Observations placeholder
Stevenson, Dr Ian - Strangled by a demented brother
Type of Spiritual Experience
There are two ways in which this could be interpreted. Either we view it as a ‘past life’ of the child in which case this is perception recall. The alternative is that somehow the child has gained access to perceptions that are not its own – a form of inter composer communication. In the first instance it provides some small proof of reincarnation, if the second applies it does not.
A description of the experience
Tom Schröder – Old Souls [documenting the case histories of Dr Ian Stevenson]
The first morning …. Stevenson had mentioned a survey of cases he had studied in India showing that 50 to 60 per cent involved violent death, even though violence accounted for only 5 to 6 per cent of all deaths [in India]....
Besides Ulfat, who thought that she remembered being slit open by Christian marauders, and Daniel, who believed that he had died in a car wreck, we'd also fit in interviews with a man who remembered the life of a boy strangled by a demented brother.