Observations placeholder
Mr Durocq - communicates with his dead friends
Type of Spiritual Experience
A description of the experience
From Death Bed Visions – Sir William Barrett
Contributed by M Warcollier of the Institut Metaphysique Paris, who writes
My uncle, M. Paul Durocq, left Paris in 1893 for a trip to America, with my aunt and other members of the family. While they were at Venezuela my uncle was seized with yellow fever, and he died at Caracas on the 24th June, 1894.
Just before his death, and while surrounded by all his family, he had a prolonged delirium, during which he called out the names of certain friends left in France, and whom he seemed to see.
‘Well, you too -, and You -, You as well ! '
Although struck by this incident, nobody attached any extraordinary importance to these words at the time they were uttered, but they acquired later on exceptional importance when the family found, on their return to Paris, the funeral invitation cards of the persons named by my uncle before his death, and who had died before him.
It is only recently that I have been able to collect the testimony of the only two survivors of this event, my cousins Germaine and Maurice Durocq
Germaine Durocq writes, as follows :
You ask me details of the death of my father. I well remember him as he lay dying though it is many years ago. The thing which probably interests you is that he told us of having seen some persons in heaven and of having spoken to them at some length. We were much astonished on returning to France to find the funeral cards of those same persons whom he had seen when dying. Maurice, who was older than I was, could give more details on this subject.
Maurice Durocq writes:
Concerning what you ask me with regard to the death of my father, which occurred a good many years ago, I recall that a few moments before his death my father called the name of one of his old companions - M. Etcheverry – with whom he had not kept up any connection, even by correspondence, for a long time past, crying out
‘Ah, you too!’ or some similar phrase.
It was only on returning home to Paris that we found the funeral card of this gentleman. Perhaps my father may have mentioned other names as well but I do not remember