Spiritual concepts
Within Greek thought, the Underworld was actually the physical layer - where we are now! It wasn't some level below the physical. The Greeks regarded the spiritual world as the true world and the physical world as a dark sombre place in comparison. It is Plato's cave and Pluto's cavern, down a tunnel into the dark.
But in shamanic thought the underworld is a level and layer broadly classified within the Earth layer but not physical. It is used to store the software - spirit and functions - of animals. Thus a shaman who 'did the dive' not only saw his own animal based software - his reptilian characteristics, but via this level could visit, via bridges, actual animals and communicate with them at this level.
The whole of Alice in Wonderland is about the Underworld, going down - doing the dive - to meet animals and communicate with them. As you should be able to appreciate being able to understand and communicate with animals and birds was a great asset to a shaman.
The underworld appears however to be the storage place for a number of other systems besides those of animals. If I roughly summarise these they are
- Systems of animate life - These systems are not uniquely human, the same functions can be found in any number of animals and species of life, thus all the functions related to dogs, cats, horses, snakes, reptiles, fishes, plants and so on are found at this level. These systems are all, however, the fundamentally basic systems of animation:
- The Basic animation systems of living things – the systems that make a plant grow, a dog bark, a horse whinny, a human smile or cough, a flower seed, a bulb sprout, a fish swim, a snake slither, a bird fly, a human walk, a reptile crawl, a baby chuckle, a whale breathe air and spout, a dolphin, squeak, a mouse burrow, a cat wash its paws, a worm wriggle, a woodlice chew, a bacteria, swim, a frog jump, a kingfisher plunge, and so on and so on – too many functions to even begin to mention
- Contrasting systems of the emotions - - systems which do not animate but which control very basic animal like emotions. Where the air section appears to contain functions such as happiness, joy, kindness, meekness, and so on, the underworld contains the contrasting systems. So we might find systems such as loneliness, grief, despair, melancholy, sadness, pride, distrust, jealousy, fear, gluttony, envy, desire, lust, greed, passion or as Dante would have said 'systems governed by the appetites'.
- Systems of survival, life and removal – these are systems that are needed for species in general to survive and subsequently die - hunger/need for sustenance, sexual arousal and intercourse, birth, death and so on.
- Systems of illness – all the systems that create illness are also here. Thus the systems that respond to bacteria and microbes as well as other illnesses. In effect, a pathogen has a set of activities that cause the disease, but there are also systems that respond to the disease. In the observations I found all sorts of illnesses mentioned, everything from Syphilis, Insanity, and Nervous diseases to diseases such as influenza. So when you say you are feeling 'low' or at a 'low ebb' this is why
- Systems of inanimate matter – hence those natural systems related to geological formations, minerals, rocks, volcanic forces, plate tectonics, erosion, and so on. Certain natural systems related to the weather, air, winds and so on appear to be held at this level, so contrary to what one may logically think – air systems should be at air level, water systems at the water level, this is not the case – they are found here at the lower levels.
It is worth noting that this is a huge number of systems, by far the greatest chunk.
The idea of the underworld [and hell] being at a 'lower' level than Earth is an interesting one, as the images often associated with both hell and the underworld can be induced by using infrasound – that is sound of a lower pitch than that we can hear – as opposed to ultrasound which is sound of a higher pitch than we can hear.
The very low virtually inaudible sounds made by church organ pipes, by tunnels and the resonance within them, by some electric fans and so on can induce in people [without their having used drugs or other mechanisms of trance], a deep state of melancholy and gloom. Some may even have hallucinations – see ghostly figures or experience visions of a terrifying kind.
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