

The small white dog made its first apparition in January 1900. One afternoon, my husband left the library, where he was alone, and said to me, "I saw a white dog in the library".

I answered with a smile: "Nothing more natural; our two dogs are just passing from one room to another". But my husband said to me seriously: "I'm not talking about your dogs. As I was writing, I saw a little white dog walking around the desk and going to the door, which was closed.

Imagining that it was the "Nipper", I got up to open the door for her, but the little dog had disappeared." After this first incident, the apparitions of the little white dog became frequent, our hosts, Miss Plumtre, whose story you will find enclosed, and her brother.

I must draw the readers' attention to the fact that when the dog touched the percipients in many parts of the body, they immediately felt a burning sensation at the point where the hallucinatory-veridical pressure of the ghost dog's body had been applied, Mrs. Fletcher wrote about it:

On the spot of my leg, above the knee, which the dog had hit while passing by, I perceived, for several hours, a rather burning tingling sensation, such as that of a slight burn. My daughter Eglantine was not present when I mentioned this. However, shortly afterwards, she noticed spontaneously; "Mom, I feel like a burning sensation in my leg where the dog  touched me with its nose".

A little further on, Mrs. Fletcher remarks:

I could not think of any incident in the past related to the appearance of the little white dog, except that thirteen years ago I owned a rough white fur "terrier", which had been my pet, and which was absolutely similar to the one that is manifesting itself.


The source of the experience

Bozzano, Professor Ernesto

Concepts, symbols and science items


Science Items

Activities and commonsteps



Being an animal

