Observations placeholder
Nervous breakdown caused by hospital stay
Type of Spiritual Experience
Inter composer communication
A hospital's environment can be extremely stressful for patients; they are often sick or in pain, or both, feel helpless, and are in unfamiliar surroundings with people they don't know. The combination of this, combined with inadequate sleep can lead to a condition they have labelled ‘hospital psychosis’ – which is actually yet another name for a nervous breakdown caused by fear, stress and pain.
Note that this classification is an American one, in Europe it would be classified as mental confusion and mental breakdown. In the UK you would be told you were imagining it and to go home and stop bothering the doctors who have more important things to do than treat the sick [sorry for the cynicism].
Those who experience it often report having hallucinations, slurred or confused speech, and memory loss and occasionally even out-of-body experiences.
Incidentally the lady looks like she was dying in hospital but recovered when her family rescued her
The following was also likely caused by old age, pain and sleep deprivation
A description of the experience
From wisegeek site
My mom recently experienced hospital psychosis due to multiple hospital stays in a short time period. The symptoms such as hallicinations, no sleep, picking in the air at imaginary things, bugs, snakes, people in the room, talking to deceased people, etc. were all very frightening. My mom is 89 years old. 3 days after we brought her home and stayed round the clock with her, she started to improve. By day 6, she was lucid without any recurrence of the hallucinations, picking or strange conversations. It took round the clock care from her children and being in her own home and bed to return her to normal.
The source of the experience
WisegeekConcepts, symbols and science items
InsectsScience Items
Activities and commonsteps
Being mis-prescribed pharmaceuticalsLoneliness and isolation
Nervous breakdown
Sleep deprivation, insomnia and mental exhaustion